Another question for Republicans....

Is this from the Huffington Post or Media Matters? :confused:

That's your response?

You can't deflect what has happened.

A larger and larger percentage of income in America has gone to a smaller and smaller group of people.

Why don't you link your source, sonny?

Why don't you do a little reading.

We now have a regessive tax system that squeezes the middle class.

Lower taxes for the rich has created massive debt.
In recent testimony before the Senate Budget Committee, international studies were quoted showing the wealthy in America pay more of the nation’s tax burden than in any other industrialized country, giving the U.S. “the most progressive income tax system” in the world


For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.

Here's my link, you know for the chart.
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Taxed out? LOL. Provide any sort of data to back up your statement. Remember I can get historical tax rates to show you how clueless you are. Feel free to give it a shot though.

Spending does need to slow down though. However if you think that's a "liberal" thing, you're not even worth talking to. Could you be any more partisan?

Remember.. your historical tax rates do not take into account what was deemed income, what was deductible, and the MASSIVE amount of loopholes that were in place.. but we all know you like to make reality more fuzzy to fit your agenda

Right, let's close the loopholes. Whats your point exactly?

What agenda do I have? Let's hear you actually say it. Because I'm pretty sure I make more money than you and I'm not just advocating for increased taxes on the rich because it would somehow benefit me....because it wouldn't. So lets hear it, what's my agenda? To do what's best for the country? Guilty as charged.
Radical progressivism, wealth redistribution, etc.

Really, your agenda is known by anyone paying any attention.

And it is NOT good for the country.

Your system breeds mediocrity.

But it makes you FEEL good (and superior!), and really, to a liberal idiot, that is all that matters.
Is this from the Huffington Post or Media Matters? :confused:

That's your response?

You can't deflect what has happened.

A larger and larger percentage of income in America has gone to a smaller and smaller group of people.

Why don't you link your source, sonny?

The Top Decile Income Share, 1917-2008 | Intellectual Takeout (ITO)

Decline of the Empire: Film

Rethinking Income Inequality: A New Kind of Payroll Tax | dagblog

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Catching up. . . « occasional links & commentary
Another question for Republicans....

Are you happy paying higher taxes, so the super rich can pay less?

The middle class is paying lower taxes than ever before.

You like the idea of going back to the tax code that had the top bracket at 90% right?

Did you know that in 1951 when the top rate was 90% that the lowest rate was 20%?

That means the poorest workers were paying 20% now today the lowest tax bracket is 10%

When the top tax bracket was 90% if you made 50K a year you would have been in the 63% bracket but today you would be in the 25% bracket.

So where do you get the idea that we are paying higher taxes?

We have a $15 trillion dollar debt because of Reagan and Bush lowering taxes for the rich.

Who do you think is going to have to pay off that debt?


How much of the fucking 15 trillion dollar debt is owned by Obama?

For chart.


  • $obama economic record.jpg
    $obama economic record.jpg
    71.7 KB · Views: 69
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The top link, filed under:

Social Justice

Chris' 2nd link: A Hollywood libtard commentary

3rd link: won't open

4th link: needs sign in

5th: Seems to be a vigilante hacking site. Nice one.

Such as noting:

> the rise of Anonymous [ht: ms], which is fighting for the free flow of information

The loosely-knit hive brings anonymous techies, hackers and, increasingly, activists together under a single appellation, united in their non-violent but often illegal collective action.

With high-profile campaigns, centred on “distributed denial of service” (DDoS) attacks that knock target websites offline, it has been transformed from a fringe group of law-breaking pranksters that emerged in 2006 into an international movement that draws new recruits by their thousands.

Are there any liberals worth talking to on this forum???
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Remember.. your historical tax rates do not take into account what was deemed income, what was deductible, and the MASSIVE amount of loopholes that were in place.. but we all know you like to make reality more fuzzy to fit your agenda

Right, let's close the loopholes. Whats your point exactly?

What agenda do I have? Let's hear you actually say it. Because I'm pretty sure I make more money than you and I'm not just advocating for increased taxes on the rich because it would somehow benefit me....because it wouldn't. So lets hear it, what's my agenda? To do what's best for the country? Guilty as charged.
Radical progressivism, wealth redistribution, etc.

Really, your agenda is known by anyone paying any attention.

And it is NOT good for the country.

Your system breeds mediocrity.

But it makes you FEEL good (and superior!), and really, to a liberal idiot, that is all that matters.


The wealth has already be redistributed, you idiot.

Reagan and Bushes tax cuts for the rich transferred TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS from the middle class to the super rich.

Reagan's own budget directory, David Stockman, said the Reagan tax cuts were a "Trojan Horse" to lower taxes for the rich.

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That's your response?

You can't deflect what has happened.

A larger and larger percentage of income in America has gone to a smaller and smaller group of people.

