American style liberals may start world war in Syria.

how does the central wisdom of our Founders conflict with what Jefferson believed??? You forgot to say!!! Let me guess, as a liberal you have no idea- right???

What does this have to do with liberals?

dear, the war in Syria is to create a powerful liberal government, not a libertarian government!

Let me help you Ed.

Are you saying the war in Syria is to remove an oppressive big government or to create a new more oppressive government?
How is liberalism like a cancer? Does cancer dominate the mind? & if so, how?

liberalism spreads and kills like cancer

Given the history & current situation in Syria, why/how do you expect a liberal government of any sort to emerge there?

a liberal government is a powerful government and the liberal fighters want the power. They are not fighting for a libertarian government.

If you're saying that liberals - however defined - have gathered more & more power into the US federal government, I suggest you review the admins of - Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, W. Eisenhower gave us the Dulles bros., who rampaged throughout the World, toppling governments & sending in the gunboats whenever it suited their purposes. Eisenhower, Reagan & W plunged the US into an orgy of military spending, w/ W assaulting & then invading Afghanistan & Iraq. W further attacked the Constitution, spent us into the poorhouse, & recommended we shop as usual, as though nothing whatsoever out of the ordinary were happening ...

dear, if they increased the power of government then they really were not libertarians or conservatives. Is that really over your head?

(My bold)

monty - Fine. Then can you tell us how you distinguish liberals from libertarians or conservatives?
how does the central wisdom of our Founders conflict with what Jefferson believed??? You forgot to say!!! Let me guess, as a liberal you have no idea- right???

What does this have to do with liberals?

dear, the war in Syria is to create a powerful liberal government, not a libertarian government!

If the other Arab Spring revolutions are any indicator, what will come of Syria's civil war will be either an ungovernable nation of tribal enclaves or a Taliban type Islamic State. As Syria has neither oil nor nukes there is little chance WW3 will begin there as you claim.
You are living proof of the old adage "a little bit of knowledege is a dangerous thing" and are a prime example of why most Americans gather around the political center.
You make cons cringe and libs drool. :cuckoo:
how does the central wisdom of our Founders conflict with what Jefferson believed??? You forgot to say!!! Let me guess, as a liberal you have no idea- right???

What does this have to do with liberals?

dear, the war in Syria is to create a powerful liberal government, not a libertarian government!

The government in power in Syria is Baathist - not liberal in any sense of the word. If it is overthrown, the next government will probably be Islamist - again not liberal. That is unless to you the term "liberal" is whatever you disagree with. That seems to be the case with several of the resident rightists here.
how does the central wisdom of our Founders conflict with what Jefferson believed??? You forgot to say!!! Let me guess, as a liberal you have no idea- right???

What does this have to do with liberals?

dear, the war in Syria is to create a powerful liberal government, not a libertarian government!

Could you provide some substantiation for your claim or must everyone just take you word for it?
LOL!! Can't even face up to the fact that your conservative and libertarian "allies" won't touch this thread with a ten foot pole, so you had to eliminate half my post and dishonestly change the intent of my question. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

why would we? He's nuts. countless posts before now have shown it.
change the intent of my question.

why not tell us what the intent of your post was?? or why conservatives might disagree with me????? How will you learn if you're always afriad to try??

I haven't noticed anyone fearing you Edward. I have noticed a serious lack of respect for you but that is generally an earned sort of thing.

well if any of the ideas are mistaken please say exactly why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so, and have been reduced to standard ad hominem personal attack
why not tell us what the intent of your post was?? or why conservatives might disagree with me????? How will you learn if you're always afriad to try??

