Americans have been getting screwed by Big Pharma for years.


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
[A]cross the board, the U.S. spends more on drugs than other comparable developed countries. The extent of these pricing differentials varies by drug, manufacturer, and disease group, but the results we present show the existence of large differences between the U.S. drug pricing system and other countries – and the associated negative effect those differences have on out-of-pocket costs borne by the American consumer and associated costs borne by the taxpayer. The system in place now does not work for the Americans who depend on it – by all measures, U.S. consumers pay too high a price for.
After fake promises aplenty, e.g.,

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* Typically, 60% Nitrogen, 20% Hydrogen, 10% Carbon Dioxide, 5–10% Methane and 5% Oxygen.

The administration is confronting this gross inequity yet again.

Schumer says Democrats reach deal on lowering prescription drug costs

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Tuesday that Democrats have reached a deal on a measure aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs... The deal includes: Direct government negotiation on the price of insulin and a smaller universe of drugs that are no longer protected from competition; a cap on out of pocket prescription drug expenses for seniors at $2,000 annually; if the cost of a drug rises faster than inflation, that manufacturer would pay a rebate penalty to Medicare (this penalty would apply to all drugs both in Medicare and in commercial insurance.
Will Big Pharma have its way with the current President as previously. For the sake of Americans, let's hope not!



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[A]cross the board, the U.S. spends more on drugs than other comparable developed countries.

Makes sense. We develop most of them. Other countries basically steal them.
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Keywords in all of this: Americans pay. Americans who ought to be taking up arms to prevent and change a whole lot of injustices, and to liberate themselves from all manner of recent tyranny, instead bend over and take it all like chumps. Americans pay could just as easily be rephrased: Americans kneel. Same thing . . .
[A]cross the board, the U.S. spends more on drugs than other comparable developed countries. The extent of these pricing differentials varies by drug, manufacturer, and disease group, but the results we present show the existence of large differences between the U.S. drug pricing system and other countries – and the associated negative effect those differences have on out-of-pocket costs borne by the American consumer and associated costs borne by the taxpayer. The system in place now does not work for the Americans who depend on it – by all measures, U.S. consumers pay too high a price for.
After fake promises aplenty, e.g.,

* Typically, 60% Nitrogen, 20% Hydrogen, 10% Carbon Dioxide, 5–10% Methane and 5% Oxygen.

The administration is confronting this gross inequity yet again.

Schumer says Democrats reach deal on lowering prescription drug costs

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Tuesday that Democrats have reached a deal on a measure aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs... The deal includes: Direct government negotiation on the price of insulin and a smaller universe of drugs that are no longer protected from competition; a cap on out of pocket prescription drug expenses for seniors at $2,000 annually; if the cost of a drug rises faster than inflation, that manufacturer would pay a rebate penalty to Medicare (this penalty would apply to all drugs both in Medicare and in commercial insurance.
Will Big Pharma have its way with the current President as previously. For the sake of Americans, let's hope not!

Big Pharma Phucks Americans because it can, with the help and protection of both political parties in the House and Senate.
[A]cross the board, the U.S. spends more on drugs than other comparable developed countries. The extent of these pricing differentials varies by drug, manufacturer, and disease group, but the results we present show the existence of large differences between the U.S. drug pricing system and other countries – and the associated negative effect those differences have on out-of-pocket costs borne by the American consumer and associated costs borne by the taxpayer. The system in place now does not work for the Americans who depend on it – by all measures, U.S. consumers pay too high a price for.
After fake promises aplenty, e.g.,

* Typically, 60% Nitrogen, 20% Hydrogen, 10% Carbon Dioxide, 5–10% Methane and 5% Oxygen.

The administration is confronting this gross inequity yet again.

Schumer says Democrats reach deal on lowering prescription drug costs

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Tuesday that Democrats have reached a deal on a measure aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs... The deal includes: Direct government negotiation on the price of insulin and a smaller universe of drugs that are no longer protected from competition; a cap on out of pocket prescription drug expenses for seniors at $2,000 annually; if the cost of a drug rises faster than inflation, that manufacturer would pay a rebate penalty to Medicare (this penalty would apply to all drugs both in Medicare and in commercial insurance.
Will Big Pharma have its way with the current President as previously. For the sake of Americans, let's hope not!


Aren't you one of those progressives who's demanding everyone get the jab?


[A]cross the board, the U.S. spends more on drugs than other comparable developed countries. The extent of these pricing differentials varies by drug, manufacturer, and disease group, but the results we present show the existence of large differences between the U.S. drug pricing system and other countries – and the associated negative effect those differences have on out-of-pocket costs borne by the American consumer and associated costs borne by the taxpayer. The system in place now does not work for the Americans who depend on it – by all measures, U.S. consumers pay too high a price for.
After fake promises aplenty, e.g.,

* Typically, 60% Nitrogen, 20% Hydrogen, 10% Carbon Dioxide, 5–10% Methane and 5% Oxygen.

