An examination of the left-wing paradox


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Let’s use logic and reason to examine the words of Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper (D) in a recent interview with MSNBC:
"Most Democrats don't care about the labels," Hickenlooper answered, offering a non-committal response about putting down labels and getting to work. in typical left-wing fashion...he avoids a real answer and hides behind their favorite excuse: “labels”. But it didn’t stop there:
"Well again, the labels," Hickenlooper stammered,
So again we see him revert back to their favorite comfort word: “labels”. Twice now he’s used that left-wing crutch. Was he done? Not even close:
"Well I think, I don't look at myself with a label," he repeated
That’s how the third time he went to the “label” well. But he still wasn’t finished:
Hickenlooper gave out an awkward laugh before saying, "Oh I don't know, you know again, the labels, I'm not sure any of them fit, but I do believe that ability to look at, you know, [things like] climate change, and figure out how are we really gonna create a sense of urgency and get people together..."
Now this is the point where any rational, logical, thinking person has bells going off in their mind. How can a man denouncing labels try to shift the focus away from his views and on to “Climate Change”. That term is a label. :eusa_doh:

WATCH: Democratic presidential candidate is too afraid to admit if he's a capitalist or not

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