America's sick with homophobia

Why don't you organize a straight pride day?

That would be an awesome parade.

You could have the divorce lawyer float, and the spousal abuse float, and the "married people have sex twice a year" float, and the $25,000 wedding float. Or you could just have people dress in outrageous and scant costumes, and have a good time, and some laughs

What you would find if you did not one gay couple coming out to tell you you're wrong, and not one complaint about how you're recruiting children to be straight.

Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
So there are no St Patricks Day Parades self glorifying being Irish?

No, it exists to drink you dumb ass. I don't think a single person on planet earth thinks St Patrick's day is about celebrating being white.
So there are no St Patricks Day Parades self glorifying being Irish?

Not for being white, as I said. appears you're just simple.

You missed the transition
Ya.. having to see grown men engage in groping and kissing makes me physically il. So what?

What is it about faggots that makes them NEED MY APPROVAL???

I don't desire THEIR approval. I don't give a damn how their fucked up brain processes information. To me they might as well be aliens from Mars. They don't get it at the most basic level of human existence. I don't trust anything that comes out of their mouths. If every fag in the world got some disease and died I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep. Their input in society is worse than useless. It is a poison. What I REALLY hope for is the discovery of the Gay Gene so proper human beings can abort these freaks before they get born. I keep hearing that gay isn't a "choice" it is genetic. Fine! Thank you you stupid fags for driving home THAT point. Now let's get busy weeding these fucked up people out.

I'm sorry, so you believe gays are not human? SMDT is a fucking idiot but dude, you went way overboard, you want to kill un born children because they could be gay? You need to take some time off for politics IMO.

Yes to Q #1

Yes to Q #2 except I don't think your reading Comp is up to speed. If they find a gene that for sure makes a human being want to fuck their own gender then yes. Kill em before they get to become embryos.
There goes creativity and intelligence...........................

THAT is one of the myths that gays survive on...that they have better taste than straight people. Nonsense. Is the best music written by homos?

Some can be good. Some claim Elton John is an example of great music coming from a gay man...but Bernie Taupin the REAL creator of John's music WAS NOT GAY!!!!

Is Carol King gay? She co-wrote many of the early rock hits by many of the popular black entertainers.

The list goes on and on. Clearly almost ALL great recent music has been produced by straight people.

Great show tunes...who give a fuck? None of it was great!

Careful, might get in some trouble. You're not buying into the repetitive gay propaganda. Obama's watchin. ;)

It's as fake as the glitter they wear. I'm not one to get distracted by shiny objects. Unless it is the feathers of a humming bird or a great N American Woodpecker. Their shiny feathers blue, green and red feathers are awesome. Mallard ducks have some awesome colors also. All...not gay.
I'm seriously at a loss to answer that. This thread doesn't have an agenda. I really don't know why we're like this.

I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade..

Here is the link for the San Francisco Pride Parade application.

Exhibitor and Parade Applications Now Online for the 2015 Celebration and Parade SF Pride Blog

I look forward to seeing your float.

Sorry, I couldn't sign off on their ridiculous terms and conditions, they say my not allowing faghadist on my hetero pride float would violate their anti-discrimination policy. Plus they require a million dollars insurance and they can't be held liable for anything.
Probably the strictest requirements are for floats because they can veer off course and plow into the crowds if there isn't a gay person aboard.

Actually that applies to vendors and nonprofits, unless they grant an exception of course.
I guess the Boy Scouts will never be invited
I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
Why don't you organize a straight pride day?

That would be an awesome parade.

You could have the divorce lawyer float, and the spousal abuse float, and the "married people have sex twice a year" float, and the $25,000 wedding float. Or you could just have people dress in outrageous and scant costumes, and have a good time, and some laughs

What you would find if you did not one gay couple coming out to tell you you're wrong, and not one complaint about how you're recruiting children to be straight.

Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
You're insane, and it's not glorification, it's a they need because of people like you trying to tell them their very existence is wrong. They don't say that to you, and I'd rather see the whole world gay, and just artifically inseminate gays and lesbians to perpetuate the species, than have a whole world with nothing but people like you

I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"

Gay pride is an oxymoron. Most if not all fags are self loathing.
I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
Why don't you organize a straight pride day?

