American Medical Association goes totally fascist

Ok Scooter. Let’s see if I can explain this for you. The Parents are the ones making the decisions.
Now tell us how much prepubescent children should be concerned with sex. They should be concerned about toys, not genitalia.
Funny. BLM is in response to the unnecessary deaths of blacks people at the hands of the state.

No. No it isn't. You've been bamboozled. Played like lemmings by forces you don't even understand

BLM is a real live Marxist COMMUNIST organization. It's purpose is to promote communism. It has nothing to do with black people.

BLM glommed on to George Floyd, but it could have been anyone. The next available. How do we know they glommed on? Because we have the financial records.

These fucktards thought they could pick up where Al Sharpton left off, and it just so happens the Democrats were evil enough to look the other way.

Yet more violence you seek to normalize.

Go talk to the Democrats.

They FUNDED those riots.

And supported them logistically

And bailed the rioters out of jail

You glorify violence. You desire it. It makes you happy. Because you’re trying to become a fascist.

And you're out to lunch. Two pepperonis short of a pizza.
"Dr. Mengele now runs the American medical establishment."-

Why not?

If it helps you sleep better at night without fear of angry trump voters I dont mnd
You called your own action a mistake. You said you rescinded it because you were owning that mistake you made. Now you’re denying that it was a mistake?

Clearly you’re full of shit.
Now tell us how much prepubescent children should be concerned with sex. They should be concerned about toys, not genitalia.

Oh FFS. You guys build this up to preposterous proportions don’t you?

The surgery isn’t available until the kids are sixteen. Before that they may get hormone therapy. And therapy with a Psychiatrist.

The question is examined by the entire group. Potentially for years.

Now. The idea that the kids will regret their choices later. It doesn’t seem to be a problem.

Those kids didn’t do the surgery. They just started acting like the other genders. And they stuck with it.

Now this isn’t happening often. It isn’t a huge subset of kids. It isn’t even a significant portion of kids. But one is always too many for radicals like yourself.

Even the advocates don’t recommend the surgery before 15. And then only if the individual has demonstrated required maturity.

The surgery that has your panties in a wad is at the end of years of therapy and discussions. Medication and lots of thought.

But to hear you all there are roving bands of nuts who capture kids and do the surgery on five year olds.

It isn’t happening. The parents are involved. So but out and let them live their lives. They aren’t hurting you.
Oh FFS. You guys build this up to preposterous proportions don’t you?

The surgery isn’t available until the kids are sixteen. Before that they may get hormone therapy. And therapy with a Psychiatrist.

The question is examined by the entire group. Potentially for years.

Now. The idea that the kids will regret their choices later. It doesn’t seem to be a problem.

Those kids didn’t do the surgery. They just started acting like the other genders. And they stuck with it.

Now this isn’t happening often. It isn’t a huge subset of kids. It isn’t even a significant portion of kids. But one is always too many for radicals like yourself.

Even the advocates don’t recommend the surgery before 15. And then only if the individual has demonstrated required maturity.

The surgery that has your panties in a wad is at the end of years of therapy and discussions. Medication and lots of thought.

But to hear you all there are roving bands of nuts who capture kids and do the surgery on five year olds.

It isn’t happening. The parents are involved. So but out and let them live their lives. They aren’t hurting you.
You are a cancer to humanity that needs to be cut out.

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