Another lie debunked

God Damn, you hate white people.

is it because were smarter than you?

Yes - White people as a group have been smarter than black people as a group.

Why ? Because we live under a system of racism-white supremacy. Some were down the line we (Black people) fked up. The white man never done a Rambo on Africa (At First). He never done a Rambo on the native Indians in the USA (At first). It's always been deception and lies.

Smarter does not mean superior or better. Don't get me wrong; White people can't stand each other. Your families are hotbed of all types of fked up shit.

But one thing whites do agree on is maintaining a global system of white supremacy
The real threat at the time: White on black crime
If anything, white people represented a far larger threat to black people than the reverse, and whites frequently employed the myth of black criminality to justify their own violence. The Klan represented an especial threat, and in their campaign of terror against newly freed African Americans they beat, whipped, kidnapped, and even killed men and women they believed had transgressed racial boundaries.

Often, it was the supposed sexual threat that black men posed to white women that elicited a violent response. Whites, especially in the South, cited rape and an alleged need to protect white women as a chief justification for the thousands of lynchings perpetrated against African Americans between Reconstruction and the Second World War.

Alleged sexual violence also sparked outbreaks of mass violence against black communities, including the 1908 Springfield, Illinois race riot and the 1921 Tulsa, Oklahoma race riot. Even the most well-to-do whites rationalized their own violence as necessary in order to defend their own racial purity and protect themselves against black barbarism.

At the turn of the century, a cohort of black academics and activist journalists pushed back against the accusations that black people were uniquely criminal and their culture hopelessly dysfunctional. Most prominent among them were the sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois and investigative journalist Ida B. Wells.

In both his works The Philadelphia Negro (1899) and The Health and Physique of the Negro American (1906), Du Bois recontextualized statistical data to show that social and economic conditions were responsible for higher rates of black crime, disease and morbidity.

For her part, Wells disproved the widely accepted belief that lynching occurred in response to sexual violence committed by black men. Instead, she showed, lynching was a strategy for whites to maintain social control of black people through fear. She also cast white men as the perpetrators of sexual violence, describing the very real threat they posed to black women who had essentially no access to social or legal recourse.[12] The public failed to take the intellectual work of black men and women seriously, and it would be decades before their research reached the mainstream.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'
God Damn, you hate white people.

is it because were smarter than you?


Why are you crying about a thread about race in the race and racism section?
I see the white supremacists can't read the link.
Didn’t read the link. Not a white supremacist, don’t know anyone who is, and don’t give a shit about them.

But I find you and other race pimps in here an interesting amalgam in lots of entertaining ways.
Liar. And you calling me names doesn't erase the truth we bring. A truth you cannot face.
But I find you and other race pimps in here an interesting amalgam in lots of entertaining ways.
The past, present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people have been the main evil.
So, all white people are evil because of the acts of a few white people.

Do you know the definition of racism?

Sorry that reply just isn't going to cut it. And since you want to play the lie of I am an individual, Individually you are a racist. So Essen is talking about you. Stay on topic.
There are just some things that simply are not true.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'

The idea that black people are wantonly attacking white people in some sort of quiet race war is an untruthful and damaging narrative with a very long history in America.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'
Sources like SPLC make CNN look credible.
I read your article, and it’s boring dribble. You always string a bunch of shit together, because you can’t come up with your own thoughts. If you are such an expert, then write something of your own. Your OP is shit. You don’t like how someone white treated you, handle your business. But don’t group all whites together, and tell anyone that’s not racism. I’m hip to your bullshit, and see right through you. So does everyone else here.

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You don't see shit. The OP is fact. Drop that dumb shit about lumping all whites together dumb ass. The article references white supremacists. Didn't you say in an earlier post that not all whites are white supremacisrs? So which one is it bitch, oops Butch? And the article is supported by historical fact. All your crying doesn't change those facts. I will handle white racism how I choose to. And if I am on an internet forum in the race and racism section, I will discuss white racism from the perspective of being black. Not how your white ass tells me I should.
Is that Black Rage I detect?

