Angry Letter to three Democrat Friends: Ultimatum before I give up on the Democrat Party

Democrats, not the Democrat Party. Again.

I am used to referring to Democrats.
Because that's who I work with.

I looked up the history to find where "Democrat Party" was specifically used to clarify that the Party is for the "principles of Democrats" and not to imply the party was "democratic" as if that is exclusive. Since When Did It Become the Democrat Party NPR Ombudsman NPR

But other people also shorten it to Democrat as a shortcut, even though this isn't the proper name of the official party:
It may be much ado about not much, but NPR should stick to its policy and call parties by their proper names. It's not just Seabrook who made that mistake.

Do a search for "Democrat Party" on and you'll find other NPR staff using Democrat as an adjective.

While NPR can't control when guests use the term Democrat Party, it can insist correspondents be consistent.

I am trying to address fellow Democrats.
So that is why I use that term.
Not to "hide behind the collective party" but take responsibility as members with equal roles.

And if you aren't willing to take responsibility as an equal Democrat
you shouldn't vote for Democrat leaders or the abuse of collective influence just continues without accountability.

I treat Greens and Libertarians and Republicans the same way.
But for those who are truly independent or truly Constitutionalists,
they tend to carry this responsibility anyway.

It's the people like my friend D2 who 'depend on party to represent them'
who shirk responsibility and let others pay the cost of whichever candidates they vote for and the damages
done by such people in office.

If we started holding parties accountable for who they elect, maybe we'd get more direct accountability.

As Steve Stockman said when I asked him about holding each party to pay for their own programs,
he said the liberals would become conservative overnight!

But as my coworker equally pointed out, if all these conservatives had to fight these wars
with themselves, their kids and families, how fast would we end each war?
So there were a couple a-holes in Occupy. Far from the organization wrecking the plan. Of course Democrats is correct, and of course Democrat Party is not, and Limbaugh has made it into an insult. So don't say it and you won't get a hostile reception. Good luck with your plan.
Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.


I am sorry for what you are going through Emily.

It is hard to put so much work and energy into campaigns and fund raising and truly believing you are going to make a big difference, only to run into snags and excuses.

Remember the people you are doing this for, the ones who do appreciate you and who are rallying with you.

Those people want to see a difference in their own lives and neighborhoods.

I understand the ideological hegemony you are up against, just remember that the reason some of your friends are behaving this way is because the ruling class likes divisions not solutions.

It can be so frustrating especially when you see the worst hypocrisy in those you admire, I just went through that experience and it was exhausting, he really disappointed me.

Remember we are all human Emily, humans are fallible and make mistakes and can be stubborn, willful and blind to their own weaknesses and shortcomings.

You already know the inner work to be done: Forgiveness!

Thank you for your service in the community and all the exhaustive hours you put into doing service work in your community.

Democrats, not the Democrat Party. Again.

I am used to referring to Democrats.
Because that's who I work with.

I looked up the history to find where "Democrat Party" was specifically used to clarify that the Party is for the "principles of Democrats" and not to imply the party was "democratic" as if that is exclusive. Since When Did It Become the Democrat Party NPR Ombudsman NPR

But other people also shorten it to Democrat as a shortcut, even though this isn't the proper name of the official party:
It may be much ado about not much, but NPR should stick to its policy and call parties by their proper names. It's not just Seabrook who made that mistake.

Do a search for "Democrat Party" on and you'll find other NPR staff using Democrat as an adjective.

While NPR can't control when guests use the term Democrat Party, it can insist correspondents be consistent.

I am trying to address fellow Democrats.
So that is why I use that term.
Not to "hide behind the collective party" but take responsibility as members with equal roles.

And if you aren't willing to take responsibility as an equal Democrat
you shouldn't vote for Democrat leaders or the abuse of collective influence just continues without accountability.

I treat Greens and Libertarians and Republicans the same way.
But for those who are truly independent or truly Constitutionalists,
they tend to carry this responsibility anyway.

It's the people like my friend D2 who 'depend on party to represent them'
who shirk responsibility and let others pay the cost of whichever candidates they vote for and the damages
done by such people in office.

