An Admittedly Niave Question About the Affordable Health Care Act

No. The employers provide jobs without benefits for people who need those jobs. They are low level, low pay, supposed to be short term jobs. People take them to get started. Then they work up to higher paying jobs with benefits.

The jobs are not productive enough to require higher pay and benefits. If they are required to give benefits, they will not make any profit and cannot stay in business. Therefore to keep those jobs available, they must cut the hours to 30 or less and still provide those jobs.

Everyone knows what's really going on, Smilebong.

The average age of part-time employees is no longer 18, it's 35.

35-year-olds, most trying to support not only themselves but their families, and even extended families as well.

There simply aren't enough full-time living wage jobs to go around.

But the righties will keep denying this, sticking instead to their phony "lazy bum, welfare queen, young kid wanting handouts" fantasy.

Again, the "average age" doesn't mean anything. When I was working for Wendy's back in the mid 90s, there was a retired guy there, who was only there for something to do. He didn't want to sit at home! He could..... but he didn't want to.

Even where I am right now, there is an old retired guy. He has absolutely no reason to be there. He *wants* to be there, earning $8/hr.

There are two older women there too. Both of them are there because they *WANT* to be there. They don't have to be there. One told me the only reason she is there is because it gives her time away from her husband.

Should you decide those people should be unemployed? Because demanding that wages be forced up, would cause them to lose their jobs. That's the net result of the position you seem to push.
It was completely obvious to me when I though up the scenario of what would I do if I had a business with 50 or more people. I would do exactly what Applebees did unless I was close to 50 where I could just fire someone to avoid it. The only problem I would forsee in taking that route is you may have a few really solid employees who are full timers you might want to pay for their insurance so you are not stuck with one of the unproductive majority replacing them.

I believe the employer mandate will eventually be gone. The dems smartly delayed it so they didn't get their arses whooped in the mid terms.
No. The employers provide jobs without benefits for people who need those jobs. They are low level, low pay, supposed to be short term jobs. People take them to get started. Then they work up to higher paying jobs with benefits.

The jobs are not productive enough to require higher pay and benefits. If they are required to give benefits, they will not make any profit and cannot stay in business. Therefore to keep those jobs available, they must cut the hours to 30 or less and still provide those jobs.

Everyone knows what's really going on, Smilebong.

The average age of part-time employees is no longer 18, it's 35.

35-year-olds, most trying to support not only themselves but their families, and even extended families as well.

There simply aren't enough full-time living wage jobs to go around.

But the righties will keep denying this, sticking instead to their phony "lazy bum, welfare queen, young kid wanting handouts" fantasy.

It wasn't Republicans that signed off on Obamacare--Democrats did that. Obamacare is known as the biggest job KILLER in America today. That is a fact.

There is NO business owner alive with less than 50 employees that is going to plan on investing, taking on more risk, to grow their business--which would require more employees, knowing full well that if he hits that 50 employee threshold he will be stuck with the total bill for insuring his entire work-force.

The large corporations--have known about Obamacare since it was passed--or over 4 years and they have adjusted their work force from full time to part time because of Obamacare. Home Depot--Walmart--K-Mart--and even SCHOOLS have cut their staff to no longer than 30 hours per week--to avoid the cost of Obamacare.

You can't blame this on Republicans. Not a single Republican voted for Obamacare--which makes this bill the first time in this nations history that didn't garner one single vote of approval from the minority party. Republicans were even blocked from attending committee hearings on it.

Democrats were warned by business when they first started talking about Obamacare that this would happen. They ignored it--now the pay-back sits in their laps.

You voted for it TWICE--now you got it. Don't be blaming anyone else for your ignorance.
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The dems knew the law would stand up to SCOTUS, threw corporations a bone about the thirty hours, and when they take it all again, they will remove that from the bill, meaning that employers will have to offer everyone who works more than 15 hours health care.

Sweet Baby Jesus--do you have any idea about what is going on in this country right now. So you have come up with some kind of weird conspiracy--that supposedly democrats KNEW what the decision would be with the US Supreme court and now you've got another conspiracy on what Democrats are going to do to business. So make them pay 15 hours of healthcare for employees. WTF--do you really believe that bankrupting business owners in this country--is a great way to keep those paychecks coming in?---

Has it occurred to you YET--that this democrat congress and administration has done enough to business in this country already?

Business in this country has tucked in like a turtle waiting for a threat to leave. And that threat is Barack Obama and democrats. Anytime there are massive new expensive government regulations put onto business in this country--the very first thing that happens--is--employees get kicked in the cahooony's. DA-DUH!

Welcome to your hope and change!

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I guess if you have an administration that wants to be hated by everyone, then your theory would hold water.

Not everyone, half the dimwits in this country voted it in a second time in spite of the lack any real accomplishments. (Not including the votes they stole).
The dems knew the law would stand up to SCOTUS, threw corporations a bone about the thirty hours, and when they take it all again, they will remove that from the bill, meaning that employers will have to offer everyone who works more than 15 hours health care.

