America should do as the Swiss, and require everyone have an AR-15 rifle.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
America should do as the Swiss government does and require everyone to have a Millitary type rifle. We are at war with terrorists who are all armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. Its time we wake up to that fact.
But the Swiss have a long history of recreational shooting. There are too many Americans I wouldn't trust with a large knife, much less an AR.

Plus, many people do not want to either own a gun or shoot a gun. Forcing them to own an AR goes against the grain of a free nation.
America should do as the Swiss government does and require everyone to have a Millitary type rifle. We are at war with terrorists who are all armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. Its time we wake up to that fact.
I will immediately endorse the U.S. adopting Switzerland’s gun laws if it comes to a vote
No, the government shouldn't require you to own a firearm.
America should do as the Swiss government does and require everyone to have a Millitary type rifle. We are at war with terrorists who are all armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. Its time we wake up to that fact.

Switzerland does not require everyone to have a firearm at all, let alone a "military-type rifle", whatever that is, a product of the Department of Redundancy Department.

Moreover we already have more guns per capita than the Swiss.

More moreover to carry a firearm in Switzerland you have to get a permit, which is usually issued only to those in a security job.

Go buy what some of us call a "book".
America should do as the Swiss government does and require everyone to have a Millitary type rifle. We are at war with terrorists who are all armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. Its time we wake up to that fact.
Gun laws in Switzerland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Firearms legislation in Switzerland allows the free purchase of semi-automatic, but not fully automatic firearms by Swiss citizens and foreigners with permanent residence.[note 1][1] Permits for concealed carrying in public are issued sparingly.[note 2][2] The acquisition of fully automatic weapons, suppressors and target lasers likewise requires special permits issued by the cantonal firearms office.[3] Use of hollow-point and soft-point ammunition is limited to hunting.[4]...

Swiss gun culture has emerged from a long tradition of shooting (tirs), which served as a formative element of national identity in the post-Napoleonic Restoration of the Confederacy,[5] and the long-standing practice of a militia organization of the Swiss Armyin which soldiers' service rifles are stored privately at their homes. In addition to this, many cantons (notably the alpine cantons of Grisonsand Valais) have strong traditions of hunting, accounting for a large but unknown number of privately held hunting rifles.

Interestingly, although the Swiss are as relaxed about gun ownership as we are, they have a lot less gun homicides.
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America should do as the Swiss government does and require everyone to have a Millitary type rifle. We are at war with terrorists who are all armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. Its time we wake up to that fact.
Gun laws in Switzerland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Firearms legislation in Switzerland allows the free purchase of semi-automatic, but not fully automatic firearms by Swiss citizens and foreigners with permanent residence.[note 1][1] Permits for concealed carrying in public are issued sparingly.[note 2][2] The acquisition of fully automatic weapons, suppressors and target lasers likewise requires special permits issued by the cantonal firearms office.[3] Use of hollow-point and soft-point ammunition is limited to hunting.[4]...

Swiss gun culture has emerged from a long tradition of shooting (tirs), which served as a formative element of national identity in the post-Napoleonic Restoration of the Confederacy,[5] and the long-standing practice of a militia organization of the Swiss Armyin which soldiers' service rifles are stored privately at their homes. In addition to this, many cantons (notably the alpine cantons of Grisonsand Valais) have strong traditions of hunting, accounting for a large but unknown number of privately held hunting rifles.

Interestingly, although the Swiss are as relaxed about gun ownership as we are, they have a lot less gun homicides.
8 million people most on the same page as compared to the US 320 million on about a million different pages......i can see why.....
America should do as the Swiss government does and require everyone to have a Millitary type rifle. We are at war with terrorists who are all armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. Its time we wake up to that fact.

Just for your own information, the idea that the Swiss require citizens to own guns is a myth. They do have a lot of gun owners. But it is something like 28 persons out of 100 that own guns.
America should do as the Swiss government does and require everyone to have a Millitary type rifle. We are at war with terrorists who are all armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. Its time we wake up to that fact.
Gun laws in Switzerland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Firearms legislation in Switzerland allows the free purchase of semi-automatic, but not fully automatic firearms by Swiss citizens and foreigners with permanent residence.[note 1][1] Permits for concealed carrying in public are issued sparingly.[note 2][2] The acquisition of fully automatic weapons, suppressors and target lasers likewise requires special permits issued by the cantonal firearms office.[3] Use of hollow-point and soft-point ammunition is limited to hunting.[4]...

Swiss gun culture has emerged from a long tradition of shooting (tirs), which served as a formative element of national identity in the post-Napoleonic Restoration of the Confederacy,[5] and the long-standing practice of a militia organization of the Swiss Armyin which soldiers' service rifles are stored privately at their homes. In addition to this, many cantons (notably the alpine cantons of Grisonsand Valais) have strong traditions of hunting, accounting for a large but unknown number of privately held hunting rifles.

