An Moslem Reformation??

And I really wonder what the islam world would blame west with, if it was the red cross discriminating against muslim blood; islamaphobia or racism, not sure...
How about starting with getting ALL Muslims OUT of the USA, keeping them out and not letting any in. We would save billions in security...


If said reformation takes place, why would having Moslems in the nation be a problem?

The most impressive thing about reality on the ground for American immigration is seeing former sectarian rivals living in relative peace.

Considering the growing number of both Sunnis and Shiites in the USA, and considering the infrequency of sectarian violence between the two groups on US soil, America and the US Constitution seem to have a positive and calming effect on every religion except the NRA.
Any who have a desire for peace in the world recognize the necessary reformation of the Moslem religion.

There is an intolerance that must be, at the least, mitigated.
History has borne witness to the same in other major religions.

1. Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam:

Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science. The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.
Tocqueville, Democracy in America, vol.2, p. 23.

But the upheavals in the Middle East may produce a change with less support among Moslems for Koran-directed governments.

2. "Arabs are flocking to support Egypts upheaval against political Islam.
....Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates pledged $12 billion in cash, fuel, food, wheat, interest-free loans, and gifts. Vast shipments of gasoline and wheat have poured in so fast that the four-hour standard waits at gasoline stations and a shortage of bread disappeared overnight.

3. ....the endorsement is also driven by the danger Islamists represent in these countries own backyards. On July 3, the day President Morsi was removed by the army in Cairo, a court at Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, sentenced 61 professionals of the Muslim Brotherhood to between 10 and 25 years for plotting a coup.

4. Israeli strategists have long maintained a close cooperation with Egypts military and intelligence services, which has intensified in the past few days as the Egyptian army pursues Jihadists from Hamas in find-and-kill missions.

5. ....all this provided an opening, if only that, for a repressed Arab press. It is responding with attacks on political Islam, whose media vehicles in Egypt and elsewhere have been shut.

6. In a new vernacular, radical Islam emerges as malevolent monster conspiring against multi-sectarian, multi-religious, and multi-ethnic societies, advocating Wahhabi Islam, civil wars, and financial ruin.

7. The new pan-Arab cynicism is rooted in disappointments with such Islamist militias as Hezbollah and Hamas, piled upon multiple atrocities by Islamists against fellow Arabs in Algeria, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq and a loss of interest in the so-called Peace Process that has led nowhere.

8. Among all Arab countries, tiny Qatar stands on the opposite side of this socio-political divide....Qatar has set itself up as an unrivaled patron of political Islam....Al Jazeera's sole owners, the rulers of Qatar, have been so distraught by the turn of events they are turning their journalistic and diplomatic voices against the Egyptian army and people, advocating nothing less than a war between Muslims and non-believers. It is tantamount to a call for civil war.

9. Other regional enemies of Egypts Revolution Two include Turkeys Islamist prime minister, Recep Tayyeb Erdogan, and fellow travelers in Iran, Hamas and Tunisia. Watching their model of political Islam collapse in just about 10 days they are regrouping.....Qatar was told it could send no one, and no weapons into Gaza from Egypt anymore.

10. ...America is losing influence. With so much money entering their coffers, Egyptians are not concerned over threats to suspend an annual American stipend of $1.5 billion....A more innovative American approach would start with a public renunciation of political Islam as the anti-democratic and fascist practice it is for any people aspiring to liberty.
As Washington Dithers, Arabs Rally To Egypts Revolt Against Political Islam - The New York Sun

Could we be witnessing a sea change....a reformation???

"Saudi Arabia Takes a Step Forward, as Iran Moves Backwards

by Tarek Fatah
The Toronto Sun

When the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, challenged the fundamental precepts of Islamic Sharia in an interview on April 28, the tremors were so deep, they left most Muslims and their clerics in a state of silent shock.

MBS, as the crown prince is known, had questioned the very validity of 'Hadith' literature – sayings attributed to Prophet Muhammad – that provide much of what is today considered Islamic Law in places as far apart as Aceh in Indonesia to University campuses in California in the West.

As an example, the hijab suddenly lost its religious justification and much of the Islamic laws that created the Taliban lost their validation.

Many of us who had for decades fought the Saudization of Islam were taken aback by MBS's statements. The man who is turning his country slightly away from funding overseas jihads and civil wars had quietly heralded women's rights and in an unprecedented move included the Hindu texts of Mahabharat and Ramayana into the school syllabus."
If said reformation takes place, why would having Moslems in the nation be a problem?

Because they have been given EVERY opportunity to assimilate, contribute and be normal but most of them don't and support terrorism either directly or indirectly. Most admit they want Sharia Law, to dominate/rule/run the USA and to convert/kill infidels (Christians and Jews).

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

They are NOT our friends...:evil:


War on Terrorism: 40 Terrorist Attacks Foiled Since 9/11

Hahaha.. No Muslims do not admit the want Sharia law in the US. Your lies are ignorant and sickening.
If said reformation takes place, why would having Moslems in the nation be a problem?

