Anger versus wisdom

I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

It's been reminding me of a quote I've read that I reread by chance this afternoon:

"When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power. When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt." - Brigham Young

We don't need anger in politics. We have enough odd that. What we need is wisdom. And that's something seriously lacking at the moment. We need to be fortifying the constitution, not destroying it.

there has always been anger in politics. the country began in a revolution and one of the founding fathers was killed in a duel over a political slight.
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

It's been reminding me of a quote I've read that I reread by chance this afternoon:

"When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power. When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt." - Brigham Young

We don't need anger in politics. We have enough odd that. What we need is wisdom. And that's something seriously lacking at the moment. We need to be fortifying the constitution, not destroying it.
Sadly. any one who truly has wisdom and looks at the field of candidates out there, would have no choice but to be angry. 320 million people in this country and it will likely come down to Trump or Hillary. I guess a wise person may not become angry, just depressed.
awww.... lookie... the mental midget posted another picture.
Anyone thinking he won't mosey up to those offering 'gifts' is fooling themselves. Anyone researching his business practices for the last 40 years and thinks he is 'change' is falling for that line, like he hopes, just as the left and some on the right did, as the present Wh occupant, promised in 2008. Look at how that change has effected us.
Donald will look out for Donald's and his friends interest. Noone elses.
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

It's been reminding me of a quote I've read that I reread by chance this afternoon:

"When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power. When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt." - Brigham Young

We don't need anger in politics. We have enough odd that. What we need is wisdom. And that's something seriously lacking at the moment. We need to be fortifying the constitution, not destroying it.

Actually, we need a great deal MORE "anger" in politics. For far too long we have sat back and watched our "representatives" get cozy with lobbyists, Corporations, and the Rich while ignoring the will of the people. The American people are fed up. It's high time that politicians become "fed up", too.
Using emotion to vote is a recipe for evil. Votes must remain rational and rooted in wisedom/truth. Trump is dangerous.

So what do you call it then, when people knowingly vote for a candidate that they know is a liar, thief and a criminal? Because using your analogy - no one in their right mind would ever consider vote for her if they employed this "wisdom" that you speak of.
And Trump mostly fits that bag, too.

And I am not happy with any of the choices out there.
Using emotion to vote is a recipe for evil. Votes must remain rational and rooted in wisedom/truth. Trump is dangerous.

So what do you call it then, when people knowingly vote for a candidate that they know is a liar, thief and a criminal? Because using your analogy - no one in their right mind would ever consider vote for her if they employed this "wisdom" that you speak of.
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

It doesn't have to. Your wisdom, with all due respect, sounds like frustration instead. Did you create this thread to impart your wisdom or frustration on the reader?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

That is a red herring.

You can't honestly compare Trump supporters who are angry with their government with rioters who destroy and pillage cities because someone was treated poorly by the cops or the like?

So, lets look at it this way:

If I were a Trump supporter (and I'm not at this point), I would ask

"Since when has voting for someone who promised to obey the Constitution gotten me anywhere?"

And to be honest, people get to the point where they don't care anymore.
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I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

It's been reminding me of a quote I've read that I reread by chance this afternoon:

"When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power. When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt." - Brigham Young

We don't need anger in politics. We have enough odd that. What we need is wisdom. And that's something seriously lacking at the moment. We need to be fortifying the constitution, not destroying it.

This might help you to understand where this is coming from.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

Trump is the first presidential candidate in 50 years who might conceivably: (1) deport illegal aliens, (2) build a wall, (3) block Muslim immigration, (4) flout political correctness, (5) bring manufacturing home, and (6) end the GOP's neurotic compulsion to start wars in some godforsaken part of the world.

That's all that matters! Are you listening yet, RNC?

YOur panic mongering about our justifiable anger is noted and dismissed.
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

It's been reminding me of a quote I've read that I reread by chance this afternoon:

"When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power. When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt." - Brigham Young

We don't need anger in politics. We have enough odd that. What we need is wisdom. And that's something seriously lacking at the moment. We need to be fortifying the constitution, not destroying it.
It is said that anger is based on fear. I believe that to be true, for me at least. I am both angry and fearful at how this country has been run down, emasculated and left to be a laughing stock on the world stage by the likes of Obama and his cohorts including Clinton.

I like how Trump has run his businesses and his ideas on how to run this country. He should be given the same chance as Obama. 4 years is not much to ask and he cannot do a great deal of harm in such a short period but can do great things given the opportunity.
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I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

It's been reminding me of a quote I've read that I reread by chance this afternoon:

"When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power. When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt." - Brigham Young

We don't need anger in politics. We have enough odd that. What we need is wisdom. And that's something seriously lacking at the moment. We need to be fortifying the constitution, not destroying it.