Just like Al Sharpton or Farakan. Or in this case,maybe Fred G. Sanford dummies. The majority of whites are not white supremacisrs. Agreed.

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The OP is not about what a white person thinks about how many whites are white supremacists. It is about the lie white created by white supremacists about black violence. This belief apparently is not held only by white supremacists. And Butch, you aren't degrading me because you try comparing me to blacks your white ass doesn't like. You can only mention the names of 4-5 blacks. To your dumb white ass every black person who speaks out against your racism is Sharpton or Farrakhan. To a lot of black people this is a compliment.

Exactly. Racists would defend and embrace them. Holocaust survivors are not as angry as you. But they were white, so they probably don’t count in your mind. They are still on the top of the hot list, by white supremacists, even though they are white. They never experienced racism according to you. But they are aware that the concept of racism doesn’t just apply to them.

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Racists hate Sharpton and Farrakhan. Whites do not get to determine what's right for us. And you're wrong. Blacks are the ones attacked the most. Jews are of all races and there are white jews who are racists. And why do you white people want to act like nobody should be mad at how whites have treated them, but whites can be mad at anyone they want. And as a person of color I'm fully aware of how others of color have faced the same racism we have. And from the same source.

But, the whole thing here is the OP. And the OP is not about your opinion son. It is about the history of a false narrative about blacks and no one else.
There are just some things that simply are not true.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'

The idea that black people are wantonly attacking white people in some sort of quiet race war is an untruthful and damaging narrative with a very long history in America.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'
Sources like SPLC make CNN look credible.

The SPLC is an excellent source. Only white racists have a problem with them.
The post-war years: The Pioneer Fund fuels race science
White supremacy is stubbornly resistant and adaptable. Indisputable racial progress was made during the mid-twentieth century, yet racists found new strategies to justify their ideology, defend racist policies and blame racial inequality on black pathology.

During the most active years of the Civil Rights Movement — as white supremacists watched their efforts to maintain segregation fail with the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision, the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and Voting Rights Acts in 1965 — they found a new way to demonstrate that black people were, in fact, inferior: the language of genetics.

“Advances in genetics, particularly the discovery of the double helix [structure of DNA] in 1953, confirmed the complexity of human heredity and continued to undercut the simplistic theories of eugenicists and other racial scientists who advanced the idea of a fixed racial taxonomy,” Michael Yudell, a scholar of bioethics and public health, explained in 2011. Yet, he continued, it also introduced language and methodology that could be “exploited and manipulated” by racists.[13]

Genetics provided white supremacists with a potent tool to argue that racial differences were scientifically based, inherited and thus immutable. Factors as far ranging as intelligence, health, impulsivity and criminality, racist academics argued, were based on genetic markers that varied by race.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'
The politics of the Pioneer Fund
Draper’s fervent belief in eugenics was matched by those of the Fund’s first president, Harry Laughlin, a legal scholar whose work inspired Nazi sterilization programs.

Though Harry F. Weyher, Jr., a New York attorney who became the Pioneer Fund’s president in 1958, claimed the fund’s “sole activity” was to conduct disinterested scholarly research, it was a political project from the outset.

After the Brown v. Board of Education decision outlawed school segregation, Draper began quietly funding efforts to fight subsequent civil rights legislation. By 1964, he anonymously donated nearly $215,000 (more than $1.7 million in 2018 dollars) to the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission, a state-run agency created to oppose federal civil rights legislation, counter the work of anti-racist activists and preserve segregation.

From the Sovereignty Commission, Draper’s donations were moved into the coffers of the Coordinating Committee for Fundamental American Freedoms, a nationwide initiative aimed at countering federal civil rights initiatives, which it called “$100 Billion Blackjack” in one newspaper ad.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'
God Damn, you hate white people.

is it because were smarter than you?

Yes - White people as a group have been smarter than black people as a group.

