America founded by whites... for whites

You have a literacy problem apparently.

EVERYBODY has unalienable Rights
Citizenship is NOT an unalienable Right
The NAACP would never give half their assets to the KKK in order to achieve equality

So non Christians can't be citizens. Which means I can't vote. If I can't vote, then I shouldn't have to pay taxes, or be drafted to fight your wars. I can get on board with that. Imagine if everybody finds out that not being a Christian exempts one from taxation. Every church would be empty that following Sunday.

Had the right wing anti-immigrants not gotten involved in politics a little over a decade and a half ago, the tax issue would be moot. The tax protesters were winning the fight. My own Congressman introduced the Fair Tax and patriots were reclaiming their Preamble status.

But, you are partially right. The income tax was voluntary. It is a plank out of the Communist Manifesto and if you are not a citizen, the feds have no jurisdiction over you insofar as taxes go.

Draft? We don't have one, but only citizens can be drafted into service.
So, you don't like Christians. Got it. Those are not exactly facts; they are political opinions. They are not the equivalent of showing me a statute or a court holding. What you are showing is called a perspective.

No, it is a fact. I believe in the real God, not yours.

There is but one Christian God. The racist God you believe in is not some Muslim God that teaches that you must convert or kill people. If you had any courage and if you had your way, you would slaughter white Christians for sport.

Yep there is but one God and one Satan. And Satan is the one that deceives people into thinking God gave them a nation that was already full of people.

All countries are full of people. Are you critical of the Israelis or the Americans policy toward them?
Stop trying to make excuses. Whites were given Europe and Scandanavis by God. Everything else has been acquired or colonized because whites coveted what those lands had. That is a direct violation of a commandment. God has given whites 400-500 years to do what's right. Just like he has given every empire he has allowed to be since the beginning of time.

"mene, mene, tekel, parsin"
That's what time it is for America. This country was supposed to be created as a society for all people. That's what whites were supposed to do or God would not have given those men the words they wrote on paper. So you go on and try making this a whites only country and watch how God tears it completely apart and turns it into a wasteland.

Quit pretending to be talking down to me and answer the question. Bear in mind you are deflecting because the answer is obvious. The same rules don't apply to you because you are a racist bigot.
Some of us here refer to halfstory and call it history.

Indian removal was a forced migration in the 19th century whereby Native Americans were forced by the United States government to leave their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River, specifically to a designated Indian Territory (roughly, modern Oklahoma).[1][2][3] The Indian Removal Act, the key law that forced the removal of the Indians, was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. Jackson took a hard line on Indian removal, but the law was put into effect primarily under the Martin van Buren administration.[4][5]

Indian removal was a consequence of actions first by European settlers to North America in the colonial period, then by the United States government and its citizens until the mid-20th century.[6][7] The policy traced its direct origins to the administration of James Monroe, though it addressed conflicts between European Americans and Native Americans that had been occurring since the 17th century, and were escalating into the early 19th century as white settlers were continually pushing westward.

Indian removal - Wikipedia

indian removal policy - Bing

I guess those unalienable, God given, natural rights did not apply to Native Americans even though God created them too.

If a Hispanic majority voted to take your house and car, would you give them up without an argument?

That's what whites did to Native Americans and Hispanics are south American "indian" tribes, or nations.

So, if American Indians and Hispanics told you to take your ass back to wherever your ancestors hail from, you'd leave with no questions asked?

They'd ask you first. We got bought over here, we didn't invade, decide we'd invent a government then forcibly remove the indigenous people to desolate lands or kill them.
Some of us here refer to halfstory and call it history.

Indian removal was a forced migration in the 19th century whereby Native Americans were forced by the United States government to leave their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River, specifically to a designated Indian Territory (roughly, modern Oklahoma).[1][2][3] The Indian Removal Act, the key law that forced the removal of the Indians, was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. Jackson took a hard line on Indian removal, but the law was put into effect primarily under the Martin van Buren administration.[4][5]

Indian removal was a consequence of actions first by European settlers to North America in the colonial period, then by the United States government and its citizens until the mid-20th century.[6][7] The policy traced its direct origins to the administration of James Monroe, though it addressed conflicts between European Americans and Native Americans that had been occurring since the 17th century, and were escalating into the early 19th century as white settlers were continually pushing westward.

Indian removal - Wikipedia

indian removal policy - Bing

I guess those unalienable, God given, natural rights did not apply to Native Americans even though God created them too.

