Angry Crowd Surrounds Bill Gates Car – Shouts “Murderer!”


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

As governments and major media struggle to explain the tidal wave of nearly 20% more, mostly non-COVID deaths worldwide which closely fits rates of COVID vaccination, and despite a Gates media operation which has given nearly a third of a billion dollars over the years for major media to call critics “crazy, evil conspiracy theorists,” it is easy to document that Bill Gates:

  • Funded major hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) trials which knowingly gave possibly fatal doses of HCQ to subjects in 2020 in order to malign HCQ as a treatment for COVID.
  • Used poverty stricken children in the Third World, especially India and Africa, as guinea pigs for vaccines such as Gardasil, resulting in the deaths and maiming of many children whose parents could not read a consent form. It has been estimated that Gates’ oral polio vaccine experiments in India were responsible for the paralysis of some 47,000 children.
  • Paid Imperial College professor Niel Ferguson to author “Report 9,” the discredited, hastily written, non-peer reviewed paper which justified worldwide “lockdowns” and “social distancing.”
  • Funded and participated in a pandemic “simulation” which uncannily resembled COVID long before the first cases were reported out of China.
  • Most recently funded and participated in another future pandemic simulation, this one centering around a virus which is far deadlier than COVID and targeted children.
  • Strangely, in 2020 Gates went on camera and smiled incongruously as he predicted there would be another pandemic after COVID that “WILL get attention.”
Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are at the forefront of a drive by governments to institute universal, digital IDs to prove vaccine status, linked to surveillance technologies which will track and record the movements and every transaction, in real time, of every non-elite human on the planet. The already highly developed plan was described by WEF president Klaus Schwab, whose father was a high ranking Nazi, in his book The Great Reset.

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I will never forget reading an article about Bill Gates befriending Epstein for the sole purpose of winning a Nobel Prize.

His wife was horrified that he would befriend a then known pedophile to win the shiny trophy, and later divorced him.

But the article never addressed why befriending Epstein might help him win a Nobel prize.

Creepy rich folk.

Gates obviously has no morals.



As governments and major media struggle to explain the tidal wave of nearly 20% more, mostly non-COVID deaths worldwide which closely fits rates of COVID vaccination, and despite a Gates media operation which has given nearly a third of a billion dollars over the years for major media to call critics “crazy, evil conspiracy theorists,” it is easy to document that Bill Gates:

  • Funded major hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) trials which knowingly gave possibly fatal doses of HCQ to subjects in 2020 in order to malign HCQ as a treatment for COVID.
  • Used poverty stricken children in the Third World, especially India and Africa, as guinea pigs for vaccines such as Gardasil, resulting in the deaths and maiming of many children whose parents could not read a consent form. It has been estimated that Gates’ oral polio vaccine experiments in India were responsible for the paralysis of some 47,000 children.
  • Paid Imperial College professor Niel Ferguson to author “Report 9,” the discredited, hastily written, non-peer reviewed paper which justified worldwide “lockdowns” and “social distancing.”
  • Funded and participated in a pandemic “simulation” which uncannily resembled COVID long before the first cases were reported out of China.
  • Most recently funded and participated in another future pandemic simulation, this one centering around a virus which is far deadlier than COVID and targeted children.
  • Strangely, in 2020 Gates went on camera and smiled incongruously as he predicted there would be another pandemic after COVID that “WILL get attention.”
Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are at the forefront of a drive by governments to institute universal, digital IDs to prove vaccine status, linked to surveillance technologies which will track and record the movements and every transaction, in real time, of every non-elite human on the planet. The already highly developed plan was described by WEF president Klaus Schwab, whose father was a high ranking Nazi, in his book The Great Reset.

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/----/ WOWZA - talk about falling from grace. He was once credited as opening the world to an easy-to-use interface for the www. Now, he gets booed.
Gates was also the main propagandist financing 'trade' with Red China, and of curse a big promoter handing out green cards to Red Chinese to work at tech companies. The GOP loves people like Bill Gates, despite all the noise to the contrary.

Just look at the way the Republican tax bill rewards and incentivizes the offshoring of more American jobs.

The new law allows companies to pay half or less of the corporate tax rate on profits earned abroad as they would here at home, while also exempting from tax entirely a 10 percent return on tangible investments – such as plants and equipment – that are made overseas. As experts from the Tax Policy Center and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) assessed, this creates additional incentives and rewards for profits to be made overseas – in other words, accelerating the offshoring of jobs and operations. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) agreed, noting that several provisions “may increase corporations’ incentive to locate tangible assets abroad.” Ultimately, many multinational corporations will pay little to nothing in U.S. taxes on their profits earned by shifting call centers and factories overseas.

Many of the companies that are among the biggest beneficiaries of the Republican tax bill, such as Wells Fargo, have already been closing American call centers and aggressively offshoring U.S. jobs. After shipping jobs overseas, these companies have been gifted billions of dollars in new tax breaks while being encouraged to offshore even more American jobs in the future.

Yes, folks, there is no political Party that represents Americans and their interests any more, Enjoy the slide down. Keep votng for the duopoly; starve and murder your children to feed your crappy little 401K's for a little while.