Why ? Because we live under a system of racism-white supremacy. Some were down the line we (Black people) fked up. The white man never done a Rambo on Africa (At First). He never done a Rambo on the native Indians in the USA (At first). It's always been deception and lies.

Smarter does not mean superior or better. Don't get me wrong; White people can't stand each other. Your families are hotbed of all types of fked up shit.

But one thing whites do agree on is maintaining a global system of white supremacy
I was just kidding with the whole "smarter than you" bit.

It's not really a "smarter" thing. It's a matter of focus and emphasis.

Take this, for example:


Contrary to bullshit popular belief, the single greatest factor in improving intelligence is education. Sure, genetics matter, but IQ is not a genetics thing. It is simply a matter of cultural values. East Asian cultures value education above all else. It's not a mistake that #1-6 are East Asian. Most of Western Europe has a similar focus. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the U.S. are mostly made up of Western Europeans, maintaining the same cultural focus.

The above table shows that your theory that living under a "system of white racism" causes lower IQ is false. It's not a race or genetics issue. It's not a racism issue. It's a culture issue.

Garrett Morgan was so smart that his creative thinking saved millions of lives in WWI.

Thomas Edison wouldn't be SHIT without Lewis Latimer.

The only reason we are able to eat seafood in Dallas is because of the brilliance of Fredrick McKinley Jones.

Clarence Thomas' legal writing is brilliant. He (a black guy) is a hero to me for his intellect. Go check out his concurring opinion in McDonald v. Chicago.

Race is clearly not the issue.

Ask yourself this:

Have you ever called anyone, or heard anyone called a "school boy" or a "sucka" because he/she was focused on education? That ain't white racism causing black people to put social pressure on each other to deliberately be dumb.

Have you ever antagonized a black person for being "too white" or talking like a white person (which usually means speaking proper English)?

Do you know what we white people say about other white people who don't speak proper English? They are universally considered stupid before they finish their first sentence.

All social pressure in white culture encourages and rewards being smarter and better educated, and ostracizes the Whiskey Tangos (WT--white trash) who speak like Jed Clampett. But, it's even MORE so in Asian cultures.

At the same time, it seems a lot of the social pressure in black culture demonizes the very things that make people successful. Black culture praises ignorant sounding ghetto-slang and criticizes "white" speak. Calling another black person a "sell out" or an "Uncle Tom" or criticizing any other black person who rightfully puts the blame where the blame belongs, is not helpful, and CERTAINLY is NOT a system of white racism.

That's really what this thread is all about. Deflection of fault.

God Damn, you hate white people.

is it because were smarter than you?

Yes - White people as a group have been smarter than black people as a group.

Why ? Because we live under a system of racism-white supremacy. Some were down the line we (Black people) fked up. The white man never done a Rambo on Africa (At First). He never done a Rambo on the native Indians in the USA (At first). It's always been deception and lies.

Smarter does not mean superior or better. Don't get me wrong; White people can't stand each other. Your families are hotbed of all types of fked up shit.

But one thing whites do agree on is maintaining a global system of white supremacy
I was just kidding with the whole "smarter than you" bit.

It's not really a "smarter" thing. It's a matter of focus and emphasis.

Take this, for example:


Contrary to bullshit popular belief, the single greatest factor in improving intelligence is education. Sure, genetics matter, but IQ is not a genetics thing. It is simply a matter of cultural values. East Asian cultures value education above all else. It's not a mistake that #1-6 are East Asian. Most of Western Europe has a similar focus. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the U.S. are mostly made up of Western Europeans, maintaining the same cultural focus.

The above table shows that your theory that living under a "system of white racism" causes lower IQ is false. It's not a race or genetics issue. It's not a racism issue. It's a culture issue.

Garrett Morgan was so smart that his creative thinking saved millions of lives in WWI.

Thomas Edison wouldn't be SHIT without Lewis Latimer.

The only reason we are able to eat seafood in Dallas is because of the brilliance of Fredrick McKinley Jones.

Clarence Thomas' legal writing is brilliant. He (a black guy) is a hero to me for his intellect. Go check out his concurring opinion in McDonald v. Chicago.