Why don't you link your source, sonny?

The Top Decile Income Share, 1917-2008 | Intellectual Takeout (ITO)

Decline of the Empire: Film

Rethinking Income Inequality: A New Kind of Payroll Tax | dagblog

Sign In

Catching up. . . « occasional links & commentary

In 2008 it included every family that made 109,000 and over, Chris. :eusa_shhh:

Which leads to a question that is begging to be asked..."what is the criteria for the chart?"
Right, let's close the loopholes. Whats your point exactly?

What agenda do I have? Let's hear you actually say it. Because I'm pretty sure I make more money than you and I'm not just advocating for increased taxes on the rich because it would somehow benefit me....because it wouldn't. So lets hear it, what's my agenda? To do what's best for the country? Guilty as charged.
Radical progressivism, wealth redistribution, etc.

Really, your agenda is known by anyone paying any attention.

And it is NOT good for the country.

Your system breeds mediocrity.

But it makes you FEEL good (and superior!), and really, to a liberal idiot, that is all that matters.


The wealth has already be redistributed, you idiot.

Reagan and Bushes tax cuts for the rich transferred TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS from the middle class to the super rich.

Reagan's own budget directory, David Stockman, said the Reagan tax cuts were a "Trojan Horse" to lower taxes for the rich.


Shit for brains, I guess you will just ignore that in 3 short years, Obama has taken the debt from 10. 6 Trillion to over 15.

Go fuck yourself.
Radical progressivism, wealth redistribution, etc.

Really, your agenda is known by anyone paying any attention.

And it is NOT good for the country.

Your system breeds mediocrity.

But it makes you FEEL good (and superior!), and really, to a liberal idiot, that is all that matters.


The wealth has already be redistributed, you idiot.

Reagan and Bushes tax cuts for the rich transferred TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS from the middle class to the super rich.

Reagan's own budget directory, David Stockman, said the Reagan tax cuts were a "Trojan Horse" to lower taxes for the rich.


Shit for brains, I guess you will just ignore that in 3 short years, Obama has taken the debt from 10. 6 Trillion to over 15.

Go fuck yourself.


The Obama budget deficits originated during the Bush presidency...

1. Tax cuts 2001-2002 (4 trillion over 10 years)
2. Prescription drug benefits (7 trillion over 10 years)
3. Economic meltdown of 2008 ( 3 trillion and rising)
4. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (2 trillion and winding down)

In 2008 it included every family that made 109,000 and over, Chris. :eusa_shhh:

Which leads to a questing that is begging to be asked..."what is the criteria for the chart?"

Which begs the question....

Why don't you get this?

More and more income concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.

Does the French Revolution ring a bell?

Which begs the question....

Why don't you get this?

More and more income concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.

Does the French Revolution ring a bell?

Chris, a poll or a research firm can skew numbers to whichever way they want it to go. I'm just asking for the criteria used. Because it looks like in 2008, a family with an income of 109,000 ended up on that chart.
In 2008 it included every family that made 109,000 and over, Chris. :eusa_shhh:

Which leads to a questing that is begging to be asked..."what is the criteria for the chart?"

Which begs the question....

Why don't you get this?

More and more income concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.

Does the French Revolution ring a bell?

Chris, a poll or a research firm can skew numbers to whichever way they want it to go. I'm just asking for the criteria used. Because it looks like in 2008, a family with an income of 109,000 ended up on that chart.

In 2008 109K might be the top ten percent.

I am asking why these numbers don't bother you?
So basically you favor increasing taxes on poor and middle class Americans in order to give millionaires more tax cuts

No dumbass, the rich make more so they pay more. Just what you want.

Reducing government spending is at least an equal part of the equation, care to discuss that?
Under a flat tax system people making 100,000 a year or less would see their taxes increasing by 20-240% while the rich would see their taxes decrease by 70%
I'm all for cutting military spending, however republicans oppose it

So basically you favor increasing taxes on poor and middle class Americans in order to give millionaires more tax cuts

No.. People like us are in favor of returning equal treatment by government under law... as it should have been all along.. instead of a system that breeds class warfare

I see so according to you moving to a system that would cause 40% of the population to be in poverty in order to give millionaires millions of dollars is not class warfare

Poverty in the US is quite comfortable. They have cars, plasma tvs, x-box sets. Their children are obese and they have a steady supply of drugs. They pay no federal taxes whatsoever, so saying they have to pay more isn't quite true. If they paid a dollar it would a 100% increase. The poor have not invented anything, sold anything, they have never created a job past some kind of caretaker. What they do is kill each other over sneakers that cost $200.00. They riot, they steal, they go in and out of prison like it's a social club leaving a wake of victims with broken lives that pretty much no one cares about.