If we started holding parties accountable for who they elect, maybe we'd get more direct accountability.

As Steve Stockman said when I asked him about holding each party to pay for their own programs,
he said the liberals would become conservative overnight!

But as my coworker equally pointed out, if all these conservatives had to fight these wars
with themselves, their kids and families, how fast would we end each war?
DEMOCRATIC leaders. Do you know the difference between an adjective and a noun Ay caramba, you're irritating lol.
Still no answer from Factoid Frank? He must be out interviewing Cherokees. One at a time, whatever it takes in pursuit of the Facts. :rolleyes:

Here's the actual quote from the actual transcript of the actual speech, -- which was not two days before his assassination in February 1965 but ten months earlier in the early spring of 1964, well before both the presidential election and the Civil Rights Act, for which he was stoking the fires:

"Any time you throw you weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government and that party can't keep the promise that it's made to you during election time, and you're dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race." -- Malcolm X, transcribed version from 3 April 1964, Cleveland, "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech (later renamed "The Ballot and the Book"
-- the April 12 Detroit version (relevant exerpt) is here
--- in which he railed against LBJ, Democrats, Republicans, government in general, and his direct target in this speech -- Dixiecrats. Immediately after this passage he launches back into that theme:

"What kind of alibi do [they] come up with? They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now, back during the days when you were blind, deaf and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today, as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you're able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat – in disguise." [applause] (2nd link)
You'll remember the "Dixiecrats" from 1948 when they walked out of the Democratic convention and ran their own candidate, Strom Thurmond, who Trent Lott was talking about when he made his frank confession. You'll remember them from later in 1964 too, when they finally did the previously unthinkable, bolted from the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans, beginning with Thurmond himself, breaking a century-old bipolar relationship that had been used to acquire and hold power. Malcolm here is not only calling for "black nationalism" and invoking the new term "African American" -- he's calling out the Democratic Party for coddling racists in its southern conservative base and calling out government in general for not following its own Constitution over the previous ten years.

And his impetus was apparently powerful enough to influence both of those as the CRA passed a few months later, Thurmond began the Dixiecrat migration two months after that, and LBJ was re-elected two months after that.

--- All of which, being in 1964, happened during Malcolm's lifetime, and not "two days before he was killed". By February 1965, LBJ had already been elected and inaugurated -- what would be the point of offing his critic after the fact?

Facts are stubborn things, Frank. Maybe you should stick with Cherokee genealogies. Trolling Google Images for historical points doesn't seem to be working out well.

Read the speech, either version. It's illuminating.

The dates are wrong on the image. I didn't generate it, just copied it.

BTW, prove LBJ didn't assassinate Malcolm X

In the real world of possibility and probability -- your conspiracy theory doesn't even register on the radar

LBJ bet the future of the entire Democrat Party on generations of docile, uninformed blacks indebted to the party for their very life. MLK and Malcolm X were huge threats to that and had to be eliminated. You keep pretending it was all a coincidence they were assassinated while LBJ was President

Frank, I'm in LA/Hollywood. I have a few friends with connections. You are truly talented

Cool, Dante.

Can you get me in contact with John Cusack.
He seems to be a Democrat who funds freedom of the press he believes in
and stands up to lack of respect for the Constitution when nobody else would speak up.

I have some script ideas to turn into a short film or reality TV show.
Seventeen Saints - Worth1000 Contests

On setting up an alternative to death row along the border
as restitution for drug and human trafficking.

I didn't know Dante was that connected: Puts in my Ryan Gosling request :)
Your posts are too long ...I don't read them

Do you talk like this?

I don't have time to explain the ideas in length.

Here is one the webpage where I tried to summarize the solutions:
Earned Amnesty

Is that short enough?

Why are Democrats passing and DEFENDING huge health care bills without reading them,
yet when I post a one page summary it's too long and you REJECT it?


Obamacare was read

Did you read it?

The Obamacare bill is more concise than most of your posts

That bill was written with the help of professional lobbyists.

Can you help me find Equal Help to do the same
with the solutions coming out of my district?

Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

Why keep criticizing me, I'm not the solution.
The solution, the model for reforming public housing,
health care, prisons and veteran facilities is what I am pointing to.

Why keep redirecting the focus on me?
Are you trying to avoid the solutions by finding fault with the messenger?

Well, of course you don't agree with me about it but legalize pot I think will shrink the prison population.
Public housing and welfare has a cap on it, recipients can only receive help for a certain length of time.

I'd like to see those who receive help also get internships and grants for college education, then once they are educated and have their degree they can pay it forward offering others internships, training and donate services to their community to last the same length of time they received federal assistance.

Health care adults should be allowed to opt-out based on religious beliefs.

All Vets should have housing available to them, they served our country, put their lives on the line and we owe them.
The dates are wrong on the image. I didn't generate it, just copied it.

BTW, prove LBJ didn't assassinate Malcolm X

In the real world of possibility and probability -- your conspiracy theory doesn't even register on the radar

LBJ bet the future of the entire Democrat Party on generations of docile, uninformed blacks indebted to the party for their very life. MLK and Malcolm X were huge threats to that and had to be eliminated. You keep pretending it was all a coincidence they were assassinated while LBJ was President

Frank, I'm in LA/Hollywood. I have a few friends with connections. You are truly talented

Cool, Dante.

Can you get me in contact with John Cusack.
He seems to be a Democrat who funds freedom of the press he believes in
and stands up to lack of respect for the Constitution when nobody else would speak up.

I have some script ideas to turn into a short film or reality TV show.
Seventeen Saints - Worth1000 Contests

On setting up an alternative to death row along the border
as restitution for drug and human trafficking.

I didn't know Dante was that connected: Puts in my Ryan Gosling request :)

Okay so who is on the celebrity list of sympathetic Democrats to hit on for support, to
unite Black leaders from the left and right around this unifying plan.

And maybe Black celebrities who don't like this victimization business
and want to focus on positive history of Freed Slaves being financially independent who built Freedmen's Town.

* Morgan Freeman doesn't like Black History Month. Funny that Lenwood Johnson looks like him so Freeman
could play him easily in a movie about all this political history that's gone down.
* Edward Norton has an enterprise foundation for sustainable community building
* Pitt and Jolie are looking for tax-free land, so why not buy out a historic district and set up a town there,
rewrite the laws to separate from the City of Houston and just go completely independent as the Freed Slaves once were
* Bill Gates might support a microlending system for Vets and business education as long as the money is always paid back
No handouts here!
* Obama might need a new location for his Presidential library, why not in Freedmen's Town as a federal landmark?
I don't have time to explain the ideas in length.

Here is one the webpage where I tried to summarize the solutions:
Earned Amnesty

Is that short enough?

Why are Democrats passing and DEFENDING huge health care bills without reading them,
yet when I post a one page summary it's too long and you REJECT it?


Obamacare was read

Did you read it?

The Obamacare bill is more concise than most of your posts

That bill was written with the help of professional lobbyists.

Can you help me find Equal Help to do the same
with the solutions coming out of my district?

Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

Why keep criticizing me, I'm not the solution.
The solution, the model for reforming public housing,
health care, prisons and veteran facilities is what I am pointing to.

Why keep redirecting the focus on me?
Are you trying to avoid the solutions by finding fault with the messenger?

Well, of course you don't agree with me about it but legalize pot I think will shrink the prison population.
Public housing and welfare has a cap on it, recipients can only receive help for a certain length of time.

I'd like to see those who receive help also get internships and grants for college education, then once they are educated and have their degree they can pay it forward offering others internships, training and donate services to their community to last the same length of time they received federal assistance.

Health care adults should be allowed to opt-out based on religious beliefs.

All Vets should have housing available to them, they served our country, put their lives on the line and we owe them.

Sure if you can make sure that those who'd rather promote spiritual healing
to cure addictions don't have to pay the costs of people who refuse healing for addictions,
I have no problem if people take responsibility for their policies beliefs and decisions.

