An entire family was murdered in New Orleans and the national media didn't bat an eye

Wow,cant believe they just ignore a family disappearing
Looks like families I see everyday, familiar strangers ,I would notice their absence if they didn't show up.
Funny how the SCLM chooses its stories. A whole family gets shot to death in New Orleans and they don't even notice.

Mother, her two children and sister in grisly slaying mourned by family members | -

I guess this family just didn't have that "All American" look that the media likes so much.





Poor folks couldn't even pay for the funeral.
Relatives of four members of a New Orleans family murdered last week in their 9th Ward home are struggling to pay for the funeral, which is scheduled Friday.
Murdered New Orleans family to be buried Friday, at funeral relatives cannot afford | -

If this story had been national news, even just for 30 seconds, wonder how many good people would have donated money to these folks to help them with their funeral expenses. Tons would have.

How much did you send them?
Funny how the SCLM chooses its stories. A whole family gets shot to death in New Orleans and they don't even notice.

Mother, her two children and sister in grisly slaying mourned by family members | -

I guess this family just didn't have that "All American" look that the media likes so much.





Poor folks couldn't even pay for the funeral.
Relatives of four members of a New Orleans family murdered last week in their 9th Ward home are struggling to pay for the funeral, which is scheduled Friday.
Murdered New Orleans family to be buried Friday, at funeral relatives cannot afford | -

If this story had been national news, even just for 30 seconds, wonder how many good people would have donated money to these folks to help them with their funeral expenses. Tons would have.

How much did you send them?

I've already answered that question in this very same thread.
Coupla things going on here. For one, there's the exhaustion that would ensue of if black murders got heavy coverage... we don't have the BANDWIDTH for all that... blacks kill each other like breathing. So, big deal. For two, yes, America doesn't much care when blacks kill each other. They mostly figure "good riddance."

The hilarious thing is that you can't make people get excited about stuff they don't care about. But liberals are all sad that their precious blacks aren't cause for any concern. But you, SpiderMan Tuba, are free to cry yourself to sleep tonight.
Coupla things going on here. For one, there's the exhaustion that would ensue of if black murders got heavy coverage... we don't have the BANDWIDTH for all that... blacks kill each other like breathing. So, big deal. For two, yes, America doesn't much care when blacks kill each other. They mostly figure "good riddance."

The hilarious thing is that you can't make people get excited about stuff they don't care about. But liberals are all sad that their precious blacks aren't cause for any concern. But you, SpiderMan Tuba, are free to cry yourself to sleep tonight.

Shut the fuck up douchebag.
Why not? You expect others to donate, but not you?

Perhaps you suffer from a case of Fauxtrage? :lol:

That's the hallmark of librulism.. donate other people's money..

All I said was that had this been in the national media this family would have received numerous donations. Do you disagree, or are you too busy hurling insults to know?

I didn't hurl insults. I hurled the truth. You didn't send them anything did you? But yet you wanted other people to.. You met the expectations.
A tragedy indeed. No family should be wiped out like that. God bless the survivors.
That's the hallmark of librulism.. donate other people's money..

All I said was that had this been in the national media this family would have received numerous donations. Do you disagree, or are you too busy hurling insults to know?

I didn't hurl insults. I hurled the truth. You didn't send them anything did you? But yet you wanted other people to.. You met the expectations.

Where did I say I wanted people to?
Funny how the SCLM chooses its stories. A whole family gets shot to death in New Orleans and they don't even notice.

Mother, her two children and sister in grisly slaying mourned by family members | -

I guess this family just didn't have that "All American" look that the media likes so much.





Poor folks couldn't even pay for the funeral.
Relatives of four members of a New Orleans family murdered last week in their 9th Ward home are struggling to pay for the funeral, which is scheduled Friday.
Murdered New Orleans family to be buried Friday, at funeral relatives cannot afford | -

If this story had been national news, even just for 30 seconds, wonder how many good people would have donated money to these folks to help them with their funeral expenses. Tons would have.

Very sad story. :(
I have four comments on this:

1 - This is tragic! It is sad, anytime a life is taken.

2 - How is this a racial matter?! People have to stop pulling the race card for everything that doesn't appear to go the way they feel it should! This is not just a shot at blacks either. Whites do this just as much as blacks, just in a different context.

3 - The national media, stopped being the media when 24/7 news was introduced. Now, they are simply businesses vying for ratings in order to make money. As long as racisim continues to boost ratings they will continue to only show these types of issues that have racisim involved (i.e. White cop kills black man). Which takes me back to number 2.

4 - TV, media and Hollywood has de-sensitized Americans to death and murder. It is no longer news worthy, unless it feeds number 3.
Sorry bout that,

I have four comments on this:

1 - This is tragic! It is sad, anytime a life is taken.

2 - How is this a racial matter?! People have to stop pulling the race card for everything that doesn't appear to go the way they feel it should! This is not just a shot at blacks either. Whites do this just as much as blacks, just in a different context.

3 - The national media, stopped being the media when 24/7 news was introduced. Now, they are simply businesses vying for ratings in order to make money. As long as racisim continues to boost ratings they will continue to only show these types of issues that have racisim involved (i.e. White cop kills black man). Which takes me back to number 2.

4 - TV, media and Hollywood has de-sensitized Americans to death and murder. It is no longer news worthy, unless it feeds number 3.

1. Well said!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Notice the race card being played here. And look who played it!

Black folk are so predictable.
I have four comments on this:

1 - This is tragic! It is sad, anytime a life is taken.

2 - How is this a racial matter?! People have to stop pulling the race card for everything that doesn't appear to go the way they feel it should! This is not just a shot at blacks either. Whites do this just as much as blacks, just in a different context.

3 - The national media, stopped being the media when 24/7 news was introduced. Now, they are simply businesses vying for ratings in order to make money. As long as racisim continues to boost ratings they will continue to only show these types of issues that have racisim involved (i.e. White cop kills black man). Which takes me back to number 2.

4 - TV, media and Hollywood has de-sensitized Americans to death and murder. It is no longer news worthy, unless it feeds number 3.

Its not just a racial matter, its economic as well. If they had been dirt poor white hillbillies in northern Georgia I doubt it would have been covered either. If a nice white country club family had been murdered you can bet it would get at least some coverage on all the major networks.

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