That would be an awesome parade.

You could have the divorce lawyer float, and the spousal abuse float, and the "married people have sex twice a year" float, and the $25,000 wedding float. Or you could just have people dress in outrageous and scant costumes, and have a good time, and some laughs

What you would find if you did not one gay couple coming out to tell you you're wrong, and not one complaint about how you're recruiting children to be straight.

Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
So there are no St Patricks Day Parades self glorifying being Irish?

No, it exists to drink you dumb ass. I don't think a single person on planet earth thinks St Patrick's day is about celebrating being white.
Why are you so very defensive?
I know the answer to that.

The thought of gay men kissing makes him fell icky. The reasons could involve lot's of things. Maybe he was called a p*ssy when he was young, or maybe he was raised in a macho household...who knows. But at some point he's bought into this ridiculous rationalization about the arguments agains being gay. It's gotta suck to be tied up in knots over it. I wouldn't wish that state of mind on my worst enemy
I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
Why don't you organize a straight pride day?

That would be an awesome parade.

You could have the divorce lawyer float, and the spousal abuse float, and the "married people have sex twice a year" float, and the $25,000 wedding float. Or you could just have people dress in outrageous and scant costumes, and have a good time, and some laughs

What you would find if you did not one gay couple coming out to tell you you're wrong, and not one complaint about how you're recruiting children to be straight.

Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
You're insane, and it's not glorification, it's a they need because of people like you trying to tell them their very existence is wrong. They don't say that to you, and I'd rather see the whole world gay, and just artifically inseminate gays and lesbians to perpetuate the species, than have a whole world with nothing but people like you

I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"
In Averysud's defense he never said that. It's HUGGY who wants to kill off the gays. HUGGY is the evil asshole you might have in mind.
I'm sorry, so you believe gays are not human? SMDT is a fucking idiot but dude, you went way overboard, you want to kill un born children because they could be gay? You need to take some time off for politics IMO.

Yes to Q #1

Yes to Q #2 except I don't think your reading Comp is up to speed. If they find a gene that for sure makes a human being want to fuck their own gender then yes. Kill em before they get to become embryos.
There goes creativity and intelligence...........................

THAT is one of the myths that gays survive on...that they have better taste than straight people. Nonsense. Is the best music written by homos?

Some can be good. Some claim Elton John is an example of great music coming from a gay man...but Bernie Taupin the REAL creator of John's music WAS NOT GAY!!!!

Is Carol King gay? She co-wrote many of the early rock hits by many of the popular black entertainers.

The list goes on and on. Clearly almost ALL great recent music has been produced by straight people.

Great show tunes...who give a fuck? None of it was great!

Careful, might get in some trouble. You're not buying into the repetitive gay propaganda. Obama's watchin. ;)

It's as fake as the glitter they wear. I'm not one to get distracted by shiny objects. Unless it is the feathers of a humming bird or a great N American Woodpecker. Their shiny feathers blue, green and red feathers are awesome. Mallard ducks have some awesome colors also. All...not gay.

Ha, nice. :)
Why don't you organize a straight pride day?

That would be an awesome parade.

You could have the divorce lawyer float, and the spousal abuse float, and the "married people have sex twice a year" float, and the $25,000 wedding float. Or you could just have people dress in outrageous and scant costumes, and have a good time, and some laughs

What you would find if you did not one gay couple coming out to tell you you're wrong, and not one complaint about how you're recruiting children to be straight.

Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
You're insane, and it's not glorification, it's a they need because of people like you trying to tell them their very existence is wrong. They don't say that to you, and I'd rather see the whole world gay, and just artifically inseminate gays and lesbians to perpetuate the species, than have a whole world with nothing but people like you

I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"

Gay pride is an oxymoron. Most if not all fags are self loathing.
Not really, it's you, and people like you, who do most of the "loathing" when it comes to gay men
Why don't you organize a straight pride day?

