An Hour and Eight Minutes

According to CSPAN, the speech was an hour and 8 minutes. Also, apparently, Biden hung around for about 90 minutes after word chatting it up with lawmakers on the House floor.

Impressive performance.

An Hour and Eight Minutes​

of misleading BULLSHIT!
Biden did himself no favor... he may have just lost the election tonight... he will have to debate Trump now for sure to try and repair tonight's damage...
You are nuts. You'll know it too after Biden gets a post SOTU aproval bump.
They're not new, you've heard them all before. Like he's powerless to stop the illegal alien invasion without that useless border bill. Of course he didn't tell the nation, that starting on day one, he took 91 executive actions that made the border less safe and secure. He didn't tell the country that he inherited the most secure border in more than half a century and because of HIS actions, we have the least secure border in recorded history. And that's just one topic, I'd be here all night typing to cover the rest, and you commie, just ain't worth that much time.

Any quotes about these alleged lies? No?

Carry on.
Strangely you can’t name any.
We can name his BS. He's got nothing but blame for republicans , saying they are not concerned about shutting down the border, but its because its a bill linked to Ukraine and Israel.
Did he mention that tonight? NO he did not. They may also not like the fact that his bill allows for up to 5,000 illegal migrants a day to pass through, before the border is shut down. Its really ridiculous, thats still about 150 a month and more than the annual limit for legal immigration.
There is a lot there to be contested, so Biden can stop with his bullshit.

He also talked about cutting US carbon emissions by 50% by 2030...six years away from now.. and these clowns have no plan. EV's are FAR from perfection.... and his plan will drive energy costs through the roof. That will reduce the size of cookie monsters cookies even further... and make Bidens bag of chips even lighter. Cut the sanctimony.
To hear the media and his detractors talk, Biden can’t remain awake for 15 minutes (generalizing here). He just did over an hour from what is being regarded as a very effective speech.

And th eother day he couldnt keep his head up at the table. Any explanation for such a difference? It usually comes down to a drug coktail. We've seen him like this before and every time h's this focused, it always comes with the angry side effect.
He cant be kept on this every day.
Any quotes about these alleged lies? No?

Carry on.

Oh and on Laken Riley, the SOB didn't tell her parents that the illegal that killed her was deported by Trump, but he allowed the killer back in.

Put that in you crackpipe and smoke it, ya commie bitch.

According to CSPAN, the speech was an hour and 8 minutes. Also, apparently, Biden hung around for about 90 minutes after word chatting it up with lawmakers on the House floor.

Impressive performance.
I suspect Joe Biden is being given some very powerful meds to control his dementia when absolutely necessary. These meds are experimental and may have nasty side effects which is why Joe is not on them 24/7.
So we see what Biden does. Pitting Americans against Americans for votes. No surprise, as he talks about the rich not paying their fair share, but he gives a skewed and simplified view of the rich. He could take ALL the billionairs money and leave them nothing. It still wouldnt be enough.
What he really wants is to break companies down.

Editor’s Note: Scott Hodge is president emeritus and senior policy adviser at the Tax Foundation, a non-partisan tax research organization in Washington, DC. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. View more opinion on CNN.

Tax Day has come and gone for most Americans, and a recent Pew Research poll shows that their frustration with the tax code is the highest it has been in recent years.

Scott Hodge

Scott Hodge
Courtesy Scott Hodge
Some 56% of Americans say the amount they pay in taxes is “more than their fair share,” up from 51% who thought so in 2019. Unsurprisingly, nearly two out of every three Americans feel the wealthy don’t pay their fair share of taxes, and 61% said they would support raising taxes on households earning over $400,000.

But what constitutes a “fair share”?

While “fair” is subjective, most Americans might not understand how much of the tax burden the rich actually bear. The answer may surprise them.

According to the IRS, in 2020, the top 1% of taxpayers (about 1.5 million taxpayers), paid $722 billion in income taxes. That amount accounted for 42.3% of all income taxes paid, the highest percentage in modern history.

By contrast, the bottom 90% of taxpayers (about 142 million taxpayers) paid a combined $450 billion in income taxes, or just 26.3% of the total, their lowest percentage of the tax burden in decades. That means the top 1% of taxpayers pay a far greater share of the nation’s tax burden than 142 million of their neighbors combined.

Filing taxes STOCK

Opinion: Why millionaires like us want to pay more in taxes

Surely, the rich pay a larger amount because they earn the most money, right? Not exactly. In 2020, the top 1% of taxpayers earned 22% of all adjusted gross income; their 42.3% share of the income taxes is nearly twice their share of the nation’s income.

The opposite is true for the bottom 90%. They earned more than half, 50.5%, of the nation’s income but paid 26.3% of the taxes — roughly half of their share of the nation’s income.

This hasn’t always been the case. In 1980, the tax burden was much more evenly shared. The bottom 90% earned 68% of the nation’s income and paid 52% of the income taxes. The top 1% earned 9.6% of the nation’s income and paid 17% of the income taxes.

What led to our tax system becoming more progressive today than it has been since at least World War II?

One reason is the massive expansion of social programs delivered through the tax code over the past three decades. Some of the largest programs aimed at lower-income families and those with children are run through the IRS — the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Collectively, they deliver roughly $180 billion worth of benefits each year, much of which is refundable — meaning a family gets a tax refund check even if they don’t owe any taxes.


According to CSPAN, the speech was an hour and 8 minutes. Also, apparently, Biden hung around for about 90 minutes after word chatting it up with lawmakers on the House floor.

Impressive performance.
I wished I had of watched it, but it's great to know President Biden hasn't lost a step.

We love you Mr. President!

:clap: :salute: :clap: :salute: :clap: :salute: :clap:

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