If a Hispanic majority voted to take your house and car, would you give them up without an argument?

That's what whites did to Native Americans and Hispanics are south American "indian" tribes, or nations.

White Christians like Porter can kill you and take your land. If your not White and/or Christian you don't do that to them! Get it?

I have no authority to kill anyone except in self defense
Some of us here refer to halfstory and call it history.

Indian removal was a forced migration in the 19th century whereby Native Americans were forced by the United States government to leave their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River, specifically to a designated Indian Territory (roughly, modern Oklahoma).[1][2][3] The Indian Removal Act, the key law that forced the removal of the Indians, was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. Jackson took a hard line on Indian removal, but the law was put into effect primarily under the Martin van Buren administration.[4][5]

Indian removal was a consequence of actions first by European settlers to North America in the colonial period, then by the United States government and its citizens until the mid-20th century.[6][7] The policy traced its direct origins to the administration of James Monroe, though it addressed conflicts between European Americans and Native Americans that had been occurring since the 17th century, and were escalating into the early 19th century as white settlers were continually pushing westward.

Indian removal - Wikipedia

indian removal policy - Bing

I guess those unalienable, God given, natural rights did not apply to Native Americans even though God created them too.

If a Hispanic majority voted to take your house and car, would you give them up without an argument?

That's what whites did to Native Americans and Hispanics are south American "indian" tribes, or nations.

So, if American Indians and Hispanics told you to take your ass back to wherever your ancestors hail from, you'd leave with no questions asked?

They'd ask you first. We got bought over here, we didn't invade, decide we'd invent a government then forcibly remove the indigenous people to desolate lands or kill them.

Now there was a deflection, devoid of any meaning and in words that don't even make a sentence.
No, it is a fact. I believe in the real God, not yours.

There is but one Christian God. The racist God you believe in is not some Muslim God that teaches that you must convert or kill people. If you had any courage and if you had your way, you would slaughter white Christians for sport.

Yep there is but one God and one Satan. And Satan is the one that deceives people into thinking God gave them a nation that was already full of people.

All countries are full of people. Are you critical of the Israelis or the Americans policy toward them?
Stop trying to make excuses. Whites were given Europe and Scandanavis by God. Everything else has been acquired or colonized because whites coveted what those lands had. That is a direct violation of a commandment. God has given whites 400-500 years to do what's right. Just like he has given every empire he has allowed to be since the beginning of time.

"mene, mene, tekel, parsin"
That's what time it is for America. This country was supposed to be created as a society for all people. That's what whites were supposed to do or God would not have given those men the words they wrote on paper. So you go on and try making this a whites only country and watch how God tears it completely apart and turns it into a wasteland.

Quit pretending to be talking down to me and answer the question. Bear in mind you are deflecting because the answer is obvious. The same rules don't apply to you because you are a racist bigot.

Lol! A white supremacist is calling me a bigot because I oppose his racism. I will talk to you in the manner you deserve to be talked to. I didn't create the government that stole the land from Native Americans so I don't have to answer that question.
There is but one Christian God. The racist God you believe in is not some Muslim God that teaches that you must convert or kill people. If you had any courage and if you had your way, you would slaughter white Christians for sport.

Yep there is but one God and one Satan. And Satan is the one that deceives people into thinking God gave them a nation that was already full of people.

All countries are full of people. Are you critical of the Israelis or the Americans policy toward them?
Stop trying to make excuses. Whites were given Europe and Scandanavis by God. Everything else has been acquired or colonized because whites coveted what those lands had. That is a direct violation of a commandment. God has given whites 400-500 years to do what's right. Just like he has given every empire he has allowed to be since the beginning of time.

"mene, mene, tekel, parsin"
That's what time it is for America. This country was supposed to be created as a society for all people. That's what whites were supposed to do or God would not have given those men the words they wrote on paper. So you go on and try making this a whites only country and watch how God tears it completely apart and turns it into a wasteland.

Quit pretending to be talking down to me and answer the question. Bear in mind you are deflecting because the answer is obvious. The same rules don't apply to you because you are a racist bigot.

Lol! A white supremacist is calling me a bigot because I oppose his racism. I will talk to you in the manner you deserve to be talked to. I didn't create the government that stole the land from Native Americans so I don't have to answer that question.

