An honest question about the recent Temple Mount 'clashes'


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
So we have been inundated with threads about the recent rise in violence on the Temple Mount since last Saturday, the eve of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashannah. The claims by the Mos-slums is that the Jews are trying to take over the Temple Mount.

I would like anyone to post credible stories of increased Jewish actions to take over the Temple Mount that are NOT in RESPONSE to the increased rock throwing and other violence being perpetrated by said Mos-slums against tourists and other non Mos-slums while just visiting the Temple Mount.
Temple Mount Heritage Foundation

Temple Mount Heritage group. We do not live in biblical times, and there is NO PROFF Solomon's Temple existed, but Herod build a huge temple, and now that is the Muslim Temple. so leave it alone. It does not belong to the Jews unless they take it by force which they are doing. Jordan is upset also. The Muslims have cared for the mount for years and now the Zionist are there and want it. They start the fight on purpose and the Palestinians fire rocks. Sure beats the bullets shot at them.
The palies had piles of rocks up there they were going to use on the holiday to drop on worshipers. The Israelis put a stop to that. If the palies want to worsip in peace, thats fine. They want to kill israelies that is not fine, and will be met with live amunition.
Temple Mount Heritage Foundation

Temple Mount Heritage group. We do not live in biblical times, and there is NO PROFF Solomon's Temple existed, but Herod build a huge temple, and now that is the Muslim Temple. so leave it alone. It does not belong to the Jews unless they take it by force which they are doing. Jordan is upset also. The Muslims have cared for the mount for years and now the Zionist are there and want it. They start the fight on purpose and the Palestinians fire rocks. Sure beats the bullets shot at them.

WRONG as the temple mount was used as a latrine by the muslims not that long ago, so hardly them looking after it. And the carbuncles fell into disrepair many times due to lack of use and it was only when another group wanted to take over that it suddenly became one of the most holy of Islamic sites.
Temple Mount Heritage Foundation

Temple Mount Heritage group. We do not live in biblical times, and there is NO PROFF Solomon's Temple existed, but Herod build a huge temple, and now that is the Muslim Temple. so leave it alone. It does not belong to the Jews unless they take it by force which they are doing. Jordan is upset also. The Muslims have cared for the mount for years and now the Zionist are there and want it. They start the fight on purpose and the Palestinians fire rocks. Sure beats the bullets shot at them.

Penelope, you are an idiot; no just so ignorant to truth that I cannot believe you continue to post here. Herod's Temple was destroyed, it is not now a Mos-slum temple. Mos-slums do not have temples.

But again, I ask you to prove what you are saying. Where are the Jews taking the Mount by force? Force that is not retaliation for rock and firebomb throwing? Give me a credible source that they are starting the fight.

As for the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation, they have been around for years and years, so why now are they now suddenly 'offensive'?
So we have been inundated with threads about the recent rise in violence on the Temple Mount since last Saturday, the eve of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashannah. The claims by the Mos-slums is that the Jews are trying to take over the Temple Mount.

I would like anyone to post credible stories of increased Jewish actions to take over the Temple Mount that are NOT in RESPONSE to the increased rock throwing and other violence being perpetrated by said Mos-slums against tourists and other non Mos-slums while just visiting the Temple Mount.

Increase was to protect worshipers, visitors and the mount

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