As governments and major media struggle to explain the tidal wave of nearly 20% more, mostly non-COVID deaths worldwide which closely fits rates of COVID vaccination, and despite a Gates media operation which has given nearly a third of a billion dollars over the years for major media to call critics “crazy, evil conspiracy theorists,” it is easy to document that Bill Gates:

  • Funded major hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) trials which knowingly gave possibly fatal doses of HCQ to subjects in 2020 in order to malign HCQ as a treatment for COVID.
  • Used poverty stricken children in the Third World, especially India and Africa, as guinea pigs for vaccines such as Gardasil, resulting in the deaths and maiming of many children whose parents could not read a consent form. It has been estimated that Gates’ oral polio vaccine experiments in India were responsible for the paralysis of some 47,000 children.
  • Paid Imperial College professor Niel Ferguson to author “Report 9,” the discredited, hastily written, non-peer reviewed paper which justified worldwide “lockdowns” and “social distancing.”
  • Funded and participated in a pandemic “simulation” which uncannily resembled COVID long before the first cases were reported out of China.
  • Most recently funded and participated in another future pandemic simulation, this one centering around a virus which is far deadlier than COVID and targeted children.
  • Strangely, in 2020 Gates went on camera and smiled incongruously as he predicted there would be another pandemic after COVID that “WILL get attention.”
Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are at the forefront of a drive by governments to institute universal, digital IDs to prove vaccine status, linked to surveillance technologies which will track and record the movements and every transaction, in real time, of every non-elite human on the planet. The already highly developed plan was described by WEF president Klaus Schwab, whose father was a high ranking Nazi, in his book The Great Reset.

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Why do they Hate that poor Nerd so much anyway?
is it cause he's Gay?
Gates was also the main propagandist financing 'trade' with Red China, and of curse a big promoter handing out green cards to Red Chinese to work at tech companies. The GOP loves people like Bill Gates, despite all the noise to the contrary.

Just look at the way the Republican tax bill rewards and incentivizes the offshoring of more American jobs.

The new law allows companies to pay half or less of the corporate tax rate on profits earned abroad as they would here at home, while also exempting from tax entirely a 10 percent return on tangible investments – such as plants and equipment – that are made overseas. As experts from the Tax Policy Center and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) assessed, this creates additional incentives and rewards for profits to be made overseas – in other words, accelerating the offshoring of jobs and operations. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) agreed, noting that several provisions “may increase corporations’ incentive to locate tangible assets abroad.” Ultimately, many multinational corporations will pay little to nothing in U.S. taxes on their profits earned by shifting call centers and factories overseas.

Many of the companies that are among the biggest beneficiaries of the Republican tax bill, such as Wells Fargo, have already been closing American call centers and aggressively offshoring U.S. jobs. After shipping jobs overseas, these companies have been gifted billions of dollars in new tax breaks while being encouraged to offshore even more American jobs in the future.

Yes, folks, there is no political Party that represents Americans and their interests any more, Enjoy the slide down. Keep votng for the duopoly; starve and murder your children to feed your crappy little 401K's for a little while.
The Democrat party represents the world Economic Forum, globalist technocrats and 21st century dystopia

The republican party represents 20th century industry, unchanging social order and the same old same old power structure.

Neither bites the hand that feeds them.

As governments and major media struggle to explain the tidal wave of nearly 20% more, mostly non-COVID deaths worldwide which closely fits rates of COVID vaccination, and despite a Gates media operation which has given nearly a third of a billion dollars over the years for major media to call critics “crazy, evil conspiracy theorists,” it is easy to document that Bill Gates:

  • Funded major hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) trials which knowingly gave possibly fatal doses of HCQ to subjects in 2020 in order to malign HCQ as a treatment for COVID.
  • Used poverty stricken children in the Third World, especially India and Africa, as guinea pigs for vaccines such as Gardasil, resulting in the deaths and maiming of many children whose parents could not read a consent form. It has been estimated that Gates’ oral polio vaccine experiments in India were responsible for the paralysis of some 47,000 children.
  • Paid Imperial College professor Niel Ferguson to author “Report 9,” the discredited, hastily written, non-peer reviewed paper which justified worldwide “lockdowns” and “social distancing.”
  • Funded and participated in a pandemic “simulation” which uncannily resembled COVID long before the first cases were reported out of China.
  • Most recently funded and participated in another future pandemic simulation, this one centering around a virus which is far deadlier than COVID and targeted children.
  • Strangely, in 2020 Gates went on camera and smiled incongruously as he predicted there would be another pandemic after COVID that “WILL get attention.”
Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are at the forefront of a drive by governments to institute universal, digital IDs to prove vaccine status, linked to surveillance technologies which will track and record the movements and every transaction, in real time, of every non-elite human on the planet. The already highly developed plan was described by WEF president Klaus Schwab, whose father was a high ranking Nazi, in his book The Great Reset.

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“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.”

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison

stupid monkeys.jpg
The Democrat party represents the world Economic Forum, globalist technocrats and 21st century dystopia

The republican party represents 20th century industry, unchanging social order and the same old same old power structure.

Neither bites the hand that feeds them.

Both Parties are technocratic; they hate small business and democracy, and love monopolies and elitism, yes.
All the drunks run around babbling about 'free markets' while voting to keep them from ever actually being 'free'. Then they wave flags and dance around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots.
You didn't wait long enough yet to post. Please have some coffee and try again. You really celebrated Labor Day weekend, didn't you?
You didn't wait long enough yet to post. Please have some coffee and try again. You really celebrated Labor Day weekend, didn't you?

Please keep shilling for your Party, no matter what; it's a lot easier than facing up to facts, plus Mark Cuban might read your ass kissing and adopt you and let you massage his feet.

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