American Jews and liberalism

So, I'm guessing you're the one they call Happy. Troll...hurrumph!

. First, I am not really Jewish, but close.
So you're what? Muslim? Christian?
All of my mother's family going way back are Jewish but I was not raised as such.
Okay? And?

So far you just sound like a troll

Culturally, they've learned to reject Jewish conservatism. Judaism is a truly violent religion, but those who claim to adhere to it rarely do. Ever since roman times, the Jews have been on the losing side, so they've come to identify strongly with the victim (real or imagined) in any given situation.

Because, at this time, the Reps tend to be bigger bigots than the Dems

I challenge you to find me ten Liberals in the Democratic party.

Perhaps more importantly are the lessons apparently not learned from Nazi Germany.
My great, great grandmother escaped Southern Germany before the Nazi's came to power, but for those that didn't, they experienced the worst kind tyrannous government. Whether you call the Nazi's National Socialists or Fascists, they certainly represented a top-down style of governance. Given the results of that big government experiment, I'm continually flabbergasted by American Jews support of ever bigger government. You'd think Jews today would be the most staunch limited government supporters out there but just the opposite is true.

Perhaps they expect to be on the right side this time.
...the more moderate society, the better for jews since jews don't do well in extreme societies...

Agreed. A moderate society, to me anyway, is one whose government obeys the law of the land. We don't do that anymore. Further, the bigger the government, the less moderate the society unless you equate the erosion of individual freedom, government lawlessness, and extreme financial malfeasance as acceptable consequences of top down control. I do not. We left moderate behind long ago.

jews believe in education...

Which is why more often than not they opt for a private education. I'd rather go without an education than be taught by the the saying goes.

jews have been subject to discrimination and vote against policies that smack of discrimination and racism...

Read 'Setting the Record Straight: American history in Black and White'. There's your Democratic party. Slaves or recipients, either can be controlled. Don't worry, I have equally negative things to say about the Republicans!

jews believe in taking care of the poor and sick

I lived in the UK for years. I've seen socialized medicine. Great if you have strep throat. SUCKS if you need serious care. To the point, Jews take care of their own at an individual/family level and it works. It's the antithesis of central planners. So again, I don't get why Federal meddling in healthcare should appeal to Jews.
The Right wants all the Jews to move to Israel, where they will be destroyed in the Rapture, unless they convert to Christianity.
Nazis are the opposite of socialists, liberal, democrats

Incorrect. Fascism is but another form of big government. That you believe your idea of top-down governance to be superior does not make it so. America stands alone by constitutionally rejecting all forms of tyranny, whatever you wish to call it or however you wish to justify it. We are about the individual, the family, the community...not the central planners we used to call Kings.
It's big government here that prevents discrimination against Jews. Not small government.

I disagree. It's EQUAL JUSTICE that prevents discrimination. That doesn't take big government, only a justice system.
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Well, this is my first real post here and I thought I'd start off with something that's been on my mind lately. First, I am not really Jewish, but close. All of my mother's family going way back are Jewish but I was not raised as such. While I was snipped (!), no bar mitzvah, not really a Jew. Secondly, I am a decidedly limited government kind of guy. I'm a strong believer in that government which governs best governs least. Call it Libertarianism if you like, I reject big government from Conservatives and Liberals alike.

What's on my mind is why so many Jewish Americans lean so heavily Left. Why do they seem to always vote Democrat? This question bugs me not just because of President Obama's recent comments about Israel's borders. The Democratic party and American Liberals in general seem to me to be the most fervent opposition to all things Israeli. For that reason alone, I don't understand why Jews give them undying support.

Perhaps more importantly are the lessons apparently not learned from Nazi Germany. My great, great grandmother escaped Southern Germany before the Nazi's came to power, but for those that didn't, they experienced the worst kind tyrannous government. Whether you call the Nazi's National Socialists or Fascists, they certainly represented a top-down style of governance. Given the results of that big government experiment, I'm continually flabbergasted by American Jews support of ever bigger government. You'd think Jews today would be the most staunch limited government supporters out there but just the opposite is true.

So, any Jews that can enlighten me as to why the community supports big government and the Liberal Democrats that seem to despise Israel?

American liberal Jews have historically lean ultra left, having communist connections. It was the Jews who led the civil rights struggle; paying a profound roll in the formation of the NAACP. These aren’t bad things, and I don’t judge their actions. They were embracing a radical progress that at that particular period in time was in need of it. That kind of liberal leaning mentality persists to this day.

