LAKE Im splitting my sides laughing!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
20 degrees below normal for July!!!

Lake Michigan Upwelling | Blogs

My sides hurt from laughing. Global warming? Ummmmm..............I think not!!

Meanwhile, what are the global warming menatl cases posting up? Links of broken heat 1/20th of one degree!!!

So lets see........May and June globally were hotter by 1/20th of a degree compared to the old record. And Lake Superior is colder by 20 degrees!!!

Gigantor time for the skeptics.................. :D:D:2up::2up::fu::fu::fu:
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This is simply not true. It is not 20 degrees colder. I live near it. This is a false. Why post garbage like this unless you live near it? Clueless.
Where I live we usually get 6 weeks of cold, 6 weeks of hot and the rest is pretty nice within reason (40-90 degrees F). This year we didn't even turn on the AC till two weeks ago. And ran it for a week, and it's been off all the rest of the time.
I've been running my A/C since December of 2006.

Where do you live?

Not in Chicago. One week ran my air, still off since last Thursday. 60 degrees last evening at 9:00pm
It was 10 degrees above freezing at Dulles airport last week. The radical extortion left stopped calling it "global warming" even if they still promote the fake science but instead they call it "climate change" and still blame the US.
And here in Oregon, Washington, and California, we are having a very warm summer, and a record fire season. 300 homes destroyed in just one fire. Several fires measured in hundreds of square miles burned.

NWCC :: Home
And here in Oregon, Washington, and California, we are having a very warm summer, and a record fire season. 300 homes destroyed in just one fire. Several fires measured in hundreds of square miles burned.

NWCC :: Home

What are you the scare-crow? Your arms are over there, your legs are over there, and your mid section is over there? LOL.... again dude, you sure are funny!!!!
It was 10 degrees above freezing at Dulles airport last week. The radical extortion left stopped calling it "global warming" even if they still promote the fake science but instead they call it "climate change" and still blame the US.

The cool weather explained:
'Polar Vortex' in July? Not So Fast. But It Will Be Chilly in Midwest, Northeast Next Week
It's more accurate to say that the anomalously cold air is related to the circumpolar vortex in the troposphere, the lower layer of the atmosphere, which is a pattern of winds that feature a broad, irregular generally west-to-east flow around the pole, rather than a flow that's consistently centered right at the pole like the stratospheric polar vortex.
Within that curvy irregular flow are troughs -- dips in the jet stream toward the equator -- and ridges of high pressure.
"Filaments of the bottom section of the polar vortex, near the jet stream level, routinely extend into the mid-latitudes, often giving us our coldest outbreaks in winter and anomalously cold air in the summer," explains Dr. Greg Postel, storm specialist at The Weather Channel.
"This is what we're seeing now, and what we frequently see in the winter."
Because of that, what we'll see next week is a trough, a dip in the jet stream that's actually a lobe of the tropospheric circumpolar vortex -- like a spoke on a wheel. As Stu Ostro, senior meteorologist for The Weather Channel, notes, it's a strong one for this far south in the middle of the North American summer.
"But it's just a spoke, and there will be other troughs next week over the Atlantic and Eurasia and the Pacific, as there are constantly troughs/spokes (and ridges between the troughs) around the world," he adds. "The thing over the Great Lakes is not the whole wheel, and is just a little component of the tropospheric circumpolar vortex, and is not the stratospheric polar vortex."
'Polar Vortex' in July? Not So Fast. But It Will Be Chilly in Midwest, Northeast Next Week -

Yup, it's a conspiracy alright.
Another k00k unable to tell the difference between weather and climate and clueless as to what GLOBAL means
Another k00k unable to tell the difference between weather and climate and clueless as to what GLOBAL means

So please explain it to us. Why is weather not climate? Isn't climate a summatioin of weather events and patterns? So isn't weather a part of climate? I'm interested in your definition of climate vs weather.

And global. Please explain what that means there isn't one thermometer for the globe, it is every available one set in the specifics of the globe, technically not global. Since 71% of the earth is ocean, this is really tough to do. so explain your term of global.
Climate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Climate is a measure of the average pattern of variation in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological variables in a given region over long periods of time. Climate is different from weather, in that weather only describes the short-term conditions of these variables in a given region
Another k00k unable to tell the difference between weather and climate and clueless as to what GLOBAL means

Hmmm........but then why do the AGW climate k00ks fall all over themselves to post up a weather anomoly when it hits?? Hurricane shit......tornado never ends.

Anyway:D:D:D......doesnt matter one way or another. Nobody gives a crap about the whole climate change shit anyway.

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