That would be an awesome parade.

You could have the divorce lawyer float, and the spousal abuse float, and the "married people have sex twice a year" float, and the $25,000 wedding float. Or you could just have people dress in outrageous and scant costumes, and have a good time, and some laughs

What you would find if you did not one gay couple coming out to tell you you're wrong, and not one complaint about how you're recruiting children to be straight.

Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
You're insane, and it's not glorification, it's a they need because of people like you trying to tell them their very existence is wrong. They don't say that to you, and I'd rather see the whole world gay, and just artifically inseminate gays and lesbians to perpetuate the species, than have a whole world with nothing but people like you

I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"
In Averysud's defense he never said that. It's HUGGY who wants to kill off the gays. HUGGY is the evil asshole you might have in mind.
I didn't use the word kill, and to me, there are no tolerable shades of bigotry
Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
You're insane, and it's not glorification, it's a they need because of people like you trying to tell them their very existence is wrong. They don't say that to you, and I'd rather see the whole world gay, and just artifically inseminate gays and lesbians to perpetuate the species, than have a whole world with nothing but people like you

I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"

Gay pride is an oxymoron. Most if not all fags are self loathing.
Not really, it's you, and people like you, who do most of the "loathing" when it comes to gay men

I can accept that. Fags never take anything seriously. I take my loathing of them seriously.
You're insane, and it's not glorification, it's a they need because of people like you trying to tell them their very existence is wrong. They don't say that to you, and I'd rather see the whole world gay, and just artifically inseminate gays and lesbians to perpetuate the species, than have a whole world with nothing but people like you

I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"

Gay pride is an oxymoron. Most if not all fags are self loathing.
Not really, it's you, and people like you, who do most of the "loathing" when it comes to gay men

I can accept that. Fags never take anything seriously. I take my loathing of them seriously.
That's a fantastic way to live life...having fun hating people.....hmmm.....

Hating people is a part time sport for me, when I come into contact with people like you, on sites like these.
Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
You're insane, and it's not glorification, it's a they need because of people like you trying to tell them their very existence is wrong. They don't say that to you, and I'd rather see the whole world gay, and just artifically inseminate gays and lesbians to perpetuate the species, than have a whole world with nothing but people like you

I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"
In Averysud's defense he never said that. It's HUGGY who wants to kill off the gays. HUGGY is the evil asshole you might have in mind.
I didn't use the word kill, and to me, there are no tolerable shades of bigotry

You fucking pussy ass liars!

I never said go out and MURDER faggots!

I was saying that it would be a good time to eliminate them by finding the Gay gene and testing for it early enough to abort the zycote.
I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"

Gay pride is an oxymoron. Most if not all fags are self loathing.
Not really, it's you, and people like you, who do most of the "loathing" when it comes to gay men

I can accept that. Fags never take anything seriously. I take my loathing of them seriously.
That's a fantastic way to live life...having fun hating people.....hmmm.....

Hating people is a part time sport for me, when I come into contact with people like you, on sites like these.

See! It's not so bad to hate! :lol:
Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
You're insane, and it's not glorification, it's a they need because of people like you trying to tell them their very existence is wrong. They don't say that to you, and I'd rather see the whole world gay, and just artifically inseminate gays and lesbians to perpetuate the species, than have a whole world with nothing but people like you

I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"
In Averysud's defense he never said that. It's HUGGY who wants to kill off the gays. HUGGY is the evil asshole you might have in mind.
I didn't use the word kill, and to me, there are no tolerable shades of bigotry
Bigotry does come in many shades, many on your side. Tolerance on the other hand doesn't. One is either tolerant of gay people existing or they are like HUGGY and his fellow Muslims who want to kill them.
Most people don't hate gays, they're just sick of the endless whining and repetitive gay propaganda. Enough is enough already. Give it a rest. You dudes wanna stick your pee pees in other mens' buttholes, so be it. You chicks wanna dine on other womens' vag's, so be it.

