Another Celebrity Needs to be DixieChicked

Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

No it didn't. It started before the 70s.

If you were alive in the 60s you would have heard tons of anti war and anti LBJ songs and chants.

The most memorable chant was Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? And One, Two, Three, Four, We don't want your fuckin war.

If you turned on your radio you would have heard songs like For What It's Worth by The Buffalo Springfield with Steve Stills singing about how the government oppressed the war protesters.

It was recorded in 1966 and was on the radio in 1967:

The Beatles stared singing and speaking out against the war in their songs in the 60s too.

Then there's Bob Dylan who wrote and released many anti war and government songs in the 60s.

In fact there were tons of anti war and anti government songs in the 60s.

It didn't start in the 70s.

I must be older than you. Read my post again. I didn't say it started in the 70's.

I'm 59 years old.

I was born toward the end of the baby boom.

I grew up with rock and roll and music as a very big influence on me and my life. I started playing a musical instrument when I was in 3rd grade.

I grew up during the 60s and 70s. It was a very interesting time.

Sorry if I misunderstood what you posted.

I was near the end of the baby boom and the 70's was full of artist and disco was coming on the scene. I hated disco at the time today, some of it I like, I graduated high school in 78 took a year off and then went to college. Music played a big part in my life then and still does today.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

No it didn't. It started before the 70s.

If you were alive in the 60s you would have heard tons of anti war and anti LBJ songs and chants.

The most memorable chant was Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? And One, Two, Three, Four, We don't want your fuckin war.

If you turned on your radio you would have heard songs like For What It's Worth by The Buffalo Springfield with Steve Stills singing about how the government oppressed the war protesters.

It was recorded in 1966 and was on the radio in 1967:

The Beatles stared singing and speaking out against the war in their songs in the 60s too.

Then there's Bob Dylan who wrote and released many anti war and government songs in the 60s.

In fact there were tons of anti war and anti government songs in the 60s.

It didn't start in the 70s.

I must be older than you. Read my post again. I didn't say it started in the 70's.

I'm 59 years old.

I was born toward the end of the baby boom.

I grew up with rock and roll and music as a very big influence on me and my life. I started playing a musical instrument when I was in 3rd grade.

I grew up during the 60s and 70s. It was a very interesting time.

Sorry if I misunderstood what you posted.

I want to see Taylor Swift do 1/3 of this.

Taylor Swift doesn't do that. It's not her type of music. You can't expect her to do a style of music that she doesn't normally do.

My personal music taste is with Nugent. When other kids were sleeping with their favorite blanket or stuffed toy, I was sleeping with my radio on my pillow next to my ear turned on to the best music ever made, rock and roll.

I have never been a fan of bubble gum drivel. That's what Ms. Swift does.

Just because it's different music doesn't mean one is better than the other. Just personal taste in music.
I don’t listen to Swift, I also don’t really care what her politics are. I feel the same about Ted Nugent. Most are self absorbed and take themselves way to seriously, they are only entertainers, not much else.

I don't listen to her music either. She started out I country western and I so don't like that music then she went to the music she's doing now which is mostly bubble gum drivel.

However I do like that song You Need To Calm Down.

I've worked with ted nugent. He's nothing like Ms. Swift. He's a rude and angry man. All he did backstage was rant about liberals and insult everyone .

On top of he's deadbeat. He tried to stiff me on his bill with me. He had no problem calling me names and insulting me and people like me but when it came to my photography, he and his manager insisted that I take photos. I didn't want to but ended up doing it just to shut them up.

I worked with that man once. Never again.

He never learned to not insult your fans or the photographer they beg to cover the show.

While I don't like the man, I like his music. I always have. He's a gifted musician and guitar player. While I don't like him and would never work with him again, I listen to and enjoy his music.

I don't let personalities or politics get in the way of good music.

fortunately for me I do not like nugent OR his music.

I'm a lifetime rock and roller. It's my favorite music.

I don't like Ted Nugent the man but I do like his music.

I like rock however not his, I like Styx, Boston, Led Zeppelin, Yes, Genesis, The Who, Rush, Jethro Tull, Eagles, The Guess Who, ELP, ELO and on and on. As I got I began to like the Big Bands, Country, R&B, Classical, Electronic and lots of other genres. Never liked Opera or Rap. My favorite will always be Classic 70's Rock. The last few days I have been listening to Meatloaf. He was quite the composer.

I've worked with all those bands except ELO and Boston. I worked with Robert Plant alone once when he was doing the Honeydrippers stuff and I worked with him and Jimmy Page twice. I've worked not only with Genesis but with Phil Collins alone. I didn't work the whole band The Guess Who but with Burton Cummings, the singer.

