America doesn't have a jobs issue, WE HAVE A WAGE ISSUE.

Providing for the general welfare gives the feds the power to tax

Right, but read it again. I says "provide FOR the general welfare", meaning to maintain circumstances conducive to the general welfare of the nation.

It does not say "PROVIDE general welfare" to individuals, and the Founders never considered such a thing outside of charity.
I dont need to read it again. I am the one that posted it. Welfare is paid for by taxes. It is in the general welfare of this nation that we take care of those that cant or wont take care of themselves or we create a larger problem. Please link to something credible that proves the founders were against this.

Not until you first prove your position as earlier requested.

BTW, welfare did not become a function of government in the United States until the late 19th Century. In light of your apparent hinted belief that the Founders were in favor of wealth redistribution, why is that?
Everyone already knows the general welfare clause gives the feds the power to tax.

Please provide proof the founders were against this concept.

No. You have not fulfilled the initial request.
Outside influences cannot motivate. They can only inspire. Motivation is something you find within. You will pay for people that do not have adequate housing, food etc one way or another.

Why? Because they lack unmotivated?

Just curious. Why do Progressives, so very fond of evolution, simply refuse to permit it to work?
Your first sentence doesnt make sense.

Your second sentence demonstrates a lack of intellect. Evolution is working and no one can stop it.

My first sentence was an editing error. I'm sure you got the meaning regardless.

My second sentence merely muses aloud why the Left does not allow evolution to function. Consider "survival of the fittest".
No I didnt get the meaning which is why I said it didnt make sense.

It seems, then, that you are a bit slow.
Providing for the general welfare gives the feds the power to tax

Right, but read it again. I says "provide FOR the general welfare", meaning to maintain circumstances conducive to the general welfare of the nation.

It does not say "PROVIDE general welfare" to individuals, and the Founders never considered such a thing outside of charity.
I dont need to read it again. I am the one that posted it. Welfare is paid for by taxes. It is in the general welfare of this nation that we take care of those that cant or wont take care of themselves or we create a larger problem. Please link to something credible that proves the founders were against this.

Not until you first prove your position as earlier requested.

BTW, welfare did not become a function of government in the United States until the late 19th Century. In light of your apparent hinted belief that the Founders were in favor of wealth redistribution, why is that?
Everyone already knows the general welfare clause gives the feds the power to tax.

Please provide proof the founders were against this concept.

No. You have not fulfilled the initial request.
i will allow you to feel that.
Outside influences cannot motivate. They can only inspire. Motivation is something you find within. You will pay for people that do not have adequate housing, food etc one way or another.

Why? Because they lack unmotivated?

Just curious. Why do Progressives, so very fond of evolution, simply refuse to permit it to work?
Your first sentence doesnt make sense.

Your second sentence demonstrates a lack of intellect. Evolution is working and no one can stop it.

My first sentence was an editing error. I'm sure you got the meaning regardless.

My second sentence merely muses aloud why the Left does not allow evolution to function. Consider "survival of the fittest".
No I didnt get the meaning which is why I said it didnt make sense.

It seems, then, that you are a bit slow.
Says the guy that claimed he made an error but cant explain what he really meant.
Why? Because they lack unmotivated?

Just curious. Why do Progressives, so very fond of evolution, simply refuse to permit it to work?
Your first sentence doesnt make sense.

Your second sentence demonstrates a lack of intellect. Evolution is working and no one can stop it.

My first sentence was an editing error. I'm sure you got the meaning regardless.

My second sentence merely muses aloud why the Left does not allow evolution to function. Consider "survival of the fittest".
No I didnt get the meaning which is why I said it didnt make sense.

It seems, then, that you are a bit slow.
Says the guy that claimed he made an error but cant explain what he really meant.

What I meant is clear to all of a sound and educated mind.
Your first sentence doesnt make sense.

Your second sentence demonstrates a lack of intellect. Evolution is working and no one can stop it.

My first sentence was an editing error. I'm sure you got the meaning regardless.

