An open letter


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Given some of the discussions/clashes I've had on the political boards lately with conservatives and libertarians... I just want to make everyone on this board aware that any insinuations that I am a conservative, liberal or a libertarian are incorrect. I'm sorry if some of my positions offend you, but I have adopted a way of free thinking. It's no longer a team game; teams cooperate with each other, to strive for a singular goal. I don't see that.

If this makes me any enemies, so be it. I'm tired of being held down by a singular political ideology... I mean I guess this in a ways suits well with my desire to switch and adopt positions that convince me of the ones I currently hold. Call me impressionable, but that's just who I've become. Just to think I was a neo-conservative just 5 years ago.

It's my nature to challenge people, left middle or right, I might lose the debate sometimes but that's fine. I'm not afraid of losing. Sometimes I make an idiot out of myself but that's fine too.

You can't attain knowledge if you don't seek it out through experimentation and by challenging peoples views with your own, and I'm trying to adopt that practice, instead of going with what the political establishment feeds me.

What better way than to do that here. I encourage you, if you're willing, to try it.

See you later.
Given some of the discussions/clashes I've had on the political boards lately with conservatives and libertarians... I just want to make everyone on this board aware that any insinuations that I am a conservative, liberal or a libertarian are incorrect. I'm sorry if some of my positions offend you, but I have adopted a way of free thinking. It's no longer a team game; teams cooperate with each other, to strive for a singular goal. I don't see that.

If this makes me any enemies...
Don't worry. Until you mentioned it I am sure like myself, most people were unawares of how unimportant who and what you are really is.

rest up
Given some of the discussions/clashes I've had on the political boards lately with conservatives and libertarians... I just want to make everyone on this board aware that any insinuations that I am a conservative, liberal or a libertarian are incorrect. I'm sorry if some of my positions offend you, but I have adopted a way of free thinking. It's no longer a team game; teams cooperate with each other, to strive for a singular goal. I don't see that.

If this makes me any enemies, so be it. I'm tired of being held down by a singular political ideology... I mean I guess this in a ways suits well with my desire to switch and adopt positions that convince me of the ones I currently hold. Call me impressionable, but that's just who I've become. Just to think I was a neo-conservative just 5 years ago.

It's my nature to challenge people, left middle or right, I might lose the debate sometimes but that's fine. I'm not afraid of losing. Sometimes I make an idiot out of myself but that's fine too.

You can't attain knowledge if you don't seek it out through experimentation and by challenging peoples views with your own, and I'm trying to adopt that practice, instead of going with what the political establishment feeds me.

What better way than to do that here. I encourage you, if you're willing, to try it.

See you later.
In other words, you are a shallow dick?
Given some of the discussions/clashes I've had on the political boards lately with conservatives and libertarians... I just want to make everyone on this board aware that any insinuations that I am a conservative, liberal or a libertarian are incorrect. I'm sorry if some of my positions offend you, but I have adopted a way of free thinking. It's no longer a team game; teams cooperate with each other, to strive for a singular goal. I don't see that.

If this makes me any enemies, so be it. I'm tired of being held down by a singular political ideology... I mean I guess this in a ways suits well with my desire to switch and adopt positions that convince me of the ones I currently hold. Call me impressionable, but that's just who I've become. Just to think I was a neo-conservative just 5 years ago.

It's my nature to challenge people, left middle or right, I might lose the debate sometimes but that's fine. I'm not afraid of losing. Sometimes I make an idiot out of myself but that's fine too.

You can't attain knowledge if you don't seek it out through experimentation and by challenging peoples views with your own, and I'm trying to adopt that practice, instead of going with what the political establishment feeds me.

What better way than to do that here. I encourage you, if you're willing, to try it.

See you later.
In other words, you are a shallow dick?

Nope. Shallow dicks call others shallow dicks. You don't like it? Sorry.
I don't read him often (TK) because he posts in other places than I usually do. I know his background and how he is the kickball here. I understand that, too. But for what its worth...I find he expresses himself well, without trying to offend while he is being pushed around and tripped and his pants flown from the flagpole by the jocks who get bored easily and go find the fat guy to pick on.
Given some of the discussions/clashes I've had on the political boards lately with conservatives and libertarians... I just want to make everyone on this board aware that any insinuations that I am a conservative, liberal or a libertarian are incorrect. I'm sorry if some of my positions offend you, but I have adopted a way of free thinking. It's no longer a team game; teams cooperate with each other, to strive for a singular goal. I don't see that.

If this makes me any enemies, so be it. I'm tired of being held down by a singular political ideology... I mean I guess this in a ways suits well with my desire to switch and adopt positions that convince me of the ones I currently hold. Call me impressionable, but that's just who I've become. Just to think I was a neo-conservative just 5 years ago.

It's my nature to challenge people, left middle or right, I might lose the debate sometimes but that's fine. I'm not afraid of losing. Sometimes I make an idiot out of myself but that's fine too.

You can't attain knowledge if you don't seek it out through experimentation and by challenging peoples views with your own, and I'm trying to adopt that practice, instead of going with what the political establishment feeds me.

What better way than to do that here. I encourage you, if you're willing, to try it.

See you later.
In other words, you are a shallow dick?

Nope. Shallow dicks call others shallow dicks. You don't like it? Sorry.
Shallow dicks believe that what anonymous people say on message boards are of any consequence and take offense when people express dislike of them, to the point where they post "open letters" like you did, moron.

