Another Debate Audience Recites Pledge when Moderator says "no!"

The NAZIs were big supporters of pledges and loyalty oaths, too.

Before you swear alligiance to something you'd best know that by doing so your are setting yourself up to either recant that pledge or find yourself beholden to a promise you'd rather not keep.

Will your sworn alligiance really keep you from fighting back if, as but one example, the government becomes Marxist or fascist?

Probably not, right? And good for you, too

Except that means that you'll be recanting your promised alliagiance, too, won't it?

Think long and hard about making promises about loyalty when you do not KNOW who that promise will demand you to be loyal to in the future.

Do you get this! They are comparing those who want to say the pledge with NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The wraps are off people and liberals are revealing EXACTLY WHO THEY ARE. They always do this when the stress gets to them.

The election day is looming closer and closer. The closer it gets and the more people display their defiance of the liberal order, the more liberals are going to be stressed and reveal their fury and contempt for the country.

Keep this up liberals. Tuesday is coming and you are going to see a LOT of defiance in the election booth. A whole lot of it! :D

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."





"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
The Pledge is very patriotic and all Americans should do it because we owe our gratitude to the United States and its military in which men and women have sacrificed themselves to ensure we have a democracy and freedom. Allegiance to the U.S. is key to its survival as a nation. The reason the founders made it clear in Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the constitution that our president be a Natural Born Citizen was to ensure that he hold no allegiances to any other government but that of the United States. We should always say the pledge of allegiance as well as our children every morning in school as we all use to when we were young.

Liberals don't like us saying a pledge to the country. They think our pledge should be to their messiah Obama!

so sam you realize the picture I showed was of american school children right?
[Keep this up liberals. Tuesday is coming and you are going to see a LOT of defiance in the election booth. A whole lot of it!

As the Tea Party stomps on the republican faces, and takes their seats. Yeah, it is looking bad for replugs. Real bad..................
The Pledge is very patriotic and all Americans should do it because we owe our gratitude to the United States and its military in which men and women have sacrificed themselves to ensure we have a democracy and freedom. Allegiance to the U.S. is key to its survival as a nation. The reason the founders made it clear in Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the constitution that our president be a Natural Born Citizen was to ensure that he hold no allegiances to any other government but that of the United States. We should always say the pledge of allegiance as well as our children every morning in school as we all use to when we were young.

Liberals don't like us saying a pledge to the country. They think our pledge should be to their messiah Obama!


the founders idea of liberty was sedition or nullification of all laws coming from a tyrannical washington while you neocons idea is to pledge to its never ending greatness
Figures the neocons like teapartysam cheer on the socialist pledge meant to brainwash children into unquestioned love of whatever their government does.

Pledge of Allegiance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

compelled allegiance to liberty!

Oh man, when a fool starts blathering just get out of their way and let 'em!


so no rebuttal? are you aware of the history of the pledge and its purpose?

Yeah, it's a big conspiracy! Wikipedia says so!

Like I said. When a fool starts blathering just get out of the way!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the republic for which it stands,
one nation under God,
with liberty and justice for all.
People who take themselves seriously do not make oaths, promises, or swear alligiance to things lightly.

Not to things which they KNOW can change and then they'd be stuck defending something they object to, at least.

Taking oaths of alligiance do not prove that people are patriots, folks.

Every scoundrel on earth will say whatever it takes to gain your confidence.

Sunshine patriots abound in this nation.

They ain't worth a pimple on a real patriots ass.

Do you hear the contempt and arrogance dripping from every syllable of this?

THIS is what your average liberal thinks of the country and of those who love the country.

Election day is getting closer and the liberals have taken their masks off to reveal who they really are.

Remember this when you go vote.

Tuesday is coming liberals!

I can't thank you enough for helping me reveal the true nature of liberalism. Thank you liberals!

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, FRANCIS BELLAMY, EDWARD BELLAMY, LOOKING BACKWARD - The Nazi salute's origin in the USA. Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance, Swastika, Holocaust, Inquisition, Ju

enjoy your big government and brainwashed kids, I will personally never recite the pledge and my children will learn the truth of the pledge when they become old enough to understand it and its true intent

Bellamy salute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You heard it here first. He/she equates the Pledge of Allegiance with Zeig Heil!

THIS is your modern liberal!

Need I say more?

Thanks for proving me right blu!


the picture is of kids in America reciting the pledge its original form, with the Bellamy salute, not nazis. thanks for proving my point though seeing how you equated the american school children instantly with nazis

Yeah because Wikipedia says so!

its funny how teapartysam associates unquestioning loyalty to the biggest government in the world with being a small gov conservative... mind boggling...

It's funny how liberals think we should be unquestioning of Obama, YET we can't say the pledge!

didn't you know its patriotic to recite the pledge written for the purpose of uniting the people in order to bring about a military run socialist nation?



again I will ask: do you know the history of the pledge? what I stated is exactly why it was written


"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."





We better lock up people who say it!


You are welcome to say the pledge wherever you please. I would prefer if you don't stand up in the middle of a movie or in church or while I'm trying to have a quiet dinner.

The rules of the debate were understood by both parties. As was the requirement for the audience to remain silent until the debate was over. If one party wanted to have the audience recite the pledge he could have gotten the rules changed.

To pull a stunt like this during the debate was a pathetic attempt at grandstanding and was, if anything using the pledge of allegience for political purposes
The Pledge is very patriotic and all Americans should do it because we owe our gratitude to the United States and its military in which men and women have sacrificed themselves to ensure we have a democracy and freedom. Allegiance to the U.S. is key to its survival as a nation. The reason the founders made it clear in Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the constitution that our president be a Natural Born Citizen was to ensure that he hold no allegiances to any other government but that of the United States. We should always say the pledge of allegiance as well as our children every morning in school as we all use to when we were young.

Liberals don't like us saying a pledge to the country. They think our pledge should be to their messiah Obama!


the founders idea of liberty was sedition or nullification of all laws coming from a tyrannical washington while you neocons idea is to pledge to its never ending greatness

Yeah, that's what the Pledge Means! Yeah right! :cuckoo:

You are welcome to say the pledge wherever you please. I would prefer if you don't stand up in the middle of a movie or in church or while I'm trying to have a quiet dinner.

The rules of the debate were understood by both parties. As was the requirement for the audience to remain silent until the debate was over. If one party wanted to have the audience recite the pledge he could have gotten the rules changed.

To pull a stunt like this during the debate was a pathetic attempt at grandstanding and was, if anything using the pledge of allegience for political purposes

Yeah, it's "grandstanding" to say the pledge!

You heard it here liberals!

Keep this up! Tuesday is coming!


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