What I have trouble with is people REFUSING any kind of spiritual healing research or therapy or choice to stop abuses,
and then turning around and wanting to allow or enable or justify/excuse drug use, and then want "other people to pay for it"

So they want it both ways. Want to refuse the cure and also make everyone pay for the addiction and abuse.
As long as we don't have that going on, I'm okay with people paying the costs of their choices, just not imposing on others.

With prisons, turn them into treatment centers and schools.
Where people earn their costs and follow a plan and a budget.

So they can't afford to commit crimes they can't pay for.
Nobody HAS to take marijuana unless you need it medically
in which case that should managed like health care and not criminalized.
And by that token, spiritual healing works for free with no side effects, so why not try that first?
Obamacare was read

Did you read it?

The Obamacare bill is more concise than most of your posts

That bill was written with the help of professional lobbyists.

Can you help me find Equal Help to do the same
with the solutions coming out of my district?

Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

Why keep criticizing me, I'm not the solution.
The solution, the model for reforming public housing,
health care, prisons and veteran facilities is what I am pointing to.

Why keep redirecting the focus on me?
Are you trying to avoid the solutions by finding fault with the messenger?

Well, of course you don't agree with me about it but legalize pot I think will shrink the prison population.
Public housing and welfare has a cap on it, recipients can only receive help for a certain length of time.

I'd like to see those who receive help also get internships and grants for college education, then once they are educated and have their degree they can pay it forward offering others internships, training and donate services to their community to last the same length of time they received federal assistance.

Health care adults should be allowed to opt-out based on religious beliefs.

All Vets should have housing available to them, they served our country, put their lives on the line and we owe them.

Sure if you can make sure that those who'd rather promote spiritual healing
to cure addictions don't have to pay the costs of people who refuse healing for addictions,
I have no problem if people take responsibility for their policies beliefs and decisions.

What I have trouble with is people REFUSING any kind of spiritual healing research or therapy or choice to stop abuses,
and then turning around and wanting to allow or enable or justify/excuse drug use, and then want "other people to pay for it"

So they want it both ways. Want to refuse the cure and also make everyone pay for the addiction and abuse.
As long as we don't have that going on, I'm okay with people paying the costs of their choices, just not imposing on others.

With prisons, turn them into treatment centers and schools.
Where people earn their costs and follow a plan and a budget.

So they can't afford to commit crimes they can't pay for.
Nobody HAS to take marijuana unless you need it medically
in which case that should managed like health care and not criminalized.
And by that token, spiritual healing works for free with no side effects, so why not try that first?

And you already know I am going to point out alcohol addiction, porn addiction, food addiction, and people having the freedom to decline help for those addictions already existing.

Nobody has to take anything to extremes, but some people have addictions.

Some addictions go untreated, some get help.

Making pot illegal does not make someone not use it if they still want to.

We have to agree to disagree on this one Emily.

As far as treatment centers goes, I am all for expanding them.
And you already know I am going to point out alcohol addiction, porn addiction, food addiction, and people having the freedom to decline help for those addictions already existing.

Nobody has to take anything to extremes, but some people have addictions.

Some addictions go untreated, some get help.

Making pot illegal does not make someone not use it if they still want to.

We have to agree to disagree on this one Emily.

As far as treatment centers goes, I am all for expanding them.

My issue is who is taking responsibility for it.

I am for decriminalizing it, but for making spiritual healing part of informed choice.

So if you enable, allow or encourage drug use without explaining the risks (and even DENYING there are any effects)
and if you fail to make sure people know that spiritual healing is real, or even require them to go through it first
to REMOVE any risk of addiction BEFORE they try drugs
(similar to removing any metal before you put something through the microwave)
that might remove liability for the effects of drug use.

People are not fully informed.

So it is negligent on some level to give them access to drugs and not knowledge of spiritual healing first.

If you and I don't agree on the levels of responsibility,
then we really need to separate out the taxpaying members
and make sure people like me who can see these problems coming
don't have to pay for people who want to learn the hard way.

I don't want to have to keep paying for that.
Not with alcohol either.

But you cannot force spiritual healing knowledge on people
unless there are criminal reasons for depriving liberties.

The best way I know to settle this is to spread the information by free choice,
and the policy changes will follow by free will, by informed choice.