My second sentence merely muses aloud why the Left does not allow evolution to function. Consider "survival of the fittest".
No I didnt get the meaning which is why I said it didnt make sense.

It seems, then, that you are a bit slow.
Says the guy that claimed he made an error but cant explain what he really meant.

What I meant is clear to all of a sound and educated mind.
Ok. :itsok:
Wages can't go up artificially without a negative effect elsewhere. Liberals see everything backwards. They think wages are determined then companies make it work. Minimum wage is the attempt for government to control the economy. It isn't working.

The only way wages go up for everybody is when the economy does better. More money to go around, better pay to keep the help, etc. Liberal policies put the brakes on the economy and raising pay rates blindly can make some lose jobs, or businesses.
Wages can't go up artificially without a negative effect elsewhere. Liberals see everything backwards. They think wages are determined then companies make it work. Minimum wage is the attempt for government to control the economy. It isn't working.

The only way wages go up for everybody is when the economy does better. More money to go around, better pay to keep the help, etc. Liberal policies put the brakes on the economy and raising pay rates blindly can make some lose jobs, or businesses.
I agree but I am a liberal so that pretty much discredits parts of your post. Companies could make it work as long as they were making a profit. However, we know they wish to maximize their profits so they prefer to pay as little as possible.
A Call to Action

In New York City, over 150,000 children under five are poor. Last year, nearly 20,000 of these children slept in homeless shelters - enough to fill Madison Square Garden. From the moment they're born, children in poverty face an uphill struggle to survive, thrive and learn with so many odds stacked against them.

When will those in Washington agree? Its time raise the min. wage and its time to give hard working, decent folk wages they can live on. Wall street has had nothing but huge wind falls for the last 2 decades, including tax payer bailouts...when does the trickle down occur, Mr. GOP fuck head!!

Let me ask you a few questions. I'll keep it simple.

Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to workers the limits of pay that they may contract for their labor? Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to employers the worth of the work they offer? Finally, under what constitutional authority may the Federal government compel employers to support contracted workers beyond not only the worth of the work they offer, but beyond the worker's own efforts to better their subjective predicaments?

Since the Founders never considered such concepts when crafting the Constitution, please provide reference to article, section, and paragraph.
Providing for the general welfare gives the feds the power to tax. I disagree the minimum should be raised. I think taxes should go up to provide more funds to people making less than what would give them adequate housing, food, etc.

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

In other words; I have mine so fuck everyone else?

Let me show you how your opinion is screwing yourself.

What percentage of your total income is disposable income? (total income minus taxes, shelter, utilities, food, transportation)
A Call to Action

In New York City, over 150,000 children under five are poor. Last year, nearly 20,000 of these children slept in homeless shelters - enough to fill Madison Square Garden. From the moment they're born, children in poverty face an uphill struggle to survive, thrive and learn with so many odds stacked against them.

When will those in Washington agree? Its time raise the min. wage and its time to give hard working, decent folk wages they can live on. Wall street has had nothing but huge wind falls for the last 2 decades, including tax payer bailouts...when does the trickle down occur, Mr. GOP fuck head!!

Let me ask you a few questions. I'll keep it simple.

Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to workers the limits of pay that they may contract for their labor? Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to employers the worth of the work they offer? Finally, under what constitutional authority may the Federal government compel employers to support contracted workers beyond not only the worth of the work they offer, but beyond the worker's own efforts to better their subjective predicaments?

Since the Founders never considered such concepts when crafting the Constitution, please provide reference to article, section, and paragraph.
Providing for the general welfare gives the feds the power to tax. I disagree the minimum should be raised. I think taxes should go up to provide more funds to people making less than what would give them adequate housing, food, etc.

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

In other words; I have mine so fuck everyone else?

No. "I have mine. Why didn't you work to get yours?"

What percentage of your total income is disposable income? (total income minus taxes, shelter, utilities, food, transportation)

Being essentially debt free, a large percentage.
A Call to Action

In New York City, over 150,000 children under five are poor. Last year, nearly 20,000 of these children slept in homeless shelters - enough to fill Madison Square Garden. From the moment they're born, children in poverty face an uphill struggle to survive, thrive and learn with so many odds stacked against them.