Your ancestors were in the slaving business. Don't project onto me. It's not even befitting a low life like yourself. Do you have any comments related to the OP?
Some of us here refer to halfstory and call it history.

Indian removal was a forced migration in the 19th century whereby Native Americans were forced by the United States government to leave their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River, specifically to a designated Indian Territory (roughly, modern Oklahoma).[1][2][3] The Indian Removal Act, the key law that forced the removal of the Indians, was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. Jackson took a hard line on Indian removal, but the law was put into effect primarily under the Martin van Buren administration.[4][5]

Indian removal was a consequence of actions first by European settlers to North America in the colonial period, then by the United States government and its citizens until the mid-20th century.[6][7] The policy traced its direct origins to the administration of James Monroe, though it addressed conflicts between European Americans and Native Americans that had been occurring since the 17th century, and were escalating into the early 19th century as white settlers were continually pushing westward.

Indian removal - Wikipedia

indian removal policy - Bing

I guess those unalienable, God given, natural rights did not apply to Native Americans even though God created them too.

If a Hispanic majority voted to take your house and car, would you give them up without an argument?

That's what whites did to Native Americans and Hispanics are south American "indian" tribes, or nations.

White Christians like Porter can kill you and take your land. If your not White and/or Christian you don't do that to them! Get it?

That's right. Because God authorized white Christians to break the ten commandments.
Yep there is but one God and one Satan. And Satan is the one that deceives people into thinking God gave them a nation that was already full of people.

All countries are full of people. Are you critical of the Israelis or the Americans policy toward them?
Stop trying to make excuses. Whites were given Europe and Scandanavis by God. Everything else has been acquired or colonized because whites coveted what those lands had. That is a direct violation of a commandment. God has given whites 400-500 years to do what's right. Just like he has given every empire he has allowed to be since the beginning of time.

"mene, mene, tekel, parsin"
That's what time it is for America. This country was supposed to be created as a society for all people. That's what whites were supposed to do or God would not have given those men the words they wrote on paper. So you go on and try making this a whites only country and watch how God tears it completely apart and turns it into a wasteland.

Quit pretending to be talking down to me and answer the question. Bear in mind you are deflecting because the answer is obvious. The same rules don't apply to you because you are a racist bigot.

Lol! A white supremacist is calling me a bigot because I oppose his racism. I will talk to you in the manner you deserve to be talked to. I didn't create the government that stole the land from Native Americans so I don't have to answer that question.

Your ancestors were in the slaving business. Don't project onto me. It's not even befitting a low life like yourself. Do you have any comments related to the OP?

Wrong answer junior. Blacks did not own the shipping companies nor did they legalize slavery. Furthermore the halfstory you're trying to tell here doesn't include the massive resistance Africans took against white invaders.

The Schomburg Center for the Research of Black Culture has excellent information about the African slave trade that provides a stark contrast between what happened and what some use as an excuse to discount the experiences of blacks in America. The web site is named, “The Abolition of the Slave Trade-African Resistance.” From the introduction, information contained in this collection debunks the race pimped tales presented by some in America today.

Africans started to fight the transatlantic slave trade as soon as it began. Their struggles were multifaceted and covered four continents over four centuries. Still, they have often been underestimated, overlooked, or forgotten. African resistance was reported in European sources only when it concerned attacks on slave ships and company barracoons, but acts of resistance also took place far from the coast and thus escaped the slavers’ attention. To discover them, oral history, archaeology, and autobiographies and biographies of African victims of the slave trade have to be probed. Taken together, these various sources offer a detailed image of the varied strategies Africans used to defend themselves from and mount attacks against the slave trade.

The Africans’ resistance continued in the Americas. They ran away, established maroon communities, used sabotage, conspired, and rose against those who held them in captivity. Freed people petitioned the authorities, led information campaigns, and worked actively to abolish the slave trade and slavery.

In Europe, black abolitionists launched or participated in civic movements to end the deportation and enslavement of Africans. They too delivered speeches, provided information, wrote newspaper articles and books.

Using violent as well as nonviolent means, Africans in Africa, the Americas, and Europe were constantly involved in the fight against the slave trade and slavery.”

African Resistance - The Abolition of The Slave Trade

The man/woman armed with the truth is unbeatable. You are going to learn that.
Your ancestors were in the slaving business. Don't project onto me. It's not even befitting a low life like yourself. Do you have any comments related to the OP?