Race is clearly not the issue.

Ask yourself this:

Have you ever called anyone, or heard anyone called a "school boy" or a "sucka" because he/she was focused on education? That ain't white racism causing black people to put social pressure on each other to deliberately be dumb.

Have you ever antagonized a black person for being "too white" or talking like a white person (which usually means speaking proper English)?

Do you know what we white people say about other white people who don't speak proper English? They are universally considered stupid before they finish their first sentence.

All social pressure in white culture encourages and rewards being smarter and better educated, and ostracizes the Whiskey Tangos (WT--white trash) who speak like Jed Clampett. But, it's even MORE so in Asian cultures.

At the same time, it seems a lot of the social pressure in black culture demonizes the very things that make people successful. Black culture praises ignorant sounding ghetto-slang and criticizes "white" speak. Calling another black person a "sell out" or an "Uncle Tom" or criticizing any other black person who rightfully puts the blame where the blame belongs, is not helpful, and CERTAINLY is NOT a system of white racism.

That's really what this thread is all about. Deflection of fault.

Clarence Thomas is not a favorite in the black community. He is not brilliant and it's funny how consistently you guys suggest self hating blacks who suffer from internalized racism to us as examples of how we should see things. Seriously, Clarence Thomas suffers from a mental disorder.

This thread is not about deflection of fault. But that is what you are doing. This thread is not about your opinion of black people. Black culture values the same things as white culture. We all know what blacks have accomplished and your opinion is rendered to a lie by the fact that each of the blacks here are well educated professionals or retired former professionals. I have never been told I was acting white. Oprah is far more sucessful and brilliant than Thomas is not considered an Uncle Tom or sellout.

Thomas and other blacks who present anti black opinions while denying the racism they face to curry favor with whites are called such things. What I have learned is that if you stand for something you will be respected across the lines of race.

Now this thread is not called the stupid white mans opinion of black culture. There are things written about in the OP that were actually done. If you cannot discuss the OP, leave. The next off topic post you place in this thread will be reported.
Funding racism through scholarship
While the Pioneer Fund was privately operating in the political realm, its main project was to support the work of academics who focused on the intersection of race, genetics and public policy. The fund’s academic recipients worked in some of the nation’s premier research universities. Many of the main purveyors of racism in America were not men in hoods or mobs of angry Southerners blocking the entrances to schools, but well-educated professionals who were the epitome of middle-class respectability.

One of those men was Stanford professor William Shockley, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956 for his work on the transistor only to later become an ardent and outspoken eugenicist.

Shockley began his descent into scientific racism in 1965 with a lecture at that year’s Nobel conference on “Genetics and the Future of Man,” which argued that black Americans were suffering from “dysgenesis” — the theory that reproduction among those with substandard genetic makeup would eventually lead to the cognitive decline of an entire population.

Two years later he supplied a glowing review of a book called Race and Reality, which argued that allowing universal suffrage “to states or communities with high percentages of a retarded race is suicidal.”[24][25][26][27][28][29][30]J. Philippe Rushton, who managed the Fund between 2002 and 2012, argued in his work that black men had smaller brains, which was inversely correlated with the size of their genitals (his department at the University of Western Ontario reprimanded him in 1988 for conducting a survey in which he asked 150 men questions like “How large is your penis?” and “How far can you ejaculate?” at a shopping mall).[31]Richard Lynn, a professor at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland who took over the Pioneer Fund after Rushton’s death, wrote in 1974 that “If the evolutionary process is to bring its benefits, it has to be allowed to operate effectively. This means that incompetent societies have to be allowed to go to the wall… What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the populations of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of ‘phasing out’ of such peoples.”[32][33][34]

Mankind Quarterly took eugenicist thinking and flavored it with academic jargon to provide a veneer of legitimacy. This helped to enforce a self-referential “scientific” community among academic racists: they had a platform for their more outlandish work and could cite one another to create the appearance of scholarly consensus. Nevermind that the journal’s articles on the inherited mental capacities of different races were far outside the scientific mainstream.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'

