America & Nazi Germany

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The problem the Japanese and Japanese Americans had, was living in the wrong area after Pearl Harbor. To avoid internment some 10,000 moved to other areas, and another 30,000 were interned and then decided to move to other areas and were released.

There is no "wrong area" for US citizens to live in the United States, and there is NO rationalization for what that criminal FDR did.
The problem the Japanese and Japanese Americans had, was living in the wrong area after Pearl Harbor. To avoid internment some 10,000 moved to other areas, and another 30,000 were interned and then decided to move to other areas and were released.

There is no "wrong area" for US citizens to live in the United States, and there is NO rationalization for what that criminal FDR did.

There are plenty of wrong areas for US citizens to live, and there is rationalization for the evacuation. With hindsight we can see now it was the wrong decision but at the time the safety of the United States came first, then it's people, including the evacuees.
There was considerable anger being exhibited towards Asians after Pearl Harbor. I say Asians because many Americans could not tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese. Some Chinese put signs up, "I am Chinese."
FDR had turned the safety of the west coast over to General DeWitt and DeWitt wanted the area evacuated. FDR did not have to issue the, but suppose DeWitt was right, suppose there was a danger?
That danger was still felt two years after Pearl Harbor with military installations still being blacked-out along the coast.
All Americans lose some rights in a war, and sadly the Americans of the "wrong background" may lose more.

That bullshit rationalization is utterly UNAMERICAN, and contrary to the whole point of brave, loyal citizens willing to give their lives for their country. There is no excuse or 'historical context' that can wash away FDR's shame, or yours.
There are plenty of wrong areas for US citizens to live, and there is rationalization for the evacuation. With hindsight we can see now it was the wrong decision but at the time the safety of the United States came first, then it's people, including the evacuees.
There was considerable anger being exhibited towards Asians after Pearl Harbor. I say Asians because many Americans could not tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese. Some Chinese put signs up, "I am Chinese."
FDR had turned the safety of the west coast over to General DeWitt and DeWitt wanted the area evacuated. FDR did not have to issue the, but suppose DeWitt was right, suppose there was a danger?
That danger was still felt two years after Pearl Harbor with military installations still being blacked-out along the coast.
All Americans lose some rights in a war, and sadly the Americans of the "wrong background" may lose more.

That bullshit rationalization is utterly UNAMERICAN, and contrary to the whole point of brave, loyal citizens willing to give their lives for their country. There is no excuse or 'historical context' that can wash away FDR's shame, or yours.

Why would I have shame? I'm suggesting that unless you lived in that period you might not really understand many of the American people of that time. Try "Daugters of the Golden West, and the 442nd" to get a glimpse of the protests of Californians, the state and the counties when the army even considered starting that regiment. For a time I was stationed at Fort Ord and well remember what was going on during that period. As for unAmerican can you believe Black American soldiers were not allowed in Southern restuaurants, but white German POW's were allowed? I don't know about FDR, but I have no shame. I wonder if today we are still practicing that same type of racism and bigotry but no longer toward Japanese, just others?

You damn well should feel shame, because you are still trying to excuse the inexcusable. You mention the 442nd, but do you really know about it? You would try to rationalize the best and bravest of America and their families being thrown into concentration camps at a time when the country needed them the most? Fuck you then. And if your real point is to make some statement about "just others," then make it and stop heaping more and more shame upon yourself.
There was no "official" term limit for president before FDR. We didn't need it. You could say that FDR seized power to run for his 3rd and 4th terms in a similar way that Hitler initially gained power in Germany, with political intimidation, media talkeover and the threat of violence.

No comparison exists between FDR and Hitler. FDR won an open election fair and square.

When he came to power, Hitler was hugely popular in Germany.

And of course he and FDR shared a fondness for concentration camps.
You left out FDR's concentration camps for innocent, loyal Americans.

We Americans love to bash ourselves. These were scary times after pearl harbor was attacked. There were Japanese spies on Hawaii scouting our fleet. America over reacted with the japense internment camps. However, if one were to look at the examples of the other participants in WWII, the USA was a shining example of morality in WWII.

The US dropped two atomic bombs because we had them. I believe every other participant would have used such a weapon in they had possessed it. Sure Japanese Americans were rounded up, but they were not slaughtered.

This has all been posted many times before but I guess you missed it.

1) Not ONE Japanese-American was EVER convicted of espionage during WWII.