Interestingly, although the Swiss are as relaxed about gun ownership as we are, they have a lot less gun homicides.

What’s the racial makeup of Switzerland? Just curious.
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America should do as the Swiss government does and require everyone to have a Millitary type rifle. We are at war with terrorists who are all armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. Its time we wake up to that fact.
Gun laws in Switzerland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Firearms legislation in Switzerland allows the free purchase of semi-automatic, but not fully automatic firearms by Swiss citizens and foreigners with permanent residence.[note 1][1] Permits for concealed carrying in public are issued sparingly.[note 2][2] The acquisition of fully automatic weapons, suppressors and target lasers likewise requires special permits issued by the cantonal firearms office.[3] Use of hollow-point and soft-point ammunition is limited to hunting.[4]...

Swiss gun culture has emerged from a long tradition of shooting (tirs), which served as a formative element of national identity in the post-Napoleonic Restoration of the Confederacy,[5] and the long-standing practice of a militia organization of the Swiss Armyin which soldiers' service rifles are stored privately at their homes. In addition to this, many cantons (notably the alpine cantons of Grisonsand Valais) have strong traditions of hunting, accounting for a large but unknown number of privately held hunting rifles.

Interestingly, although the Swiss are as relaxed about gun ownership as we are, they have a lot less gun homicides.

What’s the racial makeup of Switzerland. Just curious.
There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.
America should do as the Swiss government does and require everyone to have a Millitary type rifle. We are at war with terrorists who are all armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. Its time we wake up to that fact.
Gun laws in Switzerland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Firearms legislation in Switzerland allows the free purchase of semi-automatic, but not fully automatic firearms by Swiss citizens and foreigners with permanent residence.[note 1][1] Permits for concealed carrying in public are issued sparingly.[note 2][2] The acquisition of fully automatic weapons, suppressors and target lasers likewise requires special permits issued by the cantonal firearms office.[3] Use of hollow-point and soft-point ammunition is limited to hunting.[4]...

Swiss gun culture has emerged from a long tradition of shooting (tirs), which served as a formative element of national identity in the post-Napoleonic Restoration of the Confederacy,[5] and the long-standing practice of a militia organization of the Swiss Armyin which soldiers' service rifles are stored privately at their homes. In addition to this, many cantons (notably the alpine cantons of Grisonsand Valais) have strong traditions of hunting, accounting for a large but unknown number of privately held hunting rifles.

Interestingly, although the Swiss are as relaxed about gun ownership as we are, they have a lot less gun homicides.
They are not even CLOSE to as relaxed about guns as we are.
That little piece of information saying that the Swiss issue a weapon to everybody is actually a Facebook posting, and it's not exactly true. Neither are all the other little "facts" that conservatives over here like to tout about Switzerland having a lower crime rate than other countries. It simply isn't true.

Here is a link that talks about all those little bits of information and how untrue they are. But, in the interest of dispelling the myth that Switzerland issues a gun to every citizen? Not exactly true, as they require nearly all males to join the military, get trained, show up for refresher training every so often, and after their service, if they can show just cause, they can keep the weapon after having it retrofitted.

Quick question gun people, would YOU be willing to be REQUIRED to serve in the military as a condition of your being allowed to keep your guns? Me? I'd have no problem with it, I've already done 20 years.

Facebook posting says the gun-rich Swiss have the lowest firearm crime rate in the civilized world

One other point is particularly important here. The description of gun distribution in Switzerland omits important information.

The Swiss government doesn't hand out a gun to every household. It requires nearly every able-bodied young male adult to serve in the citizen militia, where they are issued a military rifle. The guns are supposed to be for military use only, not for personal defense.

Those men are supposed to show up for 18 weeks of training, followed by seven re-training sessions (each lasting three weeks) over the next 10 years.

If you want to keep your weapon after your years of service, it is refitted to scale back its firepower and you need to provide a reason for keeping it.
America should do as the Swiss government does and require everyone to have a Millitary type rifle. We are at war with terrorists who are all armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. Its time we wake up to that fact.

So, you want to be like the Swiss eh? You do know that means joining the military and getting trained for 18 weeks, and then showing up for seven retraining sessions over the next 10 years, and each of those retraining sessions lasts a month, right?

If we were like the Swiss, then every able male would be required to join our equivalent of the National Guard, and be in it for 10 years.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

We really can blame our State legislators.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
That little piece of information saying that the Swiss issue a weapon to everybody is actually a Facebook posting, and it's not exactly true. Neither are all the other little "facts" that conservatives over here like to tout about Switzerland having a lower crime rate than other countries. It simply isn't true.