Sweet Baby Jesus--do you have any idea about what is going on in this country right now. So you have come up with some kind of weird conspiracy--that supposedly democrats KNEW what the decision would be with the US Supreme court and now you've got another conspiracy on what Democrats are going to do to business. So make them pay 15 hours of healthcare for employees. WTF--do you really believe that bankrupting business owners in this country--is a great way to keep those paychecks coming in?---

Has it occurred to you YET--that this democrat congress and administration has done enough to business in this country already?

Business in this country has tucked in like a turtle waiting for a threat to leave. And that threat is Barack Obama and democrats. Anytime there are massive new expensive government regulations put onto business in this country--the very first thing that happens--is--employees get kicked in the cahooony's. DA-DUH!

Welcome to your hope and change!


the number of people who call themselves middle class has fallen by a 1/5

since obama took office
There are times when the government SHOULD step in and exert power. That happened in the 1960's with civil rights. It has happened numerous other times over the years. Our health care situation was in a horrible mess, left to the greedy devices of private industry. Maybe, just maybe, this is yet another time when an "exertion of government power" (as you would call it) is needed.

Our health care situation IS in a horrible mess. Worse now than in 2008 by leaps and bounds.

That all depends on how one views the health care situation, seems to me. I'm sure the Right thinks exactly that - that the health care situation is in a TERRIBLE mess, because they see where the wealth of the haves may have to be dipped into a bit for the benefit of the have-nots.

On the other hand, if you are a have-not, who has never been able to afford health insurance before, maybe you see the present situation as a pretty good deal.

George, you still haven't figured this out, have you? It's not the wealth of the 1% that will be paying for's the very limited wealth of the Middle Class and young people that will be paying most of the freight for those getting large subsidies. Middle Class America wanted legislation to lower the costs of health care...instead they got legislation that will have them picking up part of the cost of health care for the poor. That's why ObamaCare is so unpopular right now...people have FINALLY started to figure out what the bottom line on this is going to be for them and for the Middle Class their costs are NOT going down...they will be going up substantially while at the same time the level of care will be lessened.
Our health care situation IS in a horrible mess. Worse now than in 2008 by leaps and bounds.

That all depends on how one views the health care situation, seems to me. I'm sure the Right thinks exactly that - that the health care situation is in a TERRIBLE mess, because they see where the wealth of the haves may have to be dipped into a bit for the benefit of the have-nots.

On the other hand, if you are a have-not, who has never been able to afford health insurance before, maybe you see the present situation as a pretty good deal.

George, you still haven't figured this out, have you? It's not the wealth of the 1% that will be paying for's the very limited wealth of the Middle Class and young people that will be paying most of the freight for those getting large subsidies. Middle Class America wanted legislation to lower the costs of health care...instead they got legislation that will have them picking up part of the cost of health care for the poor. That's why ObamaCare is so unpopular right now...people have FINALLY started to figure out what the bottom line on this is going to be for them and for the Middle Class their costs are NOT going down...they will be going up substantially while at the same time the level of care will be lessened.

Talking point rant with nothing to support it. Burst that bubble.
Our health care situation IS in a horrible mess. Worse now than in 2008 by leaps and bounds.

That all depends on how one views the health care situation, seems to me. I'm sure the Right thinks exactly that - that the health care situation is in a TERRIBLE mess, because they see where the wealth of the haves may have to be dipped into a bit for the benefit of the have-nots.

On the other hand, if you are a have-not, who has never been able to afford health insurance before, maybe you see the present situation as a pretty good deal.

George, you still haven't figured this out, have you? It's not the wealth of the 1% that will be paying for's the very limited wealth of the Middle Class and young people that will be paying most of the freight for those getting large subsidies. Middle Class America wanted legislation to lower the costs of health care...instead they got legislation that will have them picking up part of the cost of health care for the poor. That's why ObamaCare is so unpopular right now...people have FINALLY started to figure out what the bottom line on this is going to be for them and for the Middle Class their costs are NOT going down...they will be going up substantially while at the same time the level of care will be lessened.

My point to that is, no duh....

The top 1%, and the super wealthy.... are *NEVER* going to pay for the health care or ANYTHING of the middle and lower class.

The rich people.... are rich. They can leave. If you setup a system, where the rich people are forced to pay for other people's bills.... they'll leave.

Venezuela... Over one MILLION people have left Venezuela since Hugo Chavez came to power. The country only has 28 Million people.

The rich.... left. How is this a shock to anyone? They have high unemployment, food shortages, power shortages, housing shortages...

Think about that last one.... a housing shortage, in a country where one million people have left?

Why why? Because the rich people that build homes, fix homes, and rent homes, and sell homes.... HAVE LEFT.

The rich people that produce food and products.... HAVE LEFT.