You tell 'em Porter! If Africans were selling other Africans into slavery that meant it was Good, Moral and Jesus Approved that White Christians buy those slaves, n'est-ce pas?
All countries are full of people. Are you critical of the Israelis or the Americans policy toward them?
Stop trying to make excuses. Whites were given Europe and Scandanavis by God. Everything else has been acquired or colonized because whites coveted what those lands had. That is a direct violation of a commandment. God has given whites 400-500 years to do what's right. Just like he has given every empire he has allowed to be since the beginning of time.

"mene, mene, tekel, parsin"
That's what time it is for America. This country was supposed to be created as a society for all people. That's what whites were supposed to do or God would not have given those men the words they wrote on paper. So you go on and try making this a whites only country and watch how God tears it completely apart and turns it into a wasteland.

Quit pretending to be talking down to me and answer the question. Bear in mind you are deflecting because the answer is obvious. The same rules don't apply to you because you are a racist bigot.

Lol! A white supremacist is calling me a bigot because I oppose his racism. I will talk to you in the manner you deserve to be talked to. I didn't create the government that stole the land from Native Americans so I don't have to answer that question.

Your ancestors were in the slaving business. Don't project onto me. It's not even befitting a low life like yourself. Do you have any comments related to the OP?

Wrong answer junior. Blacks did not own the shipping companies nor did they legalize slavery. Furthermore the halfstory you're trying to tell here doesn't include the massive resistance Africans took against white invaders.

The Schomburg Center for the Research of Black Culture has excellent information about the African slave trade that provides a stark contrast between what happened and what some use as an excuse to discount the experiences of blacks in America. The web site is named, “The Abolition of the Slave Trade-African Resistance.” From the introduction, information contained in this collection debunks the race pimped tales presented by some in America today.

Africans started to fight the transatlantic slave trade as soon as it began. Their struggles were multifaceted and covered four continents over four centuries. Still, they have often been underestimated, overlooked, or forgotten. African resistance was reported in European sources only when it concerned attacks on slave ships and company barracoons, but acts of resistance also took place far from the coast and thus escaped the slavers’ attention. To discover them, oral history, archaeology, and autobiographies and biographies of African victims of the slave trade have to be probed. Taken together, these various sources offer a detailed image of the varied strategies Africans used to defend themselves from and mount attacks against the slave trade.

The Africans’ resistance continued in the Americas. They ran away, established maroon communities, used sabotage, conspired, and rose against those who held them in captivity. Freed people petitioned the authorities, led information campaigns, and worked actively to abolish the slave trade and slavery.

In Europe, black abolitionists launched or participated in civic movements to end the deportation and enslavement of Africans. They too delivered speeches, provided information, wrote newspaper articles and books.

Using violent as well as nonviolent means, Africans in Africa, the Americas, and Europe were constantly involved in the fight against the slave trade and slavery.”

African Resistance - The Abolition of The Slave Trade

The man/woman armed with the truth is unbeatable. You are going to learn that.

You sound like a white supremacist. Let me paraphrase your story:

A handful of Jewish slavers go a land filled with Africans and capture the requisite number of slaves despite heavy resistance from the Africans. Okay, dude, whatever you say. Those slavers had to be superior for that narrative to be true.

You opened your post with a filthy lie - a straw man argument. Since we've argued a lot over the same thing, I'm having to continually repeat the same thing.

You black brethren captured and sold their own countrymen to the slavers. It was much more preferable to your own countrymen having you for lunch as African stew. I can see why your countrymen sold your ancestors if they were as obnoxious as you. If I were them, I'd be paying the slavers to get rid of people like you.

Since you cannot be honest and whereas you rely on straw man arguments with irrelevant walls of text by authors that agree with you on every point, where you seek bias confirmation, I did learn a little bit.

You are part of a religion that worships your race. It is based upon fear, hatred, and intolerance. It's worse than being the Klan with a tan.
Your ancestors were in the slaving business. Don't project onto me. It's not even befitting a low life like yourself. Do you have any comments related to the OP?

You tell 'em Porter! If Africans were selling other Africans into slavery that meant it was Good, Moral and Jesus Approved that White Christians buy those slaves, n'est-ce pas?