You have issues, Templar!
Given some of the discussions/clashes I've had on the political boards lately with conservatives and libertarians... I just want to make everyone on this board aware that any insinuations that I am a conservative, liberal or a libertarian are incorrect. I'm sorry if some of my positions offend you, but I have adopted a way of free thinking. It's no longer a team game; teams cooperate with each other, to strive for a singular goal. I don't see that.

If this makes me any enemies, so be it. I'm tired of being held down by a singular political ideology... I mean I guess this in a ways suits well with my desire to switch and adopt positions that convince me of the ones I currently hold. Call me impressionable, but that's just who I've become. Just to think I was a neo-conservative just 5 years ago.

It's my nature to challenge people, left middle or right, I might lose the debate sometimes but that's fine. I'm not afraid of losing. Sometimes I make an idiot out of myself but that's fine too.

You can't attain knowledge if you don't seek it out through experimentation and by challenging peoples views with your own, and I'm trying to adopt that practice, instead of going with what the political establishment feeds me.

What better way than to do that here. I encourage you, if you're willing, to try it.

See you later.
In other words, you are a shallow dick?

Nope. Shallow dicks call others shallow dicks. You don't like it? Sorry.
Shallow dicks believe that what anonymous people say on message boards are of any consequence and take offense when people express dislike of them, to the point where they post "open letters" like you did, moron.

You have issues, Templar!
And yer an asswipe.

On iggie you go. Been meaning to do that but kept forgetting.
Shallow dicks believe that what anonymous people say on message boards are of any consequence and take offense when people express dislike of them, to the point where they post "open letters" like you did, moron.

Sweet, another person with a degree in behavioral psychology!

No, I don't believe everything people say on this board. If I did, I would have popped a cap in my head a long time ago. I believe people who make compelling arguments.

You are intimidated. That's all I can glean from you. You don't like it when people break themselves out of the mold.

You have issues, Templar!

Of course I do!
Given some of the discussions/clashes I've had on the political boards lately with conservatives and libertarians... I just want to make everyone on this board aware that any insinuations that I am a conservative, liberal or a libertarian are incorrect. I'm sorry if some of my positions offend you, but I have adopted a way of free thinking. It's no longer a team game; teams cooperate with each other, to strive for a singular goal. I don't see that.

If this makes me any enemies, so be it. I'm tired of being held down by a singular political ideology... I mean I guess this in a ways suits well with my desire to switch and adopt positions that convince me of the ones I currently hold. Call me impressionable, but that's just who I've become. Just to think I was a neo-conservative just 5 years ago.

It's my nature to challenge people, left middle or right, I might lose the debate sometimes but that's fine. I'm not afraid of losing. Sometimes I make an idiot out of myself but that's fine too.

You can't attain knowledge if you don't seek it out through experimentation and by challenging peoples views with your own, and I'm trying to adopt that practice, instead of going with what the political establishment feeds me.

What better way than to do that here. I encourage you, if you're willing, to try it.

See you later.
In other words, you are a shallow dick?

Shallow dicks believe that what anonymous people say on message boards are of any consequence and take offense when people express dislike of them, to the point where they post "open letters" like you did, moron.

Sweet, another person with a degree in behavioral psychology!

No, I don't believe everything people say on this board. If I did, I would have popped a cap in my head a long time ago. I believe people who make compelling arguments.

You are intimidated. That's all I can glean from you. You don't like it when people break themselves out of the mold.

You have issues, Templar!

Of course I do!
Apparently you do not know the definition of "intimidated". If you meant that I am creeped out by your douchy "open letter" and its content, then yes, I am guilty.
I like being open minded. It's better than being hopelessly obstinate.
What the fuck are you even babbling about, moron? Adherence to a particular ideology does not preclude you from being open minded. Take me, for example. I am a far right conservative politically. However, I am also an atheist. Further, my conservative bent does not prevent me from analyzing all sides of an issue.

Yes, many are mindless drones who merely default to certain stances. But it is not the adherence to an ideology that causes this. It is laziness, ignorance and stupidity that causes this. In addition, it is also apathy.

If you still need to define yourself at this point in life (I am assuming you are an adult) then you need to do it with the assistance of a shrink.
Given some of the discussions/clashes I've had on the political boards lately with conservatives and libertarians... I just want to make everyone on this board aware that any insinuations that I am a conservative, liberal or a libertarian are incorrect. I'm sorry if some of my positions offend you, but I have adopted a way of free thinking. It's no longer a team game; teams cooperate with each other, to strive for a singular goal. I don't see that.

If this makes me any enemies, so be it. I'm tired of being held down by a singular political ideology... I mean I guess this in a ways suits well with my desire to switch and adopt positions that convince me of the ones I currently hold. Call me impressionable, but that's just who I've become. Just to think I was a neo-conservative just 5 years ago.

It's my nature to challenge people, left middle or right, I might lose the debate sometimes but that's fine. I'm not afraid of losing. Sometimes I make an idiot out of myself but that's fine too.

You can't attain knowledge if you don't seek it out through experimentation and by challenging peoples views with your own, and I'm trying to adopt that practice, instead of going with what the political establishment feeds me.

What better way than to do that here. I encourage you, if you're willing, to try it.

See you later.
In other words, you are a shallow dick?

Nope. Shallow dicks call others shallow dicks. You don't like it? Sorry.
Shallow dicks believe that what anonymous people say on message boards are of any consequence and take offense when people express dislike of them, to the point where they post "open letters" like you did, moron.

You have issues, Templar!
And yer an asswipe.

On iggie you go. Been meaning to do that but kept forgetting.
Asswipe, eh? Yeah, I love the classics too.

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