When will those in Washington agree? Its time raise the min. wage and its time to give hard working, decent folk wages they can live on. Wall street has had nothing but huge wind falls for the last 2 decades, including tax payer bailouts...when does the trickle down occur, Mr. GOP fuck head!!

Let me ask you a few questions. I'll keep it simple.

Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to workers the limits of pay that they may contract for their labor? Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to employers the worth of the work they offer? Finally, under what constitutional authority may the Federal government compel employers to support contracted workers beyond not only the worth of the work they offer, but beyond the worker's own efforts to better their subjective predicaments?

Since the Founders never considered such concepts when crafting the Constitution, please provide reference to article, section, and paragraph.
Providing for the general welfare gives the feds the power to tax. I disagree the minimum should be raised. I think taxes should go up to provide more funds to people making less than what would give them adequate housing, food, etc.

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

In other words; I have mine so fuck everyone else?

No. "I have mine. Why didn't you work to get yours?"

What percentage of your total income is disposable income? (total income minus taxes, shelter, utilities, food, transportation)

Being essentially debt free, a large percentage.
A Call to Action

In New York City, over 150,000 children under five are poor. Last year, nearly 20,000 of these children slept in homeless shelters - enough to fill Madison Square Garden. From the moment they're born, children in poverty face an uphill struggle to survive, thrive and learn with so many odds stacked against them.

When will those in Washington agree? Its time raise the min. wage and its time to give hard working, decent folk wages they can live on. Wall street has had nothing but huge wind falls for the last 2 decades, including tax payer bailouts...when does the trickle down occur, Mr. GOP fuck head!!

Keep allowing millions of illegal, poor and uneducated. Wages will go down guaranteed. Dummy.
A Call to Action

In New York City, over 150,000 children under five are poor. Last year, nearly 20,000 of these children slept in homeless shelters - enough to fill Madison Square Garden. From the moment they're born, children in poverty face an uphill struggle to survive, thrive and learn with so many odds stacked against them.

When will those in Washington agree? Its time raise the min. wage and its time to give hard working, decent folk wages they can live on. Wall street has had nothing but huge wind falls for the last 2 decades, including tax payer bailouts...when does the trickle down occur, Mr. GOP fuck head!!

Let me ask you a few questions. I'll keep it simple.

Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to workers the limits of pay that they may contract for their labor? Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to employers the worth of the work they offer? Finally, under what constitutional authority may the Federal government compel employers to support contracted workers beyond not only the worth of the work they offer, but beyond the worker's own efforts to better their subjective predicaments?

Since the Founders never considered such concepts when crafting the Constitution, please provide reference to article, section, and paragraph.
Providing for the general welfare gives the feds the power to tax. I disagree the minimum should be raised. I think taxes should go up to provide more funds to people making less than what would give them adequate housing, food, etc.

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

In other words; I have mine so fuck everyone else?

No. "I have mine. Why didn't you work to get yours?"

What percentage of your total income is disposable income? (total income minus taxes, shelter, utilities, food, transportation)

Being essentially debt free, a large percentage.

No. "I have mine. Why didn't you work to get yours?"

My guess is that you haven't heard of 'working class poor.' These are people that work full-time that barely squeak by in meeting basic needs. The top two States, Mississippi and Arizona are both RED States.

Being essentially debt free, a large percentage.

So you don't know.
Ignorance of how/why labor markets work is as plentiful as it is sad. Jobs do not exist to insure the welfare of the worker. It's as simple as that. Jobs exist because there is a task that someone can't or won't do.

Example: I don't want to paint my house so I hire a painter to do it. I enter into an agreement with the painter on a price. NEVER do the personal needs of the painter come up. I do not negotiate based on his/her rent/mortgage or car payment/insurance/gas. It is the responsibility of the painter to decide if the proposed wage is worth the work to be done.

