Amy Goodman released, charges dropped, Standing Rock protest

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Goodman’s footage showed security personnel using pepper spray and attack dogs on protestors

A North Dakota judge dismissed a riot charge against Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman in relation to her footage of the Dakota Access oil pipeline protests in the state.

A warrant for Goodman’s arrest was issued in September after Democracy Now! released footage of her reporting, which showed security personnel using pepper spray and attack dogs on protestors at the site of the demonstrations.

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, whose reservation is located near the proposed oil pipeline, has been protesting the construction. The tribe says the Dakota Access pipeline will contaminate their local water supply and destroy a burial ground.

Judge Rejects Riot Charge for 'Democracy Now!' Host Amy Goodman

Over 200 groups for native cultures are represented here as well as non native Americans. They come from both Americas and even from as far as New Zealand. The fight for clean water and a safe environment is a fight for all the people in the world.

The corporate forces tried to shut down the First Amendment, and have been, for the time being, rebuffed.
Good, I think a lawsuit against the company is in order. How exactly does a private company bring in dogs to attack people and get away with it? Here's hoping the tribes win this one.

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