Another feedback mechanism

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Huge waves measured for first time in Arctic Ocean | UW Today

His data show that winds in mid-September 2012 created waves of 5 meters (16 feet) high during the peak of the storm. The research also traces the sources of those big waves: high winds, which have always howled through the Arctic, combined with the new reality of open water in summer.

Satellites can give a rough estimate of wave heights, but they don’t give precise numbers for storm events. They also don’t do well for the sloppy, partially ice-covered waters that are common in the Arctic in summer.

Warming temperatures and bigger waves could act together on summer ice floes, Thomson said: “At this point, we don’t really know relative importance of these processes in future scenarios.”

Establishing that relationship could help to predict what will happen to the sea ice in the future and help forecast how long the ice-free channel will remain open each year.

The mechanical action of the waves on the remaining ice will break the ice into small peices with more surface area for the warming seas to act on. Plus, these waves also create pressure waves on the bottom, and could be a factor in clathrate release of methane.
Warming temperatures and bigger waves could act together on summer ice floes, Thomson said: “At this point, we don’t really know relative importance of these processes in future scenarios.”
That's a good summation of all this the Global Warming Hysteria:

"We Really Don't Know".
Warming temperatures and bigger waves could act together on summer ice floes, Thomson said: “At this point, we don’t really know relative importance of these processes in future scenarios.”
That's a good summation of all this the Global Warming Hysteria:

"We Really Don't Know".

Good summation of the Dunnin-Kreuger effect. The scientists that know what they're talking about are honest and accurately describe the limitation of their knowledge in this instance. The ignorant, who don't, claim that there exist only two possible states: complete awareness and total ignorance.
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Warming temperatures and bigger waves could act together on summer ice floes, Thomson said: “At this point, we don’t really know relative importance of these processes in future scenarios.”
That's a good summation of all this the Global Warming Hysteria:

"We Really Don't Know".

Good summation of the Dunnin-Kreuger effect. The scientists that know what they're talking about are honest and accurately describe the limitation of their knowledge in this instance. The ignorant, who don't, claim that there exist only two possible states: complete awareness and total ignorance.
I've seen Scientists and Advocates say things like this for quite a long time:

"We're getting closer to the cure!"
"We're learning more!"
"We're almost there!"

And it always means the same thing: "We need more money!"

Yes, some scientists do discover new things. We call this "results".

Global Warming Advocates aren't getting any results and the general public are catching on to the fact that world temps have been stable. And even if they weren't stable they've gone up and down over the centuries even without Fossil Fuels.

You Global Warming Alarmists sound no different than the Sunday Preachers who claim the end of the World is near, so you better make a donation NOW!
Warming temperatures and bigger waves could act together on summer ice floes, Thomson said: “At this point, we don’t really know relative importance of these processes in future scenarios.”
That's a good summation of all this the Global Warming Hysteria:

"We Really Don't Know".

Good summation of the Dunnin-Kreuger effect. The scientists that know what they're talking about are honest and accurately describe the limitation of their knowledge in this instance. The ignorant, who don't, claim that there exist only two possible states: complete awareness and total ignorance.

This from an AGW cult member that promotes a religious stance of only one possibility..
I've seen Scientists and Advocates say things like this for quite a long time:

"We're getting closer to the cure!"
"We're learning more!"
"We're almost there!"

And it always means the same thing: "We need more money!"

Understand that the crooks you use as sources are not representative of scientists. Your side is corrupt, we get that, but don't project your own corruption on to honest people.

Yes, some scientists do discover new things. We call this "results".

And global warming science delivers results. Contrary to your cult's conspiracy fables, AGW scientists been pegging the science dead on for decades. That's why AGW science has such credibility. In contrast, your cult can't even be said to be failing at the science, because it actively refuses to do any science.

Global Warming Advocates aren't getting any results and the general public are catching on to the fact that world temps have been stable. And even if they weren't stable they've gone up and down over the centuries even without Fossil Fuels.

