American Medical Association goes totally fascist

When Obamacare was being debated. The Right made some very good points. One of those points was that healthcare decisions should be left up to the patient and the doctor.

The RW called the effort to standardize and nationalize the care as Socialist. Now of course. The same RW is determined to criminalize any treatments they don’t like.

How long before you all decide it is wrong to provide advanced cardiac care to the old? Give them a pain pill?

Sorry. I forgot. You all hate pain pills. Your made up opioid crisis.
We arent talking about adults. If an adult wants to chop off their penis or breasts they can have at it. (though since that's cosmetic I dont know that the taxpayer should be funding it). Children lack perspective, an ability to see into the future and how their actions today might effect that future. It's why parents exist. I cant understand why anyone thinks that allowing a child or even a young adult (under 18) to make irreversible changes to their body that will affect them for their entire lifetime is a good idea. What's the rush? Why does this need to happen before they are an adult? Let them dress, act, whatever like the "gender" they think they are. Get them counseling, etc. Dont hack off their body parts or give them drugs that cause irreversible damage to their bodies. They have plenty of time once they are an adult to do that.
We arent talking about adults. If an adult wants to chop off their penis or breasts they can have at it. (though since that's cosmetic I dont know that the taxpayer should be funding it). Children lack perspective, an ability to see into the future and how their actions today might effect that future. It's why parents exist. I cant understand why anyone thinks that allowing a child or even a young adult (under 18) to make irreversible changes to their body that will affect them for their entire lifetime is a good idea. What's the rush? Why does this need to happen before they are an adult? Let them dress, act, whatever like the "gender" they think they are. Get them counseling, etc. Dont hack off their body parts or give them drugs that cause irreversible damage to their bodies. They have plenty of time once they are an adult to do that.
The fact you even need to explain that self evident fact shows there’s a lot of pedos loose.
We arent talking about adults. If an adult wants to chop off their penis or breasts they can have at it. (though since that's cosmetic I dont know that the taxpayer should be funding it). Children lack perspective, an ability to see into the future and how their actions today might effect that future. It's why parents exist. I cant understand why anyone thinks that allowing a child or even a young adult (under 18) to make irreversible changes to their body that will affect them for their entire lifetime is a good idea. What's the rush? Why does this need to happen before they are an adult? Let them dress, act, whatever like the "gender" they think they are. Get them counseling, etc. Dont hack off their body parts or give them drugs that cause irreversible damage to their bodies. They have plenty of time once they are an adult to do that.
The only reason a child can possibly ever have for believing it wants to be sexually mutilated, surgically or chemically, is "because the other kids think it's cool".
We arent talking about adults. If an adult wants to chop off their penis or breasts they can have at it. (though since that's cosmetic I dont know that the taxpayer should be funding it). Children lack perspective, an ability to see into the future and how their actions today might effect that future. It's why parents exist. I cant understand why anyone thinks that allowing a child or even a young adult (under 18) to make irreversible changes to their body that will affect them for their entire lifetime is a good idea. What's the rush? Why does this need to happen before they are an adult? Let them dress, act, whatever like the "gender" they think they are. Get them counseling, etc. Dont hack off their body parts or give them drugs that cause irreversible damage to their bodies. They have plenty of time once they are an adult to do that.

Parents are involved. If the child later regrets the choice. Then they can take it up with their parents. It isn’t up to me.

There was a case several years ago. Justina Peltier. The girl who had some rare condition. There was a flare up while the family was visiting Boston. The Hospital decided the girl didn’t have the condition. The parents decided to take the girl and go elsewhere for treatment. The Hospital put the girl in the loony bin.

This went on for a year in the press and the courts before the girl was finally released and allowed to go home.

The Conservatives at that time argued. Correctly in my opinion. That the care of the Daughter was up to the parents unless it could be demonstrated that they were a danger.

The problem is that Conservatives today are not the Conservatives of even six years ago.

Conservatives today are not driven by principles. They have no core beliefs. They are merely radicals in opposition to the Left. If there is no real issue, the Conservatives create one.

