Another Fine Mess Obama's Gotten Us Into


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2009
Obama Says Private Sector Fine But State Governments Need Federal Help -

Leadership: An incoherent press conference and contradictory explanation show that if the president thinks the answer to job-killing federal policies is boosting state and local governments with borrowed money, we're really in trouble.

'Tone deaf" fails to describe President Obama's statement at Friday's press conference that "the private sector is doing fine," when median income is down 10% in three years, family net worth has plunged 39%, 23 million Americans are out of work and the official unemployment rate tops 8% for the 40th month in a row, the longest sustained period at that level since the Great Depression.

Ok, since you're the Clever Girl, maybe you can explain this to me. Republicans/Conservatives have been stressing the need for more private jobs and less people working for the government. Right? "Government jobs don't count, it's private jobs that matter." Isn't that right? So if that's the case, looking at the chart you provided, it would seem that private sector employment has been increasing steadily for 2 years now and the size of the federal government workforce has been decreasing for a year. Isn't this a good thing? What am I missing?

Ok, since you're the Clever Girl, maybe you can explain this to me. Republicans/Conservatives have been stressing the need for more private jobs and less people working for the government. Right? "Government jobs don't count, it's private jobs that matter." Isn't that right? So if that's the case, looking at the chart you provided, it would seem that private sector employment has been increasing steadily for 2 years now and the size of the federal government workforce has been decreasing for a year. Isn't this a good thing? What am I missing?

Private sector has been increasing at an anemic rate- What you are missing is an ability to decipher the difference between state and local government decline as compared to federal government increases. (see chart)
Obama Says Private Sector Fine But State Governments Need Federal Help -

Leadership: An incoherent press conference and contradictory explanation show that if the president thinks the answer to job-killing federal policies is boosting state and local governments with borrowed money, we're really in trouble.

'Tone deaf" fails to describe President Obama's statement at Friday's press conference that "the private sector is doing fine," when median income is down 10% in three years, family net worth has plunged 39%, 23 million Americans are out of work and the official unemployment rate tops 8% for the 40th month in a row, the longest sustained period at that level since the Great Depression.

So, if we decline public sector jobs and the private sector isnt hiring, what then? Oh, I know, end unemployment and food stamps! (Ok, that last part was snarky but I meant the first part. and the second :D)

Ok, since you're the Clever Girl, maybe you can explain this to me. Republicans/Conservatives have been stressing the need for more private jobs and less people working for the government. Right? "Government jobs don't count, it's private jobs that matter." Isn't that right? So if that's the case, looking at the chart you provided, it would seem that private sector employment has been increasing steadily for 2 years now and the size of the federal government workforce has been decreasing for a year. Isn't this a good thing? What am I missing?

Private sector has been increasing at an anemic rate- What you are missing is an ability to decipher the difference between state and local government decline as compared to federal government increases. (see chart)

But your chart does show federal employment now trending down, correct?
It also shows private employment trending up, correct?

Trending up for 2 years I'd add. So let me see if I have this right, you like the effects of Obamas policies, you just wish they would happen faster? Is that right?
Clueless is the word.

Jesus is that guy ever a failure as POTUS.

Clueless in what way?

The private sector has been seeing more profit during this time..then at any other time in recorded history..combined.

In other words..the private sector is generating far more wealth then is in your imagination.

They ARE doing fine.

What's your beef with this?
Ok, since you're the Clever Girl, maybe you can explain this to me. Republicans/Conservatives have been stressing the need for more private jobs and less people working for the government. Right? "Government jobs don't count, it's private jobs that matter." Isn't that right? So if that's the case, looking at the chart you provided, it would seem that private sector employment has been increasing steadily for 2 years now and the size of the federal government workforce has been decreasing for a year. Isn't this a good thing? What am I missing?

Private sector has been increasing at an anemic rate- What you are missing is an ability to decipher the difference between state and local government decline as compared to federal government increases. (see chart)

But your chart does show federal employment now trending down, correct?
It also shows private employment trending up, correct?

Trending up for 2 years I'd add. So let me see if I have this right, you like the effects of Obamas policies, you just wish they would happen faster? Is that right?

