Americans Voting with their Feet


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
The Financial Times reports that the number of Americans giving up their citizenship to protect their families from America’s onerous worldwide tax system has jumped rapidly.


Statists are perfectly willing to forgive terrorists like William Ayres, but they heap scorn on these “Benedict Arnold” taxpayers. But the tax exiles get the last laugh since the bureaucrats and politicians now get zero percent of their foreign-source income. You would think that, sooner or later, the left would realize they can get more tax revenue with reasonable tax rates. But that assumes that collectivists are motivated by revenue maximization rather than spite and envy.

Americans Voting with their Feet
The Financial Times reports that the number of Americans giving up their citizenship to protect their families from America’s onerous worldwide tax system has jumped rapidly.


Statists are perfectly willing to forgive terrorists like William Ayres, but they heap scorn on these “Benedict Arnold” taxpayers. But the tax exiles get the last laugh since the bureaucrats and politicians now get zero percent of their foreign-source income. You would think that, sooner or later, the left would realize they can get more tax revenue with reasonable tax rates. But that assumes that collectivists are motivated by revenue maximization rather than spite and envy.

Americans Voting with their Feet

That was a good read, thanks dude
It is not surprising that People and Companies are vacating America because of Taxes and other reasons.

But these rich people that denounce their American Citizenship for a few lousy dollars is appalling.

The Financial Times reports that the number of Americans giving up their citizenship to protect their families from America’s onerous worldwide tax system has jumped rapidly.


Statists are perfectly willing to forgive terrorists like William Ayres, but they heap scorn on these “Benedict Arnold” taxpayers. But the tax exiles get the last laugh since the bureaucrats and politicians now get zero percent of their foreign-source income. You would think that, sooner or later, the left would realize they can get more tax revenue with reasonable tax rates. But that assumes that collectivists are motivated by revenue maximization rather than spite and envy.

Americans Voting with their Feet
That's kinda goofy. The empire allows earnings of 80 grand per person overseas. Non taxable.
I dumped my shitizenship due to not liking blood on my hands.
At least they have the backbone to put their money where their mouths are and leave...Quite unlike American progressive Fabian socialist malcontent crybabies, who selfishly want the entire country to change and live with and fund their Utopian pipe dreams.
At least they have the backbone to put their money where their mouths are and leave...Quite unlike American progressive Fabian socialist malcontent crybabies, who selfishly want the entire country to change and live with and fund their Utopian pipe dreams.

So what's keeping you here?
At least they have the backbone to put their money where their mouths are and leave...Quite unlike American progressive Fabian socialist malcontent crybabies, who selfishly want the entire country to change and live with and fund their Utopian pipe dreams.

I think you missed the 'communists' and 'fascists' in there.
Goodbye, adieu, adios. Greed is not a cardinal sin for nuttin. So long as their earnings and profits don't come from America, I say don't let the door hit you where it hurts. Lots of good people are patriotic and honest enough to support America. Money is the root of all evil.

At the top: Soaring incomes, falling tax rates
The ones with our feet still here will vote and fuck those traitors for bailing on this country.
At least they have the backbone to put their money where their mouths are and leave...Quite unlike American progressive Fabian socialist malcontent crybabies, who selfishly want the entire country to change and live with and fund their Utopian pipe dreams.

So what's keeping you here?
I'm not the one rooting for gubmint too take over just aqbout everything and bail everyone out.

How 'bout progressive bats like you move to Sweden?
I'm living in the real world...A world where it doesn't matter what you give spoiled rotten progressive Fabian brats like you, because it's never ever good enough.

Eventually, you'll want it all at everyone else's expense.

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