Capitalism vs. Socialism


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.
This socialism vs capitalism debate was old when it started roughly the time Nancy Pelosi was born.

The so called "socialists" you are talking about, are often not socialist. Rather, they are anti-American and want your stuff and our country. Once you look at it from that perspective you understand there is no amount of convincing.

And we are letting more and more of them in in droves.

Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

Socialist countries would consider the left that you're so butthurt about to be rightwing nutjobs
Fucking idiots.

It's not an either or.

We have BOTH already and have had for over a century at least

Socialism is what makes capitalism work . At least insofar as it makes capitalism work for everyone...not just the rich

Capitalism is the accumulation of wealth. Think about that. Wealth IS a zero sum game. The richer THEY are...the poorer WE are

Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

just feel the need to point out that even Venezuela is not absent of private industry.
Think about this.

EVERY one of those Fox pundits telling you about the "evils of socialism" is a MILLIONAIRE.

They are protecting THEIR game.

Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

only in right wing special pleading.

we have a mixed market economy.

Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.
Fucking idiots.

It's not an either or.

We have BOTH already and have had for over a century at least

Socialism is what makes capitalism work . At least insofar as it makes capitalism work for everyone...not just the rich

Capitalism is the accumulation of wealth. Think about that. Wealth IS a zero sum game. The richer THEY are...the poorer WE are
You have it backwards, idiot.

Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

You are describing Communism, not Socialism.

Incidentally, how do you manage to live mgiven the level of Socialism blended with Capitalism here in America. How are our Canadian neighbors managing to live under their version of Socialism blended with Capitalism.

And finally, where on God' Green Earth is there pure, laissez faire Capitalism?

Then let's discussion Socialism's true definition. Then you might understand why Socialism, writ' large, is not as threatening as you think.
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Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

Even Northern European socialism is falling by the wayside. Norway's entire socialist government just resigned en masse because they couldn't come up with the money to pay for their socialist pensions and benefits.

One more domino down.
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You have it backwards, idiot.

So you would prefer to say capitalism makes socialism work?
OK. So what we're still arguing about is HOW MUCH socialism we require
You have it backwards, idiot.

So you would prefer to say capitalism makes socialism work?
OK. So what we're still arguing about is HOW MUCH socialism we require
You still have it backwards. Socialism doesn't work, it can't sustain itself, it's only kept alive by capitalism. Capitalism creates wealth, socialism steals it like a thug robbing a liquor store. It has no redeeming qualities.
Capitalism without socialism (we have a mixed system NOW) is an unmitigated disaster.

Pure capitalism allows sweat shops..child labor...NO workers workers rights at all.

It would allow for NO retirement Social Security...No Medicare... absolutely NO VA...NO public schools of any kind

It would be worse than feudalism

We NEED and we HAVE ...BOTH.

The only REAL question is how much of each is required to keep the system running.

But you folks don't deal in reality.

You deal in fear...of fucking WORDS
Fucking idiots.

It's not an either or.

We have BOTH already and have had for over a century at least

Socialism is what makes capitalism work . At least insofar as it makes capitalism work for everyone...not just the rich

Capitalism is the accumulation of wealth. Think about that. Wealth IS a zero sum game. The richer THEY are...the poorer WE are

No, moron...socialism is the greedy rich kid who hates their dad, the guy who started with nothing, made a fortune for his family, and now the kid, who doesn't know where the money came from and couldn't make the money if his life depended on it, lashes out at the father...
"socialism" grows where capitalism fails. We already have medicare and medicaid because there is no way to make a profit off of old or poor sick people. They are mismanaged on purpose simply because there are a lot of "capitalists" making a mega profit from selling medical care to the government.
"socialism" grows where capitalism fails. We already have medicare and medicaid because there is no way to make a profit off of old or poor sick people. They are mismanaged on purpose simply because there are a lot of "capitalists" making a mega profit from selling medical care to the government.

Venezuelan capitalism was working just fine before Hugo Chavez took control of the country.
"socialism" grows where capitalism fails. We already have medicare and medicaid because there is no way to make a profit off of old or poor sick people. They are mismanaged on purpose simply because there are a lot of "capitalists" making a mega profit from selling medical care to the government.

Wrong....medicare and medicaid became necessary because the government has become so involved in healthcare that market forces can't make it cheaper. And they are running out of money. From I-phones to cars, competition makes things cheaper and better...except for healthcare where government has created state monopolies which allow insurance companies to run monopolies on care.....making it far more expensive than it needs to be.....

Do you know where you see prices for healthcare coming down? On cosmetic surgery not covered by insurance.....that is where you see the cost going down, he procedures becoming faster and better......

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