America Caused the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL )

Those Reptilian Shape Shifters from Outer Space have been tampering with your meds again.


US jets attack Syrian Army as ISIS captures strategic mountain in Deir Ezzor


The U.S.' airstrikes on the Syrian Arab Army's positions allowed the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) to capture the strategic Thardeh Mountains that were originally under government control

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that Syrian army positions were attacked by two F-16 fighter jets and two A-10 ground attack aircraft of the US-led coalition.

The US Government and its Corporate Media have been quick to spin it as an innocent 'Mistake.' But it just confirms what many around the world have been saying about the US/West and Saudi Arabia supporting ISIS. It's all about 'Regime Change.' They want Assad dead. And clearly they're willing to support the most brutal thugs on earth to get that done.
CNN Syria, Russia: Coalition airstrike kills regime forces

Russia and Syria said the strikes prove the United States and its allies are sympathetic to ISIS


And Russia just negotiated in good faith on a ceasefire agreement. The U.S. has obviously already violated it. But the US will spin it in some bizarre fashion. And the American Sheeple will dutifully buy it. Just another sad mess our Government has gotten us into over there. When will the Endless War ever end?
Obviously ISIS was created by the West and Sunni Nations in the region to 'Regime Change' Assad. But most Americans don't know that because the Government/Corporate Media has told them another fairy tale story. ISIS didn't just suddenly and magically appear with all that cash & weapons. It was provided to them.

But regardless, it's all just a scam to get Americans to support more war. All that 'OMG ISIS is worse than the Nazis!' rhetoric. Such bullshite propaganda. It's the most over-hyped threat in history. Permanent War is the goal for the Globalist Elites. They'll always come up with a new Boogeyman for the sheeple to fear & hate. ISIS is just the latest Boogeyman. They have to keep the sheeple in fear. They'll likely support any war the Elites propose. The People just need to wise up and understand the game. Then they need to stop playing it.

Americans Want War With ISIS — As Long as We Are Not Inconvenienced

Once again, the voters, who had never heard of ISIS (aka ISIL) two months ago, are ready to bomb them into the stone age . . . or at least into 2003.

Shock and awe. This did not work in 2003. Maybe it will work now. Hope springs eternal.

We need another public opinion poll. “Where did ISIS come from?” Don’t ask. “Who is funding them?” Does it matter? “What do they believe?” Who cares? “What is their connection to Syria?” What’s Syria? “What should be done about them?” Shock and awe!


Shock and awe. This did not work in 2003.

WTF are yo u talking about?

Ir didnt work? Ir blew the World mine away live.
US jets attack Syrian Army as ISIS captures strategic mountain in Deir Ezzor


The U.S.' airstrikes on the Syrian Arab Army's positions allowed the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) to capture the strategic Thardeh Mountains that were originally under government control

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that Syrian army positions were attacked by two F-16 fighter jets and two A-10 ground attack aircraft of the US-led coalition.

The US Government and its Corporate Media have been quick to spin it as an innocent 'Mistake.' But it just confirms what many around the world have been saying about the US/West and Saudi Arabia supporting ISIS. It's all about 'Regime Change.' They want Assad dead. And clearly they're willing to support the most brutal thugs on earth to get that done.

Unfortunately, the corporate "media" prints whatever the CIA dictates.

From the Obama administration's standpoint Assad , not ISIS or Al Nusrah, is the enemy. They are willing to start WWIII to obtain their goals.

More than likely the Obama Administration and Bibi are considering they very distinct possibility they will lose the whitehouse to Trump.

US jets attack Syrian Army as ISIS captures strategic mountain in Deir Ezzor


The U.S.' airstrikes on the Syrian Arab Army's positions allowed the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) to capture the strategic Thardeh Mountains that were originally under government control

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that Syrian army positions were attacked by two F-16 fighter jets and two A-10 ground attack aircraft of the US-led coalition.

The US Government and its Corporate Media have been quick to spin it as an innocent 'Mistake.' But it just confirms what many around the world have been saying about the US/West and Saudi Arabia supporting ISIS. It's all about 'Regime Change.' They want Assad dead. And clearly they're willing to support the most brutal thugs on earth to get that done.

Unfortunately, the corporate "media" prints whatever the CIA dictates.

From the Obama administration's standpoint Assad , not ISIS or Al Nusrah, is the enemy. They are willing to start WWIII to obtain their goals.

More than likely the Obama Administration and Bibi are considering they very distinct possibility they will lose the whitehouse to Trump.


Yeah, what a horrific mess over there. I don't get the whole 'Kill Assad' thing. The man is a secular Western-educated leader. There must be lots to plunder in Syria. Because they sure do want him dead and gone. I mean, look at what they've resorted to. They've supported the most brutal thugs on earth. It's time for us to disengage from the Middle East. Enough is enough already.
ISIS is 100% about two political parties obsessed with selling America out to the ISRAEL LOBBY.
To fund more "terror" here so we, the American people, can be duped again by our israeli owned "US" media and political class into sending our troops over to the ME to fight and die for the cause of Greater Israel.

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