Another Reason Democrats HATE Trump

You want people to hate Trump badly, don't you? Sorry to disappoint. He is universally loved.
He is? News to me. But I like him more than I do any of the other Republicans.

You'd love to see him nominated, wouldn't you?
Whoever they nominate its going to be a democratic victory
you keep telling yourself that.
When/If it isn't Donald Trump, who's the GOP nominee going to be? And don't kid yourself that anyone is excited about that person because right now you don't even know who that person is. You jackasses will vote for any Republican. And I'll vote for any Democratic nominated person aka the next POTUS.
actually I think I'll vote for Bernie. Let all conservatives vote for Bernie and take the one responsible for four dead Americans out of the equation.
He is? News to me. But I like him more than I do any of the other Republicans.

You'd love to see him nominated, wouldn't you?
Whoever they nominate its going to be a democratic victory
you keep telling yourself that.
When/If it isn't Donald Trump, who's the GOP nominee going to be? And don't kid yourself that anyone is excited about that person because right now you don't even know who that person is. You jackasses will vote for any Republican. And I'll vote for any Democratic nominated person aka the next POTUS.
actually I think I'll vote for Bernie. Let all conservatives vote for Bernie and take the one responsible for four dead Americans out of the equation.

You nutbags can't win on's what you do. It's natural.
You'd love to see him nominated, wouldn't you?
Whoever they nominate its going to be a democratic victory
you keep telling yourself that.
When/If it isn't Donald Trump, who's the GOP nominee going to be? And don't kid yourself that anyone is excited about that person because right now you don't even know who that person is. You jackasses will vote for any Republican. And I'll vote for any Democratic nominated person aka the next POTUS.
actually I think I'll vote for Bernie. Let all conservatives vote for Bernie and take the one responsible for four dead Americans out of the equation.

You nutbags can't win on's what you do. It's natural.
Republicans didn’t care when Bush lied about WMDs, nor did they express outrage over 9/11/2001, the Iraq War, or the 13 embassy attacks with 50+ dead under Bush. Their outrage over Benghazi is phony and they are essentially spitting on the graves of those lost in Benghazi for political gain. If Republicans cared so much about embassy security, why did they cut funding for it by millions of dollars? Why didn't they express outrage over the 13 embassy/consulate attacks under Bush?
Here are some FACTS for those that attack Hillary Clinton on Benghazi:
The nonpartisan Accountability Review Board did not find Hillary Rodham Clinton responsible for the Benghazi attacks. Hillary never received the cables requesting more security from Benghazi.
2. Republicans cut millions and millions of dollars in “embassy security.” Cuts that Hillary Clinton called “detrimental” to our security overseas.
3. Over 50 people died from 13 embassy/consulate attacks under George Bush’s Presidency.
4. The Obama Administration did not “cover-up” the Benghazi attacks. Counterterrorism Director Matthew Olsen told Senator Joe Lieberman that Benghazi was a “terrorist attack”. This was only a few days after Susan Rice went on the Sunday morning talk-shows. Therefore, this would have to be the shortest “cover-up” in history.
Senator Joe Lieberman: “Let me begin by asking you whether you would say that Ambassador Stevens and the three other Americans died as a result of a terrorist attack.”
Counterterrorism Director Matthew Olsen: “Certainly on that particular question I would say, yes. They were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy.”
5. Hillary’s quote, "What difference, at this point, does it make" has been taken out of context. Hillary was referring to the Republican’s obsession with what Susan Rice said, not Benghazi itself. We now know the intelligence communities talking points that Susan Rice presented were incorrect. But to accuse the Administration of intentionally lying (when Counterterrorism Director Matthew Olsen called it a “terrorist attack” only a few days after Susan Rice went on the Sunday morning talk shows) is dishonest.
6. The reason the YouTube video was cited as a possible reason for Benghazi is because violent protests had been erupting throughout the Middle East when Benghazi took place. Some of the protests had to do with the YouTube video, which is why it was originally thought Benghazi was also related to the YouTube video.
Embassy attacks are an unfortunate reality in the world and have occurred under every administration in modern times. Security overseas is always risky business, and those who take jobs in dangerous places know the risks. Unfortunately, Republicans cut millions and millions of dollars from embassy security.