How you make such idiotic connections is way beyond me. Slavery has no possible connection to Christianity in this context and to show how absolutely idiotic you are and desperate you get, I started another thread covering the religious part of this discussion. So, no, we won't be allowing some dumb ass with an ax to grind derail this thread when you would get spanked there as easily as here.
Your ancestors were in the slaving business. Don't project onto me. It's not even befitting a low life like yourself. Do you have any comments related to the OP?

You tell 'em Porter! If Africans were selling other Africans into slavery that meant it was Good, Moral and Jesus Approved that White Christians buy those slaves, n'est-ce pas?

How you make such idiotic connections is way beyond me. Slavery has no possible connection to Christianity in this context and to show how absolutely idiotic you are and desperate you get, I started another thread covering the religious part of this discussion. So, no, we won't be allowing some dumb ass with an ax to grind derail this thread when you would get spanked there as easily as here.

Your right, Christianity has no connection to slavery. Jesus never said: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."
Your ancestors were in the slaving business. Don't project onto me. It's not even befitting a low life like yourself. Do you have any comments related to the OP?

You tell 'em Porter! If Africans were selling other Africans into slavery that meant it was Good, Moral and Jesus Approved that White Christians buy those slaves, n'est-ce pas?

How you make such idiotic connections is way beyond me. Slavery has no possible connection to Christianity in this context and to show how absolutely idiotic you are and desperate you get, I started another thread covering the religious part of this discussion. So, no, we won't be allowing some dumb ass with an ax to grind derail this thread when you would get spanked there as easily as here.

Your right, Christianity has no connection to slavery. Jesus never said: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."

I think you are being intellectually dishonest. To draw an analogy:

You and I realize that there are many things that are wrong in America. But, we operate within the parameters of the law. We do it anyway. We pay unconstitutional taxes and we shop at Walmart and even eat at places like MickeyDs, KFC, Subway, etc. We sit on our asses and allow insurance companies cheat people out of TRILLIONS of dollars.

You cannot accept reality. You don't want to punish the slavers; nobody has anything bad to say about blacks that sold their brethren into slavery.

When you Google the slave trade, the first mention is the Portuguese back in 1526. Yet Abraham in the Bible owned slaves. I suppose that don't count. Therefore, my ancestors having spent over 400 years in slavery doesn't count either. In any event, most historians say the slave trade started with the Sumerians, but historians are divided on whether they were white, black, or Asiatic. Wikipedia states:

"Slavery became common within much of Europe during the Early Middle Ages and it continued into the following centuries. The Byzantine–Ottoman wars (1265–1479) and the Ottoman wars in Europe (14th to 20th centuries) resulted in the capture of large numbers of Christian slaves. The Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, British, Arabs and a number of West African kingdoms played a prominent role in the Atlantic slave trade, especially after 1600. The Republic of Ragusa became the first European country to ban the slave trade in 1416. In modern times Denmark-Norway abolished the trade in 1802."

History of slavery - Wikipedia

Any way you look at it, the only people you want to feel bad over slavery is white Christians. The downside to accepting that premise would give more credibility to my case (what the OP is about) than anything else I can post here.
I think your admonishment would be more appropriately addressed to ChemEngineer. I have already stated that I though the original title of the OP was not just "whites", but "white Christians". And I had not responded since. But ChemEngineer came in spouting ignorance and I felt obligated to educate him.
I think your admonishment would be more appropriately addressed to ChemEngineer. I have already stated that I though the original title of the OP was not just "whites", but "white Christians". And I had not responded since. But ChemEngineer came in spouting ignorance and I felt obligated to educate him.

That will be the day you educate me.

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity,and freedom of worship here." - Patrick Henry as quoted in America's God and Country by William J Federer, page 289

The First Prayer in Congress, offered extemporaneously by Rev. Mr. Duche in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, on September 7, 1774:

"Be Thou present O God of Wisdom.....
All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Saviour, Amen" - Ibid, page 137

"If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper;... - Daniel Webster, page 668
I think your admonishment would be more appropriately addressed to ChemEngineer. I have already stated that I though the original title of the OP was not just "whites", but "white Christians". And I had not responded since. But ChemEngineer came in spouting ignorance and I felt obligated to educate him.

That will be the day you educate me.

