Another Debate Audience Recites Pledge when Moderator says "no!"

Wow... when the public wakes up, they sure wake up fast... and are highly offended it seems.

I think that this election is the least of the left's worries, for the whole world is waking up and seeing what mischief they've been up to.
Wow... when the public wakes up, they sure wake up fast... and are highly offended it seems.

I think that this election is the least of the left's worries, for the whole world is waking up and seeing what mischief they've been up to.

Your "who turned out the lights" avitar is quite fitting.
Wow... when the public wakes up, they sure wake up fast... and are highly offended it seems.

I think that this election is the least of the left's worries, for the whole world is waking up and seeing what mischief they've been up to.

Your "who turned out the lights" avitar is quite fitting.
Ah yes. the Vashta Nerada. The "Shadows that Melt Flesh". Mmm yeah, really good. Keep the image in mind as it may turn out they find liberals very tasty.
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The League of Women Voters has been doing these debates for decades. They are the most respected and neutral organization for sponsoring these debates.
As such, they demand a certain decorum from the audience. The audience is there to observe and observe only. They are not to perform public displays, they are not to cheer, they are not to heckle. The ground rules are spelled out before the audience enters

For Murphy to grandstand and ask for the pledge was outside the agreed to scope of the debate and a blatant attempt to wrap himself in the flag. The League of Women Voters was correct in turning down his request

Can you explain why pledge has to be requested in advance?
She's another Soros sock puppet
...And, there's little-chance the person who initiated The Pledge was a Teabagger, right?? :rolleyes:

"The crowd’s reaction “was an American moment, that’s what that was,” he said."

....And, ANOTHER herd o' 'Baggers have fulfilled their patriotic-duties for another (actual) thinking OR work REQUIRED!!


didn't you know its patriotic to recite the pledge written for the purpose of uniting the people in order to bring about a military run socialist nation?
From what I've seen.....'Baggers efforts are limited to symbolism.

When you challenge them to fire-up the gray-matter, they end-up stumbling around, in the dark. :rolleyes:


The NAZIs were big supporters of pledges and loyalty oaths, too.

Before you swear alligiance to something you'd best know that by doing so your are setting yourself up to either recant that pledge or find yourself beholden to a promise you'd rather not keep.

Will your sworn alligiance really keep you from fighting back if, as but one example, the government becomes Marxist or fascist?

Probably not, right? And good for you, too

Except that means that you'll be recanting your promised alliagiance, too, won't it?

Think long and hard about making promises about loyalty when you do not KNOW who that promise will demand you to be loyal to in the future.
Wow... when the public wakes up, they sure wake up fast... and are highly offended it seems.

I think that this election is the least of the left's worries, for the whole world is waking up and seeing what mischief they've been up to.

Your "who turned out the lights" avitar is quite fitting.
Ah yes. the Vashta Nerada. The "Shadows that Melt Flesh". Mmm yeah, really good. Keep the image in mind as it may turn out they find liberals very tasty.

from what I recall it did not care whether liberal or conservative.
The NAZIs were big supporters of pledges and loyalty oaths, too.

Before you swear alligiance to something you'd best know that by doing so your are setting yourself up to either recant that pledge or find yourself beholden to a promise you'd rather not keep.

Will your sworn alligiance really keep you from fighting back if, as but one example, the government becomes Marxist or fascist?

Probably not, right? And good for you, too

Except that means that you'll be recanting your promised alliagiance, too, won't it?

Think long and hard about making promises about loyalty when you do not KNOW who that promise will demand you to be loyal to in the future.

yea its weird how supposedly small government conservatives love their oath of blind allegiance to the biggest government in the world
The League of Women Voters has been doing these debates for decades. They are the most respected and neutral organization for sponsoring these debates.
As such, they demand a certain decorum from the audience. The audience is there to observe and observe only. They are not to perform public displays, they are not to cheer, they are not to heckle. The ground rules are spelled out before the audience enters

For Murphy to grandstand and ask for the pledge was outside the agreed to scope of the debate and a blatant attempt to wrap himself in the flag. The League of Women Voters was correct in turning down his request

Oh get this! It's "grandstanding" to say the Pledge of Allegiance!

You heard it here first everyone!

This is the voice of liberalism in all it's non glory and non intelligence!

Keep this up 'till election day liberals. It's going to be fun in the coming weeks after as you try to find someone besides yourselves to blame for why you lost!

Go audience. Go.

And you KNOW these displays disturb liberals deeply. If the people refuse to listen to "authority" and say the pledge anyway, why, why, they just might refuse to vote for them as well! :eek:

I can't WAIT for Tuesday! :D

The recent actions of League of Women Voters puts it far far far outside the mainstream and needs to stop sponsoring these debates.

Quite the contrary. I hope they keep right on sponsoring these debates and we keep on PISSIN' EM OFF with spontaneous pledges of allegiance.

The more the people take the initiative, the stronger we, and this nation become! ;)

The Pledge is very patriotic and all Americans should do it because we owe our gratitude to the United States and its military in which men and women have sacrificed themselves to ensure we have a democracy and freedom. Allegiance to the U.S. is key to its survival as a nation. The reason the founders made it clear in Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the constitution that our president be a Natural Born Citizen was to ensure that he hold no allegiances to any other government but that of the United States. We should always say the pledge of allegiance as well as our children every morning in school as we all use to when we were young.

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