I chuckle that alleged "real conservatives" swoon over Trump, even though he's not even close to being (in their own words & standards), a "real conservative"! These folks bail on their alleged beliefs in a "New York heartbeat" at a drop of a hat. I guess that says a lot about their core beliefs and their conviction of these beliefs. :disbelief::lol:
I think it's the Trump bigotry that attracts them to Trump in the end.

I guess that means Democrat values are based on someone's skin color and reproductive organ.
You'd love to see him nominated, wouldn't you?
Whoever they nominate its going to be a democratic victory
you keep telling yourself that.
When/If it isn't Donald Trump, who's the GOP nominee going to be? And don't kid yourself that anyone is excited about that person because right now you don't even know who that person is. You jackasses will vote for any Republican. And I'll vote for any Democratic nominated person aka the next POTUS.
actually I think I'll vote for Bernie. Let all conservatives vote for Bernie and take the one responsible for four dead Americans out of the equation.

You nutbags can't win on's what you do. It's natural.

I guess skin color and reproductive organ are policy issues? That's what Democrats consider important in picking candidates.
For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
Coming from the party that picked Sarah Palin just because she's a cute chick and what a mess she turned out to be. Did you hear her son got arrested and her slut daughters having baby number 2 with baby daddy number 2?
How about Democrats took a chance on the little black boy and see how he fucked it up.
He didn't fuck up.

See how Michiganders trusted gov Rick Snyder and him being cheap gave us lead poisoning?

Depends on your perspective. If you now have health insurance subsidized by someone else, one of the millions more on food stamps because you won't feed yourself, contraceptives because you can't stay off your back, etc., you likely don't think so. Those of us funding it for the freeloaders see it differently.

Then you are dumb. I'll pay $500 once now so we don't have to pay $500 a month for Shaniqua and her babies.
The reason abortion is legal is because we don't want to pay for babies people can't afford to have. It's a necessary evil.

Then you are dumb to want to pay AT ALL. We shouldn't have to pay now or later. That's an option you bleeding hearts don't take into account. If you want to pay Shaniqua, write a check from your account. Mine is for ME and MY family.

The reason abortion is legal is because too many didn't want to be responsible for the results of a previous choice that produced a result they knew could happen.
Don't expect the Shaniqua's to make good decisions. If Snyder can't even be trusted to do the right thing, how can we hope Shaniqua will?

Do you think Snyder should be responsible to the fullest extent for what you say he's guilty of?
Whoever they nominate its going to be a democratic victory
you keep telling yourself that.
When/If it isn't Donald Trump, who's the GOP nominee going to be? And don't kid yourself that anyone is excited about that person because right now you don't even know who that person is. You jackasses will vote for any Republican. And I'll vote for any Democratic nominated person aka the next POTUS.
actually I think I'll vote for Bernie. Let all conservatives vote for Bernie and take the one responsible for four dead Americans out of the equation.

You nutbags can't win on's what you do. It's natural.

I guess skin color and reproductive organ are policy issues? That's what Democrats consider important in picking candidates.
Why did you guys pick Palin for VP?

What's carli's main argument for being the nominee? Because she thinks people want to see two women debate.

And why did carson stop being popular? He was just your token black candidate
Coming from the party that picked Sarah Palin just because she's a cute chick and what a mess she turned out to be. Did you hear her son got arrested and her slut daughters having baby number 2 with baby daddy number 2?
He didn't fuck up.

See how Michiganders trusted gov Rick Snyder and him being cheap gave us lead poisoning?

Depends on your perspective. If you now have health insurance subsidized by someone else, one of the millions more on food stamps because you won't feed yourself, contraceptives because you can't stay off your back, etc., you likely don't think so. Those of us funding it for the freeloaders see it differently.

