Anonymous and Occupy Protesters to shift Attacks Towards Zionists in Days to Come


Feb 8, 2012
Los Angeles
According to a source who I will not name and a source I will name, John Kettler, the Israeli government recently sent Mossad agents into America on a covert mission to assassinate an American. Due to my international work against the nation of Israel and their supporters, I have attracted both negative and positive attention from government officials and celebrities. This blog is closely monitored by United States officials as well as nonpartisan groups across the globe.

This past fall I engaged in a variety of anti-American protests amidst occupy seattle and occupy portland. Additionally, this summer I engaged in my own personal protests throughout the streets of Los Angeles. During this time of my political activism, I realized that America affords me citizenship and shelter, so it would be hypocritical for me to protest America while enjoying the freedoms and pleasures America has to offer.

I have completely shifted all my frustration with corporate greed and the loss of our freedoms away from the American government and towards the true culprits who are puppeteering the formation of a police state built on fear, avarice and deception: the zionists. The recent militarization of our police force can be traced back to the NYPD's training by Israeli defense forces. Additionally, a majority of the corporate criminals who are defrauding the American public have zionist connections. As an American citizen, I cannot allow the beauty of my country to be raped by Israel. A war with Iran is not beneficial to the American public, but it is beneficial to the Zionist agenda. Let it be known that we understand that the peaceful citizens of Israel have been hijacked by a corrupt administation headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.

I implore the members of Anonymous, The Occupy Movement, The White Dragon Society, Rage Against the Machine, and any other group who are fighting corporate greed to shift all of your anti-American sentiment towards the nation of Israel. By attacking America, you are attracting the ire of of American patriots and veterans. However, when you attack Zionists, you are cutting off the hand that feeds the corruption without offending patriotic Americans.

There is ample intelligence to suggest the Mossad were behind the World Trade Center attacks. The evidence is overwhelming, but for those of you who are not yet aware that Israel perpatrated 9/11, I would like to ask you a simple question to spark your intrigue. "Al Qaeda" translates to "The Toilet" in arabic, why would a serious islamic terrorist organization name themselves "The Toilet" ?

We are not alone. 75 percent of veterans support the nomination of Ron Paul whose most controversial stance is in regards to Israel. There are members of the American Army who are fully aware that the real threat to American freedoms and ideals is the Mossad.

Before you hate on America, let me remind you of:

B.B. King
The Doors
Marilyn Monroe
The Golden Bay Bridge
Annie Oakley
Mark Twain
Hunter S. Thompson
The Hoover Dam

The list of American writers, musicians, and achievments is grand and long. Do not alienate yourself by trampling the American flag. Understand that members of the American Army and your Government are being hijacked by the Zionist agenda. Direct your activism and voices against Israel. If you break America's allegiance with Zionism, you will have stopped the criminals. We need men on the ground and spamming the internet walls and message boards of America. I have been fighting this fight for 8 months on foot in 8 different states and 4 different countries. I have nearly died on multiple occasions. I have given my life to the American ideals of truth and freedom.

Please tell Anonymous to stop crashing American sites.
Please tell Occupy Protestors to stop burning the American flag.
Please tell Rage Against the Machine to stop hating on America in their lyrics.

The White Dragon Society tells you that we are going to win.
You cannot kill what you cannot see.
Ideas are bulletproof.

3 cheers for America and Death to Israel.

Please tell all of your important friends to shift their angst where it will count.

come to my channel if you're bored and hungry for alternative news:

And listen to the nonsensical ramblings of a kid stoned and hungry for Cheetos.

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