You don’t care if fifty or a hundred kids go through gender reassignment. You just want to hurt the Left.

Your opposition isn’t based in Principle. It is based on your hatred of the Left.

We aren’t talking about doing something against the wishes of the child. They aren’t dragging the kid there crying and screaming.

It may be the wrong choice in the long run. But it isn’t my choice to make. It is the parents and the kid in consultation with their medical provider. It isn’t yours or the State’s.

So mind your own business.
Provoking a crime is a crime, genius.

Yet again, you are standing up people who are terrorizing others.

Threats of violence are the language of fascism. This is precisely what you’re doing.
I am standing up for the 1st Amendment rights of protesters

The AMA wants criticism of child mutilation labled as a terrorist act

Which is an abuse of government power
I am standing up for the 1st Amendment rights of protesters

The AMA wants criticism of child mutilation labled as a terrorist act

Which is an abuse of government power
Violent threats and provoking violent threats are not protected by the first amendment and never have been.
When Obamacare was being debated. The Right made some very good points. One of those points was that healthcare decisions should be left up to the patient and the doctor.

The RW called the effort to standardize and nationalize the care as Socialist. Now of course. The same RW is determined to criminalize any treatments they don’t like.

How long before you all decide it is wrong to provide advanced cardiac care to the old? Give them a pain pill?

Sorry. I forgot. You all hate pain pills. Your made up opioid crisis.
You overlook the age of the children

Irreversible and life changing procedures are being performed on them by adults
Violent threats and provoking violent threats are not protected by the first amendment and never have been.
How do we “provoke violent threats?”

The leftwing AMA wants all criticism of what its doing to children suppressed
How do we “provoke violent threats?”

The leftwing AMA wants all criticism of what its doing to children suppressed
People who direct and encourage others to make the violent threats are provoking them. There is a large cesspool of right wingers online who have been perpetrating terrorism amongst the trans community. It’s disgusting.

You seek to protect people making violent threats. That’s far more fascist than anything the AMA said. Violence is the language of fascism. You have nothing to say about these violent threats directed against children’s hospitals.
People who direct and encourage others to make the violent threats are provoking them. There is a large cesspool of right wingers online who have been perpetrating terrorism amongst the trans community. It’s disgusting.

You seek to protect people making violent threats. That’s far more fascist than anything the AMA said. Violence is the language of fascism. You have nothing to say about these violent threats directed against children’s hospitals.
What color is the sky on your planet?
Parents are involved. If the child later regrets the choice. Then they can take it up with their parents. It isn’t up to me.

There was a case several years ago. Justina Peltier. The girl who had some rare condition. There was a flare up while the family was visiting Boston. The Hospital decided the girl didn’t have the condition. The parents decided to take the girl and go elsewhere for treatment. The Hospital put the girl in the loony bin.

This went on for a year in the press and the courts before the girl was finally released and allowed to go home.

The Conservatives at that time argued. Correctly in my opinion. That the care of the Daughter was up to the parents unless it could be demonstrated that they were a danger.

The problem is that Conservatives today are not the Conservatives of even six years ago.

Conservatives today are not driven by principles. They have no core beliefs. They are merely radicals in opposition to the Left. If there is no real issue, the Conservatives create one.

You don’t care if fifty or a hundred kids go through gender reassignment. You just want to hurt the Left.

Your opposition isn’t based in Principle. It is based on your hatred of the Left.

We aren’t talking about doing something against the wishes of the child. They aren’t dragging the kid there crying and screaming.

It may be the wrong choice in the long run. But it isn’t my choice to make. It is the parents and the kid in consultation with their medical provider. It isn’t yours or the State’s.

So mind your own business.
Why do you support the sexual mutilation of children?
Personal desire or group think?
People who direct and encourage others to make the violent threats are provoking them. There is a large cesspool of right wingers online who have been perpetrating terrorism amongst the trans community. It’s disgusting.

You seek to protect people making violent threats. That’s far more fascist than anything the AMA said. Violence is the language of fascism. You have nothing to say about these violent threats directed against children’s hospitals.

You have no logical response. Nothing.

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