Not by political force one way or the other.
Study the entire process and the more people understand
the fewer people will want to take risks with drugs.

This has to be done by free choice.

But in the meantime, spreading propaganda that
drugs are not addictive and don't cause harm is negligence.

I'm more against the censorship and disinformation.
If we resolve that, people can decide freely what policies they want to fund.

In the meantime, I totally disagree with imposing either legalization or illegalization
on people who don't agree to pay the costs.

I believe in consensus on policies, or separation, so that's where knowledge
of spiritual healing curing addictions, abuse and disease would help form a consensus.

I equally do not believe in imposing illegalization for the same reason
I don't believe in imposing legalization.
"Angry Letter to three Democrat Friends: Ultimatum before I give up on the Democrat Party"

You need to stop being angry.

If you don't like the ACA then come up with your own plan to ensure Americans have access to affordable healthcare.

And access to affordable healthcare is not going to the emergency room when the medical condition becomes so serious that one has no other choice.

Access to affordable healthcare means access to health maintenance before a medical condition become serious and more expensive to treat and cure.

Last, and as an aside, the ACA is Constitutional, no one's civil rights are being 'violated.'
And you already know I am going to point out alcohol addiction, porn addiction, food addiction, and people having the freedom to decline help for those addictions already existing.

Nobody has to take anything to extremes, but some people have addictions.

Some addictions go untreated, some get help.

Making pot illegal does not make someone not use it if they still want to.

We have to agree to disagree on this one Emily.

As far as treatment centers goes, I am all for expanding them.

My issue is who is taking responsibility for it.

I am for decriminalizing it, but for making spiritual healing part of informed choice.

So if you enable, allow or encourage drug use without explaining the risks (and even DENYING there are any effects)
and if you fail to make sure people know that spiritual healing is real, or even require them to go through it first
to REMOVE any risk of addiction BEFORE they try drugs
(similar to removing any metal before you put something through the microwave)
that might remove liability for the effects of drug use.

People are not fully informed.

So it is negligent on some level to give them access to drugs and not knowledge of spiritual healing first.

If you and I don't agree on the levels of responsibility,
then we really need to separate out the taxpaying members
and make sure people like me who can see these problems coming
don't have to pay for people who want to learn the hard way.

I don't want to have to keep paying for that.
Not with alcohol either.

But you cannot force spiritual healing knowledge on people
unless there are criminal reasons for depriving liberties.

The best way I know to settle this is to spread the information by free choice,
and the policy changes will follow by free will, by informed choice.

Not by political force one way or the other.
Study the entire process and the more people understand
the fewer people will want to take risks with drugs.

This has to be done by free choice.

But in the meantime, spreading propaganda that
drugs are not addictive and don't cause harm is negligence.

I'm more against the censorship and disinformation.
If we resolve that, people can decide freely what policies they want to fund.

In the meantime, I totally disagree with imposing either legalization or illegalization
on people who don't agree to pay the costs.

I believe in consensus on policies, or separation, so that's where knowledge
of spiritual healing curing addictions, abuse and disease would help form a consensus.

I equally do not believe in imposing illegalization for the same reason
I don't believe in imposing legalization.

It applies to all products or behaviors that are potentially addictive.

The ones I previously mentioned all have the same potential and are they also held up to the same responsibility?

So long as they are pot should be to, it's no different imo.
"Angry Letter to three Democrat Friends: Ultimatum before I give up on the Democrat Party"

You need to stop being angry.

If you don't like the ACA then come up with your own plan to ensure Americans have access to affordable healthcare.

And access to affordable healthcare is not going to the emergency room when the medical condition becomes so serious that one has no other choice.

Access to affordable healthcare means access to health maintenance before a medical condition become serious and more expensive to treat and cure.

Last, and as an aside, the ACA is Constitutional, no one's civil rights are being 'violated.'

Yes I have, that's why I'm so angry, Clayton.
it's so SIMPLE> Just ask members and leaders of
each party to take on and develop their OWN health programs for their members, and pay and elect systems and reps for their own structures!

I HAVE proposed that.