Then you are dumb. I'll pay $500 once now so we don't have to pay $500 a month for Shaniqua and her babies.
The reason abortion is legal is because we don't want to pay for babies people can't afford to have. It's a necessary evil.

Then you are dumb to want to pay AT ALL. We shouldn't have to pay now or later. That's an option you bleeding hearts don't take into account. If you want to pay Shaniqua, write a check from your account. Mine is for ME and MY family.

The reason abortion is legal is because too many didn't want to be responsible for the results of a previous choice that produced a result they knew could happen.
Don't expect the Shaniqua's to make good decisions. If Snyder can't even be trusted to do the right thing, how can we hope Shaniqua will?

Do you think Snyder should be responsible to the fullest extent for what you say he's guilty of?
No, just politically. It should cost the GOP in Michigan at the polls.

God knows what you'd want to do if it was a democrat.

You want to arrest hillary for emails but you gave bush and I don't recall Alberto Gonzales a free pass
This post is going to be long but I hope that you bear with it because I have some very salient points to make and any researching of what I say will prove that I am telling the truth...this is not a conspiracy theory, this is a conspiracy fact and it will affect even those that are able to keep our heads above water right now because the water will continue to rise until we wake up. The fate of the middle class was sealed by a document called the "Iron Mountain Report" that was commissioned by JFK. What he wanted to know was what did the top minds of that time thought the world would be like if there was no war and no threat to humanity. Needless to say, their views of the repercussions of ever lasting peace would differ from most of the people on this prison planet including JFK, the last great leader we ever had. JFK was killed before this report was finished and covertly released in 1967. People within the CIA claimed it was a hoax and attempted to laugh the release of this document off... but I beg to differ. Pretty much everything this "think tank" study said needed to happen in order to unite us into a potential one world government has been transpiring...even to the alleged environment crisis we are is an excerpt from that report. "When it comes to postulating a credible substitute for war … the “alternate enemy” must imply a more immediate, tangible, and directly felt threat of destruction. It must justify the need for taking and paying a “blood price” in wide areas of human concern. In this respect, the possible substitute enemies noted earlier would be insufficient. One exception might be the environmental-pollution model, if the danger to society it posed was genuinely imminent. The fictive models would have to carry the weight of extraordinary conviction, underscored with a not inconsiderable actual sacrifice of life. … It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. …
It is true that the rate of pollution could be increased selectively for this purpose. … But the pollution problem has been so widely publicized in recent years that it seems highly improbable that a program of deliberate environmental poisoning could be implemented in a politically acceptable manner.However unlikely some of the possible alternative enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration. It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented."
The transference of wealth into the hands of the ultra wealthy from the middle class and poor was also necessary and is also outlined in this rather boring report because it is rather technical but it definitely has some eye raising excerpts that almost 50 years ago would seem totally implausible.... but yet their recommendations have been followed to the proverbial "T". The Club Of Rome was an offshoot of the U.N that used the Iron Mountain Report as a blueprint for their "Zero Growth" plan. Here is a quote from Maurice Strong, who was a U.N bigwig and Club of Rome member and tell me this doesn't give you pause for thought.
"It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class — involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.”
So the systematic attack on the middle class began with with unfair trade agreements and unfair environmental laws that were allowed to be violated by the very elite that were connected to the banking oligarchs and furthered their agenda. They merged their corporations into bigger and bigger multi-corporations that used off-shore accounts to shield and protect their wealth while stealing the ability for the Johnny Lunchpail to make a living wage. It was all by design and done incrementally and in a way that wouldn't be detected by the dumb down masses that have been chemically and intellectually attacked to the point that they would accept any type of shitty legislation that would allow them "sex, drugs and rock 'n roll". If people only understood how badly that they have been used and abused? There would be a march on D.C with an armed citizenry that would shake the world.
Depends on your perspective. If you now have health insurance subsidized by someone else, one of the millions more on food stamps because you won't feed yourself, contraceptives because you can't stay off your back, etc., you likely don't think so. Those of us funding it for the freeloaders see it differently.