You Global Warming Alarmists sound no different than the Sunday Preachers who claim the end of the World is near, so you better make a donation NOW!

You parrot your cult's mantras with skill, but you don't do any science, and you just plain stink at logic. That's why the planet considers you to be a joke. I don't have to ask if that bothers you, given how it clearly does. In response to the laughter directed at you, you'll yell your mantras louder, you'll wave your hands around with more energy, but you still won't do any science. Hence, you're going nowhere. The science has left you far behind. Enjoy the joke status you've earned.
I've seen Scientists and Advocates say things like this for quite a long time:

"We're getting closer to the cure!"
"We're learning more!"
"We're almost there!"

And it always means the same thing: "We need more money!"

Understand that the crooks you use as sources are not representative of scientists. Your side is corrupt, we get that, but don't project your own corruption on to honest people.

Yes, some scientists do discover new things. We call this "results".

And global warming science delivers results. Contrary to your cult's conspiracy fables, AGW scientists been pegging the science dead on for decades. That's why AGW science has such credibility. In contrast, your cult can't even be said to be failing at the science, because it actively refuses to do any science.

Global Warming Advocates aren't getting any results and the general public are catching on to the fact that world temps have been stable. And even if they weren't stable they've gone up and down over the centuries even without Fossil Fuels.

You Global Warming Alarmists sound no different than the Sunday Preachers who claim the end of the World is near, so you better make a donation NOW!

You parrot your cult's mantras with skill, but you don't do any science, and you just plain stink at logic. That's why the planet considers you to be a joke. I don't have to ask if that bothers you, given how it clearly does. In response to the laughter directed at you, you'll yell your mantras louder, you'll wave your hands around with more energy, but you still won't do any science. Hence, you're going nowhere. The science has left you far behind. Enjoy the joke status you've earned.

Then please show us the experiment that shows 120PPM of CO2 does anything to temperatures. 10 PPM, 40, 280, don't care pick a rate and let's see what the temperatures do. PLEASE, before you continue with the same BS day after day, hour after hour. LoSiNG

BTW, it is called a challenge. I challenge you to prove that any rate of CO2 causes a temperature increase. Challenge ON
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Warming temperatures and bigger waves could act together on summer ice floes, Thomson said: “At this point, we don’t really know relative importance of these processes in future scenarios.”
That's a good summation of all this the Global Warming Hysteria:

"We Really Don't Know".

Good summation of the Dunnin-Kreuger effect. The scientists that know what they're talking about are honest and accurately describe the limitation of their knowledge in this instance. The ignorant, who don't, claim that there exist only two possible states: complete awareness and total ignorance.

:lol::lol::lol: CAGW is a cult built on maybes. Maybes that haven't occurred and based on historical fact CAN'T happen. No methane catastrophe, no New York under water...none of the terrible things you all say will happen happened back then when it was warmer and won't happen now.

Get used to it. Your prophets were wrong.
That's a good summation of all this the Global Warming Hysteria:

"We Really Don't Know".

Good summation of the Dunnin-Kreuger effect. The scientists that know what they're talking about are honest and accurately describe the limitation of their knowledge in this instance. The ignorant, who don't, claim that there exist only two possible states: complete awareness and total ignorance.

CAGW is a cult built on maybes. Maybes that haven't occurred and based on historical fact CAN'T happen. No methane catastrophe, no New York under water...none of the terrible things you all say will happen happened back then when it was warmer and won't happen now.

Get used to it. Your prophets were wrong.

CAGW is a straw man construct of deniers. AGW is a scientific theory with an enormous amount of supporting evidence and, as a result, very widespread acceptance among climate experts. If you wish to characterize that as a "cult built on maybes" you need to throw the rest of science in to the same pot.
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Good summation of the Dunnin-Kreuger effect. The scientists that know what they're talking about are honest and accurately describe the limitation of their knowledge in this instance. The ignorant, who don't, claim that there exist only two possible states: complete awareness and total ignorance.