The rich go to work every day, even Paris Hilton works. They build things, make things, invent things, I like those things. I buy those things which is why the rich are rich. The rich provide services that I use. I pay for those services because someone who is rich pays me to do things for them. I am well paid for what I do for the rich. They are happy, I am happy. If I really need money, I can go to a rich person and ask them to lend me money. I pay that money back, with interest for their trouble.

The poor exist. They do nothing. If I have a comfortable home, drive a car that runs and have food in the fridge it isn't because of someone poor. It's because of someone rich. Someone who took a chance, risked it all, worked hard, was smart or clever.

The rich certain deserve tax cuts, the poor deserve nothing.
Cut the government a check big shot! There is nothing stopping you from doing the right thing and paying your "fair share". Let us know how much you sent them so we can decide if you were a greedy bastard or did the right thing.

Oh thats original. So on the flip side, go ahead and cut a check to the multi-millionaire of your choice if they are so in need of a bigger tax break. Go ahead! It will turn this country around as soon as they rich get more money. Right? You do love your country, right?

Give me a break with your tired, uneducated arguments with no basis in reality.

Thanks for showing your true colors. You're envious. You don't really care about manning up and doing what you want other people to do out of love of country. Lead by example. Write the government a check to do the right thing and pay your "fair share". Post it here for all to see. Your'e the one making the argument that the country needs more money and that it should come from the rich. You've state that you probably make more than others here. Put up or shut up. It isn't tired or uneducated arguments. It's calling you on your envious bullshit.

I'm fine with my taxes being raised. One person can't fix a problem though, it has to be a colllective effort, but I suspect you know that. Hence why your dumb position is dumb. When are you sending a check to a millionaire?
Answer the question, what entitles you or the government to a persons wealth? Simply because they have it and you don't, does that entitle you to it?
It's called living in society. Something you obviously have no interest in. Your envy of the poor is odd considering you're one of them. See how I just throw you in to the group of poor because its convenient. Just like you did with me, even though I already told you I am not poor. Can't stray from the argument because you don't know what else to say. I get it.
No dumbass, the rich make more so they pay more. Just what you want.

Reducing government spending is at least an equal part of the equation, care to discuss that?
Under a flat tax system people making 100,000 a year or less would see their taxes increasing by 20-240% while the rich would see their taxes decrease by 70%
I'm all for cutting military spending, however republicans oppose it

No.. People like us are in favor of returning equal treatment by government under law... as it should have been all along.. instead of a system that breeds class warfare

I see so according to you moving to a system that would cause 40% of the population to be in poverty in order to give millionaires millions of dollars is not class warfare

Poverty in the US is quite comfortable. They have cars, plasma tvs, x-box sets. Their children are obese and they have a steady supply of drugs. They pay no federal taxes whatsoever, so saying they have to pay more isn't quite true. If they paid a dollar it would a 100% increase. The poor have not invented anything, sold anything, they have never created a job past some kind of caretaker. What they do is kill each other over sneakers that cost $200.00. They riot, they steal, they go in and out of prison like it's a social club leaving a wake of victims with broken lives that pretty much no one cares about.

The rich go to work every day, even Paris Hilton works. They build things, make things, invent things, I like those things. I buy those things which is why the rich are rich. The rich provide services that I use. I pay for those services because someone who is rich pays me to do things for them. I am well paid for what I do for the rich. They are happy, I am happy. If I really need money, I can go to a rich person and ask them to lend me money. I pay that money back, with interest for their trouble.

The poor exist. They do nothing. If I have a comfortable home, drive a car that runs and have food in the fridge it isn't because of someone poor. It's because of someone rich. Someone who took a chance, risked it all, worked hard, was smart or clever.

The rich certain deserve tax cuts, the poor deserve nothing.

The single accomplishment of the conservative movement has been to convince millions of weak minded individuals that selfishness, greed, and hate of the poor are good Christian values.
Oh thats original. So on the flip side, go ahead and cut a check to the multi-millionaire of your choice if they are so in need of a bigger tax break. Go ahead! It will turn this country around as soon as they rich get more money. Right? You do love your country, right?

Give me a break with your tired, uneducated arguments with no basis in reality.

Thanks for showing your true colors. You're envious. You don't really care about manning up and doing what you want other people to do out of love of country. Lead by example. Write the government a check to do the right thing and pay your "fair share". Post it here for all to see. Your'e the one making the argument that the country needs more money and that it should come from the rich. You've state that you probably make more than others here. Put up or shut up. It isn't tired or uneducated arguments. It's calling you on your envious bullshit.

I'm fine with my taxes being raised. One person can't fix a problem though, it has to be a colllective effort, but I suspect you know that. Hence why your dumb position is dumb. When are you sending a check to a millionaire?
Answer the question, what entitles you or the government to a persons wealth? Simply because they have it and you don't, does that entitle you to it?
It's called living in society. Something you obviously have no interest in. Your envy of the poor is odd considering you're one of them. See how I just throw you in to the group of poor because its convenient. Just like you did with me, even though I already told you I am not poor. Can't stray from the argument because you don't know what else to say. I get it.