Then you are dumb. I'll pay $500 once now so we don't have to pay $500 a month for Shaniqua and her babies.
The reason abortion is legal is because we don't want to pay for babies people can't afford to have. It's a necessary evil.

Then you are dumb to want to pay AT ALL. We shouldn't have to pay now or later. That's an option you bleeding hearts don't take into account. If you want to pay Shaniqua, write a check from your account. Mine is for ME and MY family.

The reason abortion is legal is because too many didn't want to be responsible for the results of a previous choice that produced a result they knew could happen.
Don't expect the Shaniqua's to make good decisions. If Snyder can't even be trusted to do the right thing, how can we hope Shaniqua will?

Do you think Snyder should be responsible to the fullest extent for what you say he's guilty of?
No, just politically. It should cost the GOP in Michigan at the polls.

God knows what you'd want to do if it was a democrat.

You want to arrest hillary for emails but you gave bush and I don't recall Alberto Gonzales a free pass

You mean like what Democrats did to Detroit yet they still elect Democrats.
you keep telling yourself that.
When/If it isn't Donald Trump, who's the GOP nominee going to be? And don't kid yourself that anyone is excited about that person because right now you don't even know who that person is. You jackasses will vote for any Republican. And I'll vote for any Democratic nominated person aka the next POTUS.
actually I think I'll vote for Bernie. Let all conservatives vote for Bernie and take the one responsible for four dead Americans out of the equation.

You nutbags can't win on's what you do. It's natural.

I guess skin color and reproductive organ are policy issues? That's what Democrats consider important in picking candidates.
Why did you guys pick Palin for VP?

What's carli's main argument for being the nominee? Because she thinks people want to see two women debate.

And why did carson stop being popular? He was just your token black candidate

You guys? I don't recall any of the voters picking Palin. McCain picked her.

Why did you guys pick Obama? I know. Skin color whether you'll admit it or not.
When/If it isn't Donald Trump, who's the GOP nominee going to be? And don't kid yourself that anyone is excited about that person because right now you don't even know who that person is. You jackasses will vote for any Republican. And I'll vote for any Democratic nominated person aka the next POTUS.
actually I think I'll vote for Bernie. Let all conservatives vote for Bernie and take the one responsible for four dead Americans out of the equation.

You nutbags can't win on's what you do. It's natural.

I guess skin color and reproductive organ are policy issues? That's what Democrats consider important in picking candidates.
Why did you guys pick Palin for VP?

What's carli's main argument for being the nominee? Because she thinks people want to see two women debate.

And why did carson stop being popular? He was just your token black candidate

You guys? I don't recall any of the voters picking Palin. McCain picked her.

Why did you guys pick Obama? I know. Skin color whether you'll admit it or not.

actually I think I'll vote for Bernie. Let all conservatives vote for Bernie and take the one responsible for four dead Americans out of the equation.

You nutbags can't win on's what you do. It's natural.

I guess skin color and reproductive organ are policy issues? That's what Democrats consider important in picking candidates.
Why did you guys pick Palin for VP?

What's carli's main argument for being the nominee? Because she thinks people want to see two women debate.

And why did carson stop being popular? He was just your token black candidate

You guys? I don't recall any of the voters picking Palin. McCain picked her.

Why did you guys pick Obama? I know. Skin color whether you'll admit it or not.

I just heard Palin blamed Obama for her son pulling a gun on people. Proof again nothing is ever Republicans fault.
You nutbags can't win on's what you do. It's natural.

I guess skin color and reproductive organ are policy issues? That's what Democrats consider important in picking candidates.
Why did you guys pick Palin for VP?

What's carli's main argument for being the nominee? Because she thinks people want to see two women debate.

And why did carson stop being popular? He was just your token black candidate

You guys? I don't recall any of the voters picking Palin. McCain picked her.

