Another NY mayor flaunts law, this one is queer himself


Aug 28, 2003
New York
You see, this is what happens when you allow one dickhead to flaunt the law and get away with it. Now these retards are coming out of the woodwork like hungry cockroaches. These filthy scumbags need to be immediately brought up on charges. At what point do you force people to properly follow the judicial system? How much breaking of the law needs to go on before someone does something about it? These faggots are making me sick.

Second N.Y. Mayor to Hold Gay Weddings

NEW PALTZ, N.Y. - A second New York mayor said Wednesday he will start marrying gay couples and plans to seek a license himself to marry his same-sex partner. Across the country in Oregon, gay couples lined up for a sudden chance to wed.

Meanwhile, the Senate Judiciary Constitution subcommittee is focusing on whether judges are overstepping their bounds and eroding traditional marriage. The panel is using the Massachusetts high court ruling permitting same-sex marriages as an impetus.

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said he called Wednesday's hearing to examine the "judicial invalidation of traditional marriage laws." Cornyn supports a constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

Last week, President Bush (news - web sites) last week called on Congress to quickly pass an amendment prohibiting gay marriages.

Nyack Mayor John Shields will join the New Paltz mayor, Jason West, in issuing the licenses. West vowed to go ahead with up to two dozen same-sex weddings this weekend, despite being charged with 19 criminal counts and possibly facing jail time for marrying gay couples.

Shields told The Associated Press he will start officiating at weddings of same-sex couples as early as this week and planned to join other gay New Yorkers in visiting municipal clerks' offices Friday seeking marriage licenses.

West married 25 gay couples on Friday, making this small college village 75 miles north of New York City another flash point in the national debate over gay marriage. More than 3,400 couples have been married in San Francisco; West now has about 1,000 couples on a waiting list.
and they say an AK-47 aint good for nothing???? I do know that if it were I flaunting the law as these worthless pieces of crap are that I would be in jail awful quick!!! why wont the authorities act??? scared to make a stand..or is it the Democrats wanting to make it appear that G.W. has lost control of this country???funny its happening before the election???hheemmm... :scratch:
We are seriously headed for a cultural war in America. Gay marriages, gay "special rights" and abortion I believe will be the battlefields and if something is not done quickly to stem this descent into Sodom & Gomorrah(spelling?) , i'm afraid that terrorism won't do in America but vile special interest groups in all their zeal of a rabid dog. We could be looking at the end in our generation, how sad.
I wonder if Tom Green the polygamist is forming is appeal?

Actually he is... I read an article on him when all the gay marriage crap started.

He's sitting back keeping a watchful eye on the progress of this situation.. which adds substance to the argument that, should gay marriage be made legal, the floodgates for freaks would open.
Originally posted by OCA
gay "special rights"

ok, i am sick of people saying gays are fighting for "special rights". They are fighting for EQUAL rights.

tell me what are the so called "special" rights they are fighting for?
This is only hurting the Gay agenda. Whether they like it or not, Americans aren't ready for gay marriage and when they break the law and try to shove the issue down people's throats, it only makes more americans against gay marriage.
Originally posted by deciophobic
ok, i am sick of people saying gays are fighting for "special rights". They are fighting for EQUAL rights.

tell me what are the so called "special" rights they are fighting for?

They are born with the same inalienable rights guaranteed by the constitution as you and I including marriage, they just have to marry someone of the opposite sex. If a group is involved in perversion or vile acts and lifestyle and want rights to try and make that lifestyle "legitimate" although they already have access to these rights then what they are really asking for are "special rights". Marriage is and has always meant man and woman, no ifs ands or buts about it. Its wrong and they know its wrong hence the big push to try and legitimaize through law what they can't legitimize morally.
Originally posted by deciophobic
ok, i am sick of people saying gays are fighting for "special rights". They are fighting for EQUAL rights.

tell me what are the so called "special" rights they are fighting for?

This answer has been given to you on at least 10 occassions, why do you have trouble comprehending it?

Can a gay man not marry a woman?
Can a gay woman not marry a man?

Can a straight man marry another man?
Can a straight woman marry another woman?

As has been demonstrated they do have the same rights as everyone else. But there is one right of marriage that they can never have. They can never procreate with each other. They can yell and protest all they want, but the government will never be able to give them that right. But then the government doesnt give us any of our rights. They are gifts from God.

On a side note, if homosexuality is so natural? why do some of them go through sex change operations if its so natural?
Originally posted by deciophobic
ok, i am sick of people saying gays are fighting for "special rights". They are fighting for EQUAL rights.

tell me what are the so called "special" rights they are fighting for?
Ah, no. They want special ones as they are already allowed to do what hetersexuals are- marry an appropriate partner of the opposite sex.

As for property rights, they already have them just the same as every other human being in this country. Everyone in this country goes about protecting their property according to their own wishes using legal means.
Notice how the law-flouting mayors are CHEERED by the system, while Judge Roy Moore, who defied the courts on the 10 Commandments, gets SLAMMED. Gee, guys. Wonder who runs America?

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