The rich people that build power plants and electric power grids... HAVE LEFT.

The rich people left, and now the poor and middle class are suffering more than they ever did before.

Same is true for America. If you put in place a system that tries to steal money from the rich, to pay for the lower and middle income earners, the result will be they will leave.

They can move to Canada, and open their businesses, and provide their jobs, and make their products there. They can move to Mexico or Brazil, and open their businesses and jobs and products there. They can move to Europe, Asia, even some places in Africa are now stable enough to open business there.

This is the problem. Every time you hear some idiotic politicians claiming he can lower your health care costs.... YOU ARE AN IDIOT to believe him.

He's lying. You can't lower health care costs, without costing you dearly somewhere else. And anyone who says "the rich will pay for it!" is a fool. Complete and total fool.

Look at California. The rich have left California in droves. Dozens of the biggest employers have left California. Why? Because the leftards in California voted for morons that said "the rich will pay for it....", and guess what.... the rich left.

The system of "someone else will pay for my crap" is bull sh!t. Only the most stupid, most moronic, most ignorant of fools still thinks that works.
I just learned that my grandson is quitting his job as a waiter at Applebees because they have cut his hours to 30 per week. They have done the same to all of their employees. No more than 30 hours per week for anyone. Of course, this is so that Applebees will not have to provide health insurance for its employees. It would appear that Applebees is not the only corporation that is doing this.

In times of severe unemployment throughout the nation, this is obviously a very bad trend.

Why didn't the folks who drafted the current health care legislation anticipate that this would happen, and have a provision in there that would close this loophole?
when their employees all start quitting because of Applebees stupidity for a better place to work Applebees will get the message ... after saying that from my understanding, no waiter works 40 hours a week ... being in the know of things of how restaurants work, I would say some one is pulling your leg ... most waiter at any restaurant work from 11AM to 3:00 pm they go home, come back at 4 PM work to 10 PM or 11pm or until they stop serving food ... but none of these waiter ever work a 30 hour week or a 40 hour week ... something smell fishy here ... I think this is another bogus post ... from the right wing nut jobs of the world
I just learned that my grandson is quitting his job as a waiter at Applebees because they have cut his hours to 30 per week. They have done the same to all of their employees. No more than 30 hours per week for anyone. Of course, this is so that Applebees will not have to provide health insurance for its employees. It would appear that Applebees is not the only corporation that is doing this.

In times of severe unemployment throughout the nation, this is obviously a very bad trend.

Why didn't the folks who drafted the current health care legislation anticipate that this would happen, and have a provision in there that would close this loophole?
when their employees all start quitting because of Applebees stupidity for a better place to work Applebees will get the message ... after saying that from my understanding, no waiter works 40 hours a week ... being in the know of things of how restaurants work, I would say some one is pulling your leg ... most waiter at any restaurant work from 11AM to 3:00 pm they go home, come back at 4 PM work to 10 PM or 11pm or until they stop serving food ... but none of these waiter ever work a 30 hour week or a 40 hour week ... something smell fishy here ... I think this is another bogus post ... from the right wing nut jobs of the world

Not a bogus post. My grandson was working in excess of 40 hours a week. He had been there for over three years and was in a pre-managment mode.
I just learned that my grandson is quitting his job as a waiter at Applebees because they have cut his hours to 30 per week. They have done the same to all of their employees. No more than 30 hours per week for anyone. Of course, this is so that Applebees will not have to provide health insurance for its employees. It would appear that Applebees is not the only corporation that is doing this.

In times of severe unemployment throughout the nation, this is obviously a very bad trend.

Why didn't the folks who drafted the current health care legislation anticipate that this would happen, and have a provision in there that would close this loophole?
when their employees all start quitting because of Applebees stupidity for a better place to work Applebees will get the message ... after saying that from my understanding, no waiter works 40 hours a week ... being in the know of things of how restaurants work, I would say some one is pulling your leg ... most waiter at any restaurant work from 11AM to 3:00 pm they go home, come back at 4 PM work to 10 PM or 11pm or until they stop serving food ... but none of these waiter ever work a 30 hour week or a 40 hour week ... something smell fishy here ... I think this is another bogus post ... from the right wing nut jobs of the world

It's not a bogus post. I have heard the same thing from people working at restaurants where I live too.

If you want to just plug your ears and hide behind "that can't possibly be true" fine... but reality is what it is, with or without you.
I just learned that my grandson is quitting his job as a waiter at Applebees because they have cut his hours to 30 per week. They have done the same to all of their employees. No more than 30 hours per week for anyone. Of course, this is so that Applebees will not have to provide health insurance for its employees. It would appear that Applebees is not the only corporation that is doing this.

In times of severe unemployment throughout the nation, this is obviously a very bad trend.

Why didn't the folks who drafted the current health care legislation anticipate that this would happen, and have a provision in there that would close this loophole?

They did it BECAUSE it would strangle the economy and drive people to dependency and government

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