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity,and freedom of worship here." - Patrick Henry as quoted in America's God and Country by William J Federer, page 289

The First Prayer in Congress, offered extemporaneously by Rev. Mr. Duche in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, on September 7, 1774:

"Be Thou present O God of Wisdom.....
All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Saviour, Amen" - Ibid, page 137

"If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper;... - Daniel Webster, page 668

In the religious forum here is a thread about America founded as a Christian nation. Your input might be more productive there.
Why did they bring all those black slave over here then? They had to know that was not going to turn out well. Letting them marry and have families would lead to groups forming and dissent among the slaves. A country started by being independent and hard working surely had no need for slaves, and they had to recognize the immorality of it all.

First and foremost: The white people who founded this country did NOT invent slavery. Let's get that one out of the way.

Secondly, it is intellectually dishonest to blame the white race for bringing the slaves to America. Telling you the truth about that would cause this thread to be shut down, but suffice it to say, the black racists don't want to address the big slaving companies that bought them from their own countrymen. The blacks don't want their reparations from the slavers NOR the blacks that captured and sold them. Hell, they don't even want to track down the relatives of blacks that sold them and hold them accountable in ANY way, shape, fashion or form.

Third point, the framers were getting out of the slaving business. No future slaves were to be imported after 1808 (about a decade after the ratification of the Constitution.)

I'll cover more on this later.

No the whites didn't invent slavery but the whites in Colonial America did bring the slaves over. They the slaves didn't invite themselves over. That's not intellectual dishonesty that's historical fact. Miketx does have a valid point. Regardless of how many blacks were involved in slavery or who benefited from it the fact remains it was the Europeans who brought the slave trade to the New World including what would later become the U.S.
Why did they bring all those black slave over here then? They had to know that was not going to turn out well. Letting them marry and have families would lead to groups forming and dissent among the slaves. A country started by being independent and hard working surely had no need for slaves, and they had to recognize the immorality of it all.

First and foremost: The white people who founded this country did NOT invent slavery. Let's get that one out of the way.

Secondly, it is intellectually dishonest to blame the white race for bringing the slaves to America. Telling you the truth about that would cause this thread to be shut down, but suffice it to say, the black racists don't want to address the big slaving companies that bought them from their own countrymen. The blacks don't want their reparations from the slavers NOR the blacks that captured and sold them. Hell, they don't even want to track down the relatives of blacks that sold them and hold them accountable in ANY way, shape, fashion or form.

Third point, the framers were getting out of the slaving business. No future slaves were to be imported after 1808 (about a decade after the ratification of the Constitution.)

I'll cover more on this later.

No the whites didn't invent slavery but the whites in Colonial America did bring the slaves over. They the slaves didn't invite themselves over. That's not intellectual dishonesty that's historical fact. Miketx does have a valid point. Regardless of how many blacks were involved in slavery or who benefited from it the fact remains it was the Europeans who brought the slave trade to the New World including what would later become the U.S.

Not exactly the truth.

In the first place, had blacks not sold their brethren to slavers, there would have been no slave trade. If blacks were not into selling each other, slave ships would have docked at places like Sierra Leone, the slavers would have become a rare stew and their ships would have made good firewood.

Secondly, Jews were involved in the slave business and financed much of the importation of Jews - and profited off the trade disproportionately.

Slavery and the Jews

Jews and the African Slave Trade | My Jewish Learning

One thing that is noteworthy with these liberal accounts. They will claim that Jews were not disproportionately represented, but they lie as they don't tell you that Jews were 2 percent of the population AND despite their low numbers were over-represented per capita AND had more money invested in the trade. OTOH, they point out that a LOT of races, including blacks were involved in the slave trade.

Next, the government of the United States did not enslave blacks. America was under British control until 1787 and the United States Constitution gave slavers until 1808 to pack their bags and cease the importation of slaves into the United States.

All of this would have become apparent as we've discussed it already... for those who cannot READ THE THREAD.

The reality is, only whites are being held accountable because liberals are able to keep the black leadership brainwashed and they have instilled a phony guilt complex in the whites. That combination, in the eyes of racial extremists, give rise to the justification of subtle genocide of the white race using the pretext of slavery to justify it. Face the facts: ONLY the whites were singled out when their financial investment was marginal, at best. No other class of people are being held accountable regardless of their degree of complicity. The British, who ruled America during that period, get a free pass. Ironically, black people were happy as a pig in slop when Meghan Markel hooked up with royalty.

Read the thread and quit trying to pee down my neck and tell me it's raining. It is an insult to honest discourse and without you reading the thread, your posts will be exercises in ignorance since we've already covered this stuff and a repetitive thread is boring.

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