I am sure that the Liberal leaning folks in this thread always take these issues in to account when hiring labor for their own projects (sarcasm). The truth is that these people buy the cheapest insurance, gas, food, cars, homes, clothing etc... that they can possibly negotiate. Your rage, logic and sanctimonious drivel should be embarrassing to you and are certainly a waste of everyone's time.
A Call to Action

In New York City, over 150,000 children under five are poor. Last year, nearly 20,000 of these children slept in homeless shelters - enough to fill Madison Square Garden. From the moment they're born, children in poverty face an uphill struggle to survive, thrive and learn with so many odds stacked against them.

When will those in Washington agree? Its time raise the min. wage and its time to give hard working, decent folk wages they can live on. Wall street has had nothing but huge wind falls for the last 2 decades, including tax payer bailouts...when does the trickle down occur, Mr. GOP fuck head!!

You do know fuck head that New York state raised it's Minimum wage right?

You do know that, I used the NY story to highlight a national issue and you do know that states like NY and California have no choice but to raise wages when the cost of living is outrageous to began with? Oh and it needs raising again.....its 9 bucks an really?

Well no kidding it should be $20 bucks an hour in New York


When the average rent in a hell hole is around 3 grand, you tell me what 9 bucks will do?

If you can't pay the average rent, you should move somewhere where you can get a job and afford the rent. That's what normal, independent people have always done.
Ignorance of how labor markets work is as plentiful as it is sad. Jobs do not exist to insure the welfare of the worker. It's as simple as that. Jobs exist because there is a task that someone can't or won't do.

Example: I don't want to paint my house so I hire a painter to do it. I enter into an agreement with the painter on a price. NEVER do the personal needs of the painter come up. I do not negotiate based on his/her rent/mortgage or car payment/insurance/gas. It is the responsibility of the painter to decide if the proposed wage is worth the work to be done.

I am sure that the Liberal leaning folks in this thread always take these issues in to account when hiring labor for their own projects (sarcasm). The truth is that these people buy the cheapest insurance, gas, food, cars, homes, clothing etc... That they can possibly negotiate. Your rage, logic and sanctimonious drivel should be embarrassing to you and are certainly a waste of everyone's time.

You proven that you are the poster child for ignorance is bliss.

1) Jobs DO exist to insure the welfare of the worker.

2) You equate contracting with a contractor as an employee.

3) You are a fool if you think you can negotiate insurance, gas, food, cars, homes, and clothing.
Let me ask you a few questions. I'll keep it simple.

Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to workers the limits of pay that they may contract for their labor? Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to employers the worth of the work they offer? Finally, under what constitutional authority may the Federal government compel employers to support contracted workers beyond not only the worth of the work they offer, but beyond the worker's own efforts to better their subjective predicaments?

Since the Founders never considered such concepts when crafting the Constitution, please provide reference to article, section, and paragraph.
Providing for the general welfare gives the feds the power to tax. I disagree the minimum should be raised. I think taxes should go up to provide more funds to people making less than what would give them adequate housing, food, etc.

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

In other words; I have mine so fuck everyone else?

No. "I have mine. Why didn't you work to get yours?"

What percentage of your total income is disposable income? (total income minus taxes, shelter, utilities, food, transportation)

Being essentially debt free, a large percentage.

No. "I have mine. Why didn't you work to get yours?"

My guess is that you haven't heard of 'working class poor.' These are people that work full-time that barely squeak by in meeting basic needs. The top two States, Mississippi and Arizona are both RED States.

Being essentially debt free, a large percentage.

So you don't know.
Providing for the general welfare gives the feds the power to tax

Right, but read it again. I says "provide FOR the general welfare", meaning to maintain circumstances conducive to the general welfare of the nation.

It does not say "PROVIDE general welfare" to individuals, and the Founders never considered such a thing outside of charity.
I dont need to read it again. I am the one that posted it. Welfare is paid for by taxes. It is in the general welfare of this nation that we take care of those that cant or wont take care of themselves or we create a larger problem. Please link to something credible that proves the founders were against this.

Not until you first prove your position as earlier requested.

BTW, welfare did not become a function of government in the United States until the late 19th Century. In light of your apparent hinted belief that the Founders were in favor of wealth redistribution, why is that?