2) The loyal American citizens who the scumbag FDR had thrown into concentration camps went on to make up a large part of the most highly decorated military unit in US history.

3) Anyone who would try to rationalize or excuse throwing over 100,000 innocent AMERICANS into concentration camps doesn't deserve to live in America, let alone be a citizen.
5th post
Unkotare, when you use the term "concentration camp" to describe the J-A internment camp, (1) you use the term incorrectly, (2) yet you use it deliberately, and (3) you use it to inflame.

What happened was not good, but in no, way, shape, or form, were they concentration camps.

You have no further credibility on this subject. Run along.

What did I tell you about reading and imagining? Go ask Mommy to look up the term "concentration camp" for you.

You know what? Don't bother her, I'll do it for you:

"A place where large numbers of political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities are imprisoned"

"A camp where civilians, enemy aliens, political prisoners, and sometimes prisoners of war are detained and confined, typically under harsh conditions"

"a guarded compound for the detention or imprisonment of aliens, members of ethnic minorities, political opponents, etc"

I couldn't give less of a shit if the truth makes you uncomfortable, douchebag. FDR threw AMERICANS into concentration camps.
Trump is popular too and he likes concentration camps too.

And a man who lived in FDR's camps says Trump's camps are worse

So who cares what you think. George is an expert on this subject not you. At least FDR didn't separate families.
FYI, they did not mass murder or mass-starve in the US camps
this is one of the most ridiculous posts I've seen on USMB, and I've seen a lot

I agree with you!!! Unkotare acts like FDR was evil and tortured Japanese Americans. I agree that just isn't true.

Only two US presidents have ever thrown innocent Americans into concentration camps. They were both scumbag Democrats, of course. Fact.
concentration camps----hahahahahahahahahah

What is funny about concentration camps?
How much you don't like them. I can't wait to bang my imaginary 25 year old girlfriend tomorrow night btw.
You left out FDR's concentration camps for innocent, loyal Americans.

We Americans love to bash ourselves. These were scary times after pearl harbor was attacked. There were Japanese spies on Hawaii scouting our fleet. America over reacted with the japense internment camps. However, if one were to look at the examples of the other participants in WWII, the USA was a shining example of morality in WWII.

The US dropped two atomic bombs because we had them. I believe every other participant would have used such a weapon in they had possessed it. Sure Japanese Americans were rounded up, but they were not slaughtered.

This has all been posted many times before but I guess you missed it.

1) Not ONE Japanese-American was EVER convicted of espionage during WWII.

2) The loyal American citizens who the scumbag FDR had thrown into concentration camps went on to make up a large part of the most highly decorated military unit in US history.

3) Anyone who would try to rationalize or excuse throwing over 100,000 innocent AMERICANS into concentration camps doesn't deserve to live in America, let alone be a citizen.
1. They didn't do anything because they were scared. It would have been hard for a Jap to sneak around or buy materials that are needed to make a bomb. So what FDR did worked.
2. They sent a few of their 18 year olds off to prove their loyalty. What percent of Japs are in the army today? Not a big #. It took locking them up to get them to chip in.
3. Why does it matter that they are Americans? Were they all born in America? I don't consider anyone who becomes an American citizen a real American.
4. They got reparrations. Stfu
5. How many Japs interned were born in America? Most of them were born in Japan.
6. They could have moved to the middle of the country and not been arrested. Those who stayed were interned. No harm came to them.
7. Now you know why black people hate Republicans. Like you care about what happened to Jap Americans in 1940, they care how blacks are treated every day to this day.
When he came to power, Hitler was hugely popular in Germany.

And of course he and FDR shared a fondness for concentration camps.
Trump is popular too and he likes concentration camps too.

And a man who lived in FDR's camps says Trump's camps are worse

So who cares what you think. George is an expert on this subject not you. At least FDR didn't separate families.
FYI, they did not mass murder or mass-starve in the US camps
this is one of the most ridiculous posts I've seen on USMB, and I've seen a lot

I agree with you!!! Unkotare acts like FDR was evil and tortured Japanese Americans. I agree that just isn't true.

Only two US presidents have ever thrown innocent Americans into concentration camps. They were both scumbag Democrats, of course. Fact.
concentration camps----hahahahahahahahahah
once again, you people make mountains out of molehills
NOT fact
they interned them NOT for mass execution, NOT for political reasons--but for security
sorry --you are making up fiction/lies/etc

It's only inhuman to treat humans poorly

We had a great conversation last night and I could be with this woman for the rest of my life. Or until I get too old for her. ...

