Amateur Vs. Professional October Surprises

Don't hit on women or you are a rapist! :rofl:
Right. Don't ask married women you are doing business with to strip. Don't paw 'em and say dirty shit to them for months because you didn't get the desired response the first time. Now say it like you MEAN it, dunderhead.
Hes an asshole, but that doesn't make him a rapist or a sexual whatever guno5000 said.
I didn't call him a rapist; that woman did, for whatever reason. From the very beginning of this, I've been concerned that the hyperbole would weaken our VERY GOOD argument that he's the slimy pig he is. I've been trying to steer clear of it. But G5000 is absolutely right that the more Trump is defended on this, the more pissed off women are getting.
I know you didn't.
Admitting to sexual assault is dumb? Good to know you have no morals.
Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.Apr 1, 2016
Like I said, he is an asshole. But my gawd man..
This shit reminds me of the Obama antichrist memes in 08. You all are pathetic.
I highlighted the part of the definition of sexual assault to which you seem to have willfully blinded yourself.
Show me where he actually grabbed some womans pussy that didn't like it, tardo.
See post 12, tard.

You know, the one you tagged with a "funny" tag. I'm sure sexual assault victims everywhere would be so pleased you find Trump's attempted rape of a woman humorous.

Like I said. Keep spouting your willful ignorance. Cro Magnons like you are driving women into the Clinton camp.
post 12 didn't mention anything physical. Did you read it?
Jill Harth met Trump in 1992, when she and her then-fiance, George Houraney, were beauty pageant promoters wanting to do business with him. But starting with their very first meeting, she said, Trump sexually harassed her — and he kept harassing her over a period of years, culminating in a sexual assault at his Palm Beach estate.

You are literally willfully blind.

And you are a piece of shit for laughing at Trump's sexual predation.
If they flock to that corrupt bitch over this dumb shit, then so be it. They deserve each other.

Admitting to sexual assault is dumb? Good to know you have no morals.
Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.Apr 1, 2016
Like I said, he is an asshole. But my gawd man..
This shit reminds me of the Obama antichrist memes in 08. You all are pathetic.
Ummm, as you've quoted above.....fondling is sexual assault. How would you classify "grabbing them by the pussy"?

You will literally defend anything he does, wont you?
God no. I just think this is selective outrage. And considering some of the people stressing about it, hypocritical.
Please show me where he has grabbed someones pussy that didn't like it.
I showed you plenty, and you tagged it with a "funny" tag.

You are a willfully blind monkey. You deliberately ignore the evidence and laugh at sexual assault victims.

You are a real piece of shit.
There was NOTHING physical about it, you dumb asswipe. Sexual assault isnt hitting on women. Grow the fuck up. Arent you like 70?
Did trump grab YOUR pussy?
Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.Apr 1, 2016
Like I said, he is an asshole. But my gawd man..
This shit reminds me of the Obama antichrist memes in 08. You all are pathetic.
I highlighted the part of the definition of sexual assault to which you seem to have willfully blinded yourself.
Show me where he actually grabbed some womans pussy that didn't like it, tardo.
See post 12, tard.

You know, the one you tagged with a "funny" tag. I'm sure sexual assault victims everywhere would be so pleased you find Trump's attempted rape of a woman humorous.

Like I said. Keep spouting your willful ignorance. Cro Magnons like you are driving women into the Clinton camp.
post 12 didn't mention anything physical. Did you read it?
Jill Harth met Trump in 1992, when she and her then-fiance, George Houraney, were beauty pageant promoters wanting to do business with him. But starting with their very first meeting, she said, Trump sexually harassed her — and he kept harassing her over a period of years, culminating in a sexual assault at his Palm Beach estate.

You are literally willfully blind.

And you are a piece of shit for laughing at Trump's sexual predation.
What kind of assault? Asking if she wanted to fuck? Did he attack her? Did he do anything that ACTUALLY means "sexual assault?" you've got someone "talking" about doing something...and then you've got someone who actually DID something...but the talker is the bad guy? Like I said...with anything other than our present main stream media...this whole ploy by the Clinton Camp would get laughed out of the room!
He sued for breach of contract and she alleged attempted rape. Trump settled with Houraney, and as a condition of the settlement, Harth withdrew her case. you've got someone "talking" about doing something...and then you've got someone who actually DID something...but the talker is the bad guy? Like I said...with anything other than our present main stream media...this whole ploy by the Clinton Camp would get laughed out of the room!
It's not just talk, you unbelievably gullible rube.

Trump was boasting about actual behaviors. And there has been a long line of women who have being saying for a long time that he is a sexual predator.

You are a fucking idiot in a tiny minority who bleevs Trump's bullshit that it was only "locker room talk."

