Another liberal myth exposed

"The president's own administration has released a report which reveals that the United States has 26 percent of the world's technically recoverable conventional oil resources, and that's not including our enormous oil shale, tight oil and heavy oil resources. This report from the U.S. Geological Survey is vindication for anyone who thought that President Obama's claims ... are less than honest."

Read more: Republicans say new study belies Obama claim US has 2 percent of world oil | Fox News

It seems I am on this oil kick. Not true, just trying to do my part on exposing BHO for what he really is
Its not personal, we just need a new direction, this one is not working. If it was BHO would not be saying these things

Wow. We have all that oil. So, where is it?

The first obstacle one has to overcome is delivery. Obviously these issues are at the forefront of today's debate
The second thing is permitting. Much of this oil is on public land, these issues are also at the forefront of today's debates
George Bush's first order of business when he became president was to develop a national energy policy. He put Dick Cheney in charge.

Why, after eleven years is our only answer Drill, baby......drill?

Probably because drilling was prevented by the Democrats everywhere there was a proven find. Remember ANWR? And, Obama stopped 90% of the offshore drilling that Bush appoved in the Atlantic, Pacific Gulf and Alaska as soon as he took office.

Now do you understand?
"The president's own administration has released a report which reveals that the United States has 26 percent of the world's technically recoverable conventional oil resources, and that's not including our enormous oil shale, tight oil and heavy oil resources. This report from the U.S. Geological Survey is vindication for anyone who thought that President Obama's claims ... are less than honest."

Read more: Republicans say new study belies Obama claim US has 2 percent of world oil | Fox News

It seems I am on this oil kick. Not true, just trying to do my part on exposing BHO for what he really is
Its not personal, we just need a new direction, this one is not working. If it was BHO would not be saying these things

Wow. We have all that oil. So, where is it?

A million barrels a day would be coming out of ANWR today if not for the Democrats. Are you pretending that you don't know where the oil is or are you really that stupid?
George Bush's first order of business when he became president was to develop a national energy policy. He put Dick Cheney in charge.

Why, after eleven years is our only answer Drill, baby......drill?

What else would there be?
BTW GM still owes us billions, the volt is dead and there stock has fallen sense it had 50 billion in tax payers wealth pumped into it
OBL is dead because a very brave Navy Seal got after him as well as the people and policies put forth during GWB admin
I do give BHO credit for having the balls to get after him, but stating GM is a alive is an insult to the tax payer who still has billions owed to us from them
Bailout List: Banks, Auto Companies, and More | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica

The Republican view of a comprehensive energy policy is to have an energy committee comprised of Enron and Bush's oil buddies

Solar and wind were off the table, energy conservation was laughed was a closed door caucus to decide how we can give oil companies more profit.

Now you wonder why we are at the whim of the global oil cartel?
Do people realize that oil is a renewable resource?

Oil is basically decomposed organic matter and organic matter is decomposing as I post this.

In theory if one could speedup the decomposition process in organic matter one could produce oil. Hell, we could use the methane gas that landfills produce...
Do people realize that oil is a renewable resource?

Oil is basically decomposed organic matter and organic matter is decomposing as I post this.

In theory if one could speedup the decomposition process in organic matter one could produce oil. Hell, we could use the methane gas that landfills produce...

Or we could just increase research on biofuels
Do people realize that oil is a renewable resource?

Oil is basically decomposed organic matter and organic matter is decomposing as I post this.

In theory if one could speedup the decomposition process in organic matter one could produce oil. Hell, we could use the methane gas that landfills produce...

Or we could just increase research on biofuels

Bio fuels failed
We tried it and it almost broke some very large construction companies who invested allot of resources in chasing that dream

The issue with Bio is what component do you use? I am in full support of ethanol, 100%
When I drove race cars Alcohol was by far my favorite fuel class
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Do people realize that oil is a renewable resource?

Oil is basically decomposed organic matter and organic matter is decomposing as I post this.

In theory if one could speedup the decomposition process in organic matter one could produce oil. Hell, we could use the methane gas that landfills produce...

Or we could just increase research on biofuels

Bio fuels failed
We tried it and it almost broke some very large construction companies who invested allot of resources in chasing that dream

The issue with Bio is what component do you use? I am in full support of ethanol, 100%
When I drove race cars Alcohol was by far my favorite fuel class

This BioFuel Backlash: Mexico's Poor Riot Over Tortilla Shortage is the problem with that..
Or we could just increase research on biofuels

Bio fuels failed
We tried it and it almost broke some very large construction companies who invested allot of resources in chasing that dream

The issue with Bio is what component do you use? I am in full support of ethanol, 100%
When I drove race cars Alcohol was by far my favorite fuel class

This BioFuel Backlash: Mexico's Poor Riot Over Tortilla Shortage is the problem with that..