What you ignore is that this is the worst recovery in our history, thanks to a private sector stunned by Obama's radical Leftist policies:

Ok, since you're the Clever Girl, maybe you can explain this to me. Republicans/Conservatives have been stressing the need for more private jobs and less people working for the government. Right? "Government jobs don't count, it's private jobs that matter." Isn't that right? So if that's the case, looking at the chart you provided, it would seem that private sector employment has been increasing steadily for 2 years now and the size of the federal government workforce has been decreasing for a year. Isn't this a good thing? What am I missing?

Private sector has been increasing at an anemic rate- What you are missing is an ability to decipher the difference between state and local government decline as compared to federal government increases. (see chart)

But your chart does show federal employment now trending down, correct?
It also shows private employment trending up, correct?

Trending up for 2 years I'd add. So let me see if I have this right, you like the effects of Obamas policies, you just wish they would happen faster? Is that right?

My take is..she has no fucking idea what she is talking about..
[The Democrats said it and they meant it. Their intention is to help only those that will help them, the Union voter, the Government employee. The rest will be left to fend for themselves. Its the Chicago Way. If the Middle Class has lost 39% of its wealth, so be it. Get a Government Job. Don't try to make it on your own! We'll see to it that you don't! Why do you think we have Lisa Jackson and the EPA?]

"Democratic talking point, not a gaffe

Marc Thiessen points out that President Obama’s claim that the private sector is doing fine actually echoes the words of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid from eight months ago. Said Reid: “It’s very clear that private-sector jobs are doing just fine.”

So Obama’s statement isn’t a gaffe, but rather a window into the world view of the Democratic left.

As Thiessen shows, Obama and Reid have it precisely backwards. Government statistics show that the unemployment rate for government workers is 4.2 percent, far below the overall unemployment rate which exceeds 8 percent. Thus, it is the public sector that, comparatively speaking, is doing “fine.”

We can compare Obama’s “gaffe” to that of Mitt Romney, who famously declared that he is not concerned about the very poor, who have a safety net, or the very rich, but rather about “the very heart of the America, the 90 percent, 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling.” What Romney probably meant is that his focus as president will be on policies to boost the vast middle, rather than the very poor (who have thay safety net) and the very rich (who don’t need help)."

“The private sector is doing fine” — a Democratic talking point, not a gaffe | Power Line
Private sector has been increasing at an anemic rate- What you are missing is an ability to decipher the difference between state and local government decline as compared to federal government increases. (see chart)

But your chart does show federal employment now trending down, correct?
It also shows private employment trending up, correct?

Trending up for 2 years I'd add. So let me see if I have this right, you like the effects of Obamas policies, you just wish they would happen faster? Is that right?

What you ignore is that this is the worst recovery in our history, thanks to a private sector stunned by Obama's radical Leftist policies:


No it's not.
[The Democrats said it and they meant it. Their intention is to help only those that will help them, the Union voter, the Government employee. The rest will be left to fend for themselves. Its the Chicago Way. If the Middle Class has lost 39% of its wealth, so be it. Get a Government Job. Don't try to make it on your own! We'll see to it that you don't! Why do you think we have Lisa Jackson and the EPA?]

"Democratic talking point, not a gaffe

Marc Thiessen points out that President Obama’s claim that the private sector is doing fine actually echoes the words of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid from eight months ago. Said Reid: “It’s very clear that private-sector jobs are doing just fine.”

So Obama’s statement isn’t a gaffe, but rather a window into the world view of the Democratic left.

As Thiessen shows, Obama and Reid have it precisely backwards. Government statistics show that the unemployment rate for government workers is 4.2 percent, far below the overall unemployment rate which exceeds 8 percent. Thus, it is the public sector that, comparatively speaking, is doing “fine.”

We can compare Obama’s “gaffe” to that of Mitt Romney, who famously declared that he is not concerned about the very poor, who have a safety net, or the very rich, but rather about “the very heart of the America, the 90 percent, 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling.” What Romney probably meant is that his focus as president will be on policies to boost the vast middle, rather than the very poor (who have thay safety net) and the very rich (who don’t need help)."

“The private sector is doing fine” — a Democratic talking point, not a gaffe | Power Line

With one small exception, nothing in Romney's background indicates this to be true.

