...And just what are Amrricans thinking about the Barr/Mueller report!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Pollster Dritan Nesho said in an interview that aired Friday on Hill.TV's "What America's Thinking" that there is a shift in independent voters' views of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe.

"Who you see shifting in terms of their opinions are independents," Nesho, the CEO of HarrisX, told host Jamal Simmons on Wednesday.

"Republicans have largely been consistent in their view of the investigation, considering it to be biased or in many cases, baseless," he continued.

"Democrats have been very consistent in their view of the investigation, considering it to be absolutely necessary and believing that there was evidence of collusion or obstruction beyond some of the actions that Trump had taken," he said.

"It's the independents in the middle that right now are breaking in favor of the president, [and] largely accept [Attorney General William] Barr's memo and his conclusions," he said.

The interview was conducted before Barr released a redacted version of Mueller's long-anticipated report on Thursday.

The special counsel's office detailed Russian efforts to try to help Trump win the 2016 election, but said the Trump campaign did not directly assist Moscow in that effort.

Here Nesho says that their poll this month most people agreed that Barr was correct on the question of "obstruction" and generally accepted Barr's memo and comments.

Nesho on youtube
..And just what are Amrricans thinking about the Barr/Mueller report!



Sorry Moonglow, but those are all shots of left wingers when they saw the report didn't prove their delusions were real.
Haven't read it and have no desire to. I don't care what it says and it is my fondest wish that the media all suffer fatal heart attacks at the same moment.
Frankly I am sick and tired of hearing, seeing the wasted time and money on partisan politics playing gotcha..It leaves very little time to deal with real problems...

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