When Charles Manson brags about his murders, is that just "jailhouse talk", idiot?
These dumbasses who buy Trump's bullshit that it was "locker room talk" are the same dumb fucks who bleeved his mic was rigged in the first debate.

One can only imagine the mental contortions they must have gone through during the second debate when Trump's sniffing and snorting went to a whole new level.

Jesus, these people are stupid. They DESERVE to be lied to.
He sued for breach of contract and she alleged attempted rape. Trump settled with Houraney, and as a condition of the settlement, Harth withdrew her case.
She alleged it and then dropped it because of another case.
Before I looked that up, I was about to say "well I cant argue with that".. Dangit.. guess I can..
They even dated AFTER the fact. Idiot
I highlighted the part of the definition of sexual assault to which you seem to have willfully blinded yourself.
Show me where he actually grabbed some womans pussy that didn't like it, tardo.
See post 12, tard.

You know, the one you tagged with a "funny" tag. I'm sure sexual assault victims everywhere would be so pleased you find Trump's attempted rape of a woman humorous.

Like I said. Keep spouting your willful ignorance. Cro Magnons like you are driving women into the Clinton camp.
post 12 didn't mention anything physical. Did you read it?
Jill Harth met Trump in 1992, when she and her then-fiance, George Houraney, were beauty pageant promoters wanting to do business with him. But starting with their very first meeting, she said, Trump sexually harassed her — and he kept harassing her over a period of years, culminating in a sexual assault at his Palm Beach estate.

You are literally willfully blind.

And you are a piece of shit for laughing at Trump's sexual predation.
What kind of assault? Asking if she wanted to fuck? Did he attack her? Did he do anything that ACTUALLY means "sexual assault?"
He attempted to rape her. What part of that do you not understand, willfully blind monkey?
These dumbasses who buy Trump's bullshit that it was "locker room talk" are the same dumb fucks who bleeved his mic was rigged in the first debate.

One can only imagine the mental contortions they must have gone through during the second debate when Trump's sniffing and snorting went to a whole new level.

Jesus, these people are stupid. They DESERVE to be lied to.
I don't. Nice try dumbfuck
I highlighted the part of the definition of sexual assault to which you seem to have willfully blinded yourself.
Show me where he actually grabbed some womans pussy that didn't like it, tardo.
See post 12, tard.

You know, the one you tagged with a "funny" tag. I'm sure sexual assault victims everywhere would be so pleased you find Trump's attempted rape of a woman humorous.

Like I said. Keep spouting your willful ignorance. Cro Magnons like you are driving women into the Clinton camp.
post 12 didn't mention anything physical. Did you read it?
Jill Harth met Trump in 1992, when she and her then-fiance, George Houraney, were beauty pageant promoters wanting to do business with him. But starting with their very first meeting, she said, Trump sexually harassed her — and he kept harassing her over a period of years, culminating in a sexual assault at his Palm Beach estate.

You are literally willfully blind.

And you are a piece of shit for laughing at Trump's sexual predation.
What kind of assault? Asking if she wanted to fuck? Did he attack her? Did he do anything that ACTUALLY means "sexual assault?"

Now you get why we all think you guys bandying about the Bill Clinton accusations of rape is laughable. These are all accusations.
Just keep talking like an ignorant tard. You're giving Clinton more of the women vote.
If they flock to that corrupt bitch over this dumb shit, then so be it. They deserve each other.

Admitting to sexual assault is dumb? Good to know you have no morals.
Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.Apr 1, 2016
Like I said, he is an asshole. But my gawd man..
This shit reminds me of the Obama antichrist memes in 08. You all are pathetic.
I highlighted the part of the definition of sexual assault to which you seem to have willfully blinded yourself.
Show me where he actually grabbed some womans pussy that didn't like it, tardo.
You probably aren't going to hear that. A lot of them are in the same boat as the women at Fox that Ailes was harassing, or don't want their names and pictures all over the national news for weeks, getting called a Clinton Shill.
AP: 'Apprentice' cast and crew say Trump was lewd and sexist

Twelve former contestants or members of the crew spoke on the record about what they described as Trump's inappropriate behavior. Another nine spoke to the AP about their concerns regarding Trump's treatment of female colleagues but said they did not want to be identified because they signed non-disclosure agreements, or were concerned about wrecking their careers or retaliation from Trump.

Most offered no opinion on the November election in the course of their interviews, but the majority of those who did said only that they were not supporting Trump.
Show me where he actually grabbed some womans pussy that didn't like it, tardo.
See post 12, tard.

You know, the one you tagged with a "funny" tag. I'm sure sexual assault victims everywhere would be so pleased you find Trump's attempted rape of a woman humorous.

