Another Lie Debunked -SAT Test Scores


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This has long been a disingenuous argument used by those wanting to turn back the clock.

David Owen notes in None of the Above: Behind the Myth of Scholastic Aptitude (1985), the "correlation between SAT scores and college grades . . . is lower than the correlation between weight and height; in other words you would have a better chance of predicting a person's height by looking at his weight than you would of predicting his freshman grades by looking only at his SAT scores." Everywhere you look in the SAT story, the claims of fairness, objectivity, and neutrality fall away, to be replaced by suspicions of specialized measures and unfair advantages.

Against this background a point that in isolation might have a questionable force takes on a special and even explanatory resonance: the principal deviser of the test was an out-and-out racist. In 1923 Carl Campbell Brigham published a book called A Study of American Intelligence, in which, as Owen notes, he declared, among other things, that we faced in America "a possibility of racial admixture . . . infinitely worse than that faced by any European country today, for we are incorporating the Negro into our racial stock, while all of Europe is comparatively free of this taint." Brigham had earlier analyzed the Army Mental Tests using classifications drawn from another racist text, Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race, which divided American society into four distinct racial strains, with Nordic, blue-eyed, blond people at the pinnacle and the American Negro at the bottom. Nevertheless, in 1925 Brigham became a director of testing for the College Board, and developed the SAT. So here is the great SAT test, devised by a racist in order to confirm racist assumptions, measuring not native ability but cultural advantage,
an uncertain indicator of performance, an indicator of very little except what money and social privilege can buy. And it is in the name of this mechanism that we are asked to reject affirmative action and reaffirm "the importance of merit criteria in admissions."

Reverse Racism, or How the Pot Got to Call the Kettle Black
Another lesson is about to be taught by IM2.
SAT is racist?

In 1923 Carl Campbell Brigham published a book called A Study of American Intelligence, in which, as Owen notes, he declared, among other things, that we faced in America "a possibility of racial admixture . . . infinitely worse than that faced by any European country today, for we are incorporating the Negro into our racial stock, while all of Europe is comparatively free of this taint." Brigham had earlier analyzed the Army Mental Tests using classifications drawn from another racist text, Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race, which divided American society into four distinct racial strains, with Nordic, blue-eyed, blond people at the pinnacle and the American Negro at the bottom. Nevertheless, in 1925 Brigham became a director of testing for the College Board, and developed the SAT.
Another lesson is about to be taught by IM2.
IM2, have you ever even considered the possibility that you are just plain stupid?

Or that your stupidity might not be the fault of white people?
That 4.0 I got my last year of grad school says you're wrong.
Another lesson is about to be taught by IM2.
IM2, have you ever even considered the possibility that you are just plain stupid?

Or that your stupidity might not be the fault of white people?
That 4.0 I got my last year of grad school says you're wrong.
Can you name a single person here who believes that?

You have the vocabulary of a dull elementary school student and would likely misspell most of your words if you did not use spellcheck. We can tell.

Nobody here believes that you are not of far below average intelligence.

You dumb bigot, you are the stupidest USMB member.
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This has long been a disingenuous argument used by those wanting to turn back the clock.

David Owen notes in None of the Above: Behind the Myth of Scholastic Aptitude (1985), the "correlation between SAT scores and college grades . . . is lower than the correlation between weight and height; in other words you would have a better chance of predicting a person's height by looking at his weight than you would of predicting his freshman grades by looking only at his SAT scores." Everywhere you look in the SAT story, the claims of fairness, objectivity, and neutrality fall away, to be replaced by suspicions of specialized measures and unfair advantages.

