ANOTHER BIG LIE: Obama: "$8,000 gas savings":starting 2025


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I'm giving Obama the benefit of doubt that he meant average typical family would save $8,000 "over time" and not ANNUALLY but "over time"...

I've given benefit of doubt said average family of 3 drives 36,000 miles...

In his weekly radio and online address Saturday, Obama said Detroit automakers are on track to build cars that average nearly 55 miles per gallon by 2025, doubling current mileage standards.

“That means folks will be able to fill up every two weeks instead of every week, saving the typical family more than $8,000 at the pump over time,’’ he said. “That’s a big deal, especially as families are yet again feeling the pinch from rising gas prices.’’

Obama: Relief from high gas prices is just 13 short years away - HUMAN EVENTS

$8,000 OVER TIME????

Assumption: AAA say Average American travels 12,000 miles per year (Family-36,000)
How Much Does the Average American Spend on Gas Each Year? |
Assumption: mpg ave. today 25 mpg or 1,440 gallons @ $3.00/gal or $4,320 spent/year.
Assumption: in 2025 car get 55 mpg or 654 gallons @ $6.00/gal or $3,927 spent/year
a savings per year of STARTING in 2025 of

Today gas average Family @ $3.00 $4,320 -- VS 2025 $3,927 or $392/year savings..
$8,000 savings OVER TIME would mean 21 years...!!

ONCE again HAS ANY ONE questioned Obama's gross fabrication of LIES!!!
ANOTHER dubious question about his "$8,000"

He said "will be able to fill up every two weeks instead of every week"

Assumption AVERAGE gas tank is 16 gallons or FILL UP!
Today fill up every week means at 16 gallons or in a year 832 gallons.
But fill up every two weeks means 416 gallons.. RIGHT?
Well at 416 gallons with 55 mpg that means 22,880 miles traveled per year.
Does NOT provide anywhere NEAR $8,000 a year in SAVINGS!
yah, used the family #. dishonesty knows no bnds.
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even your link desnt say what you said w/the 1440 smart guy
It was $8K over the life of the car.... not annually...

I find it amusing in your OP, you said you were giving Obama the benefit of the doubt, but you entitle the thread a "big lie". Quite dishonest.
Why are you Obama defenders so quick to believe Obama's exaggerations???

I mean this $8,000" savings GROSS exaggeration matches Obama's GROSS MISPERCEPTION and Gross Misspeaking when he said..
Obama said:"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

REDUCING DEFICIT by $4 trillion at growth health care cost slowed 1/10th 1% would mean
Health care growth of in 2011 was 5.11% would have been 5.0% .
$2.5 trillion in 2010 with 5.1% increase is $2.5 billion reduction!
$4 trillion deficit divided by $2.5 billion Obama projected reduction means: 1,600 YEARS!

Don't you Obama supporters COMPREHEND that rational logical people look at Obama's totally ignorance regarding BIG numbers and wonder why are we supporting this DUMMY?

A lot of ordinary folks with common sense KNOW THAT don't spend $16,000 a year on gas to
save $8,000 as Obama stated!
It was $8K over the life of the car.... not annually...

I find it amusing in your OP, you said you were giving Obama the benefit of the doubt, but you entitle the thread a "big lie". Quite dishonest.

So a life of a car is 26 years for a car that travels 12,000 miles a year?
Again.. gas tank fill up is 16 gallons at $3/gal or $50. 52 times 1/week equals $,2600!
Per Obama fill up twice a month or 24 fill ups at $6.00 (2025 gas price double)
that equals 24 X 16 X $6 is $2,304!
$300 divided into $8000 is 26 years!

AGAIN THE POINT is evidently People like you and Obama don't like to be bothered by the details .. the realities BUT $8,000 sounds REAL good.. EXCEPT IT IS BOGUS!!!
Over the life time of the CAR???
When's the last time you drove a 26 year old CAR???
See this is NOT for Obamatrons cause THEY don't have a grasp of REALITY!

BUT YOU independents that voted for Obama these comments above and following are for you!

YOU are not dupes and won't be duped again!
Obama you knew nothing about but he sure "sounded" good... HOpe CHANGE!!!

You didn't know that HE didn't KNOW what he was talking about!
I mean REALLY he has told you independents you can save $8,000 in filling up not every week but every other week...WITHOUT HIM KNOWING the realities because HE is not in touch with reality!
ASK him how many gallons it takes to fill up a car .. average 16 gallons!
ASK him how long it would take starting in 2025 when double MPG goes in affect and GAS will be
based on historically increase in gas cost per gallon:

1970 $0.36
1990 $1.16
2000 $1.95
2010 $3.18
2012 $3.85

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