Actually, not until the 20th century.
A Call to Action

In New York City, over 150,000 children under five are poor. Last year, nearly 20,000 of these children slept in homeless shelters - enough to fill Madison Square Garden. From the moment they're born, children in poverty face an uphill struggle to survive, thrive and learn with so many odds stacked against them.

When will those in Washington agree? Its time raise the min. wage and its time to give hard working, decent folk wages they can live on. Wall street has had nothing but huge wind falls for the last 2 decades, including tax payer bailouts...when does the trickle down occur, Mr. GOP fuck head!!

You do know fuck head that New York state raised it's Minimum wage right?

You do know that, I used the NY story to highlight a national issue and you do know that states like NY and California have no choice but to raise wages when the cost of living is outrageous to began with? Oh and it needs raising again.....its 9 bucks an really?

Well no kidding it should be $20 bucks an hour in New York


When the average rent in a hell hole is around 3 grand, you tell me what 9 bucks will do?

If you can't pay the average rent, you should move somewhere where you can get a job and afford the rent. That's what normal, independent people have always done.

If you can't pay the average rent, you should move somewhere where you can get a job and afford the rent. That's what normal, independent people have always done.

If you can't afford the average rent, how can you afford to move?
Let me ask you a few questions. I'll keep it simple.

Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to workers the limits of pay that they may contract for their labor? Under what constitutional authority does the Federal government dictate to employers the worth of the work they offer? Finally, under what constitutional authority may the Federal government compel employers to support contracted workers beyond not only the worth of the work they offer, but beyond the worker's own efforts to better their subjective predicaments?

Since the Founders never considered such concepts when crafting the Constitution, please provide reference to article, section, and paragraph.
Providing for the general welfare gives the feds the power to tax. I disagree the minimum should be raised. I think taxes should go up to provide more funds to people making less than what would give them adequate housing, food, etc.

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

That would sure motivate people to do something meaningful with their lives. I don't bust my ass every day for you or anyone else. I do my job to earn money for myself. If you don't have adequate housing or food do something about it. ffs

In other words; I have mine so fuck everyone else?

No. "I have mine. Why didn't you work to get yours?"

What percentage of your total income is disposable income? (total income minus taxes, shelter, utilities, food, transportation)

Being essentially debt free, a large percentage.

No. "I have mine. Why didn't you work to get yours?"

My guess is that you haven't heard of 'working class poor.' These are people that work full-time that barely squeak by in meeting basic needs. The top two States, Mississippi and Arizona are both RED States.

Being essentially debt free, a large percentage.

So you don't know.

The working poor are growing because our government punishes people for working.

Low wages are fine, if you aren't taxed up the ASS and if your food doesn't cost more than your life's blood is worth. And both of those conditions are creately SOLELY by the tyrannical, unconstitutional and communistic policies that punish people for working.
Ignorance of how labor markets work is as plentiful as it is sad. Jobs do not exist to insure the welfare of the worker. It's as simple as that. Jobs exist because there is a task that someone can't or won't do.

Example: I don't want to paint my house so I hire a painter to do it. I enter into an agreement with the painter on a price. NEVER do the personal needs of the painter come up. I do not negotiate based on his/her rent/mortgage or car payment/insurance/gas. It is the responsibility of the painter to decide if the proposed wage is worth the work to be done.

I am sure that the Liberal leaning folks in this thread always take these issues in to account when hiring labor for their own projects (sarcasm). The truth is that these people buy the cheapest insurance, gas, food, cars, homes, clothing etc... That they can possibly negotiate. Your rage, logic and sanctimonious drivel should be embarrassing to you and are certainly a waste of everyone's time.

You proven that you are the poster child for ignorance is bliss.

1) Jobs DO exist to insure the welfare of the worker.

2) You equate contracting with a contractor as an employee.

3) You are a fool if you think you can negotiate insurance, gas, food, cars, homes, and clothing.

What a tard, I have had two jobs where I got a free car, gas, car insurance and they paid for housing for three months


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