America Vanquished, Part 1: America as an Israeli Colony,


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Fuck israel
“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government,” Jewish columnist Joel Stein wrote in the Los Angeles Times in December 2008. “I just care that we get to keep running them.”
Mr Stein’s reckless candor in admitting that the Jews ran America was to cost him his job at the LA Times.
If Americans have lost their country to organized Jewry, they lost it slowly and imperceptibly. Indeed, most Americans remain unaware that their country no longer belongs to them. They fervently believe they still live in a democracy. This was a takeover not without precedent, however. It had happened to Germany. It had happened to Russia. It has now happened to America.
Take Germany and Russia.
Germany, a mere shadow of what it might have been, is now a defeated and demoralized nation, thoroughly browbeaten by Jewry and terrified of their masters in Israel. Without stretching it too far, one could say that Germany has become Israel’s cash cow.
There is nothing particularly controversial about this observation. It had occurred to Eustace Mullins over twenty years ago:

To finance the State of Israel, which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews…now imposed enormous “reparations” demands on the conquered German people. To date, they have extorted more than thirty-five billion dollars from German workers, money which has been collected at the points of bayonets, not Jewish bayonets but the bayonets of the American Army, which has been maintained as an occupying force in West Germany for nearly four decades, solely to provide military power behind the puppet German Government which has as its primary function the furnishing of money for the parasitic state of Israel. (See here)

In December 2009, the Israelis demanded another billion eurosfrom Germany ($1.4 billion). The survivors of the Holocaust, surprisingly, seem to increase in number with time. This prompted Norman Finkelstein’s mother to ask somewhat cynically, after she had been cheated out of her reparations money by the rabbis who administered the Holocaust Fund: “If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one, who did Hitler kill?”
America Vanquished, Part 1: America as an Israeli Colony, by Dr Lasha Darkmoon

And now It's America’s turn?
It was never Palestine on its own that organized Jewry wanted. Palestine was simply to be their base of operations for the conquest of the rest of the world. According to Israel Shamir:
Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters…..The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the Spirit on Earth. Christianity will die, the spirit will depart from the nations in our part of the world, and our present dubious democracy will be supplanted by a vast theocratic state. De-spiritualized and uprooted, homeless and lonely, yesterday’s Masters of the World [WASPs] will become slaves in all but name….The Jewish universe is good for Jews. It is a curse for others. In the US, as Jewish influence has grown steadily since 1968, the lives of ordinary people have worsened. A good time for the Jews is not a good time for mankind. The blessing of the Jews is a curse for others. The regimes that are “good for Jews” are rarely good for anybody else.
So how is it that this rude and recalcitrant “ally” of America still continues to receive its $3 billion a year subsidy? Is America so besotted with love for the Jewish state that it cannot say ‘No’? Silly question. Since it rests on the Chomskyite assumption that America is still the lord and master and little Israel the dependent colony.

The riddle is easily solved if one turns Chomsky’s assumption on its head: organized Jewry, having taken over America, has transformed it into an Israeli colony. The $8.2 million per day that the American taxpayer pays his Jewish master is not a subsidy. It is tribute money. It is a tax or levy imposed on a vanquished people by their conquerors.
AMERICA VANQUISHED, Part 2: America under Jewish Rule – Darkmoon
It was never Palestine on its own that organized Jewry wanted. Palestine was simply to be their base of operations for the conquest of the rest of the world. According to Israel Shamir:
Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters…..The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the Spirit on Earth. Christianity will die, the spirit will depart from the nations in our part of the world, and our present dubious democracy will be supplanted by a vast theocratic state. De-spiritualized and uprooted, homeless and lonely, yesterday’s Masters of the World [WASPs] will become slaves in all but name….The Jewish universe is good for Jews. It is a curse for others. In the US, as Jewish influence has grown steadily since 1968, the lives of ordinary people have worsened. A good time for the Jews is not a good time for mankind. The blessing of the Jews is a curse for others. The regimes that are “good for Jews” are rarely good for anybody else.

Lasha Darkmoon?