I have always loved R&B. I flew to the other side of the continent to work with Aretha Franklin and consider it just as much an honor as working with Paul McCartney. I've worked with Diana Ross and so many other R&B or Motown artists. Even Stevie Wonder.

I have loved classical music since I was a child. I started playing it on a clarinet when I was in 3rd grade. I taught myself how to play a guitar a few years later. I was one of the few who when we were sent to symphonies who actually enjoyed the music. Motzart was considered trash music in his time and he wasn't respected as the musical genius we do now.

I can't stand country western music. And the audience. I'll take a heavy metal band audience over a country western one. I've covered their shows. Wow. Those fans in the audience are nothing like any other audience I've ever experienced and I prefer NOT to experience a country western audience ever again.

I'm with you on opera. I have never liked opera. It's like fingernails going over a chalkboard to my ears.

I like some rap but not interested in it enough to listen to it beyond what my children inflict on me. LOL.

I started listening to Meatloaf in the 70s because of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. His first album was the only good one though. He had a very good voice. It's too bad he wasted it.

While I love a lot of different types of music, rock and roll is my favorite and what I listen to.
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

No it didn't. It started before the 70s.

If you were alive in the 60s you would have heard tons of anti war and anti LBJ songs and chants.

The most memorable chant was Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? And One, Two, Three, Four, We don't want your fuckin war.

If you turned on your radio you would have heard songs like For What It's Worth by The Buffalo Springfield with Steve Stills singing about how the government oppressed the war protesters.

It was recorded in 1966 and was on the radio in 1967:

The Beatles stared singing and speaking out against the war in their songs in the 60s too.

Then there's Bob Dylan who wrote and released many anti war and government songs in the 60s.

In fact there were tons of anti war and anti government songs in the 60s.

It didn't start in the 70s.

I must be older than you. Read my post again. I didn't say it started in the 70's.

I'm 59 years old.

I was born toward the end of the baby boom.

I grew up with rock and roll and music as a very big influence on me and my life. I started playing a musical instrument when I was in 3rd grade.

I grew up during the 60s and 70s. It was a very interesting time.

Sorry if I misunderstood what you posted.

I want to see Taylor Swift do 1/3 of this.

how about taylor swift vs this one?

Excellent song.
No it didn't. It started before the 70s.

If you were alive in the 60s you would have heard tons of anti war and anti LBJ songs and chants.

The most memorable chant was Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? And One, Two, Three, Four, We don't want your fuckin war.

If you turned on your radio you would have heard songs like For What It's Worth by The Buffalo Springfield with Steve Stills singing about how the government oppressed the war protesters.

It was recorded in 1966 and was on the radio in 1967:

The Beatles stared singing and speaking out against the war in their songs in the 60s too.

Then there's Bob Dylan who wrote and released many anti war and government songs in the 60s.

In fact there were tons of anti war and anti government songs in the 60s.

It didn't start in the 70s.

I must be older than you. Read my post again. I didn't say it started in the 70's.

I'm 59 years old.

I was born toward the end of the baby boom.

I grew up with rock and roll and music as a very big influence on me and my life. I started playing a musical instrument when I was in 3rd grade.

I grew up during the 60s and 70s. It was a very interesting time.

Sorry if I misunderstood what you posted.

I want to see Taylor Swift do 1/3 of this.

how about taylor swift vs this one?

Excellent song.

it is in the top five of songs of all time. let little taylor sing her transgender song and see the hit it would be. nothing even on the planet with that song.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

No it didn't. It started before the 70s.

If you were alive in the 60s you would have heard tons of anti war and anti LBJ songs and chants.

The most memorable chant was Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? And One, Two, Three, Four, We don't want your fuckin war.

If you turned on your radio you would have heard songs like For What It's Worth by The Buffalo Springfield with Steve Stills singing about how the government oppressed the war protesters.

It was recorded in 1966 and was on the radio in 1967:

The Beatles stared singing and speaking out against the war in their songs in the 60s too.

Then there's Bob Dylan who wrote and released many anti war and government songs in the 60s.

In fact there were tons of anti war and anti government songs in the 60s.

It didn't start in the 70s.

I must be older than you. Read my post again. I didn't say it started in the 70's.

I'm 59 years old.

I was born toward the end of the baby boom.

I grew up with rock and roll and music as a very big influence on me and my life. I started playing a musical instrument when I was in 3rd grade.

I grew up during the 60s and 70s. It was a very interesting time.