Over and over.

And it's so simple and all inclusive.

Because each party can work out its OWN ramifications and costs. And decide its OWN timeframe for serving its OWN MEMBERS!

And you already know I am going to point out alcohol addiction, porn addiction, food addiction, and people having the freedom to decline help for those addictions already existing.

Nobody has to take anything to extremes, but some people have addictions.

Some addictions go untreated, some get help.

Making pot illegal does not make someone not use it if they still want to.

We have to agree to disagree on this one Emily.

As far as treatment centers goes, I am all for expanding them.

My issue is who is taking responsibility for it.

I am for decriminalizing it, but for making spiritual healing part of informed choice.

So if you enable, allow or encourage drug use without explaining the risks (and even DENYING there are any effects)
and if you fail to make sure people know that spiritual healing is real, or even require them to go through it first
to REMOVE any risk of addiction BEFORE they try drugs
(similar to removing any metal before you put something through the microwave)
that might remove liability for the effects of drug use.

People are not fully informed.

So it is negligent on some level to give them access to drugs and not knowledge of spiritual healing first.

If you and I don't agree on the levels of responsibility,
then we really need to separate out the taxpaying members
and make sure people like me who can see these problems coming
don't have to pay for people who want to learn the hard way.

I don't want to have to keep paying for that.
Not with alcohol either.

But you cannot force spiritual healing knowledge on people
unless there are criminal reasons for depriving liberties.

The best way I know to settle this is to spread the information by free choice,
and the policy changes will follow by free will, by informed choice.

Not by political force one way or the other.
Study the entire process and the more people understand
the fewer people will want to take risks with drugs.

This has to be done by free choice.

But in the meantime, spreading propaganda that
drugs are not addictive and don't cause harm is negligence.

I'm more against the censorship and disinformation.
If we resolve that, people can decide freely what policies they want to fund.

In the meantime, I totally disagree with imposing either legalization or illegalization
on people who don't agree to pay the costs.

I believe in consensus on policies, or separation, so that's where knowledge
of spiritual healing curing addictions, abuse and disease would help form a consensus.

I equally do not believe in imposing illegalization for the same reason
I don't believe in imposing legalization.

It applies to all products or behaviors that are potentially addictive.

The ones I previously mentioned all have the same potential and are they also held up to the same responsibility?

So long as they are pot should be to, it's no different imo.

Hi drifter
When people have equal knowledge of the process of
spiritual healing, how it works and also how the addictions and abuses work,
then YES this process applies to ALL levels and forms
of addictions and abuses.

That's what I mean.

but still, spiritual healing would have to be proven by science first to show it is universal and natural, and isn't dependent on someone's religious label.

It works by forgiveness, but that must be FREELY chosen. You cannot force or fake forgiveness nor force studies on it, nor force people to believe in how it works.

So that is where the freely informed choice comes in.

Promote the knowledge and process of spiritual healing first, as natural free and healthy,
and all these others conflicts will be resolved int eh process AFTER they are forgiven.

projecting back and forth politically is only deadlocking it and making it worse. peope referencincg alcohol and pot competing with each other to argue which is worse?
All unnecessary once you understand the solution first, then address all the problems in THAT context.

drifter I think you and I mostly agree on that.

But thanks for being fair and honest and pointing out where we have our preferences. I don't think those have to be contradictory. We can decriminalize things and still make it required to get treatment where people are held responsible for liabilities if these conditions go untreated. that should cover ALL cases of conditions that can cause liability.

Each district or group can work out the language they way they want. So yes, some districts may have different policies on pot or prostitution than others.
the key is taking responsibility so your policy stays within your population and doesn't go affect some other group that didn't agree to pay for that.

Not all policies will be the same for all groups.
So that's why I don't try to outguess this.

Thanks drifter! I appreciate you very much!
Last, and as an aside, the ACA is Constitutional, no one's civil rights are being 'violated.'

^ Speak for YOURSELF. Maybe for you because you don't feel your freedom was abridged in any way ^

That is like saying if everyone was banned from eating beef, the Hindus who didn't eat beef anyway saying "nobody's rights are being violated because this doesn't affect what I would have chosen anyway"

What about people who WANTED to pay for health care other ways besides federally regulated insurance?