The problem with biofuels as we have been attacking it is we have been using ethanol from corn which is a food. We need to develop biofuels from waste plant matter which would be a renewable resource
Bio fuels failed
We tried it and it almost broke some very large construction companies who invested allot of resources in chasing that dream

The issue with Bio is what component do you use? I am in full support of ethanol, 100%
When I drove race cars Alcohol was by far my favorite fuel class

This BioFuel Backlash: Mexico's Poor Riot Over Tortilla Shortage is the problem with that..

The problem with biofuels as we have been attacking it is we have been using ethanol from corn which is a food. We need to develop biofuels from waste plant matter which would be a renewable resource

There lies the problem
we are a generation from even thinking that is a reality

The problem with biofuels as we have been attacking it is we have been using ethanol from corn which is a food. We need to develop biofuels from waste plant matter which would be a renewable resource

There lies the problem
we are a generation from even thinking that is a reality

DoesnT mean we stop trying.....same as other green energy as well as nuclear
The problem with biofuels as we have been attacking it is we have been using ethanol from corn which is a food. We need to develop biofuels from waste plant matter which would be a renewable resource

There lies the problem
we are a generation from even thinking that is a reality

DoesnT mean we stop trying.....same as other green energy as well as nuclear

We do not agree often, but Nuclear as well as natural gas
There lies the problem
we are a generation from even thinking that is a reality

DoesnT mean we stop trying.....same as other green energy as well as nuclear

We do not agree often, but Nuclear as well as natural gas

We need a balanced energy program not overly dependent on one source. Conservation can save a lot of money, but nobody makes money off of it so it gets ignored
JRK is a neo-con hack. We all know that. So I have not read anything here to this point other than the OP line. Riddle me this. Is JRK aware that under Obama we are drilling more than under Bush? And that the 2%/26% is a discussion of numbers and configurations, not differences?

I will vote for Romney, but I certainly do not want folks like JRK with any say in the next admin's policies.
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Solar and wind power will never generate more than a fraction of the energy needs of the United States. Since our standard of living is based on cheap energy, we either start drilling baby, drill, or start learning to live like other third world countries.
how stupid are you?

Oil will be gone one day.

We will survive it.

The sun will be here long after that.
DoesnT mean we stop trying.....same as other green energy as well as nuclear

We do not agree often, but Nuclear as well as natural gas

We need a balanced energy program not overly dependent on one source. Conservation can save a lot of money, but nobody makes money off of it so it gets ignored

A OTR truck that delivers the goods that keeps this country in food and all other items we use daily get 4 MPG
What we burn in our SUV is nothing

In one day a truck will burn 200 gallons. The new SUVs get 20 miles to the gallon and will not burn that much in 30-40 weeks

Its the same with a jet. It takes that much power to get hem big boys off of the ground

I think we have done a great job in improving fuel Mileage, in fact under GWB admin we mandated major improvements
Define "technically recoverable" in the context of Obama's claim.

Technically recoverable = oil Obama wants to pretend we do not have

The first "Oil Fracking " started in 1947 after WWII showed demand for other oil production assets such as oil sand.

And the "proven recoverable" oil Obama says when he uses statement the USA has 2% but uses 25% " as the arguement AGAINST "drill baby drill" was based on traditional drilling methods...not what is happening in ND, MT, etc. where oil shale production and "proven" reserves over over a trillion barrels of recoverable!

URL=""] [/URL]
FACT: OIL resources that USA uses 18,810,000 barrels / day.
FACT: 4.7 TRILLION BARRELS in USA that Obama could open up!
100 feet or less of Gulf 2.8 billion barrels
Virginia 0.3
Anwr Alaska 10.0
Bakken formation 3,600
CO,UT,WY 1,100
total 4,713 billion barrels or at above consumption rate 686 YEARS!!
U.S. oil resources: President Obama’s ‘non sequitur facts’ - The Washington Post

But Obama's against "Drill baby drill" apparently because he wants as he said his exact words.." Then he said to Brazil regarding oil purchases: "We'll be your best customers"

So what reason would Obama be in favor of the USA OWING foreign countries for OIL while at the same time turning down domestic OIL production royalties that would add over $100 trillion to the US treasury?

If we determined we needed oil for 300 years and exported the rest at $50 / barrel:
The USA could collect in exporting 2 trillion barrels at $50 a barrel $100 TRILLION!

Based on the above price a barrel of crude oil produced from an onshore lease were sold at the lease for $48, the royalty due would be 1/8 of the selling price or $6.00
1/8th of $50 per barrel is $6.25 a barrel in royalties Federal revenue on 4 trillion barrels= $25 trillion !

Industry Earnings

Disbursements and Reported Royalties
WHY would he want to take $100 TRILLION in TAX revenue from American oil companies??

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