The administration is confronting this gross inequity yet again.

Schumer says Democrats reach deal on lowering prescription drug costs

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Tuesday that Democrats have reached a deal on a measure aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs... The deal includes: Direct government negotiation on the price of insulin and a smaller universe of drugs that are no longer protected from competition; a cap on out of pocket prescription drug expenses for seniors at $2,000 annually; if the cost of a drug rises faster than inflation, that manufacturer would pay a rebate penalty to Medicare (this penalty would apply to all drugs both in Medicare and in commercial insurance.
Will Big Pharma have its way with the current President as previously. For the sake of Americans, let's hope not!


And here you are bleating for them. Talk about a dumbass.
Big Pharma Phucks Americans because it can, with the help and protection of both political parties in the House and Senate.
Fau Chi’s apologetics to the Senate synchronize with the Mojiang miners going into the hospital: 26 Ap 2012. That’s an important date too remember when analyzing Pharma pathologies.
Fau Chi’s apologetics to the Senate synchronize with the Mojiang miners going into the hospital: 26 Ap 2012. That’s an important date too remember when analyzing Pharma pathologies.
Cool! You jumped the conversation from big pharma in American sticking it to the American Citizens for greater profits, they think we can best afford to support their profits, while they sell their products elsewhere for far less, with support of Congress,.. to new aspect of big pharma, and its possible role in the Coronavirus epidemic, related to workers sickened in 2012 with coronal type viruses acquired while cleaning copper in a mine covered in bat feces, leading to hospitalization and death of at least 3 of the miners in China, 935 miles from Wuhan.
Had to read one article to get the gist of the association, but you may need to flesh this out and give another link if we are to fully get what you are alluding too.
You got my attention, though.
Cool! You jumped the conversation from big pharma in American sticking it to the American Citizens for greater profits, they think we can best afford to support their profits, while they sell their products elsewhere for far less, with support of Congress,.. to new aspect of big pharma, and its possible role in the Coronavirus epidemic, related to workers sickened in 2012 with coronal type viruses acquired while cleaning copper in a mine covered in bat feces, leading to hospitalization and death of at least 3 of the miners in China, 935 miles from Wuhan.
Had to read one article to get the gist of the association, but you may need to flesh this out and give another link if we are to fully get what you are alluding too.
You got my attention, though.
Thank you very much for showing badger that you comprehend the discourse. That’s been rare on these threads where we attempt to straddle scientific knowledge and had it back across the creek to the scruffy-looking Virginians. Yes, more links can be provided. Notice that Hooper’s HIV/Polio vaccine theory also goes back to The Gambia for 1955-1959 or so, there’s only a decade + difference at the same location for polio vaccination history and the history of the virus used in COVID-19 vaccine. That latter history for AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 appears to be a United Kingdom history at first glance. That’s deceptive. Knowledge about this adenovirus technology began in 1953 and as shown, also links to Fau Chi‘s haunt, Institute for Allergies and Infectious Disease. We must except from Hooper’s book, The River, for the Brit who went to The Gambia on a collection expedition.
Aren't you one of those progressives who's demanding everyone get the jab?
I don't support mandatory universal vaccination.

If vaccine-resistant folks can demonstrate they are not a threat to others by regular testing, that's an alternative that respects the public and public safety concerns. Such options should be assessed: Aaron Rodgers—Who’s Unvaccinated And Has Covid—Reportedly Asked NFL To Allow Alternative Treatment To Count As Vaccine

Big Pharma persists in its determination to screw the American people:

Lowering prescription drug prices is among the Biden administration's most urgent priorities. But the drug industry is spending big to keep that from happening.
The pharmaceutical industry has spent nearly $263 million on lobbying so far this year, employing three lobbyists for every member of Congress, according to OpenSecrets, which tracks money in politics. Millions of those dollars are in the form of campaign donations.
Americans now confront an arrogant medical mafia that accelerates mandates up to the very limit of scientifically verifiable mature immune systems: five years of age. And this with vaccines some of which are mRNA, some human viruses, some monkey viruses, and the latter being difficult to obtain origins for.