Sorry if I misunderstood what you posted.

I was near the end of the baby boom and the 70's was full of artist and disco was coming on the scene. I hated disco at the time today, some of it I like, I graduated high school in 78 took a year off and then went to college. Music played a big part in my life then and still does today.

OMG we are the same age. I graduated high school in 1978. I took time off before I went to college too. I worked in the field I got my degree in until only the mid 90s. By then, the photography had taken over. I have no formal education in photography beyond growing up with a camera in my hands half the time.

I hate disco. Always have. Always will.

In that time the radio station I listened to had a DJ who was on a campaign to wipe disco out in our lifetimes. Steve Slaton and good old KISW. Everyday he had his disco destruction, portion of his show where he blew up a disco record or would run the needle all over the records etc. He waged war with the Bee Gees. LOL It was funny.

One of my sisters loves disco so I had to listen to it from her in those times. I was the one with the good music, rock and roll.
I must be older than you. Read my post again. I didn't say it started in the 70's.

I'm 59 years old.

I was born toward the end of the baby boom.

I grew up with rock and roll and music as a very big influence on me and my life. I started playing a musical instrument when I was in 3rd grade.

I grew up during the 60s and 70s. It was a very interesting time.

Sorry if I misunderstood what you posted.

I want to see Taylor Swift do 1/3 of this.

how about taylor swift vs this one?

Excellent song.

it is in the top five of songs of all time. let little taylor sing her transgender song and see the hit it would be. nothing even on the planet with that song.

I just don't see it the way you do.

It's just different music.

My preference is Nugent.

I see both has having talent in what they do.
I'm 59 years old.

I was born toward the end of the baby boom.

I grew up with rock and roll and music as a very big influence on me and my life. I started playing a musical instrument when I was in 3rd grade.

I grew up during the 60s and 70s. It was a very interesting time.

Sorry if I misunderstood what you posted.

I want to see Taylor Swift do 1/3 of this.

how about taylor swift vs this one?

Excellent song.

it is in the top five of songs of all time. let little taylor sing her transgender song and see the hit it would be. nothing even on the planet with that song.

I just don't see it the way you do.

It's just different music.

My preference is Nugent.

I see both has having talent in what they do.

I want to see her play the guitar like that.
How is what she did any different than what Ted Nugent does?
explain? I'm not following your connection.

Yes you do.
name a song ted did where he made a point of bringing it out as politics?

Ted Nugent is washed up. Taylor Swift is to. She is past the height of her career and needs Trump to matter. Colbert salvaged his career using Trump. Many have, and others have done the same in the past. No one but like minded folk listen to anything from Ted Nugent if it ain't "stranglehold". No one listens to Taylor Swift unless it "shake it off".
Ted Nugent isn't washed up, not at all. only in a dream. He packs stadiums still today. He's an outspoken american. he loves to hunt, hates gun grabbers and Peta. Now AOC with the cow fart thing. I don't know, he reaches out to make a statement. I don't criticize Swift, I merely point out the awards show mouth off as unintelligent. Not the right venue.

And judging by its ratings, not a real effective one either.
How is what she did any different than what Ted Nugent does?
explain? I'm not following your connection.

Yes you do.
name a song ted did where he made a point of bringing it out as politics?

Ted Nugent is washed up. Taylor Swift is to. She is past the height of her career and needs Trump to matter. Colbert salvaged his career using Trump. Many have, and others have done the same in the past. No one but like minded folk listen to anything from Ted Nugent if it ain't "stranglehold". No one listens to Taylor Swift unless it "shake it off".

#2 highest grossing tour last year. I imagine all artists wish they were that washed up.

So? They went to hear her sing "shake it off" not listen to political proselytizing.
How is what she did any different than what Ted Nugent does?
explain? I'm not following your connection.

Yes you do.
name a song ted did where he made a point of bringing it out as politics?

Ted Nugent is washed up. Taylor Swift is to. She is past the height of her career and needs Trump to matter. Colbert salvaged his career using Trump. Many have, and others have done the same in the past. No one but like minded folk listen to anything from Ted Nugent if it ain't "stranglehold". No one listens to Taylor Swift unless it "shake it off".

Yeah, that is why she took home so many VMAs

Oooooooooo, VMA's! Those matter allot! Except it doesn't.
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

No it didn't. It started before the 70s.

If you were alive in the 60s you would have heard tons of anti war and anti LBJ songs and chants.

The most memorable chant was Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? And One, Two, Three, Four, We don't want your fuckin war.

If you turned on your radio you would have heard songs like For What It's Worth by The Buffalo Springfield with Steve Stills singing about how the government oppressed the war protesters.