Like I said. Keep spouting your willful ignorance. Cro Magnons like you are driving women into the Clinton camp.
post 12 didn't mention anything physical. Did you read it?
Jill Harth met Trump in 1992, when she and her then-fiance, George Houraney, were beauty pageant promoters wanting to do business with him. But starting with their very first meeting, she said, Trump sexually harassed her — and he kept harassing her over a period of years, culminating in a sexual assault at his Palm Beach estate.

You are literally willfully blind.

And you are a piece of shit for laughing at Trump's sexual predation.
What kind of assault? Asking if she wanted to fuck? Did he attack her? Did he do anything that ACTUALLY means "sexual assault?"

Now you get why we all think you guys bandying about the Bill Clinton accusations of rape is laughable. These are all accusations.
Didn't bill pay almost 1M bucks?
If they flock to that corrupt bitch over this dumb shit, then so be it. They deserve each other.

Admitting to sexual assault is dumb? Good to know you have no morals.
Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.Apr 1, 2016
Like I said, he is an asshole. But my gawd man..
This shit reminds me of the Obama antichrist memes in 08. You all are pathetic.
I highlighted the part of the definition of sexual assault to which you seem to have willfully blinded yourself.
Show me where he actually grabbed some womans pussy that didn't like it, tardo.
You probably aren't going to hear that. A lot of them are in the same boat as the women at Fox that Ailes was harassing, or don't want their names and pictures all over the national news for weeks, getting called a Clinton Shill.
AP: 'Apprentice' cast and crew say Trump was lewd and sexist

Twelve former contestants or members of the crew spoke on the record about what they described as Trump's inappropriate behavior. Another nine spoke to the AP about their concerns regarding Trump's treatment of female colleagues but said they did not want to be identified because they signed non-disclosure agreements, or were concerned about wrecking their careers or retaliation from Trump.

Most offered no opinion on the November election in the course of their interviews, but the majority of those who did said only that they were not supporting Trump.
Trump is a sexist. 99% of people are but he is worse than most IMO you've got someone "talking" about doing something...and then you've got someone who actually DID something...but the talker is the bad guy? Like I said...with anything other than our present main stream media...this whole ploy by the Clinton Camp would get laughed out of the room!
It's not just talk, you unbelievably gullible rube.

Trump was boasting about actual behaviors. And there has been a long line of women who have being saying for a long time that he is a sexual predator.

You are a fucking idiot in a tiny minority who bleevs Trump's bullshit that it was only "locker room talk."

When Charles Manson brags about his murders, is that just "jailhouse talk", idiot?

If every man who bragged about his sexual conquests to other men were telling the truth you might have a point but since anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that isn't the case then "boasts" about who you've scored with do not equal actually scoring with them! Duh?

Charlie Manson? LOL Now Trump is Charlie Manson? You're foaming at the mouth, dude!
Yes, they released some locker room style talk which shows Trump is a human, not a robot.

They haven't shown the same of Hillary. She seems to be a cold, calculated, two-faced, scripted liar. And as more wikileaks are released, the worse it looks for her... Oh, did you think that's all wikileaks had? New information is being released as we speak!

The locker room talk revealed that Trump is a sexual predator who uses his celebrity to abuse and molest women. His pacing around the stage behind Hilary, glowering, was classic bully behaviour.

At every turn he displaying his ignorance of Constitutional law. His questions as to why Hillary didn't get rid of the earned interest credit when she was a Senator is a prime example. Under the US Constitution, all laws regarding taxation must originate in the House.

Trump either didn't know this or thought the American people were too stupid to pick up on it. In that regard, you've just proven him correct.
See post 12, tard.

You know, the one you tagged with a "funny" tag. I'm sure sexual assault victims everywhere would be so pleased you find Trump's attempted rape of a woman humorous.

Like I said. Keep spouting your willful ignorance. Cro Magnons like you are driving women into the Clinton camp.
post 12 didn't mention anything physical. Did you read it?
Jill Harth met Trump in 1992, when she and her then-fiance, George Houraney, were beauty pageant promoters wanting to do business with him. But starting with their very first meeting, she said, Trump sexually harassed her — and he kept harassing her over a period of years, culminating in a sexual assault at his Palm Beach estate.

You are literally willfully blind.

And you are a piece of shit for laughing at Trump's sexual predation.
What kind of assault? Asking if she wanted to fuck? Did he attack her? Did he do anything that ACTUALLY means "sexual assault?"

Now you get why we all think you guys bandying about the Bill Clinton accusations of rape is laughable. These are all accusations.
Didn't bill pay almost 1M bucks?

It was a settlement where he admitted no wrongdoing. Quite common when we're talking about issues of fact and he said/she said.

Paula Jones has been whoring like a Kardashian ever since.


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