At the time Fau Chi published a senate testimony in 2012, contradictions were already occurring between events at the Mojiang mine, the Wuhan lab, and the Kunming Institute of Zoology. It’s important to recall that Edward Hooper mentions EC Holmes, who is also linked to the Kunming Institute of Zoology, not only because of the Zoology Department at Oxford, but also for co-authoring papers with the Chinese communist’s golden boy virologist from the Beijing CDC, Yong-zhen Zhang. The original translation from the Chinese is also linked in this report from India that brings up the discrepancies:

[A]cross the board, the U.S. spends more on drugs than other comparable developed countries. The extent of these pricing differentials varies by drug, manufacturer, and disease group, but the results we present show the existence of large differences between the U.S. drug pricing system and other countries – and the associated negative effect those differences have on out-of-pocket costs borne by the American consumer and associated costs borne by the taxpayer. The system in place now does not work for the Americans who depend on it – by all measures, U.S. consumers pay too high a price for.
After fake promises aplenty, e.g.,

* Typically, 60% Nitrogen, 20% Hydrogen, 10% Carbon Dioxide, 5–10% Methane and 5% Oxygen.

The administration is confronting this gross inequity yet again.

Schumer says Democrats reach deal on lowering prescription drug costs

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Tuesday that Democrats have reached a deal on a measure aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs... The deal includes: Direct government negotiation on the price of insulin and a smaller universe of drugs that are no longer protected from competition; a cap on out of pocket prescription drug expenses for seniors at $2,000 annually; if the cost of a drug rises faster than inflation, that manufacturer would pay a rebate penalty to Medicare (this penalty would apply to all drugs both in Medicare and in commercial insurance.
Will Big Pharma have its way with the current President as previously. For the sake of Americans, let's hope not!

Exactly. Drug companies do what they are allowed to do. Canada pays much less for the same drugs then we do. As long as Congress is allowed to give away the farm to their corporate donors, we all pay more.
[A]cross the board, the U.S. spends more on drugs than other comparable developed countries.

Makes sense. We develop most of them. Other countries basically steal them.

Except that is not what happens.
The private US companies invest less in medical research than in almost any country.
For example, the Moderna mRNA injection research was stolen from a Hungarian woman.
Hungarian biochemist Katalin Karikó on RNA-mediated immune activation and her co-discovery with American immunologist Drew Weissman of the nucleoside modifications that suppress the immunogenicity of RNA.
Pfizer is actually a front for a German company.
And what little US research is done done at universities, where it is government funded and not privately funded.

No one is stealing US inventions.
International copyright laws prevent that.
The US is just illegally enforcing monopolies with FDA regulations that are not based on facts, laws, or rights.
The federal government has NO legal authority to prevent foreign drug imports.
The Constitution does not at all imply or grant that power.
Thank you very much for showing badger that you comprehend the discourse. That’s been rare on these threads where we attempt to straddle scientific knowledge and had it back across the creek to the scruffy-looking Virginians. Yes, more links can be provided. Notice that Hooper’s HIV/Polio vaccine theory also goes back to The Gambia for 1955-1959 or so, there’s only a decade + difference at the same location for polio vaccination history and the history of the virus used in COVID-19 vaccine. That latter history for AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 appears to be a United Kingdom history at first glance. That’s deceptive. Knowledge about this adenovirus technology began in 1953 and as shown, also links to Fau Chi‘s haunt, Institute for Allergies and Infectious Disease. We must except from Hooper’s book, The River, for the Brit who went to The Gambia on a collection expedition.

Yes, we also all should then realize Fauci knew about bat virus cross overs decades ago, even before the US paid Wuhan to do deliberate bat virus crossover research. So then the outbreak in 2020 should not have been much of a surprise to the CDC, NIH, or WHO. They must have already considered outbreak was likely, or else why do the research? So then why the pathetic response when the outbreak happened? Especially since the outbreak was from this crossover research.
I don't support mandatory universal vaccination.

If vaccine-resistant folks can demonstrate they are not a threat to others by regular testing, that's an alternative that respects the public and public safety concerns. Such options should be assessed: Aaron Rodgers—Who’s Unvaccinated And Has Covid—Reportedly Asked NFL To Allow Alternative Treatment To Count As Vaccine

Big Pharma persists in its determination to screw the American people:

Lowering prescription drug prices is among the Biden administration's most urgent priorities. But the drug industry is spending big to keep that from happening.
The pharmaceutical industry has spent nearly $263 million on lobbying so far this year, employing three lobbyists for every member of Congress, according to OpenSecrets, which tracks money in politics. Millions of those dollars are in the form of campaign donations.
Since the "vaccine" doesn't prevent the vaccinated from still getting, carrying, and transmitting Covid to others, they too should be tested regularly per your non-logic.

Meanwhile, "covid" and the vaccine "gold rush" will be the biggest profit scam from Big Pharma so far foisted upon USA dupes.

And the real culprit gets off scott free. Here's just a partial list of what CCP China has done in it's bio-warfare against the West and gone un-punished for;

China's recent history of deadly epidemics​

Note this is from January 22, 2020

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