Because they have been given EVERY opportunity to assimilate, contribute and be normal but most of them don't and support terrorism either directly or indirectly. Most admit they want Sharia Law, to dominate/rule/run the USA and to convert/kill infidels (Christians and Jews).

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

They are NOT our friends...:evil:


War on Terrorism: 40 Terrorist Attacks Foiled Since 9/11

Hahaha.. No Muslims do not admit the want Sharia law in the US. Your lies are ignorant and sickening.

I have rarely seen anyone lie as consistently as you do.

"NYC’s Muslim Community Patrol to enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia”
..., the sight of official-looking cars – made to look like police New York City cars — emblazoned with the words “Muslim Community Patrol” cruising the avenues of Brooklyn and Staten Island—in the United States of America—was quick to generate news coverage, commentary and alarm.

Most of the mainstream American media reacted in typical fashion. Ever fearful of offending radicalized Muslim communities or digging too deeply into unsavory truths, they gushed in glowing news reports about the new patrol cars and portrayed them as a “neighborhood watch” for Muslim-dominated areas.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said the Muslim patrol units would help keep the city safe and vowed that his administration would help organizers acquire more police-style cars and equipment.

“We believe we need to do more to assist them,” he told NY1 News.

Yet, a little digging shows that the Muslim Community Patrol has an underlying agenda: to enforce Islamic sharia law first in the Muslim community and then in American community at large….

This is where things got interesting. He went on to say that the patrol presence was needed not just for protecting mosques, but also to stop people— Muslim people, in particular—from doing what was harmful and what the Quran considers haram, or forbidden, for Muslims.

Abdul remembered Wahhaj saying, “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.”

That is, they were there to physically enforce “laws” that were not U.S. or New York laws."
NYC’s Muslim Community Patrol to enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia”

If said reformation takes place, why would having Moslems in the nation be a problem?

Because they have been given EVERY opportunity to assimilate, contribute and be normal but most of them don't and support terrorism either directly or indirectly. Most admit they want Sharia Law, to dominate/rule/run the USA and to convert/kill infidels (Christians and Jews).

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

They are NOT our friends...:evil:


War on Terrorism: 40 Terrorist Attacks Foiled Since 9/11

Hahaha.. No Muslims do not admit the want Sharia law in the US. Your lies are ignorant and sickening.

I have rarely seen anyone lie as consistently as you do.

"NYC’s Muslim Community Patrol to enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia”
..., the sight of official-looking cars – made to look like police New York City cars — emblazoned with the words “Muslim Community Patrol” cruising the avenues of Brooklyn and Staten Island—in the United States of America—was quick to generate news coverage, commentary and alarm.

Most of the mainstream American media reacted in typical fashion. Ever fearful of offending radicalized Muslim communities or digging too deeply into unsavory truths, they gushed in glowing news reports about the new patrol cars and portrayed them as a “neighborhood watch” for Muslim-dominated areas.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said the Muslim patrol units would help keep the city safe and vowed that his administration would help organizers acquire more police-style cars and equipment.

“We believe we need to do more to assist them,” he told NY1 News.

Yet, a little digging shows that the Muslim Community Patrol has an underlying agenda: to enforce Islamic sharia law first in the Muslim community and then in American community at large….

This is where things got interesting. He went on to say that the patrol presence was needed not just for protecting mosques, but also to stop people— Muslim people, in particular—from doing what was harmful and what the Quran considers haram, or forbidden, for Muslims.

Abdul remembered Wahhaj saying, “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.”

That is, they were there to physically enforce “laws” that were not U.S. or New York laws."
NYC’s Muslim Community Patrol to enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia”

Hahaha.. You don't even know what that means. Jihad Watch preys on ignorant people to spread hatred.
If said reformation takes place, why would having Moslems in the nation be a problem?

Because they have been given EVERY opportunity to assimilate, contribute and be normal but most of them don't and support terrorism either directly or indirectly. Most admit they want Sharia Law, to dominate/rule/run the USA and to convert/kill infidels (Christians and Jews).

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

They are NOT our friends...:evil:


War on Terrorism: 40 Terrorist Attacks Foiled Since 9/11

Hahaha.. No Muslims do not admit the want Sharia law in the US. Your lies are ignorant and sickening.

I have rarely seen anyone lie as consistently as you do.

"NYC’s Muslim Community Patrol to enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia”
..., the sight of official-looking cars – made to look like police New York City cars — emblazoned with the words “Muslim Community Patrol” cruising the avenues of Brooklyn and Staten Island—in the United States of America—was quick to generate news coverage, commentary and alarm.

Most of the mainstream American media reacted in typical fashion. Ever fearful of offending radicalized Muslim communities or digging too deeply into unsavory truths, they gushed in glowing news reports about the new patrol cars and portrayed them as a “neighborhood watch” for Muslim-dominated areas.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said the Muslim patrol units would help keep the city safe and vowed that his administration would help organizers acquire more police-style cars and equipment.

“We believe we need to do more to assist them,” he told NY1 News.