And don't want to pay twice. Pay for health care costs AND pay for fines on top if we don't do it the way the federal laws require to avoid added taxes?

What if we want to pay into a medical school that provides services as part of the internship and education programs. Why be fined for funding that instead of insurance?

Why can't you see that people's freedom of choice was deprived without committing a crime first, or going through due process to prove we didn't commit a crime or have such intent?

I don't see where you can't see how people feel they have lost freedom they had BEFORE ACA was passed.

Clayton even if you AGREE that ACA is for the best,
that is like saying Christianity or healing prayer is best for everyone, to reduce addictions disease and crime.

So why not pass a law REQUIRING it and if you don't then you have to pay into a Christian fund.

So people who were Christian anyway can say great, that doesn't affect me, I didn't lose any freedoms because I already planned to do that anyway.

but the people who WANTED a different choice, a different way to handle their affairs are getting fined while others are getting exempted.

Why can't you see the loss of freedom of choice with ACA? Before you had the freedom to buy insurance or pay the costs another way, including funding charity hospitals or medical schools.

Now you HAVE to buy insurance that meets federal regulations and we STILL need to pay for those other systems to serve the population.

Clayton, why deprive freedoms from law-abiding taxpayers? If the point is to "save public funds" why not look into the funds wasted on criminal justice and costs of crime. Why not require people to pay who have COMMITTED crimes, even corporate crimes in the millions if not billions.

Why not use restitution to pay for health care?

Why go after law abiding citizens who didn't commit crimes, make us give up our freedom and REQUIRE US BY FEDERAL LAW to pay added costs or taxes, when people who actually committed crimes aren't held to pay for crimes they DID commit.

How is that making any sense?
Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.


I'll come back to read this sometime next week, maybe towards the end of the week, maybe. :cool:
Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.


I'll come back to read this sometime next week, maybe towards the end of the week, maybe. :cool:

Thank you Carla.

Since my friend D2 is atheist and sick of being put upon by Christians imposing their theology he calls "God on a stick" in his face, he might respond to whatever advice you have on how to explain to him why I am equally fed up with Democrats who won't fix problems either but blame them on other people.
8216 The Democratic Party Is Abusing Us 8217 These Men Have a Scathing Message for Obama and 8216 Black Leadership 8217 Video

OK maybe connecting with people also frustrated with related issues of abusing the black vote
may help find support to pass the Freedmen's Town project to other leaders as a national model for reform.

maybe i can connect these leaders with the radio host for black townships who interviewed
Gladys House on the air and wants to bring together all the historic black communities getting overrun by politics.

need to pass this on to people who can take the ball and run with it.
Not criticize me for getting clobbered on the field by my own teammates.
You're a Democrat in the Democratic Party.

So how did Occupy ruin the plan?

The Occupy volunteers in Houston that I had set up in two of the houses used for offices
bullied and ran off the only volunteers among them who understood that Gladys House and I
were working multiple jobs to pay for the space and cover the costs.

The Occupy members who ended up dominating the project, including a Veteran
who was supportive of sustainable housing and even interviewed as a success story,
abused the space to support themselves at my expense.

Two of them got Occupy lawyers to try to claim adverse possession and
take the property away from the very people we were trying to help buy more property not lose it.

They told the lawyers the "lease was in their name"
but that wasn't true. The lease was in my name, and I was the only one paying.

These two told Occupy volunteers they had paid me the rent money and I had absconded with it.
That was not true, but people believed them and didn't believe me.

So they took advantage of me, Gladys House and basically the women volunteers with Occupy
who did understand the financial and legal status, and we lost so much time and money
we basically lost the window of opportunity we had to save the last 10 rowhouses.

Later, everyone blamed me, of course, for working with Occupy.
Gladys initially blamed me for losing thousands of dollars going to court to get rid of these
people who backstabbed both of us, and tried to finagle her property away, claiming it wasn't under her name,
but she had all the documentation.

