Americas Nuke Force has been Sabotaged


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
We will quickly lose the ability to maintain it if action is not taken rather swiftly.
Commentary: The looming crisis for US tritium production
Tritium, an isotope of hydrogen, is an essential component in all U.S. nuclear weapons and bombs. It is radioactive with a decay half-life of 12 years and, thus, must be replenished in U.S. warheads every few years. Absent timely replenishment, our warheads become duds.

The United States, however, will be unable to produce enough tritium in coming years to support the nuclear stockpile. How did this dire prospect come about?
Let me sprinkle some Trump dust on the OP to make it real news

Let me sprinkle some Trump dust on the OP to make it real news


You're gonna have to. I read the link, and it is a COMMENTARY on what COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN, if we don't ramp up production of tritium by 2030.
Did you hear about the tritium crisis of 1989 when they said we didn't have enough to make even 1 more nuke? It's the only other thing that pops up about a tritium shortage if you search it on google.
Let me sprinkle some Trump dust on the OP to make it real news


You're gonna have to. I read the link, and it is a COMMENTARY on what COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN, if we don't ramp up production of tritium by 2030.
Will happen if we dont. Why are we in this mess? Not like this is a secret ingredient.....couldnt be Obama and his drive to disarm us......nnnoooooooo
Let me sprinkle some Trump dust on the OP to make it real news


You're gonna have to. I read the link, and it is a COMMENTARY on what COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN, if we don't ramp up production of tritium by 2030.
Will happen if we dont. Why are we in this mess? Not like this is a secret ingredient.....couldnt be Obama and his drive to disarm us......nnnoooooooo

Like I said, you are taking a non issue that is a COMMENTARY on what could happen if we don't take care of it by 2030. And, with the way Trump is getting rid of regulations and ramping up the military, I think that our tritium supplies are just fine.
Will happen if we don't address it. Nice attempt at spin. This should never have been allowed to lapse and now it can be turned into a budgetary football.
Nice to know a critical element of nuclear warfare has a half life of only 12 years. Why don't I believe it? The crazy thing is the angry left's non-stop idiotic videos of the President. I mean WTF?

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