America’s white population shrinks for the first time as nation ages


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
America’s white population shrinks for the first time as nation ages

The clock keeps the nation's demographics inexorably change.

"The number of non-Hispanic white people in the United States decreased for the first time in the nation’s history between 2015 and 2016, according to new figures released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The data show the nation’s white population is aging rapidly, as Americans delay their decision to have a family and as the flow of foreign immigrants from European countries ebbs. At the same time, minority populations are growing much faster, hastening a demographic shift that has been decades in the making.

The average non-Hispanic white American is 43.5 years old, according to the new data. The average Hispanic American, by contrast, is 29.3 years old.

Demographers say the decline in the white population has been coming for decades, as Americans decide to have children at later ages and as the baby-boom generation moves toward retirement. Today, there are fewer white women in prime childbearing years as a share of the overall population than ever before, and more minorities in childbearing years than ever before.

“White fertility has gone down. There’s a little bit less white immigration in the last year,” said William Frey, a demographer and sociologist at the Brookings Institution in Washington. “As the white population becomes older, that means that even if fertility gets up a little bit, it’s not going to be what it was a long time ago.”"
It's a little skewed because there are a lot of white Americans who identify as Hispanic, and, at least on the surface, you can't tell them apart from non-hispanic whites.

Of course, on the other hand, there are also plenty of folks like me who are genuine American Mutts, but we can pass for white when it suites us.

What can brown do for you.....
It's a little skewed because there are a lot of white Americans who identify as Hispanic, and, at least on the surface, you can't tell them apart from non-hispanic whites.

Of course, on the other hand, there are also plenty of folks like me who are genuine American Mutts, but we can pass for white when it suites us.

What can brown do for you.....

According to a majority of whites here, it gives you special rights and privileges above and beyond all others. You get a race card and automatic membership in the free black benefits association.
America’s white population shrinks for the first time as nation ages

The clock keeps the nation's demographics inexorably change.

"The number of non-Hispanic white people in the United States decreased for the first time in the nation’s history between 2015 and 2016, according to new figures released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The data show the nation’s white population is aging rapidly, as Americans delay their decision to have a family and as the flow of foreign immigrants from European countries ebbs. At the same time, minority populations are growing much faster, hastening a demographic shift that has been decades in the making.

The average non-Hispanic white American is 43.5 years old, according to the new data. The average Hispanic American, by contrast, is 29.3 years old.

Demographers say the decline in the white population has been coming for decades, as Americans decide to have children at later ages and as the baby-boom generation moves toward retirement. Today, there are fewer white women in prime childbearing years as a share of the overall population than ever before, and more minorities in childbearing years than ever before.

“White fertility has gone down. There’s a little bit less white immigration in the last year,” said William Frey, a demographer and sociologist at the Brookings Institution in Washington. “As the white population becomes older, that means that even if fertility gets up a little bit, it’s not going to be what it was a long time ago.”"

I am as WASP as it gets (there is - to my knowledge - nothing but 'white' as far back as my family tree goes, on both sides).

And I can't wait until America is a complete melting pot with 'Whites' no longer 'dominant'.

Put that in your pipes - you staggeringly racist Trumpbots - and smoke it.
America’s white population shrinks for the first time as nation ages

The clock keeps the nation's demographics inexorably change.

"The number of non-Hispanic white people in the United States decreased for the first time in the nation’s history between 2015 and 2016, according to new figures released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The data show the nation’s white population is aging rapidly, as Americans delay their decision to have a family and as the flow of foreign immigrants from European countries ebbs. At the same time, minority populations are growing much faster, hastening a demographic shift that has been decades in the making.

The average non-Hispanic white American is 43.5 years old, according to the new data. The average Hispanic American, by contrast, is 29.3 years old.

Demographers say the decline in the white population has been coming for decades, as Americans decide to have children at later ages and as the baby-boom generation moves toward retirement. Today, there are fewer white women in prime childbearing years as a share of the overall population than ever before, and more minorities in childbearing years than ever before.

“White fertility has gone down. There’s a little bit less white immigration in the last year,” said William Frey, a demographer and sociologist at the Brookings Institution in Washington. “As the white population becomes older, that means that even if fertility gets up a little bit, it’s not going to be what it was a long time ago.”"

This will surely get Hillary into the White House, Jake!

I am as WASP as it gets (there is - to my knowledge - nothing but 'white' as far back as my family tree goes, on both sides).

And I can't wait until America is a complete melting pot with 'Whites' no longer 'dominant'.

Put that in your pipes - you staggeringly racist Trumpbots - and smoke it.

So when we're a minority we get all the special privileges, vote multiple times, democrats sucking us off daily, free government stuff

America’s white population shrinks for the first time as nation ages

The clock keeps the nation's demographics inexorably change.

"The number of non-Hispanic white people in the United States decreased for the first time in the nation’s history between 2015 and 2016, according to new figures released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The data show the nation’s white population is aging rapidly, as Americans delay their decision to have a family and as the flow of foreign immigrants from European countries ebbs. At the same time, minority populations are growing much faster, hastening a demographic shift that has been decades in the making.

The average non-Hispanic white American is 43.5 years old, according to the new data. The average Hispanic American, by contrast, is 29.3 years old.