But once she saw I had been victimized, too, she quit blaming me and forgave that
part and held the men responsible for acting like boys and babies and bullies.

My friend D3 blamed me and has kept holding that over my head, over and over.
So when I tried to bring in volunteers to fix the problem, he went against them and me
and accused and assumed they were criminals when these were legitimate volunteers.
So he victimized us further, not realizing he was punishing the wrong people.

So because Occupy volunteers never took responsibility, that got dumped on me, too.
All the problems caused from trying to work with them to set up sustainable plans
blew up in my face, and I ended up with even more burdens and debts than I had going into it.

The good volunteers got chased off, and the bad ones blamed me and threatened all kinds of things.

So I got blamed on all sides, and had to take time out just to recover from all that.

I couldn't help but notice the people who took responsibility
as sensible and focused on solutions were the women volunteers
and two of the men who are Muslims in the peace and justice community.

The people most used to being blamed for abuses of others were most sympathetic
and didn't participate in the game of blaming the victim. They wanted to invest in solutions
while too many of the others just wanted to play politics and being in charge but not doing the work.

Learned the hard way. This is why the good volunteers ran away, because they couldn't stand the abuse either.
In short. You are working with proto-typical democrats.
And you already know I am going to point out alcohol addiction, porn addiction, food addiction, and people having the freedom to decline help for those addictions already existing.

Nobody has to take anything to extremes, but some people have addictions.

Some addictions go untreated, some get help.

Making pot illegal does not make someone not use it if they still want to.

We have to agree to disagree on this one Emily.

As far as treatment centers goes, I am all for expanding them.

My issue is who is taking responsibility for it.

I am for decriminalizing it, but for making spiritual healing part of informed choice.

So if you enable, allow or encourage drug use without explaining the risks (and even DENYING there are any effects)
and if you fail to make sure people know that spiritual healing is real, or even require them to go through it first
to REMOVE any risk of addiction BEFORE they try drugs
(similar to removing any metal before you put something through the microwave)
that might remove liability for the effects of drug use.

People are not fully informed.

So it is negligent on some level to give them access to drugs and not knowledge of spiritual healing first.

If you and I don't agree on the levels of responsibility,
then we really need to separate out the taxpaying members
and make sure people like me who can see these problems coming
don't have to pay for people who want to learn the hard way.

I don't want to have to keep paying for that.
Not with alcohol either.

But you cannot force spiritual healing knowledge on people
unless there are criminal reasons for depriving liberties.

The best way I know to settle this is to spread the information by free choice,
and the policy changes will follow by free will, by informed choice.

Not by political force one way or the other.
Study the entire process and the more people understand
the fewer people will want to take risks with drugs.

This has to be done by free choice.

But in the meantime, spreading propaganda that
drugs are not addictive and don't cause harm is negligence.

I'm more against the censorship and disinformation.
If we resolve that, people can decide freely what policies they want to fund.

In the meantime, I totally disagree with imposing either legalization or illegalization
on people who don't agree to pay the costs.

I believe in consensus on policies, or separation, so that's where knowledge
of spiritual healing curing addictions, abuse and disease would help form a consensus.

I equally do not believe in imposing illegalization for the same reason
I don't believe in imposing legalization.

It applies to all products or behaviors that are potentially addictive.

The ones I previously mentioned all have the same potential and are they also held up to the same responsibility?

So long as they are pot should be to, it's no different imo.

Hi drifter
When people have equal knowledge of the process of
spiritual healing, how it works and also how the addictions and abuses work,
then YES this process applies to ALL levels and forms
of addictions and abuses.

It works by forgiveness, but that must be FREELY chosen.

You cannot force or fake forgiveness nor force studies on it, nor force people to believe in how it works.

So that is where the freely informed choice comes in.

drifter I think you and I mostly agree on that.

Thanks drifter! I appreciate you very much!

Yes on this we agree and I appreciate you too.

This is what I emphasized when I did the presentation on Genocide, forgiveness.

How amazing to set aside differences and forgive, and if someone can forgive their entire family being slaughtered before their eyes how small it seems to forgive someone a personal slight or a group their own ignorance of their hypocrisy.

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