Why did you guys pick Obama? I know. Skin color whether you'll admit it or not.

I just heard Palin blamed Obama for her son pulling a gun on people. Proof again nothing is ever Republicans fault.
People that believe in political parties and believe that they have your best interest at heart are probably big fans of the WWF and believe it is real. We will never change the way things are unless we wake up and realize what has been done to us and what they are doing to us. USA.INC is nothing but one big ol plantation and we are the chattel and that is a fact. James Traficant ( a democrat) revealed these very salient facts and exposed the man behind the curtain and they eventually drummed him out of office. America is NOT a country, it is a corporation and we are under Admiralty law, not common law and everything is done by contract.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

*snip of ignorant idiocy*


see, threads like this are what make you a useless troll.

no one hates the donald because he's successful.

he's a bigot. and he's a bully.

our allies think he's a joke (which he is)

perfectly rational reasons to never want him anywhere near the white house.

and if those are the reasons that liberals supposedly hate him, what's the excuse for the normal GOP'ers?

loon. :cuckoo:
yea, that's why Romneys biggest challenge was overcoming his money.
Lets be real. Either side will attack WHATEVER they can.
Weird thing is, you just described Obama too.... Except Obama is a wussy AND a bully. He doesn't face his fears, he just uses
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I guess skin color and reproductive organ are policy issues? That's what Democrats consider important in picking candidates.
Why did you guys pick Palin for VP?

What's carli's main argument for being the nominee? Because she thinks people want to see two women debate.

And why did carson stop being popular? He was just your token black candidate

You guys? I don't recall any of the voters picking Palin. McCain picked her.

Why did you guys pick Obama? I know. Skin color whether you'll admit it or not.

I just heard Palin blamed Obama for her son pulling a gun on people. Proof again nothing is ever Republicans fault.
People that believe in political parties and believe that they have your best interest at heart are probably big fans of the WWF and believe it is real. We will never change the way things are unless we wake up and realize what has been done to us and what they are doing to us. USA.INC is nothing but one big ol plantation and we are the chattel and that is a fact. James Traficant ( a democrat) revealed these very salient facts and exposed the man behind the curtain and they eventually drummed him out of office. America is NOT a country, it is a corporation and we are under Admiralty law, not common law and everything is done by contract.
As long as the citizens are safe and happy, aren't we all slaves really? The question is, are you a cow, dog, cat or horse? A horse is owned by a master too but a horse leads a very good life. Some dogs and cats have good lives too. Same with cows, unless you are a slaughter house cow. Blacks are slaughter house cows and us white people are house cats. Some poor people are plow horses and do a lot of work and some horses are just rode for fun.
Why did you guys pick Palin for VP?

What's carli's main argument for being the nominee? Because she thinks people want to see two women debate.

And why did carson stop being popular? He was just your token black candidate

You guys? I don't recall any of the voters picking Palin. McCain picked her.

Why did you guys pick Obama? I know. Skin color whether you'll admit it or not.

I just heard Palin blamed Obama for her son pulling a gun on people. Proof again nothing is ever Republicans fault.
People that believe in political parties and believe that they have your best interest at heart are probably big fans of the WWF and believe it is real. We will never change the way things are unless we wake up and realize what has been done to us and what they are doing to us. USA.INC is nothing but one big ol plantation and we are the chattel and that is a fact. James Traficant ( a democrat) revealed these very salient facts and exposed the man behind the curtain and they eventually drummed him out of office. America is NOT a country, it is a corporation and we are under Admiralty law, not common law and everything is done by contract.
As long as the citizens are safe and happy, aren't we all slaves really? The question is, are you a cow, dog, cat or horse? A horse is owned by a master too but a horse leads a very good life. Some dogs and cats have good lives too. Same with cows, unless you are a slaughter house cow. Blacks are slaughter house cows and us white people are house cats. Some poor people are plow horses and do a lot of work and some horses are just rode for fun.

You're the slave because you think that it's the government's job to take care of you should anything bad happen in your life.

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