CAGW is a cult built on maybes. Maybes that haven't occurred and based on historical fact CAN'T happen. No methane catastrophe, no New York under water...none of the terrible things you all say will happen happened back then when it was warmer and won't happen now.

Get used to it. Your prophets were wrong.

CAGW is a straw man construct of deniers. AGW is a scientific theory with an enormous amount of supporting evidence and, as a result, very widespread acceptance among climate experts. If you wish to characterize that as a "cult built on maybes" you need to throw the rest of science in to the same pot.

No, no it's not. It is a fraud that for some has morphed into a cult religion. There IS no science behind it. None. There is some science fiction, but that is make believe so it doesn't count.
I've seen Scientists and Advocates say things like this for quite a long time:

"We're getting closer to the cure!"
"We're learning more!"
"We're almost there!"

And it always means the same thing: "We need more money!"

Understand that the crooks you use as sources are not representative of scientists. Your side is corrupt, we get that, but don't project your own corruption on to honest people.

And global warming science delivers results. Contrary to your cult's conspiracy fables, AGW scientists been pegging the science dead on for decades. That's why AGW science has such credibility. In contrast, your cult can't even be said to be failing at the science, because it actively refuses to do any science.

Global Warming Advocates aren't getting any results and the general public are catching on to the fact that world temps have been stable. And even if they weren't stable they've gone up and down over the centuries even without Fossil Fuels.

You Global Warming Alarmists sound no different than the Sunday Preachers who claim the end of the World is near, so you better make a donation NOW!

You parrot your cult's mantras with skill, but you don't do any science, and you just plain stink at logic. That's why the planet considers you to be a joke. I don't have to ask if that bothers you, given how it clearly does. In response to the laughter directed at you, you'll yell your mantras louder, you'll wave your hands around with more energy, but you still won't do any science. Hence, you're going nowhere. The science has left you far behind. Enjoy the joke status you've earned.

Then please show us the experiment that shows 120PPM of CO2 does anything to temperatures. 10 PPM, 40, 280, don't care pick a rate and let's see what the temperatures do. PLEASE, before you continue with the same BS day after day, hour after hour. LoSiNG

BTW, it is called a challenge. I challenge you to prove that any rate of CO2 causes a temperature increase. Challenge ON

Another hopeless willfully ignorant dumb fuck. The differance between continental glaciers and an interglacial period, such as the one we currently enjoy, is 100 ppm of CO2. Presently we have added 120 ppm above the 280 ppm that is normal for an interglacial. And we are starting to see the effects.
CAGW is a cult built on maybes. Maybes that haven't occurred and based on historical fact CAN'T happen. No methane catastrophe, no New York under water...none of the terrible things you all say will happen happened back then when it was warmer and won't happen now.

Get used to it. Your prophets were wrong.

CAGW is a straw man construct of deniers. AGW is a scientific theory with an enormous amount of supporting evidence and, as a result, very widespread acceptance among climate experts. If you wish to characterize that as a "cult built on maybes" you need to throw the rest of science in to the same pot.

No, no it's not. It is a fraud that for some has morphed into a cult religion. There IS no science behind it. None. There is some science fiction, but that is make believe so it doesn't count.

So and internet poiser trying to pass himself off as a scientist states. And just because every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world says otherwise just proves it is all a massive conspiracy. Couldn't be that said poiser is more than a brick short of a load, could it?
Not being a raging narcissist myself, I understand that I'm capable of error. If the whole world disagrees with my gut feeling, then my gut feeling is probably wrong.

Deniers, alas, tend to be narcissists. If someone disagrees with them, then by definition that person must be evil, lying, and part of conspiracy. The possibility that they themselves may have erred is not even considered.

And they're great guys to hang out with. Right up until you disagree with them about anything, at which point they show their true faces.
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