This might help you to understand where this is coming from.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

Trump is the first presidential candidate in 50 years who might conceivably: (1) deport illegal aliens, (2) build a wall, (3) block Muslim immigration, (4) flout political correctness, (5) bring manufacturing home, and (6) end the GOP's neurotic compulsion to start wars in some godforsaken part of the world.

That's all that matters! Are you listening yet, RNC?

YOur panic mongering about our justifiable anger is noted and dismissed.
Avatar is the voice of reason, yours is the one of panic, correll.
Anyone thinking he won't mosey up to those offering 'gifts' is fooling themselves. Anyone researching his business practices for the last 40 years and thinks he is 'change' is falling for that line, like he hopes, just as the left and some on the right did, as the present Wh occupant, promised in 2008. Look at how that change has effected us.
Donald will look out for Donald's and his friends interest. Noone elses.[/
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

It doesn't have to. Your wisdom, with all due respect, sounds like frustration instead. Did you create this thread to impart your wisdom or frustration?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?
That is a red herring.

You can't honestly compare Trump supporters who are angry with their government with rioters who destroy and pillage cities because someone was treated poorly by the cops or the like?

So, lets look at it this way:

If I were a Trump supporter (and I not at this point), I would ask

"Since when has voting for someone who promised to obey the Constitution gotten me anywhere?"

And to be honest, people get to the point where they don't care anymore.

Indeed. I remember the first time I voted like it was yesterday. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I left the voting booth feeling like a million dollar man in a 3.50 suit. Then, after his death, the stories began. It didn't take long for this young, black man to understand that politics corrupts absolutely - just like power.

I have been a skeptic ever since and I have yet to be proven wrong. There is something about that city that corrupts nearly everyone that walks into it. Oh yeah....Money.
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

It's been reminding me of a quote I've read that I reread by chance this afternoon:

"When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power. When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt." - Brigham Young

We don't need anger in politics. We have enough odd that. What we need is wisdom. And that's something seriously lacking at the moment. We need to be fortifying the constitution, not destroying it.

This might help you to understand where this is coming from.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

Trump is the first presidential candidate in 50 years who might conceivably: (1) deport illegal aliens, (2) build a wall, (3) block Muslim immigration, (4) flout political correctness, (5) bring manufacturing home, and (6) end the GOP's neurotic compulsion to start wars in some godforsaken part of the world.

That's all that matters! Are you listening yet, RNC?

YOur panic mongering about our justifiable anger is noted and dismissed.
Avatar is the voice of reason, yours is the one of panic, correll.

It is not reasonable to try to dismiss the anger of at least a third of the nation. Avatar is not reasonable.

Panic? My fear for my nation is not sudden or is it compelling unthinking behavior.

Desperate behavior perhaps, not unthinking.
Anyone thinking he won't mosey up to those offering 'gifts' is fooling themselves. Anyone researching his business practices for the last 40 years and thinks he is 'change' is falling for that line, like he hopes, just as the left and some on the right did, as the present Wh occupant, promised in 2008. Look at how that change has effected us.
Donald will look out for Donald's and his friends interest. Noone elses.[/
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

It doesn't have to. Your wisdom, with all due respect, sounds like frustration instead. Did you create this thread to impart your wisdom or frustration?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?
That is a red herring.

You can't honestly compare Trump supporters who are angry with their government with rioters who destroy and pillage cities because someone was treated poorly by the cops or the like?

So, lets look at it this way:

If I were a Trump supporter (and I not at this point), I would ask

"Since when has voting for someone who promised to obey the Constitution gotten me anywhere?"

And to be honest, people get to the point where they don't care anymore.

Indeed. I remember the first time I voted like it was yesterday. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I left the voting booth feeling like a million dollar man in a 3.50 suit. Then, after his death, the stories began. It didn't take long for this young, black man to understand that politics corrupts absolutely - just like power.

I have been a skeptic ever since and I have yet to be proven wrong. There is something about that city that corrupts nearly everyone that walks into it. Oh yeah....Money.
JFK was my first vote also...fresh out of Jesuit college....I liked Nixon but had to support my Irish Catholic bruh. 1964 I was a Goldwater guy...steady on the right ever since.
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

It's been reminding me of a quote I've read that I reread by chance this afternoon:

"When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power. When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt." - Brigham Young

We don't need anger in politics. We have enough odd that. What we need is wisdom. And that's something seriously lacking at the moment. We need to be fortifying the constitution, not destroying it.
It is said that anger is based on fear. I believe that to be true, for me at least. I am both angry and fearful at how this country has been run down, emasculated and left to be a laughing stock on the international world stage by the likes of Obama and his cohorts including Clinton.