I think the folks from The Onion have played a cruel joke on you. But then, you're accustomed to that, right?
It was never Palestine on its own that organized Jewry wanted. Palestine was simply to be their base of operations for the conquest of the rest of the world. According to Israel Shamir:
Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters…..The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the Spirit on Earth. Christianity will die, the spirit will depart from the nations in our part of the world, and our present dubious democracy will be supplanted by a vast theocratic state. De-spiritualized and uprooted, homeless and lonely, yesterday’s Masters of the World [WASPs] will become slaves in all but name….The Jewish universe is good for Jews. It is a curse for others. In the US, as Jewish influence has grown steadily since 1968, the lives of ordinary people have worsened. A good time for the Jews is not a good time for mankind. The blessing of the Jews is a curse for others. The regimes that are “good for Jews” are rarely good for anybody else.

Lasha Darkmoon?

I think the folks from The Onion have played a cruel joke on you. But then, you're accustomed to that, right?
Dr Lasha Darkmoon (b.1978) is an Anglo-American ex-academic with higher degrees in Classics whose political articles and poems have been translated into several languages. Most of her political essays can be found at The Occidental Observer and The TruthSeeker. Her own website,, is now within the top 1 percent of websites in the world according to the Alexa ranking system.
Lasha Darkmoon

No doubt your rebuttal with links to back up your Onion claim will be forthcoming in 3 2 1, anytime soon?
It was never Palestine on its own that organized Jewry wanted. Palestine was simply to be their base of operations for the conquest of the rest of the world. According to Israel Shamir:
Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters…..The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the Spirit on Earth. Christianity will die, the spirit will depart from the nations in our part of the world, and our present dubious democracy will be supplanted by a vast theocratic state. De-spiritualized and uprooted, homeless and lonely, yesterday’s Masters of the World [WASPs] will become slaves in all but name….The Jewish universe is good for Jews. It is a curse for others. In the US, as Jewish influence has grown steadily since 1968, the lives of ordinary people have worsened. A good time for the Jews is not a good time for mankind. The blessing of the Jews is a curse for others. The regimes that are “good for Jews” are rarely good for anybody else.

Lasha Darkmoon?

I think the folks from The Onion have played a cruel joke on you. But then, you're accustomed to that, right?
Dr Lasha Darkmoon (b.1978) is an Anglo-American ex-academic with higher degrees in Classics whose political articles and poems have been translated into several languages. Most of her political essays can be found at The Occidental Observer and The TruthSeeker. Her own website,, is now within the top 1 percent of websites in the world according to the Alexa ranking system.
Lasha Darkmoon

No doubt your rebuttal with links to back up your Onion claim will be forthcoming in 3 2 1, anytime soon?

It seems Lasha has quite the following on the really whacked out conspiracy theory based web-blogs.

Your conpiracy theory loons are to be ignored in 3 2 1....

Lasha Darkmoon’s website sabotaged by techie. Email notification from Lasha Darkmoon
No mention of "the onion", and no rebuttal of the
"America Vanquished" claim?

Last edited:
It was never Palestine on its own that organized Jewry wanted. Palestine was simply to be their base of operations for the conquest of the rest of the world. According to Israel Shamir:
Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters…..The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the Spirit on Earth. Christianity will die, the spirit will depart from the nations in our part of the world, and our present dubious democracy will be supplanted by a vast theocratic state. De-spiritualized and uprooted, homeless and lonely, yesterday’s Masters of the World [WASPs] will become slaves in all but name….The Jewish universe is good for Jews. It is a curse for others. In the US, as Jewish influence has grown steadily since 1968, the lives of ordinary people have worsened. A good time for the Jews is not a good time for mankind. The blessing of the Jews is a curse for others. The regimes that are “good for Jews” are rarely good for anybody else.

Lasha Darkmoon?

I think the folks from The Onion have played a cruel joke on you. But then, you're accustomed to that, right?

Nothing most of us don't know, the ones who will admit it though. While many polish did die from starvation, disease or just cruelty during WWII is normal. Also disease victims get burnt. Too many survivors to of been mass killing of jews or gas chambers. You really think they had nothing better to do or wanted to waste gas.
“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government,” Jewish columnist Joel Stein wrote in the Los Angeles Times in December 2008. “I just care that we get to keep running them.”
Mr Stein’s reckless candor in admitting that the Jews ran America was to cost him his job at the LA Times.
If Americans have lost their country to organized Jewry, they lost it slowly and imperceptibly. Indeed, most Americans remain unaware that their country no longer belongs to them. They fervently believe they still live in a democracy. This was a takeover not without precedent, however. It had happened to Germany. It had happened to Russia. It has now happened to America.
Take Germany and Russia.
Germany, a mere shadow of what it might have been, is now a defeated and demoralized nation, thoroughly browbeaten by Jewry and terrified of their masters in Israel. Without stretching it too far, one could say that Germany has become Israel’s cash cow.
There is nothing particularly controversial about this observation. It had occurred to Eustace Mullins over twenty years ago:

To finance the State of Israel, which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews…now imposed enormous “reparations” demands on the conquered German people. To date, they have extorted more than thirty-five billion dollars from German workers, money which has been collected at the points of bayonets, not Jewish bayonets but the bayonets of the American Army, which has been maintained as an occupying force in West Germany for nearly four decades, solely to provide military power behind the puppet German Government which has as its primary function the furnishing of money for the parasitic state of Israel. (See here)

In December 2009, the Israelis demanded another billion eurosfrom Germany ($1.4 billion). The survivors of the Holocaust, surprisingly, seem to increase in number with time. This prompted Norman Finkelstein’s mother to ask somewhat cynically, after she had been cheated out of her reparations money by the rabbis who administered the Holocaust Fund: “If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one, who did Hitler kill?”
America Vanquished, Part 1: America as an Israeli Colony, by Dr Lasha Darkmoon

And now It's America’s turn?
Nothing wrong with your average Anti-Semite that a good ol' fashioned bullet in the brain in a ditch outside of town (Chinese style) wouldn't fix.

Channeling the ghost of Julius Streicher again, I see...
RE: America as an Israeli Colony,

fanger, et al,

I would not be worried about Joel Stein, he is in the infotainment business, and not the serious journalist that you would expect to see engaged on this topic. With a Stanford English education and just short of 20 years with Times, he was describe as a comedic writer, one that would make you laugh.

Dr Lasha Darkmoon description of Joel Steins writing as "reckless candor" is probably less than accurate. And Dr Darmoon is less than 40 years of ages; is described as having radical political ideas — ideas that would alienate her friends and family and make them ostracize her (victim mentality and paranoia).

• They fervently believe they still live in a democracy.
• Germany, a mere shadow of what it might have been, is now a defeated and demoralized nation, thoroughly browbeaten by Jewry and terrified of their masters in Israel.

• To finance the State of Israel, which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews…now imposed enormous “reparations” demands on the conquered German people.


(1) Well, although Americans are fond of saying that it is a "Democracy," in point of fact, at the federal level it is a "Republic."

(2) Oddly enough, Germany (not by much) ranks higher on the Human Development Index that does America.

(3) The Gross Domestic Product for German ≈ $3.335 Trillion. The Gross Domestic Product for America is ≈ $17.9 Trillion.

In December 2009, the Israelis demanded another billion euros from Germany ($1.4 billion).

The $1.4B in repatriations is less that 1/4000 of the GNP. However, that is not truly accurate. Since 1951, Germany has paid more than $61B or less than %5 of the 2015 GNP.

While the article is not untruthful, it is somewhat misleading. It sensationalizes the impact of what seems to be a large sum of money.

What the pro-Arab Palestinians do not consider is that in the course of jihad, insurgencies, rebellious activity, terrorism and other asymmetric warfare actions involving bombings, kidnapping and hostage-taking, armed attacks, arson and fire bombings, hijackings and skyjackings, etc, against Israel --- a jihad they cannot win --- and damage or injury inflicted during a war the war which they will not be able to repay.

Most Respectfully,
RE: America as an Israeli Colony,

fanger, et al,

I would not be worried about Joel Stein, he is in the infotainment business, and not the serious journalist that you would expect to see engaged on this topic. With a Stanford English education and just short of 20 years with Times, he was describe as a comedic writer, one that would make you laugh.

Dr Lasha Darkmoon description of Joel Steins writing as "reckless candor" is probably less than accurate. And Dr Darmoon is less than 40 years of ages; is described as having radical political ideas — ideas that would alienate her friends and family and make them ostracize her (victim mentality and paranoia).

• They fervently believe they still live in a democracy.
• Germany, a mere shadow of what it might have been, is now a defeated and demoralized nation, thoroughly browbeaten by Jewry and terrified of their masters in Israel.

• To finance the State of Israel, which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews…now imposed enormous “reparations” demands on the conquered German people.

(1) Well, although Americans are fond of saying that it is a "Democracy," in point of fact, at the federal level it is a "Republic."

(2) Oddly enough, Germany (not by much) ranks higher on the Human Development Index that does America.

(3) The Gross Domestic Product for German ≈ $3.335 Trillion. The Gross Domestic Product for America is ≈ $17.9 Trillion.

