Another Foreign Policy Failure


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "In the week following 9/11/12 something big happened: the collapse of the Cairo Doctrine, the centerpiece of President Obama’s foreign policy. It was to reset the very course of post-9/11 America, creating, after the (allegedly) brutal depredations of the Bush years, a profound rapprochement with the Islamic world.

2. ...Obama promised in Cairo, June 4, 2009, “a new beginning” offering Muslims “mutual respect,” unsubtly implying previous disrespect. Curious, as over the previous 20 years, America had six times committed its military forces on behalf of oppressed Muslims, three times for reasons of pure humanitarianism (Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo), where no U.S. interests were at stake.

3. First, he would cleanse by confession. Then he would heal. Why, given the unique sensitivities of his background — “my sister is half-Indonesian,” he proudly told an interviewer in 2007, amplifying on his exquisite appreciation of Islam — his very election would revolutionize relations.

4. And his policies of accommodation and concession would consolidate the gains...

5. ...a studied and stunning turning away from the Green Revolution; withdrawal from Iraq with no residual presence or influence; a fixed timetable for leaving Afghanistan; returning our ambassador to Damascus (with kind words for Bashar al-Assad — “a reformer,” suggested the secretary of state); deliberately creating distance between the United States and Israel.

6. These measures would raise our standing in the region, restore affection and respect for the United States and elicit new cooperation from Muslim lands.

7. It’s now three years since the Cairo speech. Look around. The Islamic world is convulsed with an explosion of anti-Americanism.

8. The administration, staggered and confused, blames it all on a 14-minute trailer for a film no one has seen and may not even exist.

9. Admit that its doctrinal premises were supremely naive and its policies deeply corrosive to American influence?

10. At their convention, Democrats endlessly congratulated themselves on their one foreign policy success: killing Osama bin Laden. A week later, the Salafist flag flies over four American embassies, even as the mob chants, “Obama, Obama, there are still a billion Osamas.”....A foreign policy in epic collapse. And, by the way, Vladimir Putin just expelled the U.S. Agency for International Development from Russia. Another thank you from another recipient of another grand Obama “reset.”
Charles Krauthammer: Collapse of the Cairo Doctrine - The Washington Post
The foreign policy of "Mutual Respect" doesn't seem to be working out very well in the Middle East or Northern Africa. We have embassies on fire and rioting as far away as Thailand.

Indeed the foreign policy is a dismal failure, akin the the economic policy and domestic policies. If the debates are to be fair, I am anxiously awaiting to hear the reasons why.
The foreign policy of "Mutual Respect" doesn't seem to be working out very well in the Middle East or Northern Africa. We have embassies on fire and rioting as far away as Thailand.

Indeed the foreign policy is a dismal failure, akin the the economic policy and domestic policies. If the debates are to be fair, I am anxiously awaiting to hear the reasons why.

We even had rioting at our embassy in London. I don't Obama has tied with Carter in who can project American impotence the fastest.
I honestly think this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

Well....we certainly need a better explanation.

I wrote this in another thread:

"You seem unhappy about this 'questioning' the behavior of "The One."

Can we agree that he seems to...what? more than 'considerate' of Muslims at the risk of behaving less than unequivocally with respect to the rest of the world.....?
That appears to be unarguable. No?

Therefore, I've posited a suggestion of a closer attachment with Muslims.....
...and constructed an OP that supports same.

I'd be more than happy to entertain, if you had the time, or interest, an alternate explanation.....

.....if there is one."

No responses from Obama supporters.

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