But for God's sake, stop all the whining and trying to force people to acknowledge it as being normal acceptable behavior. It's become so tiresome and lame at this point. Time to move on.
You're insane, and it's not glorification, it's a they need because of people like you trying to tell them their very existence is wrong. They don't say that to you, and I'd rather see the whole world gay, and just artifically inseminate gays and lesbians to perpetuate the species, than have a whole world with nothing but people like you

I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"
In Averysud's defense he never said that. It's HUGGY who wants to kill off the gays. HUGGY is the evil asshole you might have in mind.
I didn't use the word kill, and to me, there are no tolerable shades of bigotry

You fucking pussy ass liars!

I never said go out and MURDER faggots!

I was saying that it would be a good time to eliminate them by finding the Gay gene and testing for it early enough to abort the zycote.

People select their preferences in their babies all the time.
You're insane, and it's not glorification, it's a they need because of people like you trying to tell them their very existence is wrong. They don't say that to you, and I'd rather see the whole world gay, and just artifically inseminate gays and lesbians to perpetuate the species, than have a whole world with nothing but people like you

I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"
In Averysud's defense he never said that. It's HUGGY who wants to kill off the gays. HUGGY is the evil asshole you might have in mind.
I didn't use the word kill, and to me, there are no tolerable shades of bigotry

You fucking pussy ass liars!

I never said go out and MURDER faggots!

I was saying that it would be a good time to eliminate them by finding the Gay gene and testing for it early enough to abort the zycote.
Eugenics. That's SO much better. You are truly fucked up in the head and if there's anyone I suspect of being a self loathing closet homo it's you.
I said their existence was wrong?????????????????????????????

Why do you hate black people so much, why do you want to kill them all?

What, I'm making shit up and talking out my ass just like you did? Wait what it makes me look stupid as you do????

Gays need a parade because of people like me who advocate removing Governments strangle hold on not allowing gays to marry................................................................................................................................................
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"
In Averysud's defense he never said that. It's HUGGY who wants to kill off the gays. HUGGY is the evil asshole you might have in mind.
I didn't use the word kill, and to me, there are no tolerable shades of bigotry

You fucking pussy ass liars!

I never said go out and MURDER faggots!

I was saying that it would be a good time to eliminate them by finding the Gay gene and testing for it early enough to abort the zycote.
Eugenics. That's SO much better. You are truly fucked up in the head and if there's anyone I suspect of being a self loathing closet homo it's you.

WOW! didn't see THAT coming...:lol:

Oh...THAT hurt! Gonna leave a mark....

Would you believe I live in a place with NO closets? True story! What does THAT tell ya? HMMMmm????

When friends visit they see everything! It's ALL out in the open. No secrets. Nothing hidden. That's how I live.

You don't likey? Tough poop!
Most people don't hate gays, they're just sick of the endless whining and repetitive gay propaganda. Enough is enough already. Give it a rest. You dudes wanna stick your pee pees in other mens' buttholes, so be it. You chicks wanna dine on other womens' vag's, so be it.

But for God's sake, stop all the whining and trying to force people to acknowledge it as being normal acceptable behavior. It's become so tiresome and lame at this point. Time to move on.
The OP references homophobia, the fear of same sex affection, as a possible reason for our obsession with homosexuality both for and against it. The rest of the known world that doesn't share this fear also doesn't share this obsession.
You oppose gay pride days because you think gays shouldn't even exist, and therefore "wrong"
In Averysud's defense he never said that. It's HUGGY who wants to kill off the gays. HUGGY is the evil asshole you might have in mind.
I didn't use the word kill, and to me, there are no tolerable shades of bigotry

You fucking pussy ass liars!

I never said go out and MURDER faggots!

I was saying that it would be a good time to eliminate them by finding the Gay gene and testing for it early enough to abort the zycote.
Eugenics. That's SO much better. You are truly fucked up in the head and if there's anyone I suspect of being a self loathing closet homo it's you.

WOW! didn't see THAT coming...:lol:

Oh...THAT hurt! Gonna leave a mark....

Would you believe I live in a place with no closets? True story! What does THAT tell ya? HMMMmm????
That the psych ward allows internet access.

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