In December 2009, the Israelis demanded another billion euros from Germany ($1.4 billion).

The $1.4B in repatriations is less that 1/4000 of the GNP. However, that is not truly accurate. Since 1951, Germany has paid more than $61B or less than %5 of the 2015 GNP.

While the article is not untruthful, it is somewhat misleading. It sensationalizes the impact of what seems to be a large sum of money.

What the pro-Arab Palestinians do not consider is that in the course of jihad, insurgencies, rebellious activity, terrorism and other asymmetric warfare actions involving bombings, kidnapping and hostage-taking, armed attacks, arson and fire bombings, hijackings and skyjackings, etc, against Israel --- a jihad they cannot win --- and damage or injury inflicted during a war the war which they will not be able to repay.

Most Respectfully,
And the same could be said about America regarding your last sentence Rocco,with Respect..steve
RE: America as an Israeli Colony,

theliq (Steve), et al:

Well, I have to agree, the concept of War Reparation (as opposed to claims, settlements, compensation, settlements, and damage award of a personal level) applies equally to both sides. The problem becomes the interpretation of event; since Israel did not invaded Palestinian Territory when it brought the Gaza Strip and West Bank under its effective control. A key factor is that the 1949 Armistice Line the (Green Line) was never intended to be a permanent international boundary (PIB).

• Relative to the Gaza Strip, the PIB was defined in Article II of the 1979 Treaty with Egypt. It should be noted that the Gaza Strip was: --- considered "without prejudice" (none of the rights or privileges of the inhabitants/people are considered to be lost or waived) to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip.

• Relative to the West Bank, the PIB was defined in Article 3 of the 1994 Treaty with Jordan. It should be noted that the West Bank was: --- considered "without prejudice" (none of the rights or privileges of the inhabitants/people are considered to be lost or waived) to the issue of the status of the West Bank.

In both treaties, you will note that both the West Bank and Gaza Strip are encapsulated within the PIB of Israel. With the Treaties (with Egyptian and with Jordan) the Armistice Line is discontinued (shall remain in force until a peaceful settlement between the Parties is achieved) Article XII (2) Egyptian Armistice; and Article XII (2) of the Jordanian Armistice.

How is the term "Armed Conflict" defined in international humanitarian law?

International humanitarian law distinguishes two types of armed conflicts, namely:

  • international armed conflicts (IAC), opposing two or more States, and

  • non-international armed conflicts (NAIC), between governmental forces and non-governmental armed groups, or between such groups only. IHL treaty law also establishes a distinction between non-international armed conflicts in the meaning of common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and non-international armed conflicts falling within the definition provided in Art. 1 of Additional Protocol II.
Legally speaking, no other type of armed conflict exists. It is nevertheless important to underline that a situation can evolve from one type of armed conflict to another, depending on the facts prevailing at a certain moment.

When we say "war" we are actually talking about an unspecified "Armed Conflict."

Common Article 2 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 states that:

"In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peacetime, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.

The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance".​

What the pro-Arab Palestinians do not consider is that in the course of jihad, insurgencies, rebellious activity, terrorism and other asymmetric warfare actions involving bombings, kidnapping and hostage-taking, armed attacks, arson and fire bombings, hijackings and skyjackings, etc, against Israel --- a jihad they cannot win --- and damage or injury inflicted during a war the war which they will not be able to repay.
And the same could be said about America regarding your last sentence Rocco,with Respect..steve

How many Jewish People in:

Israel: ≈ 6,399,000 +/- 10% or a very good 6 Million​
United States: ≈ 7,039,000 +/- 10% or a very good 7 Million

Religions: From the CIA Factbook:
Protestant 52%, Roman Catholic 24%, Mormon 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 1%, other 10%, none 10% (2002 est.)


As you can see, even if we exaggerate the numbers (say double the size), we still get less than 3% within the possible range. I tried to find some reference pertaining to the landing and establishment of a Jewish Colony, or some colonial connection between the US and Israel --- and simply could not find one.

Oddly, there are over 4 Million young adults in the Scouting Program:

• BSA 2.4 million youth members and nearly one million adult volunteers.
• GSA 1.9 million girl members and 800,000 adult members working primarily as volunteers.

Would it be the case that America is a colony of the Roy/Girl Scouts?

Political influence wise, the aspects that have not been able to rally their resource nearly always sling mud on the party with the greater influence. It is just how politics --- many of those that have attitudes, activities, or other agenda that have religious or spiritual basis.