Demographers say the decline in the white population has been coming for decades, as Americans decide to have children at later ages and as the baby-boom generation moves toward retirement. Today, there are fewer white women in prime childbearing years as a share of the overall population than ever before, and more minorities in childbearing years than ever before.

“White fertility has gone down. There’s a little bit less white immigration in the last year,” said William Frey, a demographer and sociologist at the Brookings Institution in Washington. “As the white population becomes older, that means that even if fertility gets up a little bit, it’s not going to be what it was a long time ago.”"
Gee, there's a news flash. Have you been paying attention for the last 30 years?

Ya got to be great for the first time before you are great again.

Well IM2, the United States does have that covered and not even remotely close to perfect, that is for sure. But POTUS is not capable of MAGA. More like "Make America Garbage Again."

I really don't think the US has that covered. That's where we will disagree. Where we will agree is on the fact that Trump can't get it done.
So when we're a minority we get all the special privileges, vote multiple times, democrats sucking us off daily, free government stuff


And like I said....

According to a majority of whites here, it gives you special rights and privileges above and beyond all others. You get a race card and automatic membership in the free black benefits association.
It's a little skewed because there are a lot of white Americans who identify as Hispanic, and, at least on the surface, you can't tell them apart from non-hispanic whites.

LOL I take more after mom and no one would call me Hispanic but some get brown, but then we learned through DNA testing that our - call it what you like - isn't that large a part of us anyway. Multiple your grandparents a few times and soon you realize you're part of lots and all over the place unless you are Native American or never left the hovel and land your ancestors built. Anyone watching the world cup? Boy is that a diverse group of people. Grow up people, race is a construct and a way to keep you thinking in the wrong direction.

"Only in America can you find so many angry people claiming to love their country, while hating almost anyone in it." Don King

Add: "White American Christian men out of work or in low paying jobs did not vote for Donald Trump because he promised them financial succour, they voted Trump because of a primordial need to preserve their status as a dominant cohort in society while faced with a tidal wave of multicultural migration." Group instinct & the white tribals of America | ORF
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..the OP and IM2 make it very clear they are racists and hate whites very much
...the hate is eating your brains, isn't it?? ...''the clock keeps ticking''' :laugh::laugh::laugh:
...there are many blacks that would love to ''cleanse'' the whites from America--genocide
..we are SO scared!!!!! you sound like 13 year olds

Ya got to be great for the first time before you are great again.

Well IM2, the United States does have that covered and not even remotely close to perfect, that is for sure. But POTUS is not capable of MAGA. More like "Make America Garbage Again."

I really don't think the US has that covered. That's where we will disagree. Where we will agree is on the fact that Trump can't get it done.
Which is why I posted "not even remotely close to perfect."
..the OP and IM2 make it very clear they are racists and hate whites very much
...the hate is eating your brains, isn't it?? ...''the clock keeps ticking''' :laugh::laugh::laugh:
...there are many blacks that would love to ''cleanse'' the whites from America--genocide
..we are SO scared!!!!! you sound like 13 year olds
WTF dude?!
America’s white population shrinks for the first time as nation ages

The clock keeps the nation's demographics inexorably change.

"The number of non-Hispanic white people in the United States decreased for the first time in the nation’s history between 2015 and 2016, according to new figures released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The data show the nation’s white population is aging rapidly, as Americans delay their decision to have a family and as the flow of foreign immigrants from European countries ebbs. At the same time, minority populations are growing much faster, hastening a demographic shift that has been decades in the making.

The average non-Hispanic white American is 43.5 years old, according to the new data. The average Hispanic American, by contrast, is 29.3 years old.

Demographers say the decline in the white population has been coming for decades, as Americans decide to have children at later ages and as the baby-boom generation moves toward retirement. Today, there are fewer white women in prime childbearing years as a share of the overall population than ever before, and more minorities in childbearing years than ever before.

“White fertility has gone down. There’s a little bit less white immigration in the last year,” said William Frey, a demographer and sociologist at the Brookings Institution in Washington. “As the white population becomes older, that means that even if fertility gets up a little bit, it’s not going to be what it was a long time ago.”"
I hope you have your running shoes on for this thread.

Ya got to be great for the first time before you are great again.

Well IM2, the United States does have that covered and not even remotely close to perfect, that is for sure. But POTUS is not capable of MAGA. More like "Make America Garbage Again."

I really don't think the US has that covered. That's where we will disagree. Where we will agree is on the fact that Trump can't get it done.
Which is why I posted "not even remotely close to perfect."
..the OP and IM2 make it very clear they are racists and hate whites very much
...the hate is eating your brains, isn't it?? ...''the clock keeps ticking''' :laugh::laugh::laugh:
...there are many blacks that would love to ''cleanse'' the whites from America--genocide
..we are SO scared!!!!! you sound like 13 year olds
WTF dude?!

I must have misread it. My apologies.

harmonica is a joke.

I am as WASP as it gets (there is - to my knowledge - nothing but 'white' as far back as my family tree goes, on both sides).

And I can't wait until America is a complete melting pot with 'Whites' no longer 'dominant'.

Put that in your pipes - you staggeringly racist Trumpbots - and smoke it.


No thanks...I don't drink coffee. I just LOVE to tell Trumpbots what I really think of them.

Most chat forums you are not allowed to say such things about other members. So it's so refreshing that I can here.

I may not like the member makeup of this forum (too many stupid members). But I LOVE the free speech aspect of it.

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