And that exception would be RomneyCare.

But your chart does show federal employment now trending down, correct?
It also shows private employment trending up, correct?

Trending up for 2 years I'd add. So let me see if I have this right, you like the effects of Obamas policies, you just wish they would happen faster? Is that right?

What you ignore is that this is the worst recovery in our history, thanks to a private sector stunned by Obama's radical Leftist policies:

No it's not.

Is too.

Would you at least admit we always have recoveries after downturns?

Then we can further examine the relative degree of suck of the Obama 'recovery' vs. prior recoveries.
Private sector has been increasing at an anemic rate- What you are missing is an ability to decipher the difference between state and local government decline as compared to federal government increases. (see chart)

But your chart does show federal employment now trending down, correct?
It also shows private employment trending up, correct?

Trending up for 2 years I'd add. So let me see if I have this right, you like the effects of Obamas policies, you just wish they would happen faster? Is that right?

What you ignore is that this is the worst recovery in our history

Why don't you show which other "recoveries" were better, since you seem to 'know' that this one is the worst.
Obama Says Private Sector Fine But State Governments Need Federal Help -

Leadership: An incoherent press conference and contradictory explanation show that if the president thinks the answer to job-killing federal policies is boosting state and local governments with borrowed money, we're really in trouble.

'Tone deaf" fails to describe President Obama's statement at Friday's press conference that "the private sector is doing fine," when median income is down 10% in three years, family net worth has plunged 39%, 23 million Americans are out of work and the official unemployment rate tops 8% for the 40th month in a row, the longest sustained period at that level since the Great Depression.

Ah Heritage. They always get creative with their graphs and numbers. Like in this case. The graph starts in December 2007. Was Obama President in 2007? Nope. So why are we talking about what Obama has done and starting at a time when he was President? Oh, you clever Heritage!

If we start when Obama is President, early 2009, then we see a different picture. We see state and local declining from the day he came in to office and we see a private sector that turned around and is higher than when he took office.

Oh, but what about the Federal government? They ballooned! I haven't seen that kind of rise in 10 years! Yup, not since the last Census. Those were temporary workers for the Census.

Heritage is being deceitful again, because if they were honest, they'd be talking about this:


Apparently the GOP only likes smaller government when they aren't in the White House.
What you ignore is that this is the worst recovery in our history, thanks to a private sector stunned by Obama's radical Leftist policies:

No it's not.

Is too.

Would you at least admit we always have recoveries after downturns?

Then we can further examine the relative degree of suck of the Obama 'recovery' vs. prior recoveries.

Yes. That's part of the business cycle.

And..insofar as profit goes..the private sector has rebounded rather nicely..
But your chart does show federal employment now trending down, correct?
It also shows private employment trending up, correct?

Trending up for 2 years I'd add. So let me see if I have this right, you like the effects of Obamas policies, you just wish they would happen faster? Is that right?

What you ignore is that this is the worst recovery in our history

Why don't you show which other "recoveries" were better, since you seem to 'know' that this one is the worst.

Look at the chart posted for an indication. You are welcome!
No it's not.

Is too.

Would you at least admit we always have recoveries after downturns?

Then we can further examine the relative degree of suck of the Obama 'recovery' vs. prior recoveries.

Yes. That's part of the business cycle.

And..insofar as profit goes..the private sector has rebounded rather nicely..

But we don't really measure recovery 'insofar as profit goes,' do we?


Good thread I hope cons are smart enough by now not to assume Obama is trying to do anything but collapse us in hopes of rebuilding us in the lefts' Marxist ideology. Its all in "Rules for Radicals", and admitted by half a dozen of hos staff over last decade in all their speeches shown by people like Beck who actually vetted the Marxist tyrant.
Pileup at the White House
By Dana Milbank, Published: June 11

It has been a Junius Horribilis for President Obama.

Job growth has stalled, the Democrats have been humiliated in Wisconsin, the attorney general is facing a contempt-of-Congress citation, talks with Pakistan have broken down, Bill Clinton is contradicting Obama, Mitt Romney is outraising him, Democrats and Republicans alike are complaining about a “cascade” of national-security leaks from his administration, and he is now on record as saying that the “private sector is doing fine.”

Could it get any worse?

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