What we see here is a pattern of racist beliefs taught as part of academics. So whites made up a lies and then tried making that lie into fact by the use of statistics and flawed research. And as we will see, this is not just a thing of the past done only by our great -great grandparents before we were born. It also shows generational participant by whites as a collective, not just a few individuals. And as we will see, whites today are continuing to do it.
Clarence Thomas is not a favorite in the black community. He is not brilliant and it's funny how consistently you guys suggest self hating blacks who suffer from internalized racism to us as examples of how we should see things. Seriously, Clarence Thomas suffers from a mental disorder.
This is the EXACT attitude I am talking about.

Clarance is a school boy. He's a sucka. Uncle Tom. Ain't down for the struggle.

There is no hope for black folks, with this attitude.

Continue being intellectual inferiors and crying racism. It just makes it easier to give ZERO fucks.


Funding racism through scholarship
While the Pioneer Fund was privately operating in the political realm, its main project was to support the work of academics who focused on the intersection of race, genetics and public policy. The fund’s academic recipients worked in some of the nation’s premier research universities. Many of the main purveyors of racism in America were not men in hoods or mobs of angry Southerners blocking the entrances to schools, but well-educated professionals who were the epitome of middle-class respectability.

One of those men was Stanford professor William Shockley, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956 for his work on the transistor only to later become an ardent and outspoken eugenicist.

Shockley began his descent into scientific racism in 1965 with a lecture at that year’s Nobel conference on “Genetics and the Future of Man,” which argued that black Americans were suffering from “dysgenesis” — the theory that reproduction among those with substandard genetic makeup would eventually lead to the cognitive decline of an entire population.

Two years later he supplied a glowing review of a book called Race and Reality, which argued that allowing universal suffrage “to states or communities with high percentages of a retarded race is suicidal.”[24][25][26][27][28][29][30]J. Philippe Rushton, who managed the Fund between 2002 and 2012, argued in his work that black men had smaller brains, which was inversely correlated with the size of their genitals (his department at the University of Western Ontario reprimanded him in 1988 for conducting a survey in which he asked 150 men questions like “How large is your penis?” and “How far can you ejaculate?” at a shopping mall).[31]Richard Lynn, a professor at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland who took over the Pioneer Fund after Rushton’s death, wrote in 1974 that “If the evolutionary process is to bring its benefits, it has to be allowed to operate effectively. This means that incompetent societies have to be allowed to go to the wall… What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the populations of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of ‘phasing out’ of such peoples.”[32][33][34]

Mankind Quarterly took eugenicist thinking and flavored it with academic jargon to provide a veneer of legitimacy. This helped to enforce a self-referential “scientific” community among academic racists: they had a platform for their more outlandish work and could cite one another to create the appearance of scholarly consensus. Nevermind that the journal’s articles on the inherited mental capacities of different races were far outside the scientific mainstream.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'

What we see here is a pattern of racist beliefs taught as part of academics. So whites made up a lies and then tried making that lie into fact by the use of statistics and flawed research. And as we will see, this is not just a thing of the past done only by our great -great grandparents before we were born. It also shows generational participant by whites as a collective, not just a few individuals. And as we will see, whites today are continuing to do it.
Truck load of bullshit.

Black people are stupid because they reject black success.

Continue being stupid. Just fuck off with your racism bullshit.

Clarence Thomas is not a favorite in the black community. He is not brilliant and it's funny how consistently you guys suggest self hating blacks who suffer from internalized racism to us as examples of how we should see things. Seriously, Clarence Thomas suffers from a mental disorder.
This is the EXACT attitude I am talking about.

Clarance is a school boy. He's a sucka. Uncle Tom. Ain't down for the struggle.

There is no hope for black folks, with this attitude.

Continue being intellectual inferiors and crying racism. It just makes it easier to give ZERO fucks.



No one gives a dam what your white ass thinks.