It was recorded in 1966 and was on the radio in 1967:

The Beatles stared singing and speaking out against the war in their songs in the 60s too.

Then there's Bob Dylan who wrote and released many anti war and government songs in the 60s.

In fact there were tons of anti war and anti government songs in the 60s.

It didn't start in the 70s.

I must be older than you. Read my post again. I didn't say it started in the 70's.

I'm 59 years old.

I was born toward the end of the baby boom.

I grew up with rock and roll and music as a very big influence on me and my life. I started playing a musical instrument when I was in 3rd grade.

I grew up during the 60s and 70s. It was a very interesting time.

Sorry if I misunderstood what you posted.

I was near the end of the baby boom and the 70's was full of artist and disco was coming on the scene. I hated disco at the time today, some of it I like, I graduated high school in 78 took a year off and then went to college. Music played a big part in my life then and still does today.

OMG we are the same age. I graduated high school in 1978. I took time off before I went to college too. I worked in the field I got my degree in until only the mid 90s. By then, the photography had taken over. I have no formal education in photography beyond growing up with a camera in my hands half the time.

I hate disco. Always have. Always will.

In that time the radio station I listened to had a DJ who was on a campaign to wipe disco out in our lifetimes. Steve Slaton and good old KISW. Everyday he had his disco destruction, portion of his show where he blew up a disco record or would run the needle all over the records etc. He waged war with the Bee Gees. LOL It was funny.

One of my sisters loves disco so I had to listen to it from her in those times. I was the one with the good music, rock and roll.

We're always high we're never straight, we're the class of 78. KGON was my station at the time. My girlfriend, and later my wife, loved disco, at the time I couldn't stand it. Never figured why we got together but it worked and it has been a great match ever since.
Whatever came after digital sampling sucks. I remember when musicians actually played their instruments and sang.

To all of you, let's go back to good, old fashioned rock and roll. Thanks to you all, I just went back to this time. Yardbirds, Spencer Davis, Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels. I was just dancing to Gimme Some Lovin'.

The Gibson that was gifted to me for my 12th birthday remains in my closet, as well as my Martin 12-string. and my Starburst Strat.

I remember when the Byrds came to my university. My stupid roommate would not let Jim McGuinn in because he didn't have a stage pass, and we were checking. I had to tell her that, without Jim McGuinn, we would not have a show.
explain? I'm not following your connection.

Yes you do.
name a song ted did where he made a point of bringing it out as politics?

Ted Nugent is washed up. Taylor Swift is to. She is past the height of her career and needs Trump to matter. Colbert salvaged his career using Trump. Many have, and others have done the same in the past. No one but like minded folk listen to anything from Ted Nugent if it ain't "stranglehold". No one listens to Taylor Swift unless it "shake it off".

Yeah, that is why she took home so many VMAs

Oooooooooo, VMA's! Those matter allot! Except it doesn't.

Seems to matter since that is the award show we are all talking about.

Yep, she is really on the downfall...

Taylor Swift's Reputation Stadium Tour Breaks Record for Highest-Grossing U.S. Tour

Taylor Swift closed out her Reputation Stadium Tour in spectacular fashion, breaking the record for the highest-grossing U.S. tour since Billboard Boxscore began tracking touring data in 1990. Domestically, the tour grossed $266.1 million and sold 2,068,399 tickets, besting The Rolling Stones' $245 million gross from their A Bigger Bang Tour in 2005-07. While The Stones achieved their then-record gross across 70 American shows, Swift stole the title in just 38.

oh and...

Taylor Swift's 'Lover' Lands 2019's Biggest Sales Week in U.S. After First Day of Release

After just one day on sale, Taylor Swift’s Lover album has already logged the biggest sales week of 2019 in the U.S. for an album.

You rubes are so damn funny.
Yes you do.
name a song ted did where he made a point of bringing it out as politics?

Ted Nugent is washed up. Taylor Swift is to. She is past the height of her career and needs Trump to matter. Colbert salvaged his career using Trump. Many have, and others have done the same in the past. No one but like minded folk listen to anything from Ted Nugent if it ain't "stranglehold". No one listens to Taylor Swift unless it "shake it off".

Yeah, that is why she took home so many VMAs

Oooooooooo, VMA's! Those matter allot! Except it doesn't.

Seems to matter since that is the award show we are all talking about.

Yep, she is really on the downfall...