Most Respectfully,
“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government,” Jewish columnist Joel Stein wrote in the Los Angeles Times in December 2008. “I just care that we get to keep running them.”
Mr Stein’s reckless candor in admitting that the Jews ran America was to cost him his job at the LA Times.
If Americans have lost their country to organized Jewry, they lost it slowly and imperceptibly. Indeed, most Americans remain unaware that their country no longer belongs to them. They fervently believe they still live in a democracy. This was a takeover not without precedent, however. It had happened to Germany. It had happened to Russia. It has now happened to America.
Take Germany and Russia.
Germany, a mere shadow of what it might have been, is now a defeated and demoralized nation, thoroughly browbeaten by Jewry and terrified of their masters in Israel. Without stretching it too far, one could say that Germany has become Israel’s cash cow.
There is nothing particularly controversial about this observation. It had occurred to Eustace Mullins over twenty years ago:

To finance the State of Israel, which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews…now imposed enormous “reparations” demands on the conquered German people. To date, they have extorted more than thirty-five billion dollars from German workers, money which has been collected at the points of bayonets, not Jewish bayonets but the bayonets of the American Army, which has been maintained as an occupying force in West Germany for nearly four decades, solely to provide military power behind the puppet German Government which has as its primary function the furnishing of money for the parasitic state of Israel. (See here)

In December 2009, the Israelis demanded another billion eurosfrom Germany ($1.4 billion). The survivors of the Holocaust, surprisingly, seem to increase in number with time. This prompted Norman Finkelstein’s mother to ask somewhat cynically, after she had been cheated out of her reparations money by the rabbis who administered the Holocaust Fund: “If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one, who did Hitler kill?”
America Vanquished, Part 1: America as an Israeli Colony, by Dr Lasha Darkmoon

And now It's America’s turn?

Only if you believe islamonazi pallywood propaganda, otherwise you see through the islamonazi half truths and lies that blame everything that they can on the Jews.

Too set the story straight no such place as Israel existed when the German racist mass murderers followed the lead of the islamonazi mufti and started to wipe out the Jews. It was the allies that set the reparation deal in place nor Israel or the Jews. And it was the muslims that lost out again by supporting the losing side. and blame ...........who else but the Jews who sided with the winners..

What price would you put on an innocent muslim childs life murdered by communists because they knew they would be a impossible to convert away from their religion. I think $1.4 billion for the lives of 6 million is small change dont you, and if it was you islamonazi's getting the money you would be demanding much more for the palace you lost in London, the Schloss in Switzerland and the flocks of sheep grazing on grass in New Zealand
So how is it that this rude and recalcitrant “ally” of America still continues to receive its $3 billion a year subsidy? Is America so besotted with love for the Jewish state that it cannot say ‘No’? Silly question. Since it rests on the Chomskyite assumption that America is still the lord and master and little Israel the dependent colony.

The riddle is easily solved if one turns Chomsky’s assumption on its head: organized Jewry, having taken over America, has transformed it into an Israeli colony. The $8.2 million per day that the American taxpayer pays his Jewish master is not a subsidy. It is tribute money. It is a tax or levy imposed on a vanquished people by their conquerors.
AMERICA VANQUISHED, Part 2: America under Jewish Rule – Darkmoon

For the same reasons the scourge of humanity better known as islam gets 10 times as much and still demands more. The riddle is even easier this time as 1.2 billion terrorists are a real threat to the world while 12 million Jews arent, and they want the aid to stop so they can show the muslims for what they are

How many Jewish People in:

Israel: ≈ 6,399,000 +/- 10% or a very good 6 Million​
United States: ≈ 7,039,000 +/- 10% or a very good 7 Million

Religions: From the CIA Factbook:
Protestant 52%, Roman Catholic 24%, Mormon 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 1%, other 10%, none 10% (2002 est.)...
Most Respectfully,

Interesting, they do say the world is ruled by the richest 1%....;)

How many Jewish People in:

Israel: ≈ 6,399,000 +/- 10% or a very good 6 Million​
United States: ≈ 7,039,000 +/- 10% or a very good 7 Million

Religions: From the CIA Factbook:
Protestant 52%, Roman Catholic 24%, Mormon 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 1%, other 10%, none 10% (2002 est.)...
Most Respectfully,

Interesting, they do say the world is ruled by the richest 1%....;)
Why do they say that there is a personality type prone to believe in conspiracy theories?

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