I haven't noticed anyone fearing you Edward. I have noticed a serious lack of respect for you but that is generally an earned sort of thing.

well if any of the ideas are mistaken please say exactly why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so, and have been reduced to standard ad hominem personal attack

If you read a few of the posts above you will find specific issues I have with your assumptions ("...the war in Syria is to create a powerful liberal government...") for which you provide no support and if you think I'm a lib you aren't nearly as astute as you like to believe.
I just have no patience for adults who act like children.
I haven't noticed anyone fearing you Edward. I have noticed a serious lack of respect for you but that is generally an earned sort of thing.

well if any of the ideas are mistaken please say exactly why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so, and have been reduced to standard ad hominem personal attack

If you read a few of the posts above you will find specific issues I have with your assumptions ("...the war in Syria is to create a powerful liberal government...") for which you provide no support and if you think I'm a lib you aren't nearly as astute as you like to believe.
I just have no patience for adults who act like children.

dear, if you have a particular and substantive objection to an idea please state it or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks
well if any of the ideas are mistaken please say exactly why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so, and have been reduced to standard ad hominem personal attack

If you read a few of the posts above you will find specific issues I have with your assumptions ("...the war in Syria is to create a powerful liberal government...") for which you provide no support and if you think I'm a lib you aren't nearly as astute as you like to believe.
I just have no patience for adults who act like children.

dear, if you have a particular and substantive objection to an idea please state it or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

Is that clear enough for you now, Princess. :D
This isn't the early 1900s.
My response was exactly on the subject.

dear, subject was the nature of liberalism, not whether war in Syria would spread. Over your head??

Not over my head at all. I understand what the main point was but YOU put "World War" in your thread title and OP. So, yeah, I'm still on the subject.

so you agree that liberal desire to control a powerful central government in Syria could spread war into larger war or world war??
Liberalism dominates the human mind like a cancer. In Syria for example there is a massive civil war that threatens to kills 100's of thousands simply because people want to control the powerful liberal governemnt that will emerge in the end.

If people were conservative/libertarians there would be no need to control a central government because that central government would have no power.

This is the central wisdom of our Founders that liberals have slowly subverted ever since.
That is total horseshit!

If the Founders didn't want a strong central government, they would've kept more of the Articles of Confederation.

In regards to Syria, it's not a liberal policy to interfere and fund unrest in sovereign nations. That is Neocon Ideology 101.
So you are saying President Monkey Boy is a Neo-Con?

Liberalism dominates the human mind like a cancer. In Syria for example there is a massive civil war that threatens to kills 100's of thousands simply because people want to control the powerful liberal governemnt that will emerge in the end.

If people were conservative/libertarians there would be no need to control a central government because that central government would have no power.

This is the central wisdom of our Founders that liberals have slowly subverted ever since.
That is total horseshit!

If the Founders didn't want a strong central government, they would've kept more of the Articles of Confederation.

In regards to Syria, it's not a liberal policy to interfere and fund unrest in sovereign nations. That is Neocon Ideology 101.
If the Founders didn't want a strong central government, they would've kept more of the Articles of Confederation.

Its very very simple. They wanted a stronger government than the Articles provided but still a very very weak and tiny government compared to the one we have today. Clear now???

In regards to Syria, it's not a liberal policy to interfere and fund unrest in sovereign nations. That is Neocon Ideology 101.

Jefferson conceived of America and France as empires of liberty that would fire the shot heard around the world!! THere is little reason to support the Syrian revolution because it is not conservative /libertarian revolution. The victor may well be another liberal strongman king.
Jefferson conceived of America and France as empires of liberty that would fire the shot heard around the world!! THere is little reason to support the Syrian revolution because it is not conservative /libertarian revolution. The victor may well be another liberal strongman king.
We are funding (and providing material support) to al Qaeda rebels in Syria.
Ya oughta back track there kid, I didn't post any of that.

If the Founders didn't want a strong central government, they would've kept more of the Articles of Confederation.

Its very very simple. They wanted a stronger government than the Articles provided but still a very very weak and tiny government compared to the one we have today. Clear now???

In regards to Syria, it's not a liberal policy to interfere and fund unrest in sovereign nations. That is Neocon Ideology 101.

Jefferson conceived of America and France as empires of liberty that would fire the shot heard around the world!! THere is little reason to support the Syrian revolution because it is not conservative /libertarian revolution. The victor may well be another liberal strongman king.

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