Taylor Swift's Reputation Stadium Tour Breaks Record for Highest-Grossing U.S. Tour

Taylor Swift closed out her Reputation Stadium Tour in spectacular fashion, breaking the record for the highest-grossing U.S. tour since Billboard Boxscore began tracking touring data in 1990. Domestically, the tour grossed $266.1 million and sold 2,068,399 tickets, besting The Rolling Stones' $245 million gross from their A Bigger Bang Tour in 2005-07. While The Stones achieved their then-record gross across 70 American shows, Swift stole the title in just 38.

oh and...

Taylor Swift's 'Lover' Lands 2019's Biggest Sales Week in U.S. After First Day of Release

After just one day on sale, Taylor Swift’s Lover album has already logged the biggest sales week of 2019 in the U.S. for an album.

You rubes are so damn funny.

Not as funny as you TDS folks. Here again y'all put all your anti trump apples in some dumb blond twats basket. Notice you are arguing whether or not Taylor Swift is popular, and not her impact on anything? Says allot.
Not as funny as you TDS folks. Here again y'all put all your anti trump apples in some dumb blond twats basket. Notice you are arguing whether or not Taylor Swift is popular, and not her impact on anything? Says allot.

I am not arguing anything, you made a claim that was patently false, which I proved.

Nobody gives a fuck about what she said the other night except for you Trump know like the one that started this thread. Only you people are making a big deal about it.

She was attacked and lied about in this tread all because she made a pretty tame comment in regards to an on-line petition.

You people are the ones with the TDS...Trump Defense have to attack anyone and everyone that does not bow down and kiss his ass like you.
Unfortunately you don't get to pick your parents.

I do pity his poor children. Growing up with a dad that thinks women are inferior and in need of being commanded by their man.

Cool, I pity cucked fathers and husbands whom don’t have the nuts to lead their families.

So, do you have the balls to address your lies about her parents?

Well...are you suggesting that since her parents are from a town that firmly voted Hillary that they did as well? Are you suggesting that everyone who voted for Hillary is supportive of all things filth?

Also, why are you so insistent upon driving American society further into the shitter?
If a Browner, Gayer nation is one far more criminal why would Democrats encourage such a movement?

I am not suggesting a thing, I am calling you a fucking liar for making up shit about them being farmers.

And still so far the only “looney” things you have pointed to by her is not worshiping your god in the White house and daring to stand by a black person

Look it up bud...the LefTarded whore grew up on her parents christmas tree farm.
Unfortunately you don't get to pick your parents.

I do pity his poor children. Growing up with a dad that thinks women are inferior and in need of being commanded by their man.

Cool, I pity cucked fathers and husbands whom don’t have the nuts to lead their families.

So, do you have the balls to address your lies about her parents?

Well...are you suggesting that since her parents are from a town that firmly voted Hillary that they did as well? Are you suggesting that everyone who voted for Hillary is supportive of all things filth?

Also, why are you so insistent upon driving American society further into the shitter?
If a Browner, Gayer nation is one far more criminal why would Democrats encourage such a movement?

I am not suggesting a thing, I am calling you a fucking liar for making up shit about them being farmers.

And still so far the only “looney” things you have pointed to by her is not worshiping your god in the White house and daring to stand by a black person

Again, why do you always seem to really get behind anything and everything with filth potential? Why are you so insistent upon driving American society further into the shitter? What kind of America do you want your children to grow up in? You are plain fucking weird.
If a Browner, Gayer nation is one far more criminal why would Democrats encourage such a movement?
I do pity his poor children. Growing up with a dad that thinks women are inferior and in need of being commanded by their man.

Cool, I pity cucked fathers and husbands whom don’t have the nuts to lead their families.

So, do you have the balls to address your lies about her parents?

Well...are you suggesting that since her parents are from a town that firmly voted Hillary that they did as well? Are you suggesting that everyone who voted for Hillary is supportive of all things filth?

Also, why are you so insistent upon driving American society further into the shitter?
If a Browner, Gayer nation is one far more criminal why would Democrats encourage such a movement?

I am not suggesting a thing, I am calling you a fucking liar for making up shit about them being farmers.

And still so far the only “looney” things you have pointed to by her is not worshiping your god in the White house and daring to stand by a black person

Look it up bud...the LefTarded whore grew up on her parents christmas tree farm.

Taylor Swift Family


Who is Taylor Swift? Everything You Need to Know


Taylor Swift - Wikipedia

Again, why do you always seem to really get behind anything and everything with filth potential? Why are you so insistent upon driving American society further into the shitter?

Still waiting for you to tell us what is so filthy about Taylor Swift?

So far all you have given us is that she does not worship Trump and she stood next to black person in one of her music videos.

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