An Ill Wind Blows in New York

Wow. Strong statement by the police. Looks like some Gotham City scene from a Batman movie.

It does. And the worrisome part is that this may be soon playing at a theater near you.

Nothing, absolutely nothing can be had from another race war. It will tear this country apart like no double-Middle Eastern war, no fight on abortion rights, no gay rights battle, no healthcare law mess ever could.

So drive the Communists ( Like Bill de Blasio ) out of office and the nation won't be drawn into a race war. Problem solved.

This reactionary calling of every Dem a Communist is sick. Its divisive and its dishonest.

Nobody called every Dem a Communist but you.
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.
Dinkins II.
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.
Dinkins II.

I'm gonna go with Dinkins on steroids.Times two.
New York voters..................scum

they are really....

they deserve all the manure....

smart asses idiots

I dont feel sorry for New Yorkers fuck them

I'm ashamed to be the countryman of a person like you. Someone who writes off in a broad-brushed stroke the people of one of the largest cities on the planet, who are her fellow citizens, simply because of what? Most of them have a different political point of view? Because she feels that they are "smart asses". I served to protect the people of this country, liberal, conservative, West coast, East coast, and everyone in between. I put my life on the line for this country. The divisiveness of your comments is unpatriotic, un-American, and inhuman, and we, as a country, should throw you out on your ignorant, hateful ass. We don't need hateful sociopaths like you who do nothing good for our nation or our species.
Don't like it that other people have opinions? You just showed your colors. You owe skye an apology.

I owe no one an apology for having an opinion with which I don't agree. We'd all owe eachother apologies if that were the case. Having an opinion that demonizes your fellow Americans based on where they live, whether you're conservative or liberal, so much so that you'd call them scum and have no sympathy or empathy for them while claiming to love this nation...?! Sorry, but that's just the scummiest, low-life, anti-American thing one can do that isn't actually terrorism or betrayal.

If her feelings are hurt, then perhaps she should reconsider her feelings about her fellow Americans.

Until then, mind your own business. Let Skye take personal responsibility for her comments. Unless you think conservatism isn't about that...?
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.
The cops that pick him up from school, if they exist, know him.

Do you honestly want to pretend that no cops harbor prejudice? And this kid could walk around with a hoodie without getting hassled?
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.
Your statement is so stupid, it made me light headed just reading it.
De Blasio tells the truth, and he won't back down. That's got the teapers wetting themselves in rage. Their bullying campaign isn't working, and they don't know any other tactics.

De Blasio won in a 72-24 landslide on a campaign that focused on police reform. His positions are supported by the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers. The NYPD is acting like mafia thugs now, making threats of implied violence towards people who want them to reform. Anyone who is not a fanatical police state supporter should have problems with that. The police do not rule the people, they serve the people, and any cop who can't handle that should find another job.
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.
Your statement is so stupid, it made me light headed just reading it.

So you would warn him not to trust the cops that escort him around town. Interesting, but stupid.
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.
Your statement is so stupid, it made me light headed just reading it.

So you would warn him not to trust the cops that escort him around town. Interesting, but stupid.
Do you actually KNOW what he said to his son?
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.
Your statement is so stupid, it made me light headed just reading it.

So you would warn him not to trust the cops that escort him around town. Interesting, but stupid.
For one such as yourself, of course it would seem stupid...
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.

You do realize that any conversation between Bill and Dante DeBlasio about race and the police is likely to have occurred long before DeBlasio was elected Mayor, right?
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.
Your statement is so stupid, it made me light headed just reading it.

So you would warn him not to trust the cops that escort him around town. Interesting, but stupid.
Do you think he was warning him about the cops they know and the cops that escort him?

If you truly do, and got THAT out of what deblasio said, then you are purposefully being obtuse. He was NOT talking about policemen that they know and trust, he was not talking about his son's escorts, THAT WAS VERY CLEAR....

His father's advice, was good advice...and many of the wingers on this very board repeat it and say it all the time.... if the cops stop you, do not make any quick moves, do not reach for anything in your pockets, do not reach for your cell, do not talk back yadahyadahyadah.....
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.
The cops that pick him up from school, if they exist, know him.

Do you honestly want to pretend that no cops harbor prejudice? And this kid could walk around with a hoodie without getting hassled?

There are nearly a half million sworn officers at the state and local levels in the U.S.

The safety of the many outweigh the allegedly-abridged rights of the few.

Those still fewer instances when authority is proven to overstep its bounds should be dealt with within the framework of the law.
The mayor has a right to his opinion, however the police officers have the right to peaceably protest.

It was a peaceful protest, no one was asking for people to be killed, unlike the other protesters that wanted cops killed and got their wish.

Hats off to peaceful protests.
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

I don't, but if my son were bi-racial I would not warn him not to trust the cops that pick him up from school or guard the mansion and provide security for the entire family. If he thinks the cops are thugs, he should hire a private security firm and pay for it with his own money.

You do realize that any conversation between Bill and Dante DeBlasio about race and the police is likely to have occurred long before DeBlasio was elected Mayor, right?


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