Yet, a little digging shows that the Muslim Community Patrol has an underlying agenda: to enforce Islamic sharia law first in the Muslim community and then in American community at large….

This is where things got interesting. He went on to say that the patrol presence was needed not just for protecting mosques, but also to stop people— Muslim people, in particular—from doing what was harmful and what the Quran considers haram, or forbidden, for Muslims.

Abdul remembered Wahhaj saying, “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.”

That is, they were there to physically enforce “laws” that were not U.S. or New York laws."
NYC’s Muslim Community Patrol to enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia”

Hahaha.. You don't even know what that means. Jihad Watch preys on ignorant people to spread hatred.

I know that I just proved your post false.

You appear to have the same relationship with Liberal lies as beetles have to dung.
If said reformation takes place, why would having Moslems in the nation be a problem?

Because they have been given EVERY opportunity to assimilate, contribute and be normal but most of them don't and support terrorism either directly or indirectly. Most admit they want Sharia Law, to dominate/rule/run the USA and to convert/kill infidels (Christians and Jews).

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

They are NOT our friends...:evil:


War on Terrorism: 40 Terrorist Attacks Foiled Since 9/11

Hahaha.. No Muslims do not admit the want Sharia law in the US. Your lies are ignorant and sickening.

I have rarely seen anyone lie as consistently as you do.

"NYC’s Muslim Community Patrol to enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia”
..., the sight of official-looking cars – made to look like police New York City cars — emblazoned with the words “Muslim Community Patrol” cruising the avenues of Brooklyn and Staten Island—in the United States of America—was quick to generate news coverage, commentary and alarm.

Most of the mainstream American media reacted in typical fashion. Ever fearful of offending radicalized Muslim communities or digging too deeply into unsavory truths, they gushed in glowing news reports about the new patrol cars and portrayed them as a “neighborhood watch” for Muslim-dominated areas.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said the Muslim patrol units would help keep the city safe and vowed that his administration would help organizers acquire more police-style cars and equipment.

“We believe we need to do more to assist them,” he told NY1 News.

Yet, a little digging shows that the Muslim Community Patrol has an underlying agenda: to enforce Islamic sharia law first in the Muslim community and then in American community at large….

This is where things got interesting. He went on to say that the patrol presence was needed not just for protecting mosques, but also to stop people— Muslim people, in particular—from doing what was harmful and what the Quran considers haram, or forbidden, for Muslims.

Abdul remembered Wahhaj saying, “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.”

That is, they were there to physically enforce “laws” that were not U.S. or New York laws."
NYC’s Muslim Community Patrol to enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia”

Hahaha.. You don't even know what that means. Jihad Watch preys on ignorant people to spread hatred.

I know that I just proved your post false.

You appear to have the same relationship with Liberal lies as beetles have to dung.

Most people like you and Jihad Watch have never set foot in the ME.
If said reformation takes place, why would having Moslems in the nation be a problem?

Because they have been given EVERY opportunity to assimilate, contribute and be normal but most of them don't and support terrorism either directly or indirectly. Most admit they want Sharia Law, to dominate/rule/run the USA and to convert/kill infidels (Christians and Jews).

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

They are NOT our friends...:evil:


War on Terrorism: 40 Terrorist Attacks Foiled Since 9/11

Hahaha.. No Muslims do not admit the want Sharia law in the US. Your lies are ignorant and sickening.

I have rarely seen anyone lie as consistently as you do.

"NYC’s Muslim Community Patrol to enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia”
..., the sight of official-looking cars – made to look like police New York City cars — emblazoned with the words “Muslim Community Patrol” cruising the avenues of Brooklyn and Staten Island—in the United States of America—was quick to generate news coverage, commentary and alarm.

Most of the mainstream American media reacted in typical fashion. Ever fearful of offending radicalized Muslim communities or digging too deeply into unsavory truths, they gushed in glowing news reports about the new patrol cars and portrayed them as a “neighborhood watch” for Muslim-dominated areas.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said the Muslim patrol units would help keep the city safe and vowed that his administration would help organizers acquire more police-style cars and equipment.

“We believe we need to do more to assist them,” he told NY1 News.

Yet, a little digging shows that the Muslim Community Patrol has an underlying agenda: to enforce Islamic sharia law first in the Muslim community and then in American community at large….

This is where things got interesting. He went on to say that the patrol presence was needed not just for protecting mosques, but also to stop people— Muslim people, in particular—from doing what was harmful and what the Quran considers haram, or forbidden, for Muslims.

Abdul remembered Wahhaj saying, “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.”

That is, they were there to physically enforce “laws” that were not U.S. or New York laws."
NYC’s Muslim Community Patrol to enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia”

Hahaha.. You don't even know what that means. Jihad Watch preys on ignorant people to spread hatred.

I know that I just proved your post false.

You appear to have the same relationship with Liberal lies as beetles have to dung.

Most people like you and Jihad Watch have never set foot in the ME.

Wrong again.

I have.

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