I like how Trump has run his businesses and his ideas on how to run this country. He should be given the same chance as Obama. 4 years is not much to ask and he cannot do a great deal of harm in such a short period but can do great things given the opportunity.

The left in this country elected Obama twice expecting this Utopia that they have grown to expect since the 60s. They didn't get it. Now, it's "Bernie". The result. of course, would be the same. More seething anger on the left. The right has seen this country fall deeper and deeper into perversion, debt and watched as the country's morals have sunk to nearly nothing. Morale is at an all time low on both the right and the left.

The two democrat candidates appeal to the "pie-in-the-sky" theories that living should be free. The republican candidates feel the seething anger on the right and understand how to play to their "base".

Honestly, do we actually believe, for one minute, that much will change? What was the line in that "Who" Song? "Meet the new boss - same as the old boss".

Frankly, I'm expecting a landslide victory for the republicans. An overwhelming victory, much like when George McGovern got "curb stomped" by Richard Nixon. Do I expect much to change? No. It was Marcus Auriellus who stated "Rome - we cover our faces with our burial shrouds a little more each day".

"Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana
Alex, how has he run his businesses? How much deep research have you really done outisde of media articles you have read?
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

It's been reminding me of a quote I've read that I reread by chance this afternoon:

"When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power. When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt." - Brigham Young

We don't need anger in politics. We have enough odd that. What we need is wisdom. And that's something seriously lacking at the moment. We need to be fortifying the constitution, not destroying it.
It is said that anger is based on fear. I believe that to be true, for me at least. I am both angry and fearful at how this country has been run down, emasculated and left to be a laughing stock on the international world stage by the likes of Obama and his cohorts including Clinton.

I like how Trump has run his businesses and his ideas on how to run this country. He should be given the same chance as Obama. 4 years is not much to ask and he cannot do a great deal of harm in such a short period but can do great things given the opportunity.
Anyone thinking he won't mosey up to those offering 'gifts' is fooling themselves. Anyone researching his business practices for the last 40 years and thinks he is 'change' is falling for that line, like he hopes, just as the left and some on the right did, as the present Wh occupant, promised in 2008. Look at how that change has effected us.
Donald will look out for Donald's and his friends interest. Noone elses.[/
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

It doesn't have to. Your wisdom, with all due respect, sounds like frustration instead. Did you create this thread to impart your wisdom or frustration?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?
That is a red herring.

You can't honestly compare Trump supporters who are angry with their government with rioters who destroy and pillage cities because someone was treated poorly by the cops or the like?

So, lets look at it this way:

If I were a Trump supporter (and I not at this point), I would ask

"Since when has voting for someone who promised to obey the Constitution gotten me anywhere?"

And to be honest, people get to the point where they don't care anymore.

Indeed. I remember the first time I voted like it was yesterday. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I left the voting booth feeling like a million dollar man in a 3.50 suit. Then, after his death, the stories began. It didn't take long for this young, black man to understand that politics corrupts absolutely - just like power.

I have been a skeptic ever since and I have yet to be proven wrong. There is something about that city that corrupts nearly everyone that walks into it. Oh yeah....Money.
JFK was my first vote also...fresh out of Jesuit college....I liked Nixon but had to support my Irish Catholic bruh. 1964 I was a Goldwater guy...steady on the right ever since.

Indeed. JFK was my first (and my last) democrat vote.
Alex, how has he run his businesses? How much deep research have you really done outisde of media articles you have read?
I keep seeing people say how they are angry and so they are voting for trump because he is going to make things happen. And despite the fact that people keep pointing out his lack of support or even knowledge of the constitution, his huge character flaws, his connection with criminals, his stance on issues that we vehemently opposed within the past few years, that we are going to teach Washington how angry we are by electing him. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

When riots occur in the inner city and the mobs loot and destroy property, no right minded person would argue that the mob showing the people it's anger is benefiting the people? How is voting for a "strongman" who will ignore the constitution because we are angry going to help anyone?

It's been reminding me of a quote I've read that I reread by chance this afternoon:

"When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power. When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt." - Brigham Young

We don't need anger in politics. We have enough odd that. What we need is wisdom. And that's something seriously lacking at the moment. We need to be fortifying the constitution, not destroying it.
It is said that anger is based on fear. I believe that to be true, for me at least. I am both angry and fearful at how this country has been run down, emasculated and left to be a laughing stock on the international world stage by the likes of Obama and his cohorts including Clinton.

I like how Trump has run his businesses and his ideas on how to run this country. He should be given the same chance as Obama. 4 years is not much to ask and he cannot do a great deal of harm in such a short period but can do great things given the opportunity.
That is an expansive and in depth topic, to what are you referring?

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