Or until you run out of quarters.
I won't run out.

Good luck with your beard, closet boy
I almost asked if I could take a pic of her last night but I don't want her to think I'm bragging about her to people. That wouldn't be cool. I've been playing it cool so far. She wore sexy high heals, jeans and a wife beater tank top and you could see her bra and exactly what her boobs look like through the shirt. So sexy. I almost can't believe it either.

14 year old virgin boy trying to pretend at how he imagines men actually talk about actual women. ^^^^^^^

Not even close, closet boy.
I was fishing with my bro, his 1 son and his friend on Sunday. My nephew said, "you know what uncle sealybobo, sometimes I think you forget you are 47" So on Monday morning I sent him a snapchat that Lera came over after they left and that's why I forget how old I am.

You will never make love to such a young beautiful women ever again. The last time you were with a 20 something was when you were 20 something.
10th post
There are plenty of wrong areas for US citizens to live, and there is rationalization for the evacuation. With hindsight we can see now it was the wrong decision but at the time the safety of the United States came first, then it's people, including the evacuees.
There was considerable anger being exhibited towards Asians after Pearl Harbor. I say Asians because many Americans could not tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese. Some Chinese put signs up, "I am Chinese."
FDR had turned the safety of the west coast over to General DeWitt and DeWitt wanted the area evacuated. FDR did not have to issue the, but suppose DeWitt was right, suppose there was a danger?
That danger was still felt two years after Pearl Harbor with military installations still being blacked-out along the coast.
All Americans lose some rights in a war, and sadly the Americans of the "wrong background" may lose more.

That bullshit rationalization is utterly UNAMERICAN, and contrary to the whole point of brave, loyal citizens willing to give their lives for their country. There is no excuse or 'historical context' that can wash away FDR's shame, or yours.

Why would I have shame? I'm suggesting that unless you lived in that period you might not really understand many of the American people of that time. Try "Daugters of the Golden West, and the 442nd" to get a glimpse of the protests of Californians, the state and the counties when the army even considered starting that regiment. For a time I was stationed at Fort Ord and well remember what was going on during that period. As for unAmerican can you believe Black American soldiers were not allowed in Southern restuaurants, but white German POW's were allowed? I don't know about FDR, but I have no shame. I wonder if today we are still practicing that same type of racism and bigotry but no longer toward Japanese, just others?

You damn well should feel shame, because you are still trying to excuse the inexcusable. You mention the 442nd, but do you really know about it? You would try to rationalize the best and bravest of America and their families being thrown into concentration camps at a time when the country needed them the most? Fuck you then. And if your real point is to make some statement about "just others," then make it and stop heaping more and more shame upon yourself.
Sort of reminds me of when Trump wanted to throw transgenders who were serving out of the military. Why throw them out when we need them?

And no one needed them. If they went into concentration camps they could have enlisted. If they enlisted we let them out. But, we didn't put them in with white Americans because you know how racist and ignorant they can be. Don't act like it's all Democrats who fucked with your ancestors. And btw, those Democrats are Republicans today.
FYI, they did not mass murder or mass-starve in the US camps
this is one of the most ridiculous posts I've seen on USMB, and I've seen a lot

I agree with you!!! Unkotare acts like FDR was evil and tortured Japanese Americans. I agree that just isn't true.

Only two US presidents have ever thrown innocent Americans into concentration camps. They were both scumbag Democrats, of course. Fact.
concentration camps----hahahahahahahahahah

What is funny about concentration camps?
How much you don't like them. I can't wait to bang my imaginary 25 year old girlfriend tomorrow night btw.

I am sure you and your hand will have a lovely time.
I agree with you!!! Unkotare acts like FDR was evil and tortured Japanese Americans. I agree that just isn't true.

Only two US presidents have ever thrown innocent Americans into concentration camps. They were both scumbag Democrats, of course. Fact.
concentration camps----hahahahahahahahahah

What is funny about concentration camps?
How much you don't like them. I can't wait to bang my imaginary 25 year old girlfriend tomorrow night btw.

I am sure you and your hand will have a lovely time.