Here is a link that talks about all those little bits of information and how untrue they are. But, in the interest of dispelling the myth that Switzerland issues a gun to every citizen? Not exactly true, as they require nearly all males to join the military, get trained, show up for refresher training every so often, and after their service, if they can show just cause, they can keep the weapon after having it retrofitted.

Quick question gun people, would YOU be willing to be REQUIRED to serve in the military as a condition of your being allowed to keep your guns? Me? I'd have no problem with it, I've already done 20 years.

Facebook posting says the gun-rich Swiss have the lowest firearm crime rate in the civilized world

One other point is particularly important here. The description of gun distribution in Switzerland omits important information.

The Swiss government doesn't hand out a gun to every household. It requires nearly every able-bodied young male adult to serve in the citizen militia, where they are issued a military rifle. The guns are supposed to be for military use only, not for personal defense.

Those men are supposed to show up for 18 weeks of training, followed by seven re-training sessions (each lasting three weeks) over the next 10 years.

If you want to keep your weapon after your years of service, it is refitted to scale back its firepower and you need to provide a reason for keeping it.

They keep automatic weapons in their homes while in service. They “scale them back” to semi automatic afterwards. All men can keep their weapon.
That little piece of information saying that the Swiss issue a weapon to everybody is actually a Facebook posting, and it's not exactly true. Neither are all the other little "facts" that conservatives over here like to tout about Switzerland having a lower crime rate than other countries. It simply isn't true.

Here is a link that talks about all those little bits of information and how untrue they are. But, in the interest of dispelling the myth that Switzerland issues a gun to every citizen? Not exactly true, as they require nearly all males to join the military, get trained, show up for refresher training every so often, and after their service, if they can show just cause, they can keep the weapon after having it retrofitted.

Quick question gun people, would YOU be willing to be REQUIRED to serve in the military as a condition of your being allowed to keep your guns? Me? I'd have no problem with it, I've already done 20 years.

Facebook posting says the gun-rich Swiss have the lowest firearm crime rate in the civilized world

One other point is particularly important here. The description of gun distribution in Switzerland omits important information.

The Swiss government doesn't hand out a gun to every household. It requires nearly every able-bodied young male adult to serve in the citizen militia, where they are issued a military rifle. The guns are supposed to be for military use only, not for personal defense.

Those men are supposed to show up for 18 weeks of training, followed by seven re-training sessions (each lasting three weeks) over the next 10 years.

If you want to keep your weapon after your years of service, it is refitted to scale back its firepower and you need to provide a reason for keeping it.

They keep automatic weapons in their homes while in service. They “scale them back” to semi automatic afterwards. All men can keep their weapon.

No. They can keep their weapon after leaving the service if they can provide a good reason for needing to keep it. Not only do you have to have it scaled back, but you have to have a valid reason for keeping the weapon.
That little piece of information saying that the Swiss issue a weapon to everybody is actually a Facebook posting, and it's not exactly true. Neither are all the other little "facts" that conservatives over here like to tout about Switzerland having a lower crime rate than other countries. It simply isn't true.

Here is a link that talks about all those little bits of information and how untrue they are. But, in the interest of dispelling the myth that Switzerland issues a gun to every citizen? Not exactly true, as they require nearly all males to join the military, get trained, show up for refresher training every so often, and after their service, if they can show just cause, they can keep the weapon after having it retrofitted.

Quick question gun people, would YOU be willing to be REQUIRED to serve in the military as a condition of your being allowed to keep your guns? Me? I'd have no problem with it, I've already done 20 years.

Facebook posting says the gun-rich Swiss have the lowest firearm crime rate in the civilized world

One other point is particularly important here. The description of gun distribution in Switzerland omits important information.

The Swiss government doesn't hand out a gun to every household. It requires nearly every able-bodied young male adult to serve in the citizen militia, where they are issued a military rifle. The guns are supposed to be for military use only, not for personal defense.

Those men are supposed to show up for 18 weeks of training, followed by seven re-training sessions (each lasting three weeks) over the next 10 years.

If you want to keep your weapon after your years of service, it is refitted to scale back its firepower and you need to provide a reason for keeping it.
Fake news
The Swiss own millions of guns, but have barely any gun deaths — here's what they do differently from the US

Men who serve in the militia are trained and handed a weapon that they can keep until they're done serving. But recent estimates suggest only 11% actually keep their rifles at home when they're not working. Military ammunition is always kept separately at local armories.

Former militiamen are offered the chance to buy their service weapons when they're done serving, but they have to get a permit for those state-issued guns. In fact, with the exception of hunting rifles and semiautomatic longarms, any private gun owner in Switzerland has to get a permit for their gun. And if they've got a criminal record, a history of violence, or are struggling with mental health or addiction, local authorities won't issue one.

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