Against this background a point that in isolation might have a questionable force takes on a special and even explanatory resonance: the principal deviser of the test was an out-and-out racist. In 1923 Carl Campbell Brigham published a book called A Study of American Intelligence, in which, as Owen notes, he declared, among other things, that we faced in America "a possibility of racial admixture . . . infinitely worse than that faced by any European country today, for we are incorporating the Negro into our racial stock, while all of Europe is comparatively free of this taint." Brigham had earlier analyzed the Army Mental Tests using classifications drawn from another racist text, Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race, which divided American society into four distinct racial strains, with Nordic, blue-eyed, blond people at the pinnacle and the American Negro at the bottom. Nevertheless, in 1925 Brigham became a director of testing for the College Board, and developed the SAT. So here is the great SAT test, devised by a racist in order to confirm racist assumptions, measuring not native ability but cultural advantage,
an uncertain indicator of performance, an indicator of very little except what money and social privilege can buy. And it is in the name of this mechanism that we are asked to reject affirmative action and reaffirm "the importance of merit criteria in admissions."

Reverse Racism, or How the Pot Got to Call the Kettle Black

Can you provide an example of a “racially biased” question on the SAT?
SAT is racist?

In 1923 Carl Campbell Brigham published a book called A Study of American Intelligence, in which, as Owen notes, he declared, among other things, that we faced in America "a possibility of racial admixture . . . infinitely worse than that faced by any European country today, for we are incorporating the Negro into our racial stock, while all of Europe is comparatively free of this taint." Brigham had earlier analyzed the Army Mental Tests using classifications drawn from another racist text, Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race, which divided American society into four distinct racial strains, with Nordic, blue-eyed, blond people at the pinnacle and the American Negro at the bottom. Nevertheless, in 1925 Brigham became a director of testing for the College Board, and developed the SAT.

Math and reading are racist...hmmmkay.
Can you provide an example of a “racially biased” question on the SAT?

If Rhett has six slaves and Scarlett has seven slaves, how many acres of cotton can they plant in a day?

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Women fail at the higher level of logic ability than men

The sat math test scores prove this

And liberal nations with the women voters the GDP scores are the lowest

Women voters destroys nations because they are fooled so easy by crooks

The founders were right.

Stop the women from voting or being on jury’s
This has long been a disingenuous argument used by those wanting to turn back the clock.

David Owen notes in None of the Above: Behind the Myth of Scholastic Aptitude (1985), the "correlation between SAT scores and college grades . . . is lower than the correlation between weight and height; in other words you would have a better chance of predicting a person's height by looking at his weight than you would of predicting his freshman grades by looking only at his SAT scores." Everywhere you look in the SAT story, the claims of fairness, objectivity, and neutrality fall away, to be replaced by suspicions of specialized measures and unfair advantages.


Or, maybe the grading in college is not fair and objective.
The people who do well on the SAT are smarter than the people who don't.


I want merit-based choice in everything. Especially colleges, which are being ruined by the bad rioters (with bad SAT scores, on minority scholarships) now attending in WAAAAY too many numbers.
UK study claims men have higher average I.Q. than women
Saturday, August 27, 2005

In a study accepted for publication by the British Journal of Psychology, Dr. Paul Irwing (Manchester Business School, Senior Lecturer in Organizational Psychology) and Prof. Richard Lynn (University of Ulster, Professor Emeritus) conclude that men are on average five points ahead on IQ tests. The study also found that men outnumbered women in increasing numbers as intelligence levels rise. There were twice as many with IQ scores of 125, a level typical for people with first-class degrees. When scores rose to 155, a level associated with genius, there were 5.5 men for every woman.
This has long been a disingenuous argument used by those wanting to turn back the clock.

David Owen notes in None of the Above: Behind the Myth of Scholastic Aptitude (1985), the "correlation between SAT scores and college grades . . . is lower than the correlation between weight and height; in other words you would have a better chance of predicting a person's height by looking at his weight than you would of predicting his freshman grades by looking only at his SAT scores." Everywhere you look in the SAT story, the claims of fairness, objectivity, and neutrality fall away, to be replaced by suspicions of specialized measures and unfair advantages.


Or, maybe the grading in college is not fair and objective.

Women gets the grades but fail when doing the sat math test in comparison to men

Which proves Educators are corrupt to the core

They will not explain the age voting pattern that proves conservatism is better than liberalism

And there is a massive gender diff on voting for Biden or Trump in swing state wisc 34% difference

That difference is very dangerous to this nation

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