Not Like Any Steel Pot I Remember


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I’ve seen the current ones our troops are wearing and realize how far they are away from what I wore.


So, this new thing looks like something right out of Star Wars or a lot of other scifi movies.

The Army's new Integrated Head Protection System (IHPS), designed to replace the Enhanced Combat Helmet (ECH) used by close-combat units for the last two decades with with "100 percent greater blunt impact protection," Lt. Col. Ginger Whitehead told IHPS was originally scheduled for a battlefield debut in 2020.

n addition, 3rd BCT soldiers are picking up the Modular Scalable Vest version II and Ballistic Pelvic Protection, as well as new eyewear with transition lenses, Col. Stephen Thomas told Army Times. The MSV is part of the Soldier Protection System and is the Army's next-generation Personal Protective Equipment system.


And bullets and shrapnel still find ways to do harm to the vulnerable human body.

More of this
@ The Army's new body armor and combat helmet are finally here. Here's who will get them first
Wow. I gotta say I do like the intimidation factor there.

And nice to see the Raptors getting to test it.
Full-face and a lil somethin'-somethin' on the back of the neck for the headchoppers. Kinda like modern-day Leathernecks.
An AK-47 round will still go right through it and out the other side.

Not always

Advanced Combat Helmet stops an AK-47 head shot -

While the helmets main purpose is to protect from shrapnel, they do well at deflecting head shots which the skull doesn't do nearly as well.

Direct hits can (but not always) penetrate. But to get to a rifle rated helmet I'd hate to see the weight on that thing... Plus would probably need it's own cooling system like the ABS.

I’ve seen the current ones our troops are wearing and realize how far they are away from what I wore.

I just don't see how one of these new helmets can be used as a pillow, a wash basin, entrenching tool (shovel) or as a cooking pot.

Not much for the buck.
An AK-47 round will still go right through it and out the other side.

No, it won't. Even the old PASGT helmets could stop those at near point blank range. These helmets are far superior to those old ones.

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