Amateur Vs. Professional October Surprises


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Remember how excited Trump's Chumps were about the pending Wikileaks bombshells? They were piddling all over themselves with glee at how great October was going to be. They were prematurely ejaculating their wads all over their powder kegs.

Meanwhile, the Clinton camp was keeping its powder dry, and exercising discipline. Totally radio silent. Elevator music in the lobby. Calmly eating their cheese and crackers.

Then, to great fanfare, Wikileaks tosses a wet firecracker onto the floor and...fizzle!

And then the real bombshell hit.

Trump is a crazed sexual predator. Out of his own mouth came the words which have validated all those women who have been speaking out about him.


I don't think this audiotape's release being released at the same time as Wikileaks' weak sauce was a coincidence. This has Clinton Oppo Team™ written all over it.
Yes, they released some locker room style talk which shows Trump is a human, not a robot.

They haven't shown the same of Hillary. She seems to be a cold, calculated, two-faced, scripted liar. And as more wikileaks are released, the worse it looks for her... Oh, did you think that's all wikileaks had? New information is being released as we speak!
Yes, they released some locker room style talk which shows Trump is a human, not a robot.

They haven't shown the same of Hillary. She seems to be a cold, calculated, two-faced, scripted liar. And as more wikileaks are released, the worse it looks for her... Oh, did you think that's all wikileaks had? New information is being released as we speak!
Is is another cloth wrangler? ?
Yes, they released some locker room style talk which shows Trump is a human, not a robot.

Yeah. Keep telling yourself it was just talk, and not boasting of actual deeds. You are in the tiny minority gullible enough to bleev Trump's denials, and it is not reflecting well on you, Chump.

Women voters are going to kick Trump's balls over the moon.

They haven't shown the same of Hillary. She seems to be a cold, calculated, two-faced, scripted liar. And as more wikileaks are released, the worse it looks for her... Oh, did you think that's all wikileaks had? New information is being released as we speak!
Wikileaks is done. Do you think Clinton's oppo team is done?
Remember how excited Trump's Chumps were about the pending Wikileaks bombshells? They were piddling all over themselves with glee at how great October was going to be. They were prematurely ejaculating their wads all over their powder kegs.

Meanwhile, the Clinton camp was keeping its powder dry, and exercising discipline. Totally radio silent. Elevator music in the lobby. Calmly eating their cheese and crackers.

Then, to great fanfare, Wikileaks tosses a wet firecracker onto the floor and...fizzle!

And then the real bombshell hit.

Trump is a crazed sexual predator. Out of his own mouth came the words which have validated all those women who have been speaking out about him.


I don't think this audiotape's release being released at the same time as Wikileaks' weak sauce was a coincidence. This has Clinton Oppo Team™ written all over it.

What's laughable is that you think an 11 year old tape is more revealing than the thousands of emails from the last year that show how sleazy the Clinton "Team" really is!
Think about it...the Clinton's...probably the most morally bankrupt couple ever to occupy the White House...are running on morals? Seriously? Only with this main stream media would that not get laughed out of the room...
Trump is a crazed sexual predator
Jill Harth Speaks Out, Stands by Story of Being Sexually Assaulted by Donald Trump

Jill Harth met Trump in 1992, when she and her then-fiance, George Houraney, were beauty pageant promoters wanting to do business with him. But starting with their very first meeting, she said, Trump sexually harassed her — and he kept harassing her over a period of years, culminating in a sexual assault at his Palm Beach estate.

Their business deal fell apart, and Harth and Houraney filed separate civil lawsuits. He sued for breach of contract and she alleged attempted rape. Trump settled with Houraney, and as a condition of the settlement, Harth withdrew her case.

"I moved on her like a bitch! And she was married!"

Donald J. Trump had barely met Rowanne Brewer Lane when he asked her to change out of her clothes.

Donald was having a pool party at Mar-a-Lago. There were about 50 models and 30 men. There were girls in the pools, splashing around. For some reason Donald seemed a little smitten with me. He just started talking to me and nobody else.

He suddenly took me by the hand, and he started to show me around the mansion. He asked me if I had a swimsuit with me. I said no. I hadn’t intended to swim. He took me into a room and opened drawers and asked me to put on a swimsuit.

Their accounts — many relayed here in their own words — reveal unwelcome romantic advances, unending commentary on the female form, a shrewd reliance on ambitious women, and unsettling workplace conduct, according to the interviews, as well as court records and written recollections. The interactions occurred in his offices at Trump Tower, at his homes, at construction sites and backstage at beauty pageants. They appeared to be fleeting, unimportant moments to him, but they left lasting impressions on the women who experienced them.

"I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy."

Trump volunteered that as the owner, he would sometimes wander backstage when the contestants were nude or dressing. “I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant, and therefore I’m inspecting it,” he said.

More Trump tapes surface with crude sex remarks

Women voters are going to kick Trump's balls over the moon.


Hillary covering up wild bills rape and debauchery with scores of women is despicable. Did Trump rape women? You don't have to answer although his actions are pitiful.
Unregistered sex offender Donald Trump was sued for attempted rape. See above. He settled out of court.

That took place right about the same time Bill Clinton was also being accused of being a sexual predator.

That's probably why Donald Trump defended his friend Bill Clinton and called Bill's accusers ugly and losers. What did you call it? Oh, yeah. Donald Trump defended "wild bills rape and debauchery [sic]".

Birds of a feather, you see.

Trump was proud of his attacks on women. He boasted about it.

And on November 8, women everywhere are going to have their revenge on him.
Hillary covering up wild bills rape and debauchery with scores of women is despicable. Did Trump rape women? You don't have to answer although his actions are pitiful.
Unregistered sex offender Donald Trump was sued for attempted rape. See above. He settled out of court.

That took place right about the same time Bill Clinton was also being accused of being a sexual predator.

That's probably why Donald Trump defended his friend Bill Clinton and called Bill's accusers ugly and losers.

Yes, I know that and yes Hillary is equally deplorable for her covering bills debauchery. They're both worse than shit at the bottom of the outhouse.
Don't hit on women or you are a rapist! :rofl:
Right. Don't ask married women you are doing business with to strip. Don't paw 'em and say dirty shit to them for months because you didn't get the desired response the first time. Now say it like you MEAN it, dunderhead.

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