Another republican too eager to kill

None of us have read those pages.

If we have, I would like to see them posted here.

You have no right to characterize them as, "bragging." You are using the language and perspective of the Guardian, and I know you are intelligent enough to know, that they are a partisan outlet, the quite frankly, should keep their nose out of American politics, IMO.

". . . What unfolds over the next few pages shows how that effort went very wrong indeed – and, remarkably, how Cricket was not the only domestic animal Noem chose to kill one day in hunting season.. . . "

A) It is a political hit piece. Anyone that doesn't get that, is a low information voter, and does not understand how this works.

B) Hunters and Farmers have their own economic considerations when dealing with animals, both work animals and livestock. IMO, city folks should not use their ethics, morals, and economics, to pass judgements on them. . . but if they want to, meh, fine for them. But if they do, to me, shows they have either never known anyone that has run a farm, or they are letting their emotions over-rule their logic.

And finally . .

C) There can't be any real logical and truthful discussion of the facts in this matter, until, and UNLESS, we see the entire pages written out, from Noem's book, about this matter. We will only see the spin laid out by the Guardian. This whole thread is stuck on stoopid.

If this is the best thing the left is going to attack her on? Instead of discussing issues, we, as a nation, are in real trouble.

This, is really, all about urban folks not liking the lifestyle of how farming and country folks live. Plain and simple.

. . . and I know, I know, you might be able to find some farmers and hunters from the left that would condemn this behavior, but again, like I wrote, all we have, are a few paragraphs, characterizing the incident from the Guardian, we don't have the narrative, or how it happened first hand. Someone find those pages and post them, or this is a garbage issue, and a garbage thread.

Has anyone actually read the book?

Culture or location is completely irrelevant when it comes to truth and right vs wrong. I mean, whether you realize it or not, your argument seems to be: "that's just what they do on a farm." By that faulty logic, things like forced female circumcision is totally fine because some Middle Eastern cultures do it. Heck, might as well argue that murder and cannibalism is ethical, because it's practiced in some remote places.

Sorry, but that's not the way reality works. If you want to argue that she didn't anything wrong, then OK, show why you think so.... but don't use location or culture as an argument, because it's not.
She was bragging about making tough decisions…like shooting a young dog.
Why is that bragging? Is it bragging to say you have to make a tough decision and put your dog or cat down? It was a tough decision to kill the dog after putting time into it. That’s not bragging.
Again, in our current day, we have animal shelters that won’t kill the animals. 20 years ago, we didn’t have that. You took them to a shelter and in 7 days they killed them if no one would take them. Stop judging people by your fluid standards of today.
Why is that bragging? Is it bragging to say you have to make a tough decision and put your dog or cat down? It was a tough decision to kill the dog after putting time into it. That’s not bragging.
Did the dog savage her kids! Bite people? Unpredictably aggressive? Was it dangerous? She admitted she hated it.

Again, in our current day, we have animal shelters that won’t kill the animals. 20 years ago, we didn’t have that. You took them to a shelter and in 7 days they killed them if no one would take them. Stop judging people by your fluid standards of today.

20 years ago we did have that. I’ve seen shelters evolve over 40 years, with high placement rates and dedicated rescue organizations for breeds. She didn’t bother. If the dog was dangerous, I would understand it.
Yes, they are. We again are sending weapons to Ukraine to keep the genocide going.
Um...retard? Putin is the warmonger in Ukraine. Get your mind right, useful idiot.

And remind me again which President referred to himself as "a wartime president".

Funny how the left has to resort to on-air orgams over this kind of tripe.

Shows how little they know or care about what really matters.
Fair enough, however the Guardian is not the only outlet that reported it. She was bragging that she had the toughness to make hard decisions but that was a bad example to use. It didn’t show she was tough, it showed how little value she placed on the animal.

If she wrote about it in her book, it is fair game for criticism Imo.

I see your point but I also disagree because you are opening the door to justifying “anything goes” just because you are a farmer or a this or a that. Why have ethics at all? I’m not talking PETA-world, but there is no reason in this day and age, with all the resources available, she couldn’t have opted to place the dog.

"that's just what they do on a farm."

Again, you are both repeating MSM, corporate elite narratives.

I reiterate, I DO NOT KNOW, what he hell is in that book. Neither do either of you.

Answer for me this question. . .

This thread, and this controversy, are discussing something "supposedly," written by Noem, which none of the public can even read. . . . and to which, IMO, I don't think she would give the Guardian a copy, if it had been her choice. . . (unless this is a all a scam to purposely create a scandal to sell books.)