I'm not willing because the federal government hasn't shown that they can quit spending with reckless abandon. Show me 10 years of lowered spending and maybe we can come to the table for some sort of compromise. Otherwise, no thanks. We're all told to make sacrifices. It's time for the government to make sacrifices and live within its budget....just like the rest of us do.
Under a flat tax system people making 100,000 a year or less would see their taxes increasing by 20-240% while the rich would see their taxes decrease by 70%
I'm all for cutting military spending, however republicans oppose it

I see so according to you moving to a system that would cause 40% of the population to be in poverty in order to give millionaires millions of dollars is not class warfare

Poverty in the US is quite comfortable. They have cars, plasma tvs, x-box sets. Their children are obese and they have a steady supply of drugs. They pay no federal taxes whatsoever, so saying they have to pay more isn't quite true. If they paid a dollar it would a 100% increase. The poor have not invented anything, sold anything, they have never created a job past some kind of caretaker. What they do is kill each other over sneakers that cost $200.00. They riot, they steal, they go in and out of prison like it's a social club leaving a wake of victims with broken lives that pretty much no one cares about.

The rich go to work every day, even Paris Hilton works. They build things, make things, invent things, I like those things. I buy those things which is why the rich are rich. The rich provide services that I use. I pay for those services because someone who is rich pays me to do things for them. I am well paid for what I do for the rich. They are happy, I am happy. If I really need money, I can go to a rich person and ask them to lend me money. I pay that money back, with interest for their trouble.

The poor exist. They do nothing. If I have a comfortable home, drive a car that runs and have food in the fridge it isn't because of someone poor. It's because of someone rich. Someone who took a chance, risked it all, worked hard, was smart or clever.

The rich certain deserve tax cuts, the poor deserve nothing.

The single accomplishment of the conservative movement has been to convince millions of weak minded individuals that selfishness, greed, and hate of the poor are good Christian values.

And the single accomplishment of the progressive movement has been to convince millions of weak minded individuals that the government is there to take care of them, always forever and ever. They aren't capable of doing it on their own, the government knows what's best.
Thanks for showing your true colors. You're envious. You don't really care about manning up and doing what you want other people to do out of love of country. Lead by example. Write the government a check to do the right thing and pay your "fair share". Post it here for all to see. Your'e the one making the argument that the country needs more money and that it should come from the rich. You've state that you probably make more than others here. Put up or shut up. It isn't tired or uneducated arguments. It's calling you on your envious bullshit.

I'm fine with my taxes being raised. One person can't fix a problem though, it has to be a colllective effort, but I suspect you know that. Hence why your dumb position is dumb. When are you sending a check to a millionaire?
Answer the question, what entitles you or the government to a persons wealth? Simply because they have it and you don't, does that entitle you to it?
It's called living in society. Something you obviously have no interest in. Your envy of the poor is odd considering you're one of them. See how I just throw you in to the group of poor because its convenient. Just like you did with me, even though I already told you I am not poor. Can't stray from the argument because you don't know what else to say. I get it.

I'm not willing because the federal government hasn't shown that they can quit spending with reckless abandon. Show me 10 years of lowered spending and maybe we can come to the table for some sort of compromise. Otherwise, no thanks. We're all told to make sacrifices. It's time for the government to make sacrifices and live within its budget....just like the rest of us do.

I agree that we need to fix the way we spend. Its way out of control. But to deny that we have coddled the rich for way too long is disgusting. We need a lot to change in this country both in terms of revenue and spending.
I'm fine with my taxes being raised. One person can't fix a problem though, it has to be a colllective effort, but I suspect you know that. Hence why your dumb position is dumb. When are you sending a check to a millionaire?

It's called living in society. Something you obviously have no interest in. Your envy of the poor is odd considering you're one of them. See how I just throw you in to the group of poor because its convenient. Just like you did with me, even though I already told you I am not poor. Can't stray from the argument because you don't know what else to say. I get it.

I'm not willing because the federal government hasn't shown that they can quit spending with reckless abandon. Show me 10 years of lowered spending and maybe we can come to the table for some sort of compromise. Otherwise, no thanks. We're all told to make sacrifices. It's time for the government to make sacrifices and live within its budget....just like the rest of us do.

I agree that we need to fix the way we spend. Its way out of control. But to deny that we have coddled the rich for way too long is disgusting. We need a lot to change in this country both in terms of revenue and spending.

But, most on this board could care less about the spending, it's all about the taxing the rich. If they spent a little time in a math class they would find that taxing the rich doesn't dent the deficit, or the debt. it only opens the doors for more spending.

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