As to why they seem so disconnected to the struggle of Israeli peace is that they don’t feel a particular loyalty to Israel. I would like to know what Rahm Emanuel thinks about a return to 1967 borders, but I haven’t heard the media ask him. He served in the Israeli military.
I'm sure Obama is making a few heads turn in the Jewish community.

I would think he'd lose Florida and Ohio too after his recent comment...but history would suggest otherwise. Maybe this is the tipping point for Jewish Americans who support Israel? We'll see soon enough.
Neocons are the closest to Nazis we have- if they declare martial law they're THERE...

To compare any group that has not murdered millions of innocent people to the Nazi's is always a bad choice.
Then you must be appalled that cons call Liberals Communists.

Listen it's wrong for either side to compare each other to murderous egomaniacs like Nazi's, but it's a fact that modern liberalism shares much more resemblance to the Third Reich than conservatism. Hell Nazi Germany was one of the world's first country to institute gun control, allow abortion on demand, have a nationalized healthcare system, hey they even had Obama's civilian national security service, hell it sounds like Obamanation.
To compare any group that has not murdered millions of innocent people to the Nazi's is always a bad choice.
Then you must be appalled that cons call Liberals Communists.

Listen it's wrong for either side to compare each other to murderous egomaniacs like Nazi's, but it's a fact that modern liberalism shares much more resemblance to the Third Reich than conservatism. Hell Nazi Germany was one of the world's first country to institute gun control, allow abortion on demand, have a nationalized healthcare system, hey they even had Obama's civilian national security service, hell it sounds like Obamanation.
Stalin killed millions.
To compare any group that has not murdered millions of innocent people to the Nazi's is always a bad choice.
Then you must be appalled that cons call Liberals Communists.

Listen it's wrong for either side to compare each other to murderous egomaniacs like Nazi's, but it's a fact that modern liberalism shares much more resemblance to the Third Reich than conservatism. Hell Nazi Germany was one of the world's first country to institute gun control, allow abortion on demand, have a nationalized healthcare system, hey they even had Obama's civilian national security service, hell it sounds like Obamanation.

What unmitigated bullshit.

Nazis killed Liberals.
Neocons are the closest to Nazis we have- if they declare martial law they're THERE...

To compare any group that has not murdered millions of innocent people to the Nazi's is always a bad choice.
Then you must be appalled that cons call Liberals Communists.

Correct, for personal and logical reasons. I would be considered very liberal on many issues. Communists can and should be compared to Fascists, both extreme forms of central planning tyranny. That said, I believe it reasonable to warn against growth of government, which many "Liberals" advocate, at least when it comes to their issues.
American liberal Jews have historically lean ultra left, having communist connections. It was the Jews who led the civil rights struggle; paying a profound roll in the formation of the NAACP. These aren’t bad things, and I don’t judge their actions. They were embracing a radical progress that at that particular period in time was in need of it. That kind of liberal leaning mentality persists to this day.

As to why they seem so disconnected to the struggle of Israeli peace is that they don’t feel a particular loyalty to Israel. I would like to know what Rahm Emanuel thinks about a return to 1967 borders, but I haven’t heard the media ask him. He served in the Israeli military.

Insightful. Thank you.
Let's here from the man himself.

While both denominations maintain missions in Asia and Africa in order to win new followers for their doctrine -- an activity which can boast but very modest success compared to the advance of the Mohammedan faith in particular -- right here in Europe they lose millions and millions of inward adherents who either are alien to all religious life or simply go their own ways. The consequences, particularly from a moral point of view, are not favorable.

- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 10

Hatin' on the Muslims. Gee..who does that sound like in today's society?

Today Christians ... stand at the head of [this country]... I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity .. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit ... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past ... (few) years.

- Adolf Hitler, quoted in: The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872

Hatin' on the Liberals..boy howdy. Who the heck does that sound like in today's society?

Parallel to the training of the body a struggle against the poisoning of the soul must begin. Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth...Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 10

And finally..hating on the Media.

Hope that helps.

A small government isn't going to keep people from breaking into a jail and lynching you.

I'm not talking anarchy here! Under a constitutionally limited government, we'd still have law enforcement, jails, courts, etc. In fact, we'd have a vastly more financial resources to support law enforcement. And no matter how 'limiting' I'm talking, breaking into jail to lynch someone is going to be against the law.

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