There are millions of black who have been sucessful who are not considered sellouts or toms. We only lose hope when we adopt the attitude of Clarence Thomas.
Funding racism through scholarship
While the Pioneer Fund was privately operating in the political realm, its main project was to support the work of academics who focused on the intersection of race, genetics and public policy. The fund’s academic recipients worked in some of the nation’s premier research universities. Many of the main purveyors of racism in America were not men in hoods or mobs of angry Southerners blocking the entrances to schools, but well-educated professionals who were the epitome of middle-class respectability.

One of those men was Stanford professor William Shockley, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956 for his work on the transistor only to later become an ardent and outspoken eugenicist.

Shockley began his descent into scientific racism in 1965 with a lecture at that year’s Nobel conference on “Genetics and the Future of Man,” which argued that black Americans were suffering from “dysgenesis” — the theory that reproduction among those with substandard genetic makeup would eventually lead to the cognitive decline of an entire population.

Two years later he supplied a glowing review of a book called Race and Reality, which argued that allowing universal suffrage “to states or communities with high percentages of a retarded race is suicidal.”[24][25][26][27][28][29][30]J. Philippe Rushton, who managed the Fund between 2002 and 2012, argued in his work that black men had smaller brains, which was inversely correlated with the size of their genitals (his department at the University of Western Ontario reprimanded him in 1988 for conducting a survey in which he asked 150 men questions like “How large is your penis?” and “How far can you ejaculate?” at a shopping mall).[31]Richard Lynn, a professor at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland who took over the Pioneer Fund after Rushton’s death, wrote in 1974 that “If the evolutionary process is to bring its benefits, it has to be allowed to operate effectively. This means that incompetent societies have to be allowed to go to the wall… What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the populations of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of ‘phasing out’ of such peoples.”[32][33][34]

Mankind Quarterly took eugenicist thinking and flavored it with academic jargon to provide a veneer of legitimacy. This helped to enforce a self-referential “scientific” community among academic racists: they had a platform for their more outlandish work and could cite one another to create the appearance of scholarly consensus. Nevermind that the journal’s articles on the inherited mental capacities of different races were far outside the scientific mainstream.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'

What we see here is a pattern of racist beliefs taught as part of academics. So whites made up a lies and then tried making that lie into fact by the use of statistics and flawed research. And as we will see, this is not just a thing of the past done only by our great -great grandparents before we were born. It also shows generational participant by whites as a collective, not just a few individuals. And as we will see, whites today are continuing to do it.
Truck load of bullshit.

Black people are stupid because they reject black success.

Continue being stupid. Just fuck off with your racism bullshit.


You are a stupid white ---. Why do people emulate Oprah, Jay Z, Beyoncé, Spike Lee, Magic the businessman, and several million other successful blacks who didn't make it by sucking every white mans butthole to get there? Punk, I've helped build 3 organizations and no one has ever called me an tom or sellout. I got a masters degree sitting on my desk and no one told me I am acting white while I was working to get it. I am well respected in my community by all races of people because I don't sell out. So go fuck yourself racist. Because pointing out continuing white racism isn't racism. Stop whining.
No one gives a dam what your white ass thinks.
Then fuck off with your self-pity bitch-ass crying and kiss my white ass.

I told you the problems. I gave you examples of successful black people. You dismissed them. All you were thinking in your tiny ass-hurt brain was "racist white dude."

You're not interested in an honest, real conversation. You just want to blame whitey and feel sorry for yourself. So, fuck off. Good luck with your bullshit blame-game struggle.

The idea that black people are wantonly attacking white people in some sort of quiet race war is an untruthful and damaging narrative with a very long history in America.

More fiction from the white-hating race-baiter even as threads to the contrary right here prove him wrong.

Woman Charged With Murder After Shoving Elderly Man off Bus Who Asked Her to 'Be Nicer'

You can't take the truth boy?

Murder In Mississippi: An Unprovoked Racist Attack

White man charged with hate crimes after black customers shot dead

Hate Crimes Against Whites Equal Small Percentage

We all can find videos maggot .

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