"The book will be released next month. Last week, the Guardian obtained a copy and reported the passage in which Noem describes killing Cricket and the goat after Cricket first ruined a pheasant hunt, then killed the chickens.. . . "

So now? Tell me, how did a CFR/RIIA associated Deep State publication, who hates a governor who refused to lock down her state, and refused to have folks fired for refusing to get the jab, get a hold of an advanced copy?

And? Is there any way at all, she would be shown in a positive light if she did, or did not deal with this situation in any other way?

If she had followed the law, and destroyed the dog, and compensated the owner, they had an article ready to go, to crucify her;

Kristi Noem’s story of killing her dog points to class two misdemeanor​

South Dakota governor’s account of family dog Cricket killing neighbor’s chickens may be an offence, according to state law

". . . Noem writes that she killed Cricket on her own property.

The following section – 40-34-2, Liability of owner for damages by dog disturbing domestic animals – seems to contain greater potential legal jeopardy.

“Any person owning, keeping, or harboring a dog that chases, worries, injures, or kills any poultry or domestic animal is guilty of a class two misdemeanor and is liable for damages to the owner thereof.”

In her book, Noem writes that she apologised to the family that owned the chickens Cricket killed, “wrote them a check for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime”.

Asked if SDCL 40-34-2 indicated that Noem might have committed a class two misdemeanor, Fury did not immediately comment.

The South Dakota laws apparently applicable to the case of Noem and Cricket were passed before the dog’s death. . . "

So in this spin? The Guardian reports, she did the correct thing, paid for the damage and disposed of the offending animal so she would not be guilty of a crime. ..

But then? The Guardian, so as to play politics, again, turns around with another article (three days before, the one the Raw Story piece is based on; ) Was the previous one, just a CYA for liability?

Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book​

South Dakota governor includes bloody tale in campaign volume – and admits ‘a better politician … wouldn’t tell the story here’

My guess, from reading the earlier piece, as all of it is based on the law, and she did not do anything against the law. . . Trump has already made a decision NOT to go with her, and she more than likely GAVE a copy of the book to the Guardian, or someone who would leak it to them.

The left/establishment is being trolled, and this is just a way to boost viability of the book, so she gets more sales.


It would not surprise me if the entire GOP establishment is in on this. . . Something is fishy. I'm just not buying the narrative. It seems like a set-up TBH.


‘That was rough’: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump Jr. criticize Kristi Noem for killing her dog

My guess? Trump already told her that he is leaning toward someone else, so go ahead and publish her book now and make some money. . . Just a hunch.

By that faulty logic, things like forced female circumcision is totally fine because some Middle Eastern cultures do it.
Heck, might as well argue that murder and cannibalism is ethical, because it's practiced in some remote places.




If the Bill of Rights were meant to be applied to animals, the founders would have specified as such.

If the Universal Declaration on Human Rights were to be applied to animals, than the folks that established the U.N. would have done so.

But they didn't.

Animals are not people, and people are not animals.
This is beyond sick. Kristi Noem shot and killed the family's 14-month old puppy because it wasn't taking to being trained as a hunting dog.

she claimed, "I hated that dog.”

WTF is wrong with you people? Shooting a dog because you failed to train it? Who's fault is that?

By her logic she should have shot herself.

Pure psychopathy.
Says the people who have no issue killing unborn children. She is a heartless fuck for shooting a dog for a stupid reason, but you lunatics outrage is beyond hypocritical.
Says the people who have no issue killing unborn children. She is a heartless fuck for shooting a dog for a stupid reason, but you lunatics outrage is beyond hypocritical.

If it had been Biden, he'd be lying his fat ass off to cover himself saying the dog was attacking Hunter while he was drugged up and in a he couldn't defend himself.
Again, you are both repeating MSM, corporate elite narratives.

I reiterate, I DO NOT KNOW, what he hell is in that book. Neither do either of you.

Answer for me this question. . .

This thread, and this controversy, are discussing something "supposedly," written by Noem, which none of the public can even read. . . . and to which, IMO, I don't think she would give the Guardian a copy, if it had been her choice. . . (unless this is a all a scam to purposely create a scandal to sell books.)

"The book will be released next month. Last week, the Guardian obtained a copy and reported the passage in which Noem describes killing Cricket and the goat after Cricket first ruined a pheasant hunt, then killed the chickens.. . . "

So now? Tell me, how did a CFR/RIIA associated Deep State publication, who hates a governor who refused to lock down her state, and refused to have folks fired for refusing to get the jab, get a hold of an advanced copy?

