Andrea Mitchell is weapons grade stupid.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Of course all liberals are stupid to some degree, but most are dangerously stupid. These people make the rest of us more vulnerable,

Here we have libtard propagandist Andrea Mitchell desperately trying to draw a different motive behind the Tennessee terrorist attack, than the obvious motive of muzbot killers doing what muzbot killers do.

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell went fishing for a better angle Friday when she asked a former classmate of Chattanooga mass murderer Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez whether he enjoyed “hunting” and other “small-town Tennessee activity.”
Progressives love anyone who hates America as much as they do.

"The enemy of America is my friend" -- Progressive motto
The ugliness in her heart is rivaled only by the ugliness of her face.

She should come with a warning and a hijab.
Of course all liberals are stupid to some degree, but most are dangerously stupid. These people make the rest of us more vulnerable,

Here we have libtard propagandist Andrea Mitchell desperately trying to draw a different motive behind the Tennessee terrorist attack, than the obvious motive of muzbot killers doing what muzbot killers do.

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell went fishing for a better angle Friday when she asked a former classmate of Chattanooga mass murderer Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez whether he enjoyed “hunting” and other “small-town Tennessee activity.”
That's not stupidity, it's just standard-issue partisan dishonesty.

Of course all liberals are stupid to some degree, but most are dangerously stupid. These people make the rest of us more vulnerable,

Here we have libtard propagandist Andrea Mitchell desperately trying to draw a different motive behind the Tennessee terrorist attack, than the obvious motive of muzbot killers doing what muzbot killers do.

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell went fishing for a better angle Friday when she asked a former classmate of Chattanooga mass murderer Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez whether he enjoyed “hunting” and other “small-town Tennessee activity.”
Given your posting history and that of most other conservatives, you’re in no position to refer to anyone as ‘stupid.’

Moreover, you’ve provided no ‘evidence’ that Mitchell is a ‘liberal,’ or that she’s representative of all ‘liberals.’

Last, there’s no ‘evidence’ that Mitchell is trying to “draw a different motive’ with regard to the attack.

What we do know for a fact is that you’re an ignorant, hateful bigot, who as a consequence of his bigotry incorrectly perceives ‘all Muslims’ as ‘terrorists.’
its a question you fools

Did he have a desire to kill things?

what a pack of partisan hacks you righties are
I had no idea she was a liberal. She supports which ever faction is in the White House.

During the Bush administration she acted like a Repub.
Of course all liberals are stupid to some degree, but most are dangerously stupid. These people make the rest of us more vulnerable,

Here we have libtard propagandist Andrea Mitchell desperately trying to draw a different motive behind the Tennessee terrorist attack, than the obvious motive of muzbot killers doing what muzbot killers do.

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell went fishing for a better angle Friday when she asked a former classmate of Chattanooga mass murderer Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez whether he enjoyed “hunting” and other “small-town Tennessee activity.”
Given your posting history and that of most other conservatives, you’re in no position to refer to anyone as ‘stupid.’

Moreover, you’ve provided no ‘evidence’ that Mitchell is a ‘liberal,’ or that she’s representative of all ‘liberals.’

Last, there’s no ‘evidence’ that Mitchell is trying to “draw a different motive’ with regard to the attack.

What we do know for a fact is that you’re an ignorant, hateful bigot, who as a consequence of his bigotry incorrectly perceives ‘all Muslims’ as ‘terrorists.’
And what we know about you is you don't know what a quotation mark is and isn't, not to mention when not to use one.
its a question you fools

Did he have a desire to kill things?

what a pack of partisan hacks you righties are
If a FOXNews reporter had wondered if a Black suspect liked to do something typically relatable to Black culture liberals would piss all over themselves in abject fury, so take your hypocrisy and shove it.
I had no idea she was a liberal. She supports which ever faction is in the White House.

During the Bush administration she acted like a Repub.
How does a Republican act? I only remember her being who she is now, but I might be wrong.

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