Another republican too eager to kill

You are certainly welcome to your opinion, but you do not have the right to demand that others hold that same opinion, any more than a trans person demand that others share in their delusions.

Are you actually claiming that animals have zero rights? Again, that is demonstrably false. Both in the laws that already exist.... and in the fact that all sane people understand that being needlessly cruel to the innocent and vulnerable is simply wrong. Only a sociopath would think otherwise.
In a hunting and farming community, as a opposed to an urban community, the destruction of that animal was not necessarily 'needless,' in the eyes of the law.

You, of course, are welcome to your opinion, but that is all that it is.

There you go again! So I was right when I said you that you think culture determines right and wrong. Wow, MB. I thought you were smarter than that.
Are you actually claiming that animals have zero rights? Again, that is demonstrably false.

If you can find them for me here;

Or here;

I will admit you are right, and have demonstrated that animals do indeed have rights.

Otherwise, no, humans have only passed laws that humans are not allowed to act in unusually cruel, sociopathic or psychopathic ways, which would indicate mentally unhealthy and antisocial tendencies toward the rest of society, and thus being an economic burden on society.

Wake up buttercup, the ruling elites don't really give a shit about animals, and never have. They only care about the ways the plebs treat their economic resources. It is all about socioeconomics.
Again, I wasn't talking about this particular story, but speaking in general.

That said, I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one think that needlessly killing a dog who is barely more than a puppy is cruel, in and of itself. Taking someone's life against their will is always cruel.

So now you believe people are required to feed animals they don't want? Should vets be charged with crime when they are paid to put animals to death? There are no laws forcing people to take care of animals they don't want to feed, just against cruelty.

Nobody in rural areas are going to call a vet and pay them to euthanize animals when they can do it themselves.
There you go again! So I was right when I said you that you think culture determines right and wrong. Wow, MB. I thought you were smarter than that.
Of course epistemology is the final arbitrator in society of what shall pass for truth. What else?

. . . . . you have no idea how much I have studied these issues. Naturally, I agree with you, anyone that hasn't, should not think themselves to bright. :rolleyes:


Wake up buttercup, the ruling elites don't really give a shit about animals, and never have. They only care about the ways the plebs treat their economic resources. It is all about socioeconomics.

I agree with you on that. So then why are you on their side on this particular topic?

As for your previous post, about the laws do not determine what is actually true, in reality.

That's easy to prove. But I'm going to assume that you already know that. If you disagree, then lmk and I'll elaborate.
So now you believe people are required to feed animals they don't want? Should vets be charged with crime when they are paid to put animals to death? There are no laws forcing people to take care of animals they don't want to feed, just against cruelty.

Nobody in rural areas are going to call a vet and pay them to euthanize animals when they can do it themselves.

Where the hell did you come up with all those strawmen? :lol: I never said anything remotely like that.
Um...retard? Putin is the warmonger in Ukraine. Get your mind right, useful idiot.

And remind me again which President referred to himself as "a wartime president".

You’re the one with Derangement syndrome. Biden is President sending weapons to Ukraine to keep that ear going and civilians dying. Does the same for Palestinians. He gives billions to Iran who makes weapons for Hamas to keep that war going. At the same time telling Israel don’t defeat Hamas so the war can continue and more Jews killed. Biden supports Hamas as he’s silent on what is going on in the USA.
You're not making any sense. You posted a bunch of strawmen, and now you're just doing your usual trollishness.

Aint nobody got time for that.... and I have to sign off here anyway, because I need sleep.

You certainly need sleep, no argument there. Pointing out the obvious has you worn out.
As for your previous post, about the laws do not determine what is actually true, in reality.
You keep going on about animals "having rights?"

The only rights animals have then. . . ??? Are the same as those enjoyed by humans, which are those they can enforce.

As I have already indicated. It is not the job of humans to enforce anyone's rights, and certainly not those of animals.

You worry about your rights, I'll worry about my rights, and let the birds and fish worry about their rights, O.K.?

You worry about your rights, I'll worry about my rights, and let the birds and fish worry about their rights, O.K.?

The problem with that is, unlike you and me, animals do not have a voice. So I'll be their voice. :) I'm not your enemy, you're just like 95% of the population who is deeply conditioned to think a certain way, and I was that way too. My view now is not new.... it's my original view, before the world corrupted me. I just deprogrammed myself. I don't know if you understand what I'm talking about, but it's late and I really do have to go.
I'm not planning to vote, so I've got no stake in the whole shitshow... But, maybe Trump should've picked Vivek.

I admit, I don't know that much about him, but I know he's a vegetarian who understands it's wrong to kill sentient beings. Plus he doesn't drink. Two things I admire and respect about him... and can relate to. Those two things alone make me like him way more than Noem....which is sad, because based on the times I've heard her speak, I agree with a lot of her political views. But she seems to have some character issues. (not just the dog fiasco)

This is worth watching:

A. If you don't vote why are you here?

B. No tRumpling would ever vote for a brown guy with a foreign sounding last name anyway, and when you throw in the non meat eating thing that's just icing on the "never gonna happen" cake.
If you are the driver of robbers, and they rob a liquor store, as the driver you are as guilty as the ones who held up the store. Obama and Biden are the drivers. Russia and Iran are the robbers.
You are a victim of RWNJ brainwashing techniques.
Obama admitted to eating dog meat as a kid during the years he and his mother lived in Indonesia.

He made light of his dog-related scandal during the 2012 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

'What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?' he asked, riffing off the famous Sarah Palin line.

'A pit bull is delicious,' Obama said.


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