And? Is there any way at all, she would be shown in a positive light if she did, or did not deal with this situation in any other way?

If she had followed the law, and destroyed the dog, and compensated the owner, they had an article ready to go, to crucify her;

Kristi Noem’s story of killing her dog points to class two misdemeanor​

South Dakota governor’s account of family dog Cricket killing neighbor’s chickens may be an offence, according to state law

". . . Noem writes that she killed Cricket on her own property.

The following section – 40-34-2, Liability of owner for damages by dog disturbing domestic animals – seems to contain greater potential legal jeopardy.

“Any person owning, keeping, or harboring a dog that chases, worries, injures, or kills any poultry or domestic animal is guilty of a class two misdemeanor and is liable for damages to the owner thereof.”

In her book, Noem writes that she apologised to the family that owned the chickens Cricket killed, “wrote them a check for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime”.

Asked if SDCL 40-34-2 indicated that Noem might have committed a class two misdemeanor, Fury did not immediately comment.

The South Dakota laws apparently applicable to the case of Noem and Cricket were passed before the dog’s death. . . "

So in this spin? The Guardian reports, she did the correct thing, paid for the damage and disposed of the offending animal so she would not be guilty of a crime. ..

But then? The Guardian, so as to play politics, again, turns around with another article (three days before, the one the Raw Story piece is based on; ) Was the previous one, just a CYA for liability?

Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book​

South Dakota governor includes bloody tale in campaign volume – and admits ‘a better politician … wouldn’t tell the story here’

My guess, from reading the earlier piece, as all of it is based on the law, and she did not do anything against the law. . . Trump has already made a decision NOT to go with her, and she more than likely GAVE a copy of the book to the Guardian, or someone who would leak it to them.

The left/establishment is being trolled, and this is just a way to boost viability of the book, so she gets more sales.

View attachment 940428

It would not surprise me if the entire GOP establishment is in on this. . . Something is fishy. I'm just not buying the narrative. It seems like a set-up TBH.


‘That was rough’: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump Jr. criticize Kristi Noem for killing her dog

My guess? Trump already told her that he is leaning toward someone else, so go ahead and publish her book now and make some money. . . Just a hunch.


I was going by your own words, not any article. And I specifically said "your argument seems to be"..... which shows that I was acknowledging that maybe this isn't what you're saying, and giving you a chance to clarify your view.

You're the one who said: "This, is really, all about urban folks not liking the lifestyle of how farming and country folks live. Plain and simple."

To me that sounds like you're saying what they do is fine, it's just their culture.... which sure sounds like you think right and wrong depends on culture. That's a type of moral relativism. Is that what you believe?


View attachment 940430

If the Bill of Rights were meant to be applied to animals, the founders would have specified as such.

If the Universal Declaration on Human Rights were to be applied to animals, than the folks that established the U.N. would have done so.

But they didn't.

Animals are not people, and people are not animals.

Animals don't have to be people to have some very basic inherent rights. There are already laws on the books on animal cruelty. (I'm not talking about this particular story, just making a general statement.)

So not only do laws disagree with you, but most people intuitively know that needlessly harming an innocent animal is wrong. If you disagree with that, then....I don't know what to tell you. If you really believe that animals have no rights, I couldn't disagree more.
Animals don't have to be people to have some very basic inherent rights. There are already laws on the books on animal cruelty. (I'm not talking about this particular story, just making a general statement.)

So not only do laws disagree with you, but most people intuitively know that needlessly harming an innocent animal is wrong. If you disagree with that, then....I don't know what to tell you. If you really believe that animals have no rights, I couldn't disagree more.
There is nothing in this story about animal cruelty.
There is nothing in this story about animal cruelty.

Again, I wasn't talking about this particular story, but speaking in general.

That said, I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one think that needlessly killing a dog who is barely more than a puppy is cruel, in and of itself. Taking someone's life against their will is always cruel.
Animals don't have to be people to have some very basic inherent rights.
You are certainly welcome to your opinion, but you do not have the right to demand that others hold that same opinion, any more than a trans person demand that others share in their delusions.
I for one think that needlessly killing a dog who is barely more than a puppy
In a hunting and farming community, as a opposed to an urban community, the destruction of that animal was not necessarily 'needless,' in the eyes of the law.

You, of course, are welcome to your opinion, but that is all that it is.

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