Oh I use my hands, mouth, dingylingy
Only two US presidents have ever thrown innocent Americans into concentration camps. They were both scumbag Democrats, of course. Fact.
concentration camps----hahahahahahahahahah

What is funny about concentration camps?
How much you don't like them. I can't wait to bang my imaginary 25 year old girlfriend tomorrow night btw.

I am sure you and your hand will have a lovely time.

Oh I use my hands, mouth, dingylingy

Small, smaller, smallest
concentration camps----hahahahahahahahahah

What is funny about concentration camps?
How much you don't like them. I can't wait to bang my imaginary 25 year old girlfriend tomorrow night btw.

I am sure you and your hand will have a lovely time.

Oh I use my hands, mouth, dingylingy

Small, smaller, smallest
You know what pussy? No one cares what YOU think about Japanese internment camps. Lets ask someone who lived it. George Takei seems to get it that in some ways, what Trump is doing is WORSE than what happened to him and the other Japs that were put in internment camps during WW2.

So if a guy who lived in those camps gets what we are saying, who cares what a partisan unagreeable kunt like you thinks or says. You just seem to be butt sore that FDR did something to Japanese people. A people you seem to worship but not enough to admit you are one of them. If you aren't, it seems like you wish you were a Jap. But I think you are a Jap who just doesn't want to admit it.

You look like you smell like ass.
15th post
When he came to power, Hitler was hugely popular in Germany.

And of course he and FDR shared a fondness for concentration camps.
Trump is popular too and he likes concentration camps too.

And a man who lived in FDR's camps says Trump's camps are worse

So who cares what you think. George is an expert on this subject not you. At least FDR didn't separate families.
FYI, they did not mass murder or mass-starve in the US camps
this is one of the most ridiculous posts I've seen on USMB, and I've seen a lot

I agree with you!!! Unkotare acts like FDR was evil and tortured Japanese Americans. I agree that just isn't true.

Only two US presidents have ever thrown innocent Americans into concentration camps. They were both scumbag Democrats, of course. Fact.
concentration camps----hahahahahahahahahah
once again, you people make mountains out of molehills
NOT fact
they interned them NOT for mass execution, NOT for political reasons--but for security
sorry --you are making up fiction/lies/etc

Like I said to Unkotare. George Takei lived in one of those Jap internment camps and he says in some ways, what Trump is doing to Mexicans is worse than what FDR did to him.

But Unkotare will now say that it's ok to do it to non Americans. You just can't do it to American citizens. So it's not the act of interning people that bothers Unkotare. That he can live with. Just don't do it to Americans.

Oh, and George's father was not born in America. He may have become an American citizen but that's not the same as being born here. Unfortunately George and his mother who were born in America were married to that Jap and they decided to stay with him rather than move to the middle of the country until things settled down. So they were interned.
What is funny about concentration camps?
How much you don't like them. I can't wait to bang my imaginary 25 year old girlfriend tomorrow night btw.

I am sure you and your hand will have a lovely time.

Oh I use my hands, mouth, dingylingy

Small, smaller, smallest
... No one cares what YOU think about Japanese internment camps [sic]. ....

No one other than you?
You left out FDR's concentration camps for innocent, loyal Americans.

We Americans love to bash ourselves. These were scary times after pearl harbor was attacked. There were Japanese spies on Hawaii scouting our fleet. America over reacted with the japense internment camps. However, if one were to look at the examples of the other participants in WWII, the USA was a shining example of morality in WWII.

The US dropped two atomic bombs because we had them. I believe every other participant would have used such a weapon in they had possessed it. Sure Japanese Americans were rounded up, but they were not slaughtered.

This has all been posted many times before but I guess you missed it.

1) Not ONE Japanese-American was EVER convicted of espionage during WWII.

2) The loyal American citizens who the scumbag FDR had thrown into concentration camps went on to make up a large part of the most highly decorated military unit in US history.

3) Anyone who would try to rationalize or excuse throwing over 100,000 innocent AMERICANS into concentration camps doesn't deserve to live in America, let alone be a citizen.
1. They didn't do anything because they were scared. It would have been hard for a Jap to sneak around or buy materials that are needed to make a bomb. So what FDR did worked......

But it didn't work on the German Americans who WERE convicted of espionage and sabotage? And I guess every other AMERICAN CITIZEN who didn't commit espionage or sabotage was